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I've just updated to the latest version and discovered a tiny issue, easily fixed.

This is no bug


WinAPIEx.au3 now does not includes the APIConstants.au3. If you want to use constants that are declared in APIConstants.au3, you must include it in your scripts by using "#Include" keyword.

*GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes


A small bug report:




Last line "Return SetError(Number(Not $__Data), 0, $__Data)" always set @Error = 1

新版 _ArrayAdd 的白痴作者,不管是誰,去死一死好了


Posted (edited)

I found another major bug in WinAPIEx (this bug will crash script).

In _WinAPI_PathFindExtension, it read the memory allocate by DllStructCreate as return value:

Local $tData = DllStructCreate('wchar[1024]')
Return DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate('wchar[1024]', $Ret[0]), 1)

The problem is, DllStructGetData will not stop when it enconter null wchar.

However, $Ret[0] alwasy > DllstructGetPtr($tData)

So if it reach the memory boundary, the script will crash.

It seems a lot of functions need modify...

Edited by Ward

新版 _ArrayAdd 的白痴作者,不管是誰,去死一死好了


Posted (edited)

A small bug report:




Last line "Return SetError(Number(Not $__Data), 0, $__Data)" always set @Error = 1

Fixed. Thanks.

I found another major bug in WinAPIEx (this bug will crash script).

In _WinAPI_PathFindExtension, it read the memory allocate by DllStructCreate as return value:

Local $tData = DllStructCreate('wchar[1024]')
Return DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate('wchar[1024]', $Ret[0]), 1)

The problem is, DllStructGetData will not stop when it enconter null wchar.

However, $Ret[0] alwasy > DllstructGetPtr($tData)

So if it reach the memory boundary, the script will crash.

It seems a lot of functions need modify...

This is not serious, in many functions the path length is limited to MAX_PATH. Anyway, 1024 characters should be enough for any valid path. In those functions where MSDN said about maximum string length, I wrote exactly that value.

$Ret[0] contains the address of the "." if an extension is found, or the address of the terminating null character otherwise.

DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate('wchar[1024]', $Ret[0]), 1)

will work anyway.

Edited by Yashied
Posted (edited)

This is not serious, in many functions the path length is limited to MAX_PATH. Anyway, 1024 characters should be enough for any valid path. In those functions where MSDN said about maximum string length, I wrote exactly that value.

DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate('wchar[1024]', $Ret[0]), 1)

will work anyway.

No, it is very serious. Why I found this bug, because it sometime crash my example of IconImage.

And after long time debug, I finally found the reason by ollydbg...

It only work if the memory allocate by Local $tData = DllStructCreate('wchar[1024]') not reach memory boundary.

If "DllstructGetPtr($tData) + 1025 * sizeof(wchar)" is invalid memory (you only allocate 1024), the script crash. And believe me, it not often, but sometimes happen.

Edited by Ward

新版 _ArrayAdd 的白痴作者,不管是誰,去死一死好了



Regarding the DLLStruct issue - Ward is correct here in that its dangerous to wrap memory with a struct without knowing how big the given allocation was. However, I think with 'wchar' wrapped around a null-term string, you *may* be safe depending on how AutoIt pulls the string (my best guess is it scans for a null-term rather than grab the whole chunk, but its best not to guess!). If it was 'byte' then you would definitely have a crash waiting to happen, as AutoIt would try to grab the entire 1024 bytes, which would overstep the size of the allocated memory.

The solution here is pretty easy - just declare the return as 'str' or 'wstr'. AutoIt will grab as much as it needs and nothing more. So for example, you can shorten the given example to:

$aRet = DllCall('shlwapi.dll', 'wstr', 'PathFindFileNameW', 'wstr', "C:\example\path\with\filename.ext")
If @error=0 Then ConsoleWrite("Result of call: "&$aRet[0]&@CRLF)

keep up the good work :graduated:


Why not just use Ascend4nt's way? It's easy and works well without problem.

新版 _ArrayAdd 的白痴作者,不管是誰,去死一死好了



AutoIt will allocate no less than what's size of 65536 characters.

For return strings?


For "str" and "wstr" dllcall types. The resulting strings can't be longer than that.

Okay, I think there was a miscommunication there. Parameters that are passed as 'wstr' do get the 65536 character buffer allocated, but a return from a function that happens to be of 'str' or 'wstr' type isn't allocated by AutoIt, nor is it restricted to 65536 characters (strings in excess of 100,000+ chars work fine).

However, in the function discussed, the pointer returned actually points within the buffer passed to the function (I somehow missed this the first time around), so the actual size is dependent on where in the string the pointer points. And of course if the parameter type used for 'pPath' was 'wstr', it will be <= 65536 chars.

