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I need help creating an internet shortcut via autoit.. I know the autoit commands I need, but do not know what parameter to use to have the IE window maximized.

Here is an example internet shortcut file:







Is there a parameter to establish the window maximized??? Thanks!

Posted (edited)

Global $aData[3][2]

$aData[0][0] = 'URL'
$aData[0][1] = 'http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3'
$aData[1][0] = 'IconFile'
$aData[1][1] = 'C:\Icon1.ico'
$aData[2][0] = 'IconIndex'
$aData[2][1] = '0'

InetGet('http://www.autoitscript.com/favicon.ico', 'C:\Icon1.ico')

IniWriteSection('MyInternetShortcut.url', 'InternetShortcut', $aData, 0)

Is there a parameter to establish the window maximized??? Thanks!

ShowCommand=3, but works with IE only.


It may be easier to LNK?

Edited by Yashied

Global $aData[3][2]

$aData[0][0] = 'URL'
$aData[0][1] = 'http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3'
$aData[1][0] = 'IconFile'
$aData[1][1] = 'C:\Icon1.ico'
$aData[2][0] = 'IconIndex'
$aData[2][1] = '0'

InetGet('http://www.autoitscript.com/favicon.ico', 'C:\Icon1.ico')

IniWriteSection('MyInternetShortcut.url', 'InternetShortcut', $aData, 0)

ShowCommand=3, but works with IE only.


It may be easier to LNK?

ShowCommand=3 is what I was looking for thanks! but what is LNK???


ShowCommand=3 is what I was looking for thanks! but what is LNK???

$Shortcut = @ScriptDir & '\MyShortcut.lnk'
$Browser = @ProgramFilesDir & '\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe'
$Url = 'http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3'
$Icon = @SystemDir & '\shell32.dll'
$IconIndex = 13

FileCreateShortcut($Browser, $Shortcut, '', $Url, '', $Icon, '', $IconIndex, @SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
Posted (edited)

That works great and I like it! Thanks! Will it work with any browser?

No. That you choose ($Browser).


You can use the _WinAPI_FindExecutable() function to find your default browser.

Edited by Yashied

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