Zedna Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 (edited) I know this thread is about 3D pie chart but it would be fine to have choice between 3D pie/square chart. Something like this (maded in Delphi): Edited June 28, 2009 by Zedna Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
Ibrahim Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 that's very nice Idea! make it a control with a udf function calls,that's would make it very simple and handy to use. [font="Arial Black"]My Stuff[/font]UPnP Port Forwarding Final.GateWay InformationThe GateWay Watcher(detect speeofing)Rightclick Any file --->Hide/UnhideThe Tip WatcherA PanelShare WatcherThe Arp WatcherThe Online License Checker
DjDeep00 Posted July 28, 2009 Posted July 28, 2009 Can someone help me resolve the following error? Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360), $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[^ ERROR expandcollapse popup#include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GUISlider.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Date.au3> ; Let's be strict here Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ; Controls the size of the pie and also the depth Global Const $PIE_DIAMETER = 400 Global Const $PIE_MARGIN = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.025 Global Const $PIE_DEPTH = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.2 Global Const $PIE_AREA = $PIE_DIAMETER + 2 * $PIE_MARGIN ; Random data for values and colours Global Const $NUM_VALUES = 5 Global $aChartValue[$NUM_VALUES] Global $aChartColour[$NUM_VALUES] Global $aChartColour[5] = ["0xFF8204", "0x0000FF", "0xFF0000", "0x008000", "0xEEF3F6"] $aChartValue[0] = 0 $aChartValue[1] = 0 $aChartValue[2] = 0 $aChartValue[3] = 0 $aChartValue[4] = 100 ; The value of PI Global Const $PI = ATan(1) * 4 ; Start GDI+ _GDIPlus_Startup() ; Create the brushes and pens Global $ahBrush[$NUM_VALUES][2], $ahPen[$NUM_VALUES] For $i = 0 To $NUM_VALUES - 1 $ahBrush[$i][0] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, $aChartColour[$i])) $ahBrush[$i][1] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i]))) $ahPen[$i] = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour(_GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i])))) Next ; Create the GUI with sliders to control the aspect, rotation, style and hole size (for donuts) Global $hWnd = GUICreate("Pie Chart", $PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA + 100, Default, Default) Global $hSlideAspect = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 10, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideAspect, 10, 100) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hSlideAspect, 50) Global $hSlideRotation = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 40, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideRotation, 0, 360) Global $cStyle = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Donut", $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2 - $PIE_MARGIN, 20) Global $hStyle = GUICtrlGetHandle($cStyle) Global $hHoleSize = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN + $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hHoleSize, 2, $PIE_DIAMETER - 4 * $PIE_MARGIN) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hHoleSize, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2) GUISetState() ; Set up GDI+ Global $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hWnd) Global $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hDC) Global $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA, $hGraphics) Global $hBuffer = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hBuffer, 2) ; Draw the initial pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) ; The sliders will send WM_NOTIFY messages GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "_OnNotify") ; Wait until the user quits While GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Sleep(10) WEnd ; Release the resources For $i = 0 To UBound($aChartColour) - 1 _GDIPlus_PenDispose($ahPen[$i]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][0]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][1]) Next _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hBuffer) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) ; Shut down GDI+ _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ; Done Exit ; Get a darker version of a colour by extracting the RGB components Func _GetDarkerColour($Colour) Local $Red, $Green, $Blue $Red = (BitAND($Colour, 0xff0000) / 0x10000) - 40 $Green = (BitAND($Colour, 0x00ff00) / 0x100) - 40 $Blue = (BitAND($Colour, 0x0000ff)) - 40 If $Red < 0 Then $Red = 0 If $Green < 0 Then $Green = 0 If $Blue < 0 Then $Blue = 0 Return ($Red * 0x10000) + ($Green * 0x100) + $Blue EndFunc ;==>_GetDarkerColour ; Draw the pie chart Func _DrawPie($Percentage, $Aspect, $rotation, $style = 0, $holesize = 100) If $style <> 0 Then $Aspect = 1 Local $nCount, $nTotal = 0, $angleStart, $angleSweep, $X, $Y Local $pieLeft = $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop = $PIE_AREA / 2 - ($PIE_DIAMETER / 2) * $Aspect Local $pieWidth = $PIE_DIAMETER, $pieHeight = $PIE_DIAMETER * $Aspect, $hPath ; Total up the values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $nTotal += $Percentage[$nCount] Next ; Set the fractional values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $Percentage[$nCount] /= $nTotal Next ; Make sure we don't over-rotate $rotation = Mod($rotation, 360) ; Clear the graphics buffer _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hBuffer, 0xffc0c0c0) ; Set the initial angles based on the fractional values Local $Angles[UBound($Percentage) + 1] For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) If $nCount = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = $rotation Else $Angles[$nCount] = $Angles[$nCount - 1] + ($Percentage[$nCount - 1] * 360) EndIf Next Switch $style Case 0 ; Adjust the angles based on the aspect For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $PIE_DIAMETER * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y -= ($PIE_DIAMETER - $pieHeight) * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) If $X = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = 90 + ($Y < 0) * 180 Else $Angles[$nCount] = ATan($Y / $X) * 180 / $PI EndIf If $X < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 180 If $X >= 0 And $Y < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 360 $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $pieHeight * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) Next ; Decide which pieces to draw first and last Local $nStart = -1, $nEnd = -1 For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) If $angleStart <= 270 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 270 Then $nStart = $nCount EndIf If ($angleStart <= 90 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 90) _ Or ($angleStart <= 450 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 450) Then $nEnd = $nCount EndIf If $nEnd >= 0 And $nStart >= 0 Then ExitLoop Next ; Draw the first piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nStart, $Angles) ; Draw pieces "to the right" $nCount = Mod($nStart + 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw pieces "to the left" $nCount = Mod($nStart + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw the last piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nEnd, $Angles) Case 1 ; Draw the donut pieces For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw the outer arc in a darker colour $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) ; Draw the inner piece in a lighter colour - leave room for the hole $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, $pieTop + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, _ $holesize, $holesize, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $ahBrush[$nCount][0], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) Next EndSwitch ; Now draw the bitmap on to the device context of the window _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $hBitmap, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_DrawPie Func _OnNotify($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam) Local $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom")) Switch $hWndFrom Case $hSlideAspect, $hSlideRotation, $hStyle, $hHoleSize ; Update the pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_OnNotify Func _DrawPiePiece($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iDepth, $nCount, $Angles) Local $hPath, $cX = $iX + ($iWidth / 2), $cY = $iY + ($iHeight / 2), $fDrawn = False Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360), $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw side ConsoleWrite(_Now() & @CRLF) $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() If $iStart < 180 And ($iStart + $iSweep > 180) Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, 180 - $iStart) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, 180, $iStart - 180) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart + $iSweep > 360 Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0, $iStart + $iSweep - 360) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep - 360, 360 - $iStart - $iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart < 180 And (Not $fDrawn) Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep, -$iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) EndIf _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) ; Draw top _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahBrush[$nCount][0]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahPen[$nCount]) EndFunc ;==>_DrawPiePiece Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate($iFillMode = 0) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipCreatePath", "int", $iFillMode, "int*", 0); If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[2]) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddLine($hGraphicsPath, $iX1, $iY1, $iX2, $iY2) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathLine", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX1, "float", $iY1, _ "float", $iX2, "float", $iY2) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddLine Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hGraphicsPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStartAngle, $iSweepAngle) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathArc", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX, "float", $iY, _ "float", $iWidth, "float", $iHeight, "float", $iStartAngle, "float", $iSweepAngle) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddPie($hGraphicsPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStartAngle, $iSweepAngle) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathPie", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX, "float", $iY, _ "float", $iWidth, "float", $iHeight, "float", $iStartAngle, "float", $iSweepAngle) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddPie Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipClosePathFigure", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipDeletePath", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $hPen, $hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipDrawPath", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "hwnd", $hPen, "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $hBrush, $hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipFillPath", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "hwnd", $hBrush, "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath
ValeryVal Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Try replace Func _DrawPiePiece($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iDepth, $nCount, $Angles) Local $hPath, $cX = $iX + ($iWidth / 2), $cY = $iY + ($iHeight / 2), $fDrawn = False Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360), $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) to this Func _DrawPiePiece($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iDepth, $nCount, $Angles) Local $hPath, $cX = $iX + ($iWidth / 2), $cY = $iY + ($iHeight / 2), $fDrawn = False MsgBox(0,"nCount value","$nCount = " & $nCount) Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360), $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) I obtained $nCount = -1 And it's clear that error occurs. Do you what is a value of $Angles[-1]? The point of world view
DjDeep00 Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Try replace Func _DrawPiePiece($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iDepth, $nCount, $Angles) Local $hPath, $cX = $iX + ($iWidth / 2), $cY = $iY + ($iHeight / 2), $fDrawn = False Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360), $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) to this Func _DrawPiePiece($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iDepth, $nCount, $Angles) Local $hPath, $cX = $iX + ($iWidth / 2), $cY = $iY + ($iHeight / 2), $fDrawn = False MsgBox(0,"nCount value","$nCount = " & $nCount) Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360), $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) I obtained $nCount = -1 And it's clear that error occurs. Do you what is a value of $Angles[-1]? @Valery...I agree and that is exactly what I found out as well, that the error occurs because of the -1 value for $nCount. I think it comes back with a -1 because no other pie piece has been drawn since they are all 0s. I think the following code will need to be updated but not sure how. ; Decide which pieces to draw first and last Local $nStart = -1, $nEnd = -1 For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) -1 $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) If $angleStart <= 270 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 270 Then $nStart = $nCount EndIf If ($angleStart <= 90 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 90) _ Or ($angleStart <= 450 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 450) Then $nEnd = $nCount EndIf If $nEnd >= 0 And $nStart >= 0 Then ExitLoop Next Thanks.
DjDeep00 Posted July 30, 2009 Posted July 30, 2009 WideBoyDixon can you please help me out with this?
