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    Je maintiendrai

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  1. Not sure what you mean here other than, like @Nine mentioned, you need to use your Email now to login to stop the many hacking attacks. PM me your previous account and I will merge it into this one, keeping the name&Email of this one.
  2. Uploaded a new beta installer that has the following updates: Added VSCode wrapper to show output in user tasks Added example user tasks Fixed some /AddIncludes issues with constants and duplicate local includes Just take a look at the tasks.json included in the autoit3Wrapper directory, which will allow you to add AutoIt3Wrapper tasks like /addincludes and /au3stripper to the tasks in VScode. These tasks will shell an already included powershell script (see below) in the AutoIt3Wrapper directory that will ensure that the output will be shown in the VScode terminal window. The powershell wrapper included with some more detailed description: # # # # powershell script to wrap AutoIt3Wrapper to use in VSCODE and show the console output when ran as Task # # # When you get: File C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\run_autoit.ps1 cannot be loaded # because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information...... # The error message indicates that PowerShell script execution is disabled on your system. # You need to enable script execution by setting the execution policy. # You can do this by # 1. running PowerShell as an administrator and executing the following command: # 2. Do command: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser # This command sets the execution policy to RemoteSigned for the current user, allowing locally created scripts to run. param ( [string]$AutoitPath, [string]$Options, [string]$ScriptFile ) # Run AutoIt3 Wrapper & "$autoitPath\Autoit3.exe" "$autoitPath\Scite\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" $options /in "$scriptfile" | Write-Output echo "--Done--" Thoughts?
  3. I guess I'm mixing too many different program languages these days, so goofed up pretty much with that last version. Anyway, it should be fixed with the latest Beta installer containing an update for AutoIt3Wrapper v25.205.1420.2 ... and did test properly this time.
  4. I'm using that exact version of the installer and confirmed that mentioned version of the wrapper and I just wanted to mention that it is still adding duplicates, at least under some circumstances. Most includes end up with two. But with #include <WinAPIInternals.au3> I end up with 3. I'll have a look as I can replicate it.
  5. Ideally, the popup shown when typing a known UDF, would contain the option to add the #include line at the top. .... or even better the #include would be added when missing on save, like au3check run I am still getting my head around all options and how things work. eg: What is the purpose of adding the extra directories in autoit.includePaths?: "autoit.includePaths": [ "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3\\Include_prive\\", ] They are not shown in and autocomplete suggestion... need to study more i guess.
  6. Uploaded an updated beta installer v25.205.1420.2 which contains an updated AutoIt3Wrapper v25.205.1420.1, where /addincludes parameter works again correctly. I stripped out a little too much when removing the previously required "filename with special characters" support.
  7. I have to check that old /addincludes option as it seems to be adding an #include <> even when it is already there. ....stay tuned.
  8. But you could still use the initial version I made with AutoIt3Wrapper, which is implemented in AutoIt3Wrapper and still there: I am not fully up-to-speed on the best way to add own stuff to VSCode but this works fine for me: // filepath: vscode-userdata:/c%3A/Users/.../AppData/Roaming/Code/User/tasks.json { "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "label": "Add AutoIt Includes", "type": "shell", "command": "${config:autoit.aiPath}\\Autoit3.exe", "args": [ "${config:autoit.aiPath}\\SciTE\\AutoIt3Wrapper\\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3", "/addincludes", "/in", "${file}" ], "group": { "kind": "build", "isDefault": true }, "problemMatcher": [], "detail": "Add missing includes to the AutoIt script" } ] } // keybindings.json [{ "key": "ctrl+shift+z", "command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask", "args": "Add AutoIt Includes", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == 'autoit'" }]
  9. Maybe consider that this is a way to secure Windows.? When you have Admin rights to the Computer, you have multiple ways of installing things, but not a scripted foreground install.
  10. Something with x86 and x64 Modes?
  11. @StMaSi, this example requires the Separate SciTE4AutoIt3 installer which includes AutoIt3Wrapper required for the first line directive.
  12. F7 & Ctrl+F7 as in SciTE? Options are defines by #AutoIt3Wrappper_* directives.
  13. Just checked the latest LUA code I posted in the previous available SciTE5-with-DynamicFunctions directory, and there are no changes with the current Beta installer in the AutoItTools.lua file (other that the comment changes I have reverted. So could it be that this is an oops that is made longer ago? EDIT: I will merge it back in and this time in the proper version of AutoItTools.lua and put in the next version of the installer before release. EDIT2: Merged your changes again into AutoItTools.lua and created an updated Beta installer v25.205.1420.1. It only contains changes for SciTE: Merged the Header changes from you Updated The scanning through the *.au3 in the Dynamic LUA code so it can handle filenames containing a special character. Changed AutoitWrapper to avoid getting a Set HotKeys error in case they are set to Blank. Jos
  14. This is not what I said, merely explained why it isn't working. Yes there are several options to include the jpg file. Have you tried searching for this, as this is asked before?
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