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umm omg i got it working have a look at the code all i did was deleted 2 lines that was doubled up but i showed u that code so i dont know if u deleted them 4 it to work


#include <MemoryConstants.au3>
#include <NomadMemory.au3>
SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1)
HotKeySet('{ESC}', '_TerminateLoop')

$pid = ProcessExists("Tutorial.exe") ;Step 8: Multilevel pointers: (PW=525927)

Global $fLoop = True
Global $Offset1[5]
$Offset1[0] = 0 ; Is ALWAYS 0.
$Offset1[1] = Dec("c")
$Offset1[2] = Dec("14")
$Offset1[3] = Dec("0")
$Offset1[4] = Dec("18")

$StaticOffset = Dec("60c20")

$openmem = _MemoryOpen($pid) ; Open the memory
$baseADDR = _MemoryGetBaseAddress($openmem, 1)
$finalADDR = "0x" & Hex($baseADDR + $StaticOffset) ; Creates the final static address you read from.

$Value = _MemoryPointerRead($finalADDR, $openmem, $Offset1)
ConsoleWrite ( "Address = " & $Value[0] & @CRLF & "Value = " & $Value[1] & @CRLF)

; Click change pointer and press Esc before 3 seconds passes away. :)
While $fLoop

$Value = _MemoryPointerRead($finalADDR, $openmem, $Offset1)
ConsoleWrite ( "Address = " & $Value[0] & @CRLF & "Value = " & $Value[1] & @CRLF)
_MemoryWrite($Value[0], $openmem, 5000)

Func _TerminateLoop()
    $fLoop = False


#include <MemoryConstants.au3>
#include <NomadMemory.au3>
SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1)
HotKeySet('{ESC}', '_TerminateLoop')

$pid = ProcessExists("Tutorial.exe") ;Step 8: Multilevel pointers: (PW=525927)

Global $fLoop = True
Global $Offset1[5]
$Offset1[0] = 0 ; Is ALWAYS 0.
$Offset1[1] = Dec("c")
$Offset1[2] = Dec("14")
$Offset1[3] = Dec("0")
$Offset1[4] = Dec("18")

$StaticOffset = Dec("60c20")

$openmem = _MemoryOpen($pid) ; Open the memory
$baseADDR = _MemoryGetBaseAddress($openmem, 1)
$finalADDR = "0x" & Hex($baseADDR + $StaticOffset) ; Creates the final static address you read from.

; Click change pointer and press Esc before 3 seconds passes away. :)
While $fLoop

$Value = _MemoryPointerRead($finalADDR, $openmem, $Offset1)
ConsoleWrite ( "Address = " & $Value[0] & @CRLF & "Value = " & $Value[1] & @CRLF)
_MemoryWrite($Value[0], $openmem, 5000)

Func _TerminateLoop()
    $fLoop = False

that code not ment to be there? or is it ment to?


This would be handy for me if it had that increase the value by 10 so u could click a hot-key and it adds 10 to your score. can someone tell me how i would add that to this script??


For the hell of it, I created a game hacker for Zoo Tycoon.

Here is the stripped down fully commented code so you can see how to increase by X, set values, read, set hotkeys and do what you need to do to make a fully working 'trainer'.

#include <NomadMemory.au3>
; MY NomadMemory has every memory function in it. If yours does NOT, add them in so you don't get an error.

; Check if the game is going
If WinExists("Zoo Tycoon") = 0 Then
    TrayTip("Error", "Please start the game first", 1)

TrayTip("Cheats", "Alt1 - Lotz o money. Alt2 - 100 Zoo rating(good for an award)", 5)

SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1)
Opt("OnExitFunc", "endscript")

; Setup the hotkeys to call functions.
HotKeySet("!1", "SetMoney")
HotKeySet("!2", "SetRating")

; Simple main offset
Global $MainOffset[2]
$MainOffset[0] = 0 ; Is ALWAYS 0.
$MainOffset[1] = Dec("C") ; Static Addr Oset.