ValeryVal Posted July 30, 2009 Posted July 30, 2009 This works fine, I think: expandcollapse popup#include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GUISlider.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Date.au3> ; Let's be strict here Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ; Controls the size of the pie and also the depth Global Const $PIE_DIAMETER = 400 Global Const $PIE_MARGIN = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.025 Global Const $PIE_DEPTH = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.2 Global Const $PIE_AREA = $PIE_DIAMETER + 2 * $PIE_MARGIN ; Random data for values and colours Global Const $NUM_VALUES = 5 Global $aChartValue[$NUM_VALUES] Global $aChartColour[$NUM_VALUES] Global $aChartColour[5] = ["0xFF8204", "0x0000FF", "0xFF0000", "0x008000", "0xEEF3F6"] $aChartValue[0] = 3 $aChartValue[1] = 15 $aChartValue[2] = 45 $aChartValue[3] = 20 $aChartValue[4] = 30 ; The value of PI Global Const $PI = ATan(1) * 4 ; Start GDI+ _GDIPlus_Startup() ; Create the brushes and pens Global $ahBrush[$NUM_VALUES][2], $ahPen[$NUM_VALUES] For $i = 0 To $NUM_VALUES - 1 $ahBrush[$i][0] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, $aChartColour[$i])) $ahBrush[$i][1] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i]))) $ahPen[$i] = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour(_GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i])))) Next ; Create the GUI with sliders to control the aspect, rotation, style and hole size (for donuts) Global $hWnd = GUICreate("Pie Chart", $PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA + 100, Default, Default) Global $hSlideAspect = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 10, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideAspect, 10, 100) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hSlideAspect, 50) Global $hSlideRotation = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 40, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideRotation, 0, 360) Global $cStyle = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Donut", $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2 - $PIE_MARGIN, 20) Global $hStyle = GUICtrlGetHandle($cStyle) Global $hHoleSize = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN + $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hHoleSize, 2, $PIE_DIAMETER - 4 * $PIE_MARGIN) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hHoleSize, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2) GUISetState() ; Set up GDI+ Global $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hWnd) Global $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hDC) Global $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA, $hGraphics) Global $hBuffer = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hBuffer, 2) ; Draw the initial pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) ; The sliders will send WM_NOTIFY messages GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "_OnNotify") ; Wait until the user quits While GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Sleep(10) WEnd ; Release the resources For $i = 0 To UBound($aChartColour) - 1 _GDIPlus_PenDispose($ahPen[$i]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][0]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][1]) Next _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hBuffer) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) ; Shut down GDI+ _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ; Done Exit ; Get a darker version of a colour by extracting the RGB components Func _GetDarkerColour($Colour) Local $Red, $Green, $Blue $Red = (BitAND($Colour, 0xff0000) / 0x10000) - 40 $Green = (BitAND($Colour, 0x00ff00) / 0x100) - 40 $Blue = (BitAND($Colour, 0x0000ff)) - 40 If $Red < 0 Then $Red = 0 If $Green < 0 Then $Green = 0 If $Blue < 0 Then $Blue = 0 Return ($Red * 0x10000) + ($Green * 0x100) + $Blue EndFunc ;==>_GetDarkerColour ; Draw the pie chart Func _DrawPie($Percentage, $Aspect, $rotation, $style = 0, $holesize = 100) If $style <> 0 Then $Aspect = 1 Local $nCount, $nTotal = 0, $angleStart, $angleSweep, $X, $Y Local $pieLeft = $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop = $PIE_AREA / 2 - ($PIE_DIAMETER / 2) * $Aspect Local $pieWidth = $PIE_DIAMETER, $pieHeight = $PIE_DIAMETER * $Aspect, $hPath ; Total up the values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $nTotal += $Percentage[$nCount] Next ; Set the fractional values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $Percentage[$nCount] /= $nTotal Next ; Make sure we don't over-rotate $rotation = Mod($rotation, 360) ; Clear the graphics buffer _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hBuffer, 0xffc0c0c0) ; Set the initial angles based on the fractional values Local $Angles[UBound($Percentage) + 1] For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) If $nCount = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = $rotation Else $Angles[$nCount] = $Angles[$nCount - 1] + ($Percentage[$nCount - 1] * 360) EndIf Next Switch $style Case 0 ; Adjust the angles based on the aspect For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $PIE_DIAMETER * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y -= ($PIE_DIAMETER - $pieHeight) * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) If $X = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = 90 + ($Y < 0) * 180 Else $Angles[$nCount] = ATan($Y / $X) * 180 / $PI EndIf If $X < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 180 If $X >= 0 And $Y < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 360 $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $pieHeight * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) Next ; Decide which pieces to draw first and last Local $nStart = -1, $nEnd = -1 For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) If $angleStart <= 270 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 270 Then $nStart = $nCount EndIf If ($angleStart <= 90 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 90) _ Or ($angleStart <= 450 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 450) Then $nEnd = $nCount EndIf If $nEnd >= 0 And $nStart >= 0 Then ExitLoop Next ; Draw the first piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nStart, $Angles) ; Draw pieces "to the right" $nCount = Mod($nStart + 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw pieces "to the left" $nCount = Mod($nStart + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw the last piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nEnd, $Angles) Case 1 ; Draw the donut pieces For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw the outer arc in a darker colour $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) ; Draw the inner piece in a lighter colour - leave room for the hole $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, $pieTop + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, _ $holesize, $holesize, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $ahBrush[$nCount][0], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) Next EndSwitch ; Now draw the bitmap on to the device context of the window _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $hBitmap, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_DrawPie Func _OnNotify($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam) Local $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom")) Switch $hWndFrom Case $hSlideAspect, $hSlideRotation, $hStyle, $hHoleSize ; Update the pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_OnNotify Func _DrawPiePiece($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iDepth, $nCount, $Angles) Local $hPath Local $cX = $iX + ($iWidth / 2) Local $cY = $iY + ($iHeight / 2) Local $fDrawn = False Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) Local $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw side ConsoleWrite(_Now() & @CRLF) $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() If $iStart < 180 And ($iStart + $iSweep > 180) Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, 180 - $iStart) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, 180, $iStart - 180) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart + $iSweep > 360 Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0, $iStart + $iSweep - 360) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep - 360, 360 - $iStart - $iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart < 180 And (Not $fDrawn) Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep, -$iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) EndIf _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) ; Draw top _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahBrush[$nCount][0]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahPen[$nCount]) EndFunc ;==>_DrawPiePiece Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate($iFillMode = 0) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipCreatePath", "int", $iFillMode, "int*", 0); If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[2]) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddLine($hGraphicsPath, $iX1, $iY1, $iX2, $iY2) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathLine", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX1, "float", $iY1, _ "float", $iX2, "float", $iY2) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddLine Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hGraphicsPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStartAngle, $iSweepAngle) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathArc", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX, "float", $iY, _ "float", $iWidth, "float", $iHeight, "float", $iStartAngle, "float", $iSweepAngle) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddPie($hGraphicsPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStartAngle, $iSweepAngle) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathPie", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX, "float", $iY, _ "float", $iWidth, "float", $iHeight, "float", $iStartAngle, "float", $iSweepAngle) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddPie Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipClosePathFigure", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipDeletePath", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $hPen, $hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipDrawPath", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "hwnd", $hPen, "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $hBrush, $hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipFillPath", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "hwnd", $hBrush, "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath The point of world view
DjDeep00 Posted July 30, 2009 Posted July 30, 2009 This works fine, I think: expandcollapse popup#include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GUISlider.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Date.au3> ; Let's be strict here Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ; Controls the size of the pie and also the depth Global Const $PIE_DIAMETER = 400 Global Const $PIE_MARGIN = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.025 Global Const $PIE_DEPTH = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.2 Global Const $PIE_AREA = $PIE_DIAMETER + 2 * $PIE_MARGIN ; Random data for values and colours Global Const $NUM_VALUES = 5 Global $aChartValue[$NUM_VALUES] Global $aChartColour[$NUM_VALUES] Global $aChartColour[5] = ["0xFF8204", "0x0000FF", "0xFF0000", "0x008000", "0xEEF3F6"] $aChartValue[0] = 3 $aChartValue[1] = 15 $aChartValue[2] = 45 $aChartValue[3] = 20 $aChartValue[4] = 30 ; The value of PI Global Const $PI = ATan(1) * 4 ; Start GDI+ _GDIPlus_Startup() ; Create the brushes and pens Global $ahBrush[$NUM_VALUES][2], $ahPen[$NUM_VALUES] For $i = 0 To $NUM_VALUES - 1 $ahBrush[$i][0] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, $aChartColour[$i])) $ahBrush[$i][1] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i]))) $ahPen[$i] = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour(_GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i])))) Next ; Create the GUI with sliders to control the aspect, rotation, style and hole size (for donuts) Global $hWnd = GUICreate("Pie Chart", $PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA + 100, Default, Default) Global $hSlideAspect = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 10, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideAspect, 10, 100) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hSlideAspect, 50) Global $hSlideRotation = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 40, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideRotation, 0, 360) Global $cStyle = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Donut", $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2 - $PIE_MARGIN, 20) Global $hStyle = GUICtrlGetHandle($cStyle) Global $hHoleSize = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN + $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hHoleSize, 2, $PIE_DIAMETER - 4 * $PIE_MARGIN) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hHoleSize, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2) GUISetState() ; Set up GDI+ Global $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hWnd) Global $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hDC) Global $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA, $hGraphics) Global $hBuffer = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hBuffer, 2) ; Draw the initial pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) ; The sliders will send WM_NOTIFY messages GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "_OnNotify") ; Wait until the user quits While GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Sleep(10) WEnd ; Release the resources For $i = 0 To UBound($aChartColour) - 1 _GDIPlus_PenDispose($ahPen[$i]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][0]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][1]) Next _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hBuffer) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) ; Shut down GDI+ _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ; Done Exit ; Get a darker version of a colour by extracting the RGB components Func _GetDarkerColour($Colour) Local $Red, $Green, $Blue $Red = (BitAND($Colour, 0xff0000) / 0x10000) - 40 $Green = (BitAND($Colour, 0x00ff00) / 0x100) - 40 $Blue = (BitAND($Colour, 0x0000ff)) - 40 If $Red < 0 Then $Red = 0 If $Green < 0 Then $Green = 0 If $Blue < 0 Then $Blue = 0 Return ($Red * 0x10000) + ($Green * 0x100) + $Blue EndFunc ;==>_GetDarkerColour ; Draw the pie chart Func _DrawPie($Percentage, $Aspect, $rotation, $style = 0, $holesize = 100) If $style <> 0 Then $Aspect = 1 Local $nCount, $nTotal = 0, $angleStart, $angleSweep, $X, $Y Local $pieLeft = $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop = $PIE_AREA / 2 - ($PIE_DIAMETER / 2) * $Aspect Local $pieWidth = $PIE_DIAMETER, $pieHeight = $PIE_DIAMETER * $Aspect, $hPath ; Total up the values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $nTotal += $Percentage[$nCount] Next ; Set the fractional values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $Percentage[$nCount] /= $nTotal Next ; Make sure we don't over-rotate $rotation = Mod($rotation, 360) ; Clear the graphics buffer _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hBuffer, 0xffc0c0c0) ; Set the initial angles based on the fractional values Local $Angles[UBound($Percentage) + 1] For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) If $nCount = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = $rotation Else $Angles[$nCount] = $Angles[$nCount - 1] + ($Percentage[$nCount - 1] * 360) EndIf Next Switch $style Case 0 ; Adjust the angles based on the aspect For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $PIE_DIAMETER * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y -= ($PIE_DIAMETER - $pieHeight) * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) If $X = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = 90 + ($Y < 0) * 180 Else $Angles[$nCount] = ATan($Y / $X) * 180 / $PI EndIf If $X < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 180 If $X >= 0 And $Y < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 360 $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $pieHeight * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) Next ; Decide which pieces to draw first and last Local $nStart = -1, $nEnd = -1 For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) If $angleStart <= 270 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 270 Then $nStart = $nCount EndIf If ($angleStart <= 90 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 90) _ Or ($angleStart <= 450 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 450) Then $nEnd = $nCount EndIf If $nEnd >= 0 And $nStart >= 0 Then ExitLoop Next ; Draw the first piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nStart, $Angles) ; Draw pieces "to the right" $nCount = Mod($nStart + 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw pieces "to the left" $nCount = Mod($nStart + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw the last piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nEnd, $Angles) Case 1 ; Draw the donut pieces For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw the outer arc in a darker colour $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) ; Draw the inner piece in a lighter colour - leave room for the hole $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, $pieTop + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, _ $holesize, $holesize, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $ahBrush[$nCount][0], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) Next EndSwitch ; Now draw the bitmap on to the device context of the window _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $hBitmap, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_DrawPie Func _OnNotify($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam) Local $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom")) Switch $hWndFrom Case $hSlideAspect, $hSlideRotation, $hStyle, $hHoleSize ; Update the pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_OnNotify Func _DrawPiePiece($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iDepth, $nCount, $Angles) Local $hPath Local $cX = $iX + ($iWidth / 2) Local $cY = $iY + ($iHeight / 2) Local $fDrawn = False Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) Local $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw side ConsoleWrite(_Now() & @CRLF) $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() If $iStart < 180 And ($iStart + $iSweep > 180) Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, 180 - $iStart) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, 180, $iStart - 180) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart + $iSweep > 360 Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0, $iStart + $iSweep - 360) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep - 360, 360 - $iStart - $iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart < 180 And (Not $fDrawn) Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep, -$iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) EndIf _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) ; Draw top _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahBrush[$nCount][0]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahPen[$nCount]) EndFunc ;==>_DrawPiePiece Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate($iFillMode = 0) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipCreatePath", "int", $iFillMode, "int*", 0); If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[2]) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddLine($hGraphicsPath, $iX1, $iY1, $iX2, $iY2) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathLine", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX1, "float", $iY1, _ "float", $iX2, "float", $iY2) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddLine Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hGraphicsPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStartAngle, $iSweepAngle) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathArc", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX, "float", $iY, _ "float", $iWidth, "float", $iHeight, "float", $iStartAngle, "float", $iSweepAngle) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddPie($hGraphicsPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStartAngle, $iSweepAngle) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathPie", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX, "float", $iY, _ "float", $iWidth, "float", $iHeight, "float", $iStartAngle, "float", $iSweepAngle) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddPie Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipClosePathFigure", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipDeletePath", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $hPen, $hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipDrawPath", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "hwnd", $hPen, "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $hBrush, $hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipFillPath", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "hwnd", $hBrush, "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath @Valery...Did you run the code that I posted? I am having problems with the following area of the code: $aChartValue[0] = 0 $aChartValue[1] = 0 $aChartValue[2] = 0 $aChartValue[3] = 0 $aChartValue[4] = 100 Thanks.
Akton Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 How difficult would it be to change this to render the chart directly to an image file (jpg/bmp/etc) and not display it on the screen.
UEZ Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 (edited) Try this: expandcollapse popup#include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GUISlider.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Date.au3> ; Let's be strict here Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ; Controls the size of the pie and also the depth Global Const $PIE_DIAMETER = 400 Global Const $PIE_MARGIN = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.025 Global Const $PIE_DEPTH = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.2 Global Const $PIE_AREA = $PIE_DIAMETER + 2 * $PIE_MARGIN ; Random data for values and colours Global Const $NUM_VALUES = 8 Global $aChartValue[$NUM_VALUES] Global $aChartColour[$NUM_VALUES] For $i = 0 To $NUM_VALUES - 1 $aChartValue[$i] = Random(5, 25, 1) $aChartColour[$i] = (Random(0, 255, 1) * 0x10000) + (Random(0, 255, 1) * 0x100) + Random(0, 255, 1) Next ; The value of PI Global Const $PI = ATan(1) * 4 Global $counter = 0 ; Start GDI+ _GDIPlus_Startup() ; Create the brushes and pens Global $ahBrush[$NUM_VALUES][2], $ahPen[$NUM_VALUES] For $i = 0 To $NUM_VALUES - 1 $ahBrush[$i][0] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, $aChartColour[$i])) $ahBrush[$i][1] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i]))) $ahPen[$i] = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour(_GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i])))) Next ; Create the GUI with sliders to control the aspect, rotation, style and hole size (for donuts) Global $hWnd = GUICreate("Pie Chart", $PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA + 100, Default, Default) Global $hSlideAspect = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 10, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideAspect, 10, 100) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hSlideAspect, 50) Global $hSlideRotation = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 40, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideRotation, 0, 360) Global $cStyle = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Donut", $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2 - $PIE_MARGIN, 20) Global $hStyle = GUICtrlGetHandle($cStyle) Global $hHoleSize = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN + $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hHoleSize, 2, $PIE_DIAMETER - 4 * $PIE_MARGIN) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hHoleSize, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2) GUISetState() ; Set up GDI+ Global $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hWnd) Global $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hDC) Global $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA, $hGraphics) Global $hBuffer = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hBuffer, 2) ; Draw the initial pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) ; The sliders will send WM_NOTIFY messages GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "_OnNotify") ; Wait until the user quits While GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Sleep(10) WEnd ; Release the resources For $i = 0 To UBound($aChartColour) - 1 _GDIPlus_PenDispose($ahPen[$i]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][0]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][1]) Next _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hBuffer) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) ; Shut down GDI+ _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ; Done Exit ; Get a darker version of a colour by extracting the RGB components Func _GetDarkerColour($Colour) Local $Red, $Green, $Blue $Red = (BitAND($Colour, 0xff0000) / 0x10000) - 40 $Green = (BitAND($Colour, 0x00ff00) / 0x100) - 40 $Blue = (BitAND($Colour, 0x0000ff)) - 40 If $Red < 0 Then $Red = 0 If $Green < 0 Then $Green = 0 If $Blue < 0 Then $Blue = 0 Return ($Red * 0x10000) + ($Green * 0x100) + $Blue EndFunc ;==>_GetDarkerColour ; Draw the pie chart Func _DrawPie($Percentage, $Aspect, $rotation, $style = 0, $holesize = 100) If $style <> 0 Then $Aspect = 1 Local $nCount, $nTotal = 0, $angleStart, $angleSweep, $X, $Y Local $pieLeft = $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop = $PIE_AREA / 2 - ($PIE_DIAMETER / 2) * $Aspect Local $pieWidth = $PIE_DIAMETER, $pieHeight = $PIE_DIAMETER * $Aspect, $hPath ; Total up the values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $nTotal += $Percentage[$nCount] Next ; Set the fractional values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $Percentage[$nCount] /= $nTotal Next ; Make sure we don't over-rotate $rotation = Mod($rotation, 360) ; Clear the graphics buffer _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hBuffer, 0xffc0c0c0) ; Set the initial angles based on the fractional values Local $Angles[UBound($Percentage) + 1] For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) If $nCount = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = $rotation Else $Angles[$nCount] = $Angles[$nCount - 1] + ($Percentage[$nCount - 1] * 360) EndIf Next Switch $style Case 0 ; Adjust the angles based on the aspect For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $PIE_DIAMETER * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y -= ($PIE_DIAMETER - $pieHeight) * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) If $X = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = 90 + ($Y < 0) * 180 Else $Angles[$nCount] = ATan($Y / $X) * 180 / $PI EndIf If $X < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 180 If $X >= 0 And $Y < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 360 $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $pieHeight * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) Next ; Decide which pieces to draw first and last Local $nStart = -1, $nEnd = -1 For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) If $angleStart <= 270 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 270 Then $nStart = $nCount EndIf If ($angleStart <= 90 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 90) _ Or ($angleStart <= 450 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 450) Then $nEnd = $nCount EndIf If $nEnd >= 0 And $nStart >= 0 Then ExitLoop Next ; Draw the first piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nStart, $Angles) ; Draw pieces "to the right" $nCount = Mod($nStart + 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw pieces "to the left" $nCount = Mod($nStart + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw the last piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nEnd, $Angles) Case 1 ; Draw the donut pieces For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw the outer arc in a darker colour $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) ; Draw the inner piece in a lighter colour - leave room for the hole $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, $pieTop + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, _ $holesize, $holesize, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $ahBrush[$nCount][0], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) Next EndSwitch ; Now draw the bitmap on to the device context of the window _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $hBitmap, 0, 0) _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hBitmap, @ScriptDir & "\" & $counter & ".jpg") $counter += 1 EndFunc ;==>_DrawPie Func _OnNotify($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam) Local $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom")) Switch $hWndFrom Case $hSlideAspect, $hSlideRotation, $hStyle, $hHoleSize ; Update the pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_OnNotify Func _DrawPiePiece($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iDepth, $nCount, $Angles) Local $hPath, $cX = $iX + ($iWidth / 2), $cY = $iY + ($iHeight / 2), $fDrawn = False Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360), $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw side ConsoleWrite(_Now() & @CRLF) $hPath = _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate() If $iStart < 180 And ($iStart + $iSweep > 180) Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, 180 - $iStart) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, 180, $iStart - 180) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart + $iSweep > 360 Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0, $iStart + $iSweep - 360) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep - 360, 360 - $iStart - $iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart < 180 And (Not $fDrawn) Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep, -$iSweep) _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $ahBrush[$nCount][1], $hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $ahPen[$nCount], $hPath) EndIf _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hPath) ; Draw top _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahBrush[$nCount][0]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahPen[$nCount]) EndFunc ;==>_DrawPiePiece Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate($iFillMode = 0) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipCreatePath", "int", $iFillMode, "int*", 0); If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, $aResult[2]) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCreate Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddLine($hGraphicsPath, $iX1, $iY1, $iX2, $iY2) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathLine", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX1, "float", $iY1, _ "float", $iX2, "float", $iY2) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddLine Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc($hGraphicsPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStartAngle, $iSweepAngle) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathArc", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX, "float", $iY, _ "float", $iWidth, "float", $iHeight, "float", $iStartAngle, "float", $iSweepAngle) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddArc Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddPie($hGraphicsPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStartAngle, $iSweepAngle) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathPie", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath, "float", $iX, "float", $iY, _ "float", $iWidth, "float", $iHeight, "float", $iStartAngle, "float", $iSweepAngle) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathAddPie Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure($hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipClosePathFigure", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathCloseFigure Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose($hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipDeletePath", "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsPathDispose Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $hPen, $hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipDrawPath", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "hwnd", $hPen, "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $hBrush, $hGraphicsPath) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipFillPath", "hwnd", $hGraphics, "hwnd", $hBrush, "hwnd", $hGraphicsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetError($aResult[0], 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath Line221: _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hBitmap, @ScriptDir & "\" & $counter & ".jpg") did it! It will save all movements additionally to script dir as JPGs named xx.jpg whereas xx = integer starting from 0! UEZ Edited October 21, 2009 by UEZ Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at Codepen.io The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
Akton Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Try this:Line221: _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hBitmap, @ScriptDir & "\" & $counter & ".jpg") did it!It will save all movements additionally to script dir as JPGs named xx.jpg whereas xx = integer starting from 0!UEZThanks a lot. But it still requires that the window opens? Can it render it without opening the window? (so you could generate the picture on a computer which might be running at a very low 2 color resolution desktop?)
lsakizada Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 Is it possible to add tooltip to each piece of the pie? for example something like the percentage of the pie? Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)!
logmein Posted February 4, 2011 Posted February 4, 2011 Run very smoothly! I love it! :-D [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][s]Total USB Security 3.0 Beta[/s] | [s]Malware Kill[/s] | Malware Scanner | Screen Hider | Locker | Matrix Generator[s]AUTO-SYNC 1.0 | MD5 Hash Generator | URL Checker | Tube Take [/s]| Random Text[/font]
divxrullz Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Hello, What is wrong - i got error: 3DPieChart.au3"(277,40) : warning: $ghGDIPDll: possibly used before declaration.
