Tlem Posted August 18, 2010 Author Posted August 18, 2010 OK, but what is the strangest, it is that the function _FileListToArrayNT does not raise this problem...I tested practically quite the functions _FileListToArrayNT up to the version 7 that you have release here : #702862Thus this is typically bound to the functions _FileListToArrayNT, _FileListToArrayEx and _FileListToArray3... Best Regards.Thierry
BaKaMu Posted August 19, 2010 Posted August 19, 2010 @Tiem Good news, Problem is solved! It was my fault, FileClose is the magic function. (you have been on the right track) So nothing is wrong with FileExists, FileFindFirstFile, FileFindNextFile or DirRemove. (I should always read the help-section to the end !!! mea culpa) A quick and dirty solution: I have consequently added FileClose, so _FileListToArrayXT seems to work right now (i hope so). Please test the function and give feedback. I do apologize about the bug in _FileListToArrayXT. BaKaMu expandcollapse popup; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================== ; Name: _FileListToArrayXT ; Description: Lists files and\or folders in specified path(s) (Similar to using Dir with the /B Switch) ; additional features: multi-path, multi-filter, multi-exclude-filter, path format options, recursive search ; Corrected on 2010/08/19: Added FileClose() ; Syntax: _FileListToArrayXT([$sPath = @ScriptDir, [$sFilter = "*", [$iRetItemType, [$bRecursive = False, [$sExclude = "", [$iRetFormat = 1]]]]]]) ; Parameter(s): $sPath = optional: Search path(s), semicolon delimited (default: @ScriptDir) ; (Example: "C:\Tmp;D:\Temp") ; $sFilter = optional: Search filter(s), semicolon delimited . Wildcards allowed. (default: "*") ; (Example: "*.exe;*.txt") ; $iRetItemType = Include in search: 0 = Files and Folder, 1 = Files Only, 2 = Folders Only ; $iRetPathType = Returned element format: 0 = file/folder name only, 1 = relative path, 2 = full path ; $bRecursive = optional: True: recursive search including all subdirectories ; False (default): search only in specified folder ; $sExclude = optional: Exclude filter(s), semicolon delimited. Wildcards allowed. ; (Example: "Unins*" will remove all files/folders that begin with "Unins") ; $iRetFormat = optional: return format ; 0 = one-dimensional array, 0-based ; 1 = one-dimensional array, 1-based (default) ; 2 = String ( "|" delimited) ; Requirement(s): AutoIt Version or newer ; Return Value(s): on success: 1-based or 0-based array or string (dependent on $iRetFormat) ; If no path is found, @error and @extended are set to 1, returns empty string ; If no filter is found, @error and @extended are set to 2, returns empty string ; If $iRetFormat is invalid, @error and @extended are set to 3, returns empty string ; If no data is found, @error and @extended are set to 4, returns empty string ; Author(s): Half the AutoIt Community ; ==================================================================================================== Func _FileListToArrayXT($sPath = @ScriptDir, $sFilter = "*", $iRetItemType = 0, $iRetPathType = 0, $bRecursive = False, $sExclude = "", $iRetFormat = 1) Local $hSearchFile, $sFile, $sFileList, $sWorkPath, $sRetPath, $iRootPathLen, $iPCount, $iFCount, $fDirFlag ;[check and prepare parameters] ;--------------- If $sPath = -1 Or $sPath = Default Then $sPath = @ScriptDir ;strip leading/trailing spaces and semi-colons, all adjacent semi-colons, and spaces surrounding semi-colons $sPath = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sPath, "(\s*;\s*)+", ";"), "\A;|;\z", "") ;check that at least one path is set If $sPath = "" Then Return SetError(1, 1, "") ;----- If $sFilter = -1 Or $sFilter = Default Then $sFilter = "*" ;prepare filter ;strip leading/trailing spaces and semi-colons, all adjacent semi-colons, and spaces surrounding semi-colons $sFilter = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sFilter, "(\s*;\s*)+", ";"), "\A;|;\z", "") ;check for invalid chars or that at least one filter is set If StringRegExp($sFilter, "[\\/><:\|]|(?s)\A\s*\z") Then Return SetError(2, 2, "") If $bRecursive Then ;Convert $sFilter for Regular Expression $sFilter = StringRegExpReplace($sFilter, '([\Q\.+[^]$(){}=!\E])', '\\$1') $sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, "?", ".") $sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, "*", ".*?") $sFilter = "(?i)\A(" & StringReplace($sFilter, ";", "$|") & "$)" ;case-insensitive, convert ';' to '|', match from first char, terminate strings ;$sFilter = "(?i)\A" & StringReplace($sFilter, ";", "|") & "\z" EndIf ;----- If $iRetItemType <> "1" And $iRetItemType <> "2" Then $iRetItemType = "0" ;----- If $iRetPathType <> "1" And $iRetPathType <> "2" Then $iRetPathType = "0" ;----- $bRecursive = ($bRecursive = "1") ;----- If $sExclude = -1 Or $sExclude = Default Then $sExclude = "" If $sExclude Then ;prepare $sExclude ;strip leading/trailing spaces and semi-colons, all adjacent semi-colons, and spaces surrounding semi-colons $sExclude = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sExclude, "(\s*;\s*)+", ";"), "\A;|;\z", "") ;Convert $sExclude for Regular Expression $sExclude = StringRegExpReplace($sExclude, '([\Q\.