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wakillon last won the day on June 8 2016

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About wakillon

  • Birthday 07/29/1968

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  • Member Title
    AutoIt Resistance Fighter
  • Location
    Eiffel Tower's top floor

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  1. Nicely done UEZ as usual ! Happy new year
  2. You are right, download links are dead due to dropbox updates So you can now get the last version in the AutoIt download section Thanks In this last version Au3FileSearch is replaced by StringFinder
  3. Version


    For more details go to the Topic
  4. Good work Thanks
  5. Be aware that forum have restrictions about youtube videos downloading
  6. Example tested on Win8.1 Move and rotate fine You are right, it will be a big UDF when i see library's functions count ! Good work Thanks
  7. Well, if you want see frames, use any gif editor It's not the purpose here Thanks
  8. Version 1.0.7


    Display internal infos from animated gifs Global and Local Palettes supported A value in red indicate that value is false or useless
  9. Animated Gif Analyzer Display internal infos from animated gifs Global and Local Palettes supported A value in red indicate that value is false or useless Flashing green text ( BK or TR) indicate background color and transparent color Download available in download section I created this script because I needed, for an other project, to know in detail the internal characteristics of animated gif I had searched a similar soft on internet but I didnt found anything ...
  10. New Player added : LibMikmod Player
  11. Lznt&Base64 part is VS compiled code engine
  12. Works well for me Nicely done trancexx !
  13. Works perfectly ! Thanks
  14. Done. It's really annoying all those runtimes for get any soft working ! Thanks
  15. AdPlug.dll Imports : msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll and kernel32.dll Verify in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 May be you need to updates your Microsoft Visual C 7.1 Runtime libraries ?
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