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James last won the day on September 10 2015

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About James

  • Birthday 06/08/1991

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Universalist (7/7)



  1. Hey all, I've been away for a while, working on one thing or another... Recently it's been StyleCI, The PHP Coding Style Service. StyleCI connects to your GitHub repositories and watches for commits or pull requests, with the ability of automatically fixing the code standards if it hasn't matched your settings. The likes of Laravel and Graze are using StyleCI now, among many other projects. Yesterday we hit a massive milestone, we analysed the 100,000 commit! I'd love to hear your feedback Cheers, James
  2. James


  3. Also, no, you didn't waste your time. It's good practise to re-implement a function without looking at the source. You may come up with a better implementation.
  4. Dev isn't really related to AutoIt code itself, that's Examples.
  5. I wrote a UDF for handling aero stuff before. Check them out https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/75429-real-vista-aero-glass-four-functions/?page=1
  6. ​In PHP I do this a lot: if (($a = $result) !== false) { }
  7. ​The subtleties in the font make it for me. Source Code Pro: Office Code Pro: Notice how the letter i has a serif (the bottom of the letter). It's those little bits that make it for me.
  8. I use Office Code Pro these days.
  9. I feel like I wrote this JS once?
  10. Actually... Thinking about it, button isn't a submit by default.
  11. That's an easier way, but surprising they do it that way.
  12. There is most likely a button event already. You need to stop propagation after the click.
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