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About Holger

  • Birthday 03/31/1977

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    AutoIt Spammer
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    - In summer Inlineskating and biking
    - Long sleeping
    - Scripting with AutoIt
    - Learning C++ programming
    - Watching 3D BluRay's
    - Scooter driving

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  1. I started creating a multi tab GUI for my tool PENetworkManager some years ago and it is still in developement. It is used for Windows PE environments. I like clean tidy GUI's BTW: I saw there is/was a translation problem
  2. To create something like an info window you only need the Windows ExStyle WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW. You can combine the style WS_POPUP and WS_BORDER or just use WS_CAPTION as style. #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Dim $hGUI = GUICreate("MyGUI", 200, 80, -1, -1, BitOr($WS_BORDER, $WS_POPUP), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) GUISetState() While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() If $Msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd GUIDelete() Exit
  3. As a small workaround just add something like these lines in your script: $nTaskBarCreated = DllCall("user32.dll", "uint", "RegisterWindowMessageA", "str", "TaskbarCreated") GUIRegisterMsg($nTaskBarCreated[0], "RecreateIcons") ... ; Main GUI Loop ... Func RecreateIcons() _TrayIconSetState($nTrayIcon1, 2) _TrayIconSetState($nTrayIcon1, 1) _TrayIconSetState($nTrayIcon3, 2) _TrayIconSetState($nTrayIcon3, 1) EndFunc ... Greats Holger
  4. Hi Max replace in the files "ModernMenu.au3"/"ModernMenuRaw.au3" the line: Local $stDrawItem = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;uint;uint;dword;dword;int[4];dword", $lParam) with Local $stDrawItem = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;uint;uint;hwnd;hwnd;int[4];dword", $lParam) That should solve the x64-problem. Didn't made an update for this script (and will make none, only if I find some minutes...). Greets Holger
  5. Hi nickston it needs a little bit more time (busy at the moment). To your questions: 1.) works with If you get some error messages (if you use Au3Chk) ignore that or delete the constants from the menu files. 2.) you have to create a contextmenu -> search for "_TrayCreateContextMenu" So if you create an icon you have to use it like: $TrayMenu2 = _TrayCreateContextMenu($TrayIcon2) And the create the menu items in this contextmenu - similar to "GUICtrlCreateContextMenu()". Greets Holger
  6. Yes....but not really as you do expect. I have additional created a just "basic"/"simple" version of the "ModernMenu" which is/will be 18-25 KB - so much smaller and support directly using Vista menus with icons (after reading some articles). I just have to add again the tray stuff for testing then it will be published maybe on sunday. Edit: forgot to say that I will seperate the menu and tray stuff (sometimes you want additional tray stuff but don't need menu icons...)
  7. @Sheri: no, the "exe-file" in the commands (_GUICtrlCreateODMenuItem) are just only to get the right icon of the "exe". At the moment there is no command to start the program. You can add it after the "GUIGetMsg()" for instance.
  8. There is already a function included: _TrayTip(ID, Title, Text, TimeOut, InfoFlags) Also the notification is as example there - just take a look into the examples.
  9. Update 06.05.2008: !!! Warning: Script breaking !!! Please change the following commands to: _TrayCreateItem(Text, ...) _TrayCreateMenu(Text , ...) - Fixed: some old values (thanks to aGorilla) - Fixed: ..SetText() functions (thanks to MrCreatoR) - Added the following commands: _SetMenuIconBkGrdColor(Color) _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor(Color) New sidebar menu commands: _CreateSideMenu(MenuID) ; returns a SideMenuID/index _DeleteSideMenu(SideMenuID) ; delete a menu sidebar _SetSideMenuText(SideMenuID, Text) ; set a text for the sidebar _SetSideMenuColor(SideMenuID, Color) ; set text color _SetSideMenuBkColor(SideMenuID, Color) ; set text background color _SetSideMenuBkGradColor(SideMenuID, Color) ; set text background gradient color _SetSideMenuImage(SideMenuID, Bitmapfile [, Resourcename/number [, Expand/Compress Bitmap]]) Just take a look into the samples how to use them! At the moment there are some known issues: - missing 64bit compatibility (already in progress, to fully work with "AutoIt3_x64.exe") - moving the mouse cursor on the sidebar menu image/text also changes the current menu item selection - for sidebar menu image only bitmaps are supported at the moment (min.8bpp)
  10. @aGorilla: thanks for info Will fix them - I think that these were older or test values. For using click message info - just use it as I described it here: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=513365
  11. Good 'question'...thanks I think there was a logical thinking problem to realize some things. Info: next version will be script breaking! I will add a new function _TrayCreateContexMenu(IconID) which will create a contextmenu for an icon. So both tray item createfunctions only will change ie. from _TrayCreateItem(TrayIconID, Text, TrayParentMenuID) to _TrayCreateItem(Text, TrayParentMenuID) which should also make script reading easier.
  12. Just for info: there is something already implemented (I just forgot). If you 'create' one tray icon just use the additional option which is also shown in the sample files and in the 'commands.txt' in the ZIP: _TrayIconCreate(Tooltip, IconFile, IconID, CallBack-function)oÝ÷ Ùú+{-jw)¶¬jëh×6$TrayIcon1 = _TrayIconCreate("My tooltip", "shell32.dll", -14, "MyTrayCallBack") ... Func MyTrayCallback($nID, $nMsg) Switch $nID Case $nTrayIcon1 If $nMsg = $WM_RBUTTONUP Then ...do your stuff here EndSwitch EndFunc But you just also have to notice that if you are moving your mouse while 'doing your stuff here' then the tray context menu maybe will be shown on another posistion! Holger
  13. Please stop asking if you want to get an answer! Will take a look later - at the moment this ist not implemented. Holger
  14. There is a bigger problem in deleting items from a contextmenu/dropdown menu with using "GUICtrlDelete()" which I use internally in the script. I think at the beginning of the GUI menu stuff and context menus I did a mistake At the moment I'm still searching for this logical problem. Holger
  15. The functions use BGR-values, so just modify your value to something like: 0x288CC8. For the next version I will change that with an included command to change the color mode, which is by default in BGR-mode (to not break old scripts).
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