+[^]$(){}=!\E])', '\\$1') $sExclude = StringReplace($sExclude, "?", ".") $sExclude = StringReplace($sExclude, "*", ".*?") $sExclude = "(?i)\A(" & StringReplace($sExclude, ";", "$|") & "$)" ;case-insensitive, convert ';' to '|', match from first char, terminate strings ;$sExclude = "(?i)\A" & StringReplace($sExclude, ";", "|") & "\z" EndIf ;----- ;If $iRetFormat <> "0" And $iRetFormat <> "2" Then $iRetFormat = "1" If Not ($iRetItemType = 0 Or $iRetItemType = 1 Or $iRetItemType = 2) Then Return SetError(3, 3, "") ;--------------- ;[/check and prepare parameters] ;--------------- Local $aPath = StringSplit($sPath, ';', 1) ;paths array Local $aFilter = StringSplit($sFilter, ';', 1) ;filters array ;--------------- If $bRecursive Then ;different handling for recursion (strategy: unfiltered search for all items and filter unwanted) If $sExclude Then ;different handling dependent on $sExclude parameter is set or not For $iPCount = 1 To $aPath[0] ;Path loop $sPath = StringRegExpReplace($aPath[$iPCount], "[\\/]+\z", "") & "\" ;ensure exact one trailing slash If Not FileExists($sPath) Then ContinueLoop $iRootPathLen = StringLen($sPath) - 1 Local $aPathStack[1024] = [1, $sPath] While $aPathStack[0] > 0 $sWorkPath = $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] $aPathStack[0] -= 1 ;----- $hSearchFile = FileFindFirstFile($sWorkPath & '*') If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ContinueLoop EndIf ;----- Switch $iRetPathType Case 2 ;full path $sRetPath = $sWorkPath Case 1 ;relative path $sRetPath = StringTrimLeft($sWorkPath, $iRootPathLen + 1) EndSwitch ;----- Switch $iRetItemType Case 1 While True ;Files only $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf $fDirFlag = @extended If $fDirFlag Then $aPathStack[0] += 1 If UBound($aPathStack) <= $aPathStack[0] Then ReDim $aPathStack[UBound($aPathStack) * 2] $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] = $sWorkPath & $sFile & "\" ContinueLoop EndIf If StringRegExp($sFile, $sExclude) Then ContinueLoop If StringRegExp($sFile, $sFilter) Then $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" EndIf WEnd Case 2 While True ;Folders only $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf $fDirFlag = @extended If StringRegExp($sFile, $sExclude) Then ContinueLoop If $fDirFlag Then $aPathStack[0] += 1 If UBound($aPathStack) <= $aPathStack[0] Then ReDim $aPathStack[UBound($aPathStack) * 2] $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] = $sWorkPath & $sFile & "\" If StringRegExp($sFile, $sFilter) Then $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" EndIf EndIf WEnd Case Else While True ;Files and Folders $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf $fDirFlag = @extended If StringRegExp($sFile, $sExclude) Then ContinueLoop If $fDirFlag Then $aPathStack[0] += 1 If UBound($aPathStack) <= $aPathStack[0] Then ReDim $aPathStack[UBound($aPathStack) * 2] $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] = $sWorkPath & $sFile & "\" EndIf If StringRegExp($sFile, $sFilter) Then $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" EndIf WEnd EndSwitch ;----- WEnd FileClose($hSearchFile) Next ;$iPCount - next path Else ;If Not $sExclude For $iPCount = 1 To $aPath[0] ;Path loop $sPath = StringRegExpReplace($aPath[$iPCount], "[\\/]+\z", "") & "\" ;ensure exact one trailing slash If Not FileExists($sPath) Then ContinueLoop $iRootPathLen = StringLen($sPath) - 1 Local $aPathStack[1024] = [1, $sPath] While $aPathStack[0] > 0 $sWorkPath = $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] $aPathStack[0] -= 1 ;----- $hSearchFile = FileFindFirstFile($sWorkPath & '*') If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ContinueLoop EndIf ;----- Switch $iRetPathType Case 2 ;full path $sRetPath = $sWorkPath Case 1 ;relative path $sRetPath = StringTrimLeft($sWorkPath, $iRootPathLen + 1) EndSwitch ;----- Switch $iRetItemType Case 1 While True ;Files only $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf If @extended Then $aPathStack[0] += 1 If UBound($aPathStack) <= $aPathStack[0] Then ReDim $aPathStack[UBound($aPathStack) * 2] $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] = $sWorkPath & $sFile & "\" ContinueLoop EndIf If StringRegExp($sFile, $sFilter) Then $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" EndIf WEnd Case 2 While True ;Folders only $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf If @extended Then $aPathStack[0] += 1 If UBound($aPathStack) <= $aPathStack[0] Then ReDim $aPathStack[UBound($aPathStack) * 2] $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] = $sWorkPath & $sFile & "\" If StringRegExp($sFile, $sFilter) Then $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" EndIf EndIf WEnd Case Else While True ;Files and Folders $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf If @extended Then $aPathStack[0] += 1 If UBound($aPathStack) <= $aPathStack[0] Then ReDim $aPathStack[UBound($aPathStack) * 2] $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] = $sWorkPath & $sFile & "\" EndIf If StringRegExp($sFile, $sFilter) Then $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" EndIf WEnd