MikahS Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Post your whole script or a reproducer that gives you this error. Snips & Scripts My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvarsMy Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4 Feel free to use any of my code for your own use. Forum FAQ
UEZ Posted November 6, 2014 Posted November 6, 2014 Replace $ghGDIPDll with $__g_hGDIPDll and it should work.Br,UEZ Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at Codepen.io The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
whopacha Posted February 6, 2017 Posted February 6, 2017 @DjDeep00 I realise this is an old thread now, but im trying to use this pie chart and have the same issues. If I setup my value something like this: Global Const $NUM_VALUES = 3 $aChartValue[0] = 100 $aChartValue[1] = 10 $aChartValue[2] = 10 The pie starts out ok, but then rotating the pie ends up failing to draw as expected and then crashing as you go further along. has anybody fixed this code at all? GDI can be confusing to me, let alone all of the maths involved in drawing/rotating/sizing pie pieces!
whopacha Posted February 6, 2017 Posted February 6, 2017 (edited) Here is the problem i'm trying to describe in a nice little gif. when the pie is rotated i lose the side walls/fill. If you rotate too much then it crashes with: "D:\Projects\Testing\3d pie.au3" (254) : ==> Variable subscript badly formatted.: Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360), $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[^ ERROR I believe it crashes because $nCount = -1 but i think the root of the problem lies with some of the pie drawing maths thats a little too complicated for me. can anybody solve this? code im using: expandcollapse popup;http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=97241 #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GUISlider.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <array.au3> ; Let's be strict here Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;colours Const $Red = 0xFFC7CE Const $Green = 0xC6EFCE Const $Orange = 0xFFEB9C ; Controls the size of the pie and also the depth Global Const $PIE_DIAMETER = 400 Global Const $PIE_MARGIN = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.025 Global Const $PIE_DEPTH = $PIE_DIAMETER * 0.2 Global Const $PIE_AREA = $PIE_DIAMETER + 2 * $PIE_MARGIN ; Random data for values and colours Global Const $NUM_VALUES = 3 Global $aChartValue[$NUM_VALUES] Global $aChartColour[$NUM_VALUES] $aChartValue[0] = 100 $aChartValue[1] = 10 $aChartValue[2] = 10 For $i = 0 To $NUM_VALUES - 1 ;$aChartValue[$i] = Random(5, 25, 1) ;$aChartColour[$i] = (Random(0, 255, 1) * 0x10000) + (Random(0, 255, 1) * 0x100) + Random(0, 255, 1) if $i = 0 then $aChartColour[$i] = $Red if $i = 1 then $aChartColour[$i] = $Orange if $i = 2 then $aChartColour[$i] = $Green Next ;_ArrayDisplay($aChartValue) ;_ArrayDisplay($aChartColour) ; The value of PI Global Const $PI = ATan(1) * 4 ; Start GDI+ _GDIPlus_Startup() ; Create the brushes and pens Global $ahBrush[$NUM_VALUES][2], $ahPen[$NUM_VALUES] For $i = 0 To $NUM_VALUES - 1 $ahBrush[$i][0] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, $aChartColour[$i])) $ahBrush[$i][1] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i]))) $ahPen[$i] = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(BitOR(0xff000000, _GetDarkerColour(_GetDarkerColour($aChartColour[$i])))) Next ; Create the GUI with sliders to control the aspect, rotation, style and hole size (for donuts) Global $hWnd = GUICreate("Pie Chart", $PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA + 100, Default, Default) Global $hSlideAspect = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 10, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideAspect, 10, 100) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hSlideAspect, 50) Global $hSlideRotation = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 40, $PIE_DIAMETER, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hSlideRotation, 0, 360) Global $cStyle = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Donut", $PIE_MARGIN, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2 - $PIE_MARGIN, 20) Global $hStyle = GUICtrlGetHandle($cStyle) Global $hHoleSize = _GUICtrlSlider_Create($hWnd, $PIE_MARGIN + $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, $PIE_AREA + 70, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2, 20) _GUICtrlSlider_SetRange($hHoleSize, 2, $PIE_DIAMETER - 4 * $PIE_MARGIN) _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($hHoleSize, $PIE_DIAMETER / 2) GUISetState() ; Set up GDI+ Global $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hWnd) Global $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hDC) Global $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($PIE_AREA, $PIE_AREA, $hGraphics) Global $hBuffer = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hBuffer, 2) ; Draw the initial pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) ; The sliders will send WM_NOTIFY messages GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "_OnNotify") ; Wait until the user quits While GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Sleep(20) WEnd ; Release the resources For $i = 0 To UBound($aChartColour) - 1 _GDIPlus_PenDispose($ahPen[$i]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][0]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($ahBrush[$i][1]) Next _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hBuffer) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) ; Shut down GDI+ _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ; Done Exit ; Get a darker version of a colour by extracting the RGB components Func _GetDarkerColour($Colour) Local $Red, $Green, $Blue $Red = (BitAND($Colour, 0xff0000) / 0x10000) - 40 $Green = (BitAND($Colour, 0x00ff00) / 0x100) - 40 $Blue = (BitAND($Colour, 0x0000ff)) - 40 If $Red < 0 Then $Red = 0 If $Green < 0 Then $Green = 0 If $Blue < 0 Then $Blue = 0 Return ($Red * 0x10000) + ($Green * 0x100) + $Blue EndFunc ;==>_GetDarkerColour ; Draw the pie chart Func _DrawPie($Percentage, $Aspect, $rotation, $style = 0, $holesize = 100) If $style <> 0 Then $Aspect = 1 Local $nCount, $nTotal = 0, $angleStart, $angleSweep, $X, $Y Local $pieLeft = $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop = $PIE_AREA / 2 - ($PIE_DIAMETER / 2) * $Aspect Local $pieWidth = $PIE_DIAMETER, $pieHeight = $PIE_DIAMETER * $Aspect, $hPath ; Total up the values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $nTotal += $Percentage[$nCount] Next ; Set the