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Maybe something like this:

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

$total = DriveSpaceTotal("C:")
$free = DriveSpaceFree("C:")
$used = $total - $free

GuiCreate("C: drive:  " & Round($total/1024,2) & " GB total ", 400, 100)
$progress = GuiCtrlCreateProgress(20, 20, 300, 30)

GuiCtrlSetData($progress,  100 * $used / DriveSpaceTotal("C:"))

GuiCtrlCreateLabel(Round($used/1024,2) & " GB used ", 70, 70)
GuiCtrlCreateLabel(Round($free/1024,2) & " GB free ", 230, 70)

While GuiGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!
Posted (edited)

So I started tinkering. I made a version that monitors Drives, changes bar color based on % of fullness, and also handles flash drives.

Select multiple drives by seperating w/ a ',' ie: C:,D:,F:,N:

Configure and Exit by right-click in the window(this is buggy you need to select an area w/o label or progress bar, I use upper left corner)


Edited by Ejoc
Start -> Programs -> AutoIt v3 -> AutoIt Help File -> Index -> (The Function you are asking about)----- Links -----DllStruct UDFsRSA Crypto UDFs

Yah.. thats pretty sweet. Suggestion: make it scan drive letters, say once every 30 seconds or so to enumerate drives. I have 8 or more network drives at any given time and they change regularly. Yes, I know I'm abnormal. Just sayin'

601DisengageEnd Program

Posted (edited)

Made a small addition, added an Update field so you can slow down how often it checks your drives, default is now every 30 seconds.

I havent added the auto scanning, as it wont be super easy. The gui is built on how many drives you are watch, so if the number of drives is adjusting then I would need to rebuild the gui, not impossible but I'm lazy atm :)


Also its really inteded to be run form the .exe, as it will restart itself when you configure it, running the .au3 requires a manual restart.

Edited by Ejoc
Start -> Programs -> AutoIt v3 -> AutoIt Help File -> Index -> (The Function you are asking about)----- Links -----DllStruct UDFsRSA Crypto UDFs

running the .au3 requires a manual restart.


Here's a trick.

If NOT $CmdLine[0] Then
   MsgBox(64, "Test", "Script will now restart...")
   If @Compiled Then
      Run(@ScriptFullPath & " restart")
      Run(@AutoItExe & ' "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" restart')
   MsgBox(64, "Test", "Script has restarted itself succesfully!")

Since this has now been asked in another thread, here's a quick and dirty drive enumerator:

Func EnumerateDrives ()
  $szDrivestr = "C:\"
  For $dl = 68 To 93
    $drive = chr ($dl) & ":\"
    DriveGetFileSystem ($drive)
    If @error = 0 Then $szDrivestr = $szDrivestr & "," & $drive

Yes, I know not everybody has a C drive, but I really don't care. :)

601DisengageEnd Program

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