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Jon last won the day on December 21 2024

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About Jon

  • Birthday December 16

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  • Member Title
    Amiga OCS Forever
  • Location
    Malvern, UK
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    Geek stuff, guitar stuff, salsa.

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  1. Hi, some random DoS attacks ongoing at the mo. Server is auto banning, but maybe some outages. Thanks, Jos, for letting me know,
  2. Plan: Upgrade wordpress main site to WP 6 Upgrade forum to 4.6.10 Upgrade Mediawiki to 1.38.5 (PHP 7.4 / MariaDB 10.1) Upgrade PHP to 8.0 (Media wiki may have some issues as requires 1.39 for full PHP 8 support) Upgrade forum to 4.7.8 Upgrade MariaDB to 10.3 or later Forum looks ok at 4.6.10 Mediawiki looks ok at 1.38.5 but forum login integration is not working PHP 8.0 running and working with forum syntax highlighting. Will leave running for a while before next stage. Forum updated to 4.7.8 MariaDB upgraded to 10.3
  3. I've got to make a number of nasty forum and websites updates in order to support the next forum software version. Expect a lot of downtime / broken features in the next week or so!
  4. AutoIt v3.3.16.1 has been released. Thanks to @jpm and the MVPs who were responsible for the majority of code in this version. Download it here. Complete list of changes: History
  5. From winuser.h /* * Dialog Box Command IDs */ #define IDOK 1 #define IDCANCEL 2 #define IDABORT 3 #define IDRETRY 4 #define IDIGNORE 5 #define IDYES 6 #define IDNO 7 #if(WINVER >= 0x0400) #define IDCLOSE 8 #define IDHELP 9 #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */ Windows button controls for OK and Cancel are usually 1 and 2 and IIRC mapped to Enter (Default) and Esc (Cancel) - the rest of them don't come into play in a custom dialog. We could have just picked 100 to be honest and made it all the more cryptic
  6. From the source: // Limits #define AUT_GUI_FIRSTCONTROL 3 // First usable control ID (1 (IDOK) and 2 (IDCANCEL) is used by the OS and 0 is not used) #define AUT_GUI_MAXCONTROLID 65535 // Maximum control ID - limited to WORD size (unsigned short) Obviously caused a clash in an early build. Lots of 1 and 2 used by the OS so we just picked the first free one.
  7. The last rc seemed stable - will be releasing that and then moving onto new betas with other fixes. had a fairly nasty RegExp bug and I really want to get that fixed.
  8. https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/autoit/autoit-v3.3.16.1-rc2-setup.zip https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/autoit/autoit-v3.3.16.1-rc2.zip (xxx, 2022) (Release) AutoIt: - Fixed #3866: REGEXPCLASS broken in - Fixed #3865: Image Control resizing behave as forced $GUI_DOCKWIDTH and $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT. - Fixed #3864: StringRegExp() crash with patterns that cause infinite recursion. - Fixed #3876: Hex Number Arithmetic is incorrect. - Fixed #3869: Subtraction operator before power operation is parsed incorrectly. - Fixed #3879: Dim Map to Array. - Fixed #3875: GUICtrlSetResizing() performance by Reverting #3831: GUICtrlSetPos() $GUI_DOCKHCENTER. - Fixed: missing uninstalling file GUICtrlInternals.au3 since UDFs: - Added: UBound[2] example. - Added: StringRegExp[5] example. - Added: _GUICtrlEdit_SetPadding() function and example. - Added: _WinAPI_RegDeleteKey() can use $hKey as in RegRead(). - Added #3863: _WinAPI_GetCapture(). - Added: Allows _DebugArrayDisplay() to be used in UserFunc. - Added: _ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay() support Min Column width. - Added: _Array2DCreate() support 1D and/or 2D arrays. - Added: _DebugReportVar() display DllStruct content. - Added: _ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay() display {Array[dims]}, {Map[nentry]} and {Object}. - Fixed #3867: Changes in 'SecurityConstants.au3' to avoid name conflict. THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE - Fixed: Regression in, _WinAPI_RegCreateKey() and _WinAPI_RegOpenkey(). - Fixed: Regression of #3835 on _GDIPlus_GraphicsGet*(). - Fixed #3871: _ArrayDisplay() Hang sorted array with Null element. - Fixed: _FTP_FileGetSize() very big size. - Fixed #3872: FTP-Server in AutoIt Help no longer accessible. - Fixed #3877: GUICtrlCreateLabel() overlapping controls doc precision ($WS_CLIPSIBLINGS). - Fixed #3883: _DebugArrayDisplay() produces uncalled console message.
  9. https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/autoit/autoit-v3.3.16.1-rc1-setup.zip https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/autoit/autoit-v3.3.16.1-rc1.zip (xxx, 2022) (Release) AutoIt: - Fixed #3866: REGEXPCLASS broken in - Fixed #3875: GUICtrlSetResizing() performance. - Fixed #3865: Image Control resizing behave as forced $GUI_DOCKWIDTH and $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT. - Fixed #3764: StringRegExp() crash with patterns that cause infinite recursion. - Fixed #3876: Hex Number Arithmetic is incorrect. - Fixed #3879: Dim Map to Array. UDFs: - Fixed #3867: Changes in 'SecurityConstants.au3' to avoid name conflict. THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE - Added: UBound[2] example. - Added: StringRegExp[5] example. - Added: _GUICtrlEdit_SetPadding() function and example. - Fixed: Regression in, _WinAPI_RegCreateKey() and _WinAPI_RegOpenkey(). - Added: _WinAPI_RegDeleteKey() can use $hKey as in RegRead(). - Fixed: Regression of #3835 on _GDIPlus_GraphicsGet*(). - Fixed #3871: _ArrayDisplay() Hang sorted array with Null element. - Fixed: _FTP_FileGetSize() very big size. - Fixed #3872: FTP-Server in AutoIt Help no longer accessible. - Fixed #3877: GUICtrlCreateLabel() overlapping controls doc precision ($WS_CLIPSIBLINGS). - Added #3863: _WinAPI_GetCapture(). - Added: Allows _DebugArrayDisplay() to be used in UserFunc. - Added: _ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay() support Min Column width. - Added: _Array2DCreate() support 1D and/or 2D arrays. - Added: _DebugReportVar() display DllStruct content. - Fixed #3883: _DebugArrayDisplay() produces uncalled console message. - Added: _ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay() display {Array[dims]}, {Map[nentry]} and {Object}.
  10. Try this: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/autoit/autoit-regexpclass-fix.zip This contains the regexpclass/title fixes that I'd done.
  11. Not sure, from my point of view the first 3 should return 0 but for some reason we were very friendly in converting misformatted text to valid numbers. If " 27/7" works then I guess " 0xcade" should.
  12. Can we just cool it please. I’m concentrating on getting this release right or fixing it quickly. Thanks.
  13. Looks intended as part of a maintainability rewrite. Many of those scripts just reference one master script that shows all the concepts in one script rather than a duplicated example. That was done in a beta in 2020 it looks like. One of the MVPs can correct me if I've misunderstood that rewrite. Installer and zip have the same files - just checked.
  14. AutoIt v3.3.16.0 has been released. Thanks to @jpm and the MVPs who were responsible for the majority of code in this version. Download it here. Complete list of changes: History
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