EndSwitch ;----- WEnd FileClose($hSearchFile) Next ;$iPCount - next path EndIf ;If $sExclude Else ;If Not $bRecursive (strategy: filtered search for items) If $sExclude Then ;different handling dependent on $sExclude parameter is set or not For $iPCount = 1 To $aPath[0] ;Path loop $sPath = StringRegExpReplace($aPath[$iPCount], "[\\/]+\z", "") & "\" ;ensure exact one trailing slash If Not FileExists($sPath) Then ContinueLoop ;----- Switch $iRetPathType Case 2 ;full path $sRetPath = $sPath Case 1 ;relative path $sRetPath = "" EndSwitch For $iFCount = 1 To $aFilter[0] ;filter loop ;----- $hSearchFile = FileFindFirstFile($sPath & $aFilter[$iFCount]) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ContinueLoop EndIf ;----- Switch $iRetItemType Case 1 ;files Only While True $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf If @extended Then ContinueLoop ;bypass folder ;check for exclude files If StringRegExp($sFile, $sExclude) Then ContinueLoop $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" WEnd Case 2 ;folders Only While True $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf If @extended Then ;bypass file ;check for exclude folder If StringRegExp($sFile, $sExclude) Then ContinueLoop $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" EndIf WEnd Case Else ;files and folders While True $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf ;check for exclude files/folder If StringRegExp($sFile, $sExclude) Then ContinueLoop $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" WEnd EndSwitch FileClose($hSearchFile) Next ;$iFCount - next filter Next ;$iPCount - next path Else ;If Not $sExclude For $iPCount = 1 To $aPath[0] ;Path loop $sPath = StringRegExpReplace($aPath[$iPCount], "[\\/]+\z", "") & "\" ;ensure exact one trailing slash If Not FileExists($sPath) Then ContinueLoop ;----- Switch $iRetPathType Case 2 ;full path $sRetPath = $sPath Case 1 ;relative path $sRetPath = "" EndSwitch For $iFCount = 1 To $aFilter[0] ;filter loop ;----- $hSearchFile = FileFindFirstFile($sPath & $aFilter[$iFCount]) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ContinueLoop EndIf ;----- Switch $iRetItemType Case 1 ;files Only While True $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf If @extended Then ContinueLoop ;bypass folder $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" WEnd Case 2 ;folders Only While True $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf If @extended Then ;bypass file $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" EndIf WEnd Case Else ;files and folders While True $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" WEnd EndSwitch FileClose($hSearchFile) Next ;$iFCount - next filter Next ;$iPCount - next path EndIf ;If $sExclude EndIf ;If $bRecursive ;--------------- ;set according return value If $sFileList Then Switch $iRetFormat Case 2 ;return a delimited string Return StringTrimRight($sFileList, 1) Case 0 ;return a 0-based array Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sFileList, 1), "|", 2) Case Else ;return a 1-based array Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sFileList, 1), "|", 1) EndSwitch Else Return SetError(4, 4, "") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileListToArrayXT
Tlem Posted August 21, 2010 Author Posted August 21, 2010 I am really surprised that you apologize for a work which in summer made in group... But it is everything in your honor.Having made quite a lot of tries, I regret noticing that there is an extremely strange problem.If I create dirs with the script or in the hand, all is ok, but unfortunately for my testings I use another method.I have created the structure in a dir that I call _Test1. When I want to make my trys, I use Explorer to duplicate the source dir and I rename it Test1 (I do it also with the script, and the result is the same).When I made as it, _FileListToArrayXT fail while _FileListToArrayNT work. I think it's something in relation with Windows, but I really don't understand why.The ultimate is that if I launch the script twice, the function _FileListToArrayXT works. I think that I am going crazy (if it is not already made). Best Regards.Thierry
fxg4758 Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 Hi all. I use this function to delete files in local folders, but when i use in network it fails. Can someone help me? Regards Example c:test - good server1test - fail
Moderators Melba23 Posted March 26, 2014 Moderators Posted March 26, 2014 fxg4758,Do you realise that there is now a recursive function within the standard istall - _FileListToArrayRec? Have you tried that over your network? M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
Spiff59 Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 Hi all. I use this function to delete files in local folders, but when i use in network it fails. Can someone help me? Regards This thread contains many different versions, so when you say you use "this function" it's hard to know what you're running. Whichever you'd chosen, you were unlucky as most in this thread support UNC names. Try the 65-liner in post #252.
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