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Yeah, that's cool. I noticed that when I looked at your blog. I should really add it in, and I just got some great ideas on how. Maybe I'll work on it in the morning.

Hurry up and finish yours so I can take a look at it. :D

Alright, check it out. A beta release. There are some tweaks to make, still a little buggy!

Waxxed' Blog


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We should work more together I guess. It seems everybody has a script for Farmville with good functions. I'll try to be finished this week with my one. It has a few feature that I don't have has seen yet.

- Johannes M.


Alright, check it out. A beta release. There are some tweaks to make, still a little buggy!

Waxxed' Blog


i'm trying to get ur bot to work but i'm having a little problem..

where do i set the home cordinate(the button home) i set it where my farmer is trap.. or at the edge of the farm like in jacko script??

also when i press the end button to get the cordinate.. i get 1 pop up window giving me the x and y and color but in ur read me it say there is a second set of number where is it at? and where do i input this second set of number..

sorry i'm a noob


i'm trying to get ur bot to work but i'm having a little problem..

where do i set the home cordinate(the button home) i set it where my farmer is trap.. or at the edge of the farm like in jacko script??

also when i press the end button to get the cordinate.. i get 1 pop up window giving me the x and y and color but in ur read me it say there is a second set of number where is it at? and where do i input this second set of number..

sorry i'm a noob

Sorry its not that clear. The popup window is the x,y coordinates of your screen. The second set of coordinates are x,y coordinates starting from the corner of farmville window.

Home button should be the top left part of your farm, like jackalos script.

There are 3 coordinates that use the popup window coordinate. Thats fb login button, the free gift button, and the play button. Make sure to use the pop up window coordinates for those 3 buttons.

Posted (edited)

Sorry its not that clear. The popup window is the x,y coordinates of your screen. The second set of coordinates are x,y coordinates starting from the corner of farmville window.

Home button should be the top left part of your farm, like jackalos script.

There are 3 coordinates that use the popup window coordinate. Thats fb login button, the free gift button, and the play button. Make sure to use the pop up window coordinates for those 3 buttons.

ok so when i run ur script.. i should hover my mouse over the Free gift link at the top left corner of the fv app.. and then press *end*

then click set cordinate for the free gift button/ is this correct.. then press insert to start the script??

as for the fb login button where is that.. i cant find it.. here is screen shot..


Edited by guardianx

Thats how it will work when i finish it, but you need to write down the pop up message coordinates and then go to the settings.ini and put in the pop up message X,Y for those 3 buttons.

Fb login button, free gift button, and the play button

play_button_x=325 ;set this to your xy from the popup


fb_login_x=656 ;again here from popup


free_gift_screen_open_x=253 ;and here should also set from popup XY


these are all found in settings.ini


Thats how it will work when i finish it, but you need to write down the pop up message coordinates and then go to the settings.ini and put in the pop up message X,Y for those 3 buttons.

Fb login button, free gift button, and the play button

play_button_x=325 ;set this to your xy from the popup


fb_login_x=656 ;again here from popup


free_gift_screen_open_x=253 ;and here should also set from popup XY


xy and XY is two different set of cordinate right??

these are all found in settings.ini

when i press the end key.. it will provide the xy or XY cordinate?? in the separate pop up window..

where is the facebook log-in button(i couldnt find it anywwhere when i'm in farmville.... this is the button when i log out of facebook right??

Posted (edited)

honestly, your screen looks big enough to just use the defaults, maybe you only need to set the free gift X,Y

Edited by waxxed
Posted (edited)

cool i got it working thanx..

does this script work for 20x20?

if it doesnt work then what is the max row and max columns this script can handle?


Edited by guardianx

Sorry, doesn´t work for me.

When setting coordinates of Free gifts with "END", I get a "406,295 16249847" msgbox.

And then after a "Line -1: Error: Subscript used non-Array variable"

How do I set the coords of the play button?

When manually editing the setting.ini and I want to set the Home Coordinates, I get a "Play button not found..."


Here´s my script for the neighbor-help:

HotKeySet("{H}", "HelpNeighbor")

While 1

Func HelpNeighbor()
While True
    $coord = PixelSearch( 0, 0, 710, 414, 0x4A925A )
    If Not @error Then
        MouseMove($coord[0] ,$coord[1])
        MouseClick("left",$coord[0] ,$coord[1])
        $coord1 = PixelSearch( 600, 500, 725, 555, 0x396139 )
        While @error
            $coord1 = PixelSearch( 600, 500, 725, 555, 0x396139 )
            MouseMove($coord1[0]+ 10 ,$coord1[1]+10)
            MouseClick("left",$coord1[0]+ 10 ,$coord1[1]+10)
            MouseClick("left",$coord1[0]+ 10 ,$coord1[1]+10)

But I´m experiencing Problems...

Sometimes when loading the farm i get a error, Something like (translated) Error while opening a page from the farmville application (I got it in German) and two buttuns "Retry " and To "Start Page".