; Main read
$pid = WinGetProcess("Zoo Tycoon") ; PID
$openmem = _MemoryOpen($pid) ; Open the memory
$baseADDR = _MemoryGetBaseAddress($openmem, 1, 0x00500000) ; I moved $IV_Address to a third paramater in my function for my own debugging.
; Func _MemoryGetBaseAddress($ah_Handle, $iHexDec = 0, $iv_Address = 0x00100000)

; Create 0x(Add base adress to the offset)
$baseADDR = "0x" & Hex($baseADDR + Dec("238048")) ; zoo.exe+00238048
$baseADDR = _MemoryPointerRead($baseADDR, $openmem, $MainOffset, "float") ; Read offset
; *********

$MoneyAddress = $baseADDR[0]
$RatingAddress = "0x" & Hex($MoneyAddress + Dec("20"))
$ZooGuestAddress = _MemoryGetBaseAddress($openmem, 1)
$ZooGuestAddress = "0x" & Hex($ZooGuestAddress + Dec("23E270"))

; Main loop. Keep the script going
While 1
    If WinExists("Zoo Tycoon") = 0 Then Exit

; Hotkey calls this to set the money to 2bill. Also a float value
Func SetMoney()
    _MemoryWrite($MoneyAddress, $openmem, 2000000000, "float")
    ;Lets say I wanted to increase it by 1000 everytime instead
    $Current = _MemoryRead($MoneyAddress, $openmem, "float")
    _MemoryWrite($MoneyAddress, $openmem, $Current + 1000, "float")

Func endscript()

; Hotkey calls this to set the rating to 100. Also a 2 byte value
Func SetRating()
    _MemoryWrite($RatingAddress, $openmem, 100, "short")

(This WILL NOT run on your pc unless you happen to have zoo tycoon marine mania installed on your pc and running. This is to show you HOW to do it.)


For this particular tutorial or generally?

yes this is 4 the cheat engine tutorial the multi pointer part just wanted to get it working with that 1st cos its the easiest thing to get it to work with. im going to be making a trainer 4 the sims3

Here is the stripped down fully commented code so you can see how to increase by X, set values, read, set hotkeys and do what you need to do to make a fully working 'trainer'.

thankyou i will have to try to work it out.


#include <NomadMemory.au3>
SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1)
HotKeySet('{ESC}', '_TerminateLoop')
HotKeySet('{PGUP}', '_Increase')
HotKeySet('{PGDN}', '_Show')

$pid = ProcessExists("Tutorial.exe") ;Step 8: Multilevel pointers: (PW=525927)

Global $fLoop = True
Global $Offset1[5]
$Offset1[0] = 0 ; Is ALWAYS 0.
$Offset1[1] = Dec("c")
$Offset1[2] = Dec("14")
$Offset1[3] = Dec("0")
$Offset1[4] = Dec("18")

$StaticOffset = Dec("60c20")

$openmem = _MemoryOpen($pid) ; Open the memory
$baseADDR = _MemoryGetBaseAddress($openmem, 1)
$finalADDR = "0x" & Hex($baseADDR + $StaticOffset) ; Creates the final static address you read from.

While $fLoop


Func _TerminateLoop()
    $fLoop = False

Func _Increase()
    Local $avValue = _MemoryPointerRead($finalADDR, $openmem, $Offset1)
    If IsArray($avValue) Then _
        _MemoryPointerWrite($finalADDR, $openmem, $Offset1, $avValue[1]+10)
Func _Show()
    Local $avValue = _MemoryPointerRead($finalADDR, $openmem, $Offset1)
    If IsArray($avValue) Then ConsoleWrite($avValue[1] & @CRLF)

Use Page-Down or Page-Up to see the changes reflection, the static control won't update the address content for a very good reason not to pool a specific address without the knowledge of the application.

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