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About aNewLyfe

  • Birthday 01/01/1987

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  • Interests
    coding, foods, ps, nothing more i'm dead

aNewLyfe's Achievements


Adventurer (3/7)



  1. Ah thanks for reply. Solved it by BinaryLen and BinaryMid functions. Sorry for asking before check
  2. Hi there. I'm trying to make a resumable winHttp upload. But stuck at reading a file within byte ranges. Tried line functions (filereadline, _filecountlines) but nothing. The file im trying to upload is a video (binary) file. I have to read byte ranges to upload my video partially. is there any udf like fileread($file, startingbytes, endingbytes) any help will be appreciated
  3. OFC I've already warned him about this.
  4. thanks for your great reply and sources yeah, now i see it's not all about z-order.
  5. This works: #include "inet.au3" #include "string.au3" $baselink = "https://www.google.com.vn/search?output=search&sclient=psy-ab" $search = "SEARCH+TEXT" for $i=0 to 100 step 10 $currentlink = $baselink&"&q="&$search&"&start="&$i $source = _InetGetSource($currentlink) $eachlink = _StringBetween($source,'<a href="/url?q=','&amp;sa=U') if isArray($eachlink) then for $z=0 to ubound($eachlink)-1 If StringInStr($eachlink[$z], "://") Then msgbox(0,"",$eachlink[$z]) EndIf next endif next change msgbox(0,"",$eachlink[$z]) to whatever you want to do with links...
  6. be carefull, your ip could be banned. google have a limit of queries per minute. happened to me before btw, if you just want the links why dont you try: $baselink = "https://www.google.com.vn/?gws_rd=ssl#" $search = "SEARCH+TEXT" for $i=0 to 100 step 10 $currentlink = $baselink&"q="&$search&"&start="&$i $source = _InetGetSource($currentlink) $eachlink = _StringBetween($source,'<a href="/url?q=','&amp;sa=U') if isArray($eachlink) then for $z=0 to ubound($eachlink)-1 msgbox(0,"",$eachlink[$z]); next endif next
  7. I'm trying to make a desktop wallpaper application with video support. But stuck at z-order. Any suggestions? How to put autoit window before desktop listview? I'm currently attaching window to the WorkerW. also tried the $HWND_BOTTOM const of _WinAPI_SetWindowPos but when i apply this, win goes invisible. no luck yet any help will be appreciated
  8. lol, this will be used for bussiness, rly Btw, i dont store porn on my pc anymore since click+watchs and never had a 3gb one of them Ty for info BrewManNH, casual is enough for me. I will look in to this. Allready did what i want with "writing xxxxxx at the starting of a file" but i think itsnt the right method on big files.
  9. ty but, we cant call that as an automation if you mean winzip or winrar btw
  10. I want to make a file protection tool to protect my super secret files n i need some suggestion, how can i do this ? Maybe changing file header data ? Maybe adding some "asdhasuhzxcuhsaud" text on header or somewhere in file ? Also, i have to put some pass in it too for recovery. Btw, some of my files are big, like 3-5Gbs. I need the fast method. Please, if u have some experimentation in this, gimme suggestions. Any help will be appreciated, ty all .
  11. have you tried ControlSend() yet ?
  12. This may give an idea: $lastread = fileread($logfile) ;use this outside of loop 1 time. While 1 ;while doin action 1 $newread = fileread($logfile) if($newread<>$lastread)then ;file has changed, do whatever you want now. $lastread = $newread ;dont forget this before u leave endif Wend if you want to know the changed lines, i dont know, just think about it a bit, i bet u can solve it.
  13. ahh best self-preservation i ve ever seen
  14. you may simply InetGet(site.com/cc_decrypt.php?key=xxx&session=uniquecodefortempbypass) but it wont be secure Btw, good luck with it, im trying to install that mcrypt plugin to my server atm, it sucks.
  15. i.. guess.... explorer will not let you do this cause of security reasons but, not sure.
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