fractional values For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $Percentage[$nCount] /= $nTotal Next ; Make sure we don't over-rotate $rotation = Mod($rotation, 360) ; Clear the graphics buffer _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hBuffer, 0xffc0c0c0) ; Set the initial angles based on the fractional values Local $Angles[UBound($Percentage) + 1] For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) If $nCount = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = $rotation Else $Angles[$nCount] = $Angles[$nCount - 1] + ($Percentage[$nCount - 1] * 360) EndIf Next Switch $style Case 0 ; Adjust the angles based on the aspect For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $PIE_DIAMETER * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y -= ($PIE_DIAMETER - $pieHeight) * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) If $X = 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] = 90 + ($Y < 0) * 180 Else $Angles[$nCount] = ATan($Y / $X) * 180 / $PI EndIf If $X < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 180 If $X >= 0 And $Y < 0 Then $Angles[$nCount] += 360 $X = $PIE_DIAMETER * Cos($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) $Y = $pieHeight * Sin($Angles[$nCount] * $PI / 180) Next ; Decide which pieces to draw first and last Local $nStart = -1, $nEnd = -1 For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) If $angleStart <= 270 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 270 Then $nStart = $nCount EndIf If ($angleStart <= 90 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 90) _ Or ($angleStart <= 450 And ($angleStart + $angleSweep) >= 450) Then $nEnd = $nCount EndIf If $nEnd >= 0 And $nStart >= 0 Then ExitLoop Next ; Draw the first piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nStart, $Angles) ; Draw pieces "to the right" $nCount = Mod($nStart + 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw pieces "to the left" $nCount = Mod($nStart + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) While $nCount <> $nEnd _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nCount, $Angles) $nCount = Mod($nCount + UBound($Percentage) - 1, UBound($Percentage)) WEnd ; Draw the last piece _DrawPiePiece($hBuffer, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $PIE_DEPTH * (1 - $Aspect), $nEnd, $Angles) Case 1 ; Draw the donut pieces For $nCount = 0 To UBound($Percentage) - 1 $angleStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360) $angleSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw the outer arc in a darker colour $hPath = _GDIPlus_PathCreate() _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft, $pieTop, $pieWidth, $pieHeight, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_PathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $hPath, $ahBrush[$nCount][1]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $hPath, $ahPen[$nCount]) _GDIPlus_PathDispose($hPath) ; Draw the inner piece in a lighter colour - leave room for the hole $hPath = _GDIPlus_PathCreate() _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieTop + $PIE_MARGIN, $pieWidth - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, _ $pieHeight - $PIE_MARGIN * 2, $angleStart, $angleSweep) _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $pieLeft + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, $pieTop + ($PIE_DIAMETER - $holesize) / 2, _ $holesize, $holesize, $angleStart + $angleSweep, -$angleSweep) _GDIPlus_PathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hBuffer, $hPath, $ahBrush[$nCount][0]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hBuffer, $hPath, $ahPen[$nCount]) _GDIPlus_PathDispose($hPath) Next EndSwitch ; Now draw the bitmap on to the device context of the window _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $hBitmap, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_DrawPie Func _OnNotify($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam) Local $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom")) Switch $hWndFrom Case $hSlideAspect, $hSlideRotation, $hStyle, $hHoleSize ; Update the pie chart _DrawPie($aChartValue, _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideAspect) / 100, _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hSlideRotation), _ (GUICtrlRead($cStyle) = $GUI_CHECKED), _ _GUICtrlSlider_GetPos($hHoleSize)) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_OnNotify Func _DrawPiePiece($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iDepth, $nCount, $Angles) Local $hPath, $cX = $iX + ($iWidth / 2), $cY = $iY + ($iHeight / 2), $fDrawn = False Local $iStart = Mod($Angles[$nCount], 360), $iSweep = Mod($Angles[$nCount + 1] - $Angles[$nCount] + 360, 360) ; Draw side ConsoleWrite(_Now() & @CRLF) $hPath = _GDIPlus_PathCreate() If $iStart < 180 And ($iStart + $iSweep > 180) Then _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, 180 - $iStart) _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, 180, $iStart - 180) _GDIPlus_PathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $hPath, $ahBrush[$nCount][1]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $hPath, $ahPen[$nCount]) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart + $iSweep > 360 Then _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0, $iStart + $iSweep - 360) _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep - 360, 360 - $iStart - $iSweep) _GDIPlus_PathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $hPath, $ahBrush[$nCount][1]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $hPath, $ahPen[$nCount]) $fDrawn = True EndIf If $iStart < 180 And (Not $fDrawn) Then _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep) _GDIPlus_PathAddArc($hPath, $iX, $iY + $iDepth, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart + $iSweep, -$iSweep) _GDIPlus_PathCloseFigure($hPath) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($hGraphics, $hPath, $ahBrush[$nCount][1]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($hGraphics, $hPath, $ahPen[$nCount]) EndIf _GDIPlus_PathDispose($hPath) ; Draw top _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahBrush[$nCount][0]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPie($hGraphics, $iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iStart, $iSweep, $ahPen[$nCount]) EndFunc ;==>_DrawPiePiece thanks. Edited February 6, 2017 by whopacha
whopacha Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 I might just give it up and make use of google charts instead (https://developers.google.com/chart/)
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