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About ken82m

  • Birthday 07/20/1982

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    - AutoITing of course - Working on my truck - Music (Country, some Rock and Blues) - SciFi - Fishing - What else do you need??? lol

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  1. Uggg don't get me started. Some stupid vendor we're unfortunately willing to accommodate has this weird damn structure that's a combination of data that produces that hex number. And when it gets transmitted back to them in volume it requires that piece of it converted back to decimal (which can vary) as part of the return data. It was a big enough pain putting this together with a piece of software. But then having to unravel this again which is a big enough pain to create to extract that specific section as part of the file that goes back to them. And of course I have to make all this junk work. Alternatively I could write these to a database as we create them with that decimal value in another column which probably makes more sense. But honestly nobody here gives a damn about any of these values so I'd rather not have yet another database to administer. If I can just have a script these users can feed an input file to (which contains a lot of unnecessary fields) process that and produce the final output going back stand alone I can live with that. I've though about a few other options but I can see users constantly screwing something up constantly lol. Thank you all for your help. I've done plenty in AutoIT but I have never had to deal with actual binary directly in AU3.
  2. I tried the Binary() function for starters but since AU3 stores binary as hex I'm lost as to how to extract specific bits out of it. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do: 1) Original Hex: 303425637013293133FDA4D5 2) Convert to Binary: 001100000011010000100101011000110111000000010011001010010011000100110011111111011010010011010101 3) Extract Bits 39 - 58 from binary: 00000100110010100100 4) Convert extracted bits to decimal: 19620 While I don't see that long binary string in step 2 I'll assume it's available internally in the script after Binary() so it's step 3 where I'm stuck. I did try BinaryMid() but that just returned nothing with the parameters 39, 17 wrapped around the Binary() function. And yes I did include 0x in front of my Hex number. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Kenny
  3. Thanks! Just what I needed for my script
  4. Very true Thanks a lot.
  5. Okay this isn't 100% AutoIT related but I was hoping someone would have an idea. I have a folder structure with various video formats FLV, AVI, MPG, MKV, MP4 etc.... I had a RAID array die on my and I recovered most data but I'd say maybe 15 or 20 percent of the files scattered through the folder structure either won't open. I'm trying to find a tool I can use as is or a tool I can automate with AU3 to identify those files. Any ideas? Thanks guys, Kenny
  6. Nothing amazing but I use it all the time, I'm surprised something similar hasn't been added to the standard StringReplace. I've never been any good at regular expressions, I'm sure if I was the whole example below could be done in one line But for the simple minded like me here you go Enjoy$BIOS = _StringMultiReplace(CleanWMIC("bios", "biosversion"), "(|)|{|}", "") Func _StringMultiReplace($zString, $zSearchString, $zReplaceString, $zDelimeter = "|") If $zString = "" OR $zSearchString = "" OR $zDelimeter = "" Then SetError(1) Return $zString EndIf $zArray = StringSplit($zSearchString, $zDelimeter) For $i = 1 to $zArray[0] $zString = StringReplace($zString, $zArray[$i], $zReplaceString) Next Return $zString EndFunc
  7. That code you wrote works perfectly with both the mouse and touchscreen. Thanks a lot Beta! -Kenny I'm checking out the UDF too, I know I used it long ago but it used to interfere with some apps here and there. But I'm sure they worked out the kinks.
  8. Does anyone have any examples on how to "AutoIT" this? I have an adlib that monitors for clicks in one part of the screen, it works perfectly with a mouse click. But this machine is going to be touch only when deployed. Func DetectClick() $X = MouseGetPos(0) $Y = MouseGetPos(1) If $X > 1447 AND $X < 1611 AND $Y > 14 AND $Y < 32 AND _IsPressed(01) Then RunTabTip() EndFunc
  9. I have a shortcut in the startup group to: "c:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -k http://whatever.com/hello.html This page does nothing but load a flash object which includes a text field for searching. Now all I'm trying to do is detect when somebody taps or clicks on any editable text so I can launch "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\TabTip.exe" and give them a keyboard. Any help is appreciated, I'm rusty
  10. Well it was worth a try, thanks for the attempt and all your hard work on those functions I'm sure they'll come in handy in the future -Kenny
  11. Sorry to be a pain in the *** but I appreciate all the help. This is the change I made to the udf: Func _OL_Open($bWarningClick = False, $sWarningProgram = "", $iWinCheckTime = 1000, $iCtrlCheckTime = 1000, $sProfileName = "", $sPassword = "") Local $oOL = ObjGet("", "Outlook.Application") If $oOL <> 0 Then $__bOL_AlreadyRunning = False My test script: #Include <OutlookEX.au3> $oOL = _OL_Open(False, "", 1000, 1000, "Kelta") $aFolder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, "*\Inbox") $aFolder[1].Display $oOL2 = _OL_Open(False, "", 1000, 1000, "Outlook") $aFolder2 = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL2, "*\Inbox") $aFolder2[1].Display It brings up two outlook windows but a single Outlook process in task manager and both windows are opening a single profile (Kelta)
  12. Thanks for the reply, I made the change but how do I call the outlook gui up? It still just runs as a background process
  13. I couldn't find any parameters or variables I would need to set to force a new instance. I tried this and I can see outlook.exe running once but no GUI. When I hit ok on my msgbox the process closes a few seconds later. Am I doing something wrong? #Include <OutlookEX.au3> $1 = _OL_Open(False, "", 1000, 1000, "Outlook") MsgBox(0,"",$1 & @CR & @error) $2 = _OL_Open(False, "", 1000, 1000, "Kelta") MsgBox(0,"",$2 & @CR & @error)
  14. I tried ExtraOutlook.exe 1.3, but it blows up either because I'm on Outlook 2010 (x86), or a 64-bit OS take your pick. Essentially I have two environments and can't build a trust right now. So I thought I'd build a local user and an outlook profile but it stil won't launch a fresh instance of outlook. Does anyone have any ideas?
  15. Thanks guys. One more question, Any idea how to pull the username or SID that installed an app?
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