Hmm, in pondering Yashied's original function design, if he keeps the 1st DLLStruct, there isn't even a need for a 2nd DLLStruct to be created. A StringMid() could be done with a calculation of '(returned_ptr - struct_ptr)/2+1'. Or he could keep it as it was and change the 2nd struct of 1024 chars to instead be the # of chars remaining. But meh, 'wstr' is the easiest/fastest way to go.

Posted (edited)

The library has been updated.


  • Added the following functions.





























  • Added examples for the functions above.
  • Added missing Airplane.wav file that is used in some examples.
  • Added missing Dialog Box Styles ($DS_*), Window Styles ( $WS_*), and Extended Window Styles ($WS_EX_*) constans.
  • Added two optional parameters in _WinAPI_CreateDIB() functions, see its description.
  • Rewrited _WinAPI_AddIconTransparency() function to improve performance.
  • Rewrited _WinAPI_SwapDWord() function for other purposes, see its description.
  • The _WinAPI_SaveHICONToFile() function now works with 16, 24, and 32 bits-per-pixel icon. Also creates an alpha channel for the 32 bits-per-pixel icon, and optionaly uses a PNG compression if icon size exceed or equal to 256x256 pixels.
  • The _WinAPI_Create32BitHICON() function now always creates an icon with alpha channel and AND bitmask bitmap.
  • Changed design of DllCall() call in some functions to improve performance.
  • Changed header in _WinAPI_Create32BitHBITMAP() function, see its description.
  • Changed the default buffer size from 8192 to 16384 characters that uses the _WinAPI_FindTextDlg() and _WinAPI_ReplaceTextDlg() functions.
  • Fixed bug in many functions that could cause crash the script due to insufficient size of allocated memory. (Thanks Ward)
  • Fixed bug in _WinAPI_AddIconOverlay(), _WinAPI_Create32BitHBITMAP(), and _WinAPI_Create32BitHICON() functions causing to incorrect conversion if the source icon was loaded from a PNG compressed image (Vista and later)
  • Fixed bug in _WinAPI_AddIconTransparency() function causing to incorrect conversion if the source icon is non 32 bits-per-pixel icon.
  • Fixed bug in _WinAPI_EnumResource... functions due to which the @error flag is always contained non-zero value. (Thanks Ward)
  • Fixed bug in _WinAPI_GetClipBox() and _WinAPI_GetRgnBox() functions causing to error if $tagRECT structure has not been created before calling these functions.
  • Fixed bug in _WinAPI_SaveHICONToFile() function causing to creating a corrupted .ico file if HICON is invalid.
  • Fixed bug in _WinAPI_UniqueHardwareID() function causing to generating an incorrect GUID if $UHID_HDD flag is set.
  • Updated documentation.

Edited by Yashied




Posted Image

This library contains the WinAPI functions are not included for unknown reasons to the native AutoIt WinAPI library. I use this UDF in nearly all of my programs, and decided to share it with the AutoIt community. I agree that over time some of these functions will be part of the native AutoIt library, but still... The library includes some undocumented, but useful functions (eg _WinAPI_GetFontResourceInfo()). The library also contains all the necessary constants to work with the appropriate functions. Most functions from this UDF intended for experienced users, but beginners will find the same lot of useful information for yourself. I will be to periodically add new functions to the library.

The archive contains WinAPIEx library, and as usual an excellent examples from me. Some examples I took from this forum and to simplify them for better understanding. For those who use SciTE (full version) I have prepared the au3.userudfs.properties and au3.user.calltips.api files to highlight functions from this UDF in your scripts. Just copy this files to ...SciTEProperties and ...SciTEapi, respectively. I hope this UDF will be useful for many as for me. I look forward to any feedback and suggestions. Maybe somebody wants to add new WinAPI functions?










Available functions
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WinAPI Extended UDF Library v3.5

(Previous downloads: 15878)




Posted Image

This library contains the WinAPI functions are not included for unknown reasons to the native AutoIt WinAPI library. I use this UDF in nearly all of my programs, and decided to share it with the AutoIt community. I agree that over time some of these functions will be part of the native AutoIt library, but still... The library includes some undocumented, but useful functions (eg _WinAPI_GetFontResourceInfo()). The library also contains all the necessary constants to work with the appropriate functions. Most functions from this UDF intended for experienced users, but beginners will find the same lot of useful information for yourself. I will be to periodically add new functions to the library.

The archive contains WinAPIEx library, and as usual an excellent examples from me. Some examples I took from this forum and to simplify them for better understanding. For those who use SciTE (full version) I have prepared the au3.userudfs.properties and au3.user.calltips.api files to highlight functions from this UDF in your scripts. Just copy this files to ...SciTEProperties and ...SciTEapi, respectively. I hope this UDF will be useful for many as for me. I look forward to any feedback and suggestions. Maybe somebody wants to add new WinAPI functions?










Available functions
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WinAPI Extended UDF Library v3.5

(Previous downloads: 15878)


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