Retry doesnt work.

How do I catch this case?

Needs to be between

$coord1 = PixelSearch( 600, 500, 725, 555, 0x396139 )

I could do another pixelsearch here, but what then?

I could move the Mouse down to the FV-Icon, click it, go to Neighbors page again, but that means the whole Code again in this Error?-Case???


how do i use this :)

Copy and Paste in an empty au3-script.

Run with F5 or compile.

When on the "My Neighbors"-Page it "H" (Capital "H"!!!)

But there are still a few bugs. everyday, the coords of the buttons change because of the yellow bar "Experiencing Connection Problems etc" and the Mafia Wars Ads.

Need to put the coords in a settings.ini....

And If there is no Go To XYs Farm, the script finds a Pixel in the PixelSearch, but when I use WindowInfo, it is an other Color-Code.

What is this?

See attached Screenshot.




your bot cant handle the server out of sync msg? plus that bog lag the hell out of my pc. im on a q6600 . and when it click market to buy blue berry the bot doesnt detect that windown also.. ?? i guess i did something wrong then..

i did set free gift and play button cordinate.......


btw can some1 just make a script that does 20,20 boxes bcz i can just click plow then starrt script instead of this long process

Posted (edited)

autoit is capable of sending packet? like u can sniff to see what happen when u click a spot and keep that packet.. so basically u get 400 packet to plow and harvest and plant x item. is it possible?

Edited by guardianx

autoit is capable of sending packet? like u can sniff to see what happen when u click a spot and keep that packet.. so basically u get 400 packet to plow and harvest and plant x item. is it possible?

No. The packets are encrypted and synced with the server. I'll make a post sometime soon with more information.

[left][sub]We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.[/sub][sup]And the machine is bleeding to death...[/sup][sup][/sup][/left]


I have a method for getting about 1600 xp per minute at a cost of 10 gold per xp. I'm 30 and it only took about 5 minutes to get 31. Quite simply Zynga has a lot of server-side checks, but there are a few things they leave to the client for performance: plant time, harvest time, plow time and time-to-harvest to name a few. So if you can trick your client into using a 0 plant time, plow time, and time-to-harvest you can effectively plant and plow as fast as your comp and autoit can keep up. Its like the soybean bot except planting is instantaneous and there's no delay to delete.

To do this, you only need to get your client to use a different gameSettings.xml that defines these settings and more. There may be a way to save and modify the HTML that is loading the Farmville game, but I trouble with that. Instead:

1. Download Fiddler (a transparent proxy by Microsoft that allows you to inspect and modify web requests): www.fiddler2.com

2. Download the most recent gameSettings.xml document (you can find the version in the HTML source or with something like Firebug): http://facebook2.farmville.static.zynga.com/current/v5608/gameSettings.xml

3. Add a AutoResponder rule to match: "regex:(?insx)^http://.*gameSettings\.xml$" and respond with "C:\gameSettings.xml" (or wherever you saved the xml document.)

4. Now to prove that Fiddler is serving your own document, edit C:\gameSettings.xml and change a comment or something obvious. Now hit this URL again (hit shift-refresh to force your browser to override its cached copy): http://facebook2.farmville.static.zynga.com/current/v5608/gameSettings.xml

If you get your modified version, then you're good to go. When you refresh Farmville, it will use your gameSettings.xml instead of the one on the server.

You can play with the different settings, but most of them are protected server-side. That means you can make something cost 0 gold, but the server will just barf when you buy it. You can enable some of the unreleased items for purchase like "Oil Derrick" and you can place it but the server will send back an error and force a refresh. There's still lots of fun to be had though!

However, like I said before, some of the timer options are left to the client. So go ahead and change your plowTime, harvestTime and plantTime to 0. This gives you insta-farm if you have trapped your guy. Or if you don't want to trap you guy, change walkSpeed to something like 1 and you'll fly! Whenever you change your gameSettings.xml you need to force a refresh so your client reads the new settings. Shift-refresh like you did before.

Now its time to modify the crops. Search for "soybeans" and change the growTime to 0.00001. Now when you plant soybeans they will ripen and wither away in literally seconds. Don't be tempted to harvest them because the server checks the harvest time and will barf. The server does not, however, check plow time. You can plow anything you want and the server doesn't care.

So to get mad XP all you need to do is run a basic autoit script that plants these uber-soybeans, then wait a second and run it again with plow, rinse and repeat. All in all I can do my whole farm in 30 seconds, so depending on your farm size this should come out to 1000-2000xp per minute at a cost of 10 gold per xp. If you play with the coinFountainProbability you can get the free money for plowing more often, but from experience this is somehow protected by server which I don't understand...if the client is flipping the coin then why would the server reject it. Oh well, if anyone figures that out then you might be able to net gold at the same time you are XPing.

Proceed with caution, Zynga will figure it out eventually.

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