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Hello everyone,

I have a question. I've been trying to figure out how to make a script to set affinity. I've searched the forums and google for examples and have found a few but something is always missing or not working in every script.

I have a quad core processor (1 physical cpu with 4 cores).

I am trying to get my encoder to automatically map the cpu's based on how many instances are running.

I.E 1 instance = 4 cores, 2 instances = 1 cores 1 and 2, 2 cores 3 and 4.

I saw one that script that had an example for x264 but I changed the executable to HCenc_023.exe and it didn't work.

I saw a more universal script that uses asm.au3 but when I run it, I get asm.au3 not found, I checked the include script and it was not present. A google search for asm.au3 sends me to a million different places. Even adding download to the search still returned useless results.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I can answer any questions if you need more information. Thank you very much!



Here's the script I am using. Thank you to Mr. Robert Walker for getting me halfway there.

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:
Author: Robert Walker

Script Function:
Multicore auto-task assigner

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#Include <WinAPI.au3>

Const $c_H_executable="x264.exe"
Global $a_x264_PID_list, $h_x264

While 1

$a_x264_PID_list = ProcessList ($c_x264_executable)

Switch $a_x264_PID_list[0][0]
Case 1
$h_x264 = _WinAPI_OpenProcess($PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION+$PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, False, $a_x264_PID_list[1][1])
_WinAPI_SetProcessAffinityMask($h_x264, 0x03)
Case 2
$h_x264 = _WinAPI_OpenProcess($PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION+$PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, False, $a_x264_PID_list[1][1])
_WinAPI_SetProcessAffinityMask($h_x264, 0x01)
$h_x264 = _WinAPI_OpenProcess($PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION+$PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, False, $a_x264_PID_list[2][1])
_WinAPI_SetProcessAffinityMask($h_x264, 0x02)


My problem is when I change x264.exe to HCenc_023.exe I get an error.

Line 23 (File "C:\vidtools\New AutoIt v3.script.au3"
$h_x264=_WinAPI_OpenProcess($PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION+$PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, False, $a_x264_PID_list[1][1])

Error: Variable used without being declared

I only changed the exe name to match that of the encoder I am using, I did no touch any variables or change any other x264 instances in fear of breaking something (which I apparently already did just by changing the name of the executable)

I hope this offers more help.


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