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About Ibrahim

  • Birthday 02/02/1982

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Universalist (6/7)



  1. that's very nice Idea! make it a control with a udf function calls,that's would make it very simple and handy to use.
  2. ok let me rephrase that can autoit read data via the com port and record it into files?
  3. can it be possible what I'm gonna do is to connect hardware(not specified yet) this hardware contains a memory that have data on it. can i do a software that identifies the hardware without driver and read that continuous stream of data from the hardware memory.Then it writes down this data in a file so my question is " Is it possible in Autoit?"
  4. thanks alot man What i'm going to do with it is a "dll scanner that would point out a spy or trojan threads injected to windows services" thanks
  5. $TRANSPARENT,_WinAPI_SetBkMode() what includes that :==>says undefined variables
  6. Thanks.! But: not working with full screen movies
  7. man it's not just about using the png background i's about the Ontop mode even on full screen movies
  8. what i did is to make a tooltip the shows my computer status It's always "OnTop" even on full screen movies "Lightweight" not using lots of my processor "have shadow--means nice" the question is how to make a png transparent Gui with all these features
  9. truely nice work
  10. nice work man!
  11. nice work but what's the source code man
  12. what it does is to skip the file extension while you are renaming a file and skip select the name only The issue I had is to make it unique for explorer and desktop but i couldn't. For Desktop Msgbox(0,"Program by ibrahim ghorabah","Enjoy") opt("WinWaitDelay",0) $a="" while @error=0 WinWaitActive("Program Manager", "FolderView") $a = ControlGetFocus("Program Manager", "FolderView") IF $A="Edit1" THEN ControlSend("Program Manager", "FolderView","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", "{LEFT}{LEFT}{LEFT}{LEFT}{SHIFTDOWN}{CTRLDOWN}{HOME}{SHIFTUP}{CTRLUP}") while $A="Edit1" $a = ControlGetFocus("Program Manager", "FolderView") if $a<>"Edit1" then ExitLoop WEnd Else WinWaitActive("Program Manager", "FolderView") ENDIf WEnd For Explorer opt("WinWaitDelay",0) opt("Wintitlematchmode",4) $a="" while @error=0 WinWaitActive("classname=CabinetWClass", "") $a = ControlGetFocus("classname=CabinetWClass", "") IF $A="Edit2" THEN ControlSend("classname=CabinetWClass","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]", "{LEFT}{LEFT}{LEFT}{LEFT}{SHIFTDOWN}{CTRLDOWN}{HOME}{SHIFTUP}{CTRLUP}") while $A="Edit2" $a = ControlGetFocus("classname=CabinetWClass", "") if $a<>"Edit2" then ExitLoop WEnd Else WinWaitActive("classname=CabinetWClass", "") ENDIf WEnd any modifications are welcome!!
  13. Way to add flash animation to my GUI without having to install flash player plugin for IE.
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