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Posted (edited)

Just for learning, looking or leaving :D

Search for a value in the registry.

Take it and modify like you want :)

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$info_text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",10,10,480,60)

Global $found = ""




; Recursive search-function

Func SearchReg($startkey,$searchval)
    Local $startkey,$val,$i,$key,$searchval,$z
    $i = 1
    While 1
        $key = RegEnumKey($startkey,$i)
        If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop
        GUICtrlSetData($info_text,$startkey & "\" & $key)
        $z = 1
        While 1
            $val = RegEnumVal($startkey & "\" & $key,$z)
            If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop
            If StringInStr($val,$searchval) Then $found = $found & "ValueName, " & $startkey & "\" & $key & ", " & $val & @LF
            $readval = RegRead($startkey & "\" & $key,$val)
            If $readval <> "" And StringInStr($readval,$searchval) Then $found = $found & "Value, " & $startkey & "\" & $key & ", " & $val & ", " & $readval & @LF
            $z = $z + 1
        SearchReg($startkey & "\" & $key,$searchval)
        $i = $i + 1
;Sleep(1); just 1 idle milli second -> not used at the moment



Edited by Holger
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Just for learning, looking or leaving :)

Search for a value in the registry.

Take it and modify like you want :)




Don't like the re$triction$ on the REGFIND.exe in the resource kit, so...

Tweaked to use local variables only in the function and format to taste:

$SearchKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft"
$SearchString = "Files"

$Timer = TimerInit()
$Results = _RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString)
$Timer = TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000
MsgBox(64, "Results", "Results of search for: " & $SearchString & @CRLF & _
        "Time taken (in seconds): " & $Timer & @CRLF & _
        "---------------------------------------" & @CRLF & _

; Function _RegSearch($startkey, $searchval)
;   Performs a recursive search of the registry
;       Starting at $sStartKey, looking for $sSearchVal
; Returns a string containing a list of key names and values.
;   If the key or value name contain the $sSearchVal, it is listed as a reg path:
;       i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
;   If the data contains the $sSearchVal, the format is path = data:
;       i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CommonFilesDir = C:\Program Files\Common Files
Func _RegSearch($startkey, $searchval)
    Local $val, $i, $key, $z, $found = ""
    $i = 1
    While 1
        $key = RegEnumKey($startkey, $i)
        If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop
        $z = 1
        While 1
            $val = RegEnumVal($startkey & "\" & $key, $z)
            If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop
            If StringInStr($val, $searchval) Then 
                $found = $found & $startkey & "\" & $key & "\" & $val & @LF
            $readval = RegRead($startkey & "\" & $key, $val)
            If $readval <> "" And StringInStr($readval, $searchval) Then 
                $found = $found & $startkey & "\" & $key & "\" & $val & " = " & $readval & @LF
            $z = $z + 1
        _RegSearch($startkey & "\" & $key, $searchval)
        $i = $i + 1
    Return $found
EndFunc   ;==>SearchReg

But surely there's a COM object provider for this... somewhere...???


P.S. The sample search in the demo above took about 25sec on my XP box.

Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

When there are no subkeys below $startkey and the search value is directly below $startkey, this value will not be found.

I'm in my Windows-free zone... as soon as I come out I'll fix that... thanks for the heads up. :P

Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
Posted (edited)

When there are no subkeys below $startkey and the search value is directly below $startkey, this value will not be found.

I think it's fixed. I also tweaked the results format a little, so you can tell the difference between a key name match and a value name match (by the trailing backslash). Let me know if it works for you! :P

$SearchKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
$SearchString = "Wall"

$Timer = TimerInit()
$Results = _RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString)
$Timer = TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000
MsgBox(64, "_RegSearch() Test", "Results of searching registry:" & @CRLF & _
        "In: " & $SearchKey & @CRLF & _
        "For: " & $SearchString & @CRLF & _
        "Time taken (in seconds): " & $Timer & @CRLF & _
        "---------------------------------------" & @CRLF & _

; Function _RegSearch($startkey, $searchval)
;   Performs a recursive search of the registry
;     Starting at $sStartKey, looking for $sSearchVal
; Returns a string containing a list of key names and values.
;   If a key name matches, it is listed as a reg path with trailing backslash:
;     i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
;   If a value name matches, it is listed as a reg path without trailing backslash:
;     i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir
;   If the data matches, the format is path = data:
;       i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir = %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper
Func _RegSearch($startkey, $searchval)
    Local $v, $val, $k, $key, $found = ""
    ; This loop checks values
    $v = 1
    While 1
        $val = RegEnumVal($startkey, $v)
        If @error = 0 Then
            ; Valid value - test it's name
            If StringInStr($val, $searchval) Then
                $found = $found & $startkey & "\" & $val & @LF
            ; test it's data
            $readval = RegRead($startkey, $val)
            If StringInStr($readval, $searchval) Then
                $found = $found & $startkey & "\" & $val & " = " & $readval & @LF
            $v += 1
            ; No more values here
    ; This loop checks subkeys
    $k = 1
    While 1
        $key = RegEnumKey($startkey, $k)
        If @error = 0 Then
            ; Valid key - test it's name
            If StringInStr($key, $searchval) Then
                $found = $found & $startkey & "\" & $key & "\" & @LF
            ; Now search it
            $found = $found & _RegSearch($startkey & "\" & $key, $searchval)
            ; No more keys here
        $k += 1
    ; Return results
    Return $found
EndFunc   ;==>_RegSearch
Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
  • 1 year later...

Updated the _RegSearch() function to include flags for matching only Keys, Values, or Data:

#include <Array.au3>; Only for _ArrayDisplay() in demo

$SearchKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
$SearchString = "Wall"

; Find all
$Timer = TimerInit()
$Results = _RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString)
$Timer = TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000
MsgBox(64, "_RegSearch() Test", "Results of searching registry (all):" & @CRLF & _
        "In: " & $SearchKey & @CRLF & _
        "For: " & $SearchString & @CRLF & _
        "Time taken (in seconds): " & $Timer & @CRLF & _
        "---------------------------------------" & @CRLF & _

; Find only key names
$Timer = TimerInit()
$Results = _RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString, 1)
$Timer = TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000
MsgBox(64, "_RegSearch() Test", "Results of searching registry (Keys names only):" & @CRLF & _
        "In: " & $SearchKey & @CRLF & _
        "For: " & $SearchString & @CRLF & _
        "Time taken (in seconds): " & $Timer & @CRLF & _
        "---------------------------------------" & @CRLF & _

; Find only Value names
$Timer = TimerInit()
$Results = _RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString, 2)
$Timer = TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000
MsgBox(64, "_RegSearch() Test", "Results of searching registry (value names only):" & @CRLF & _
        "In: " & $SearchKey & @CRLF & _
        "For: " & $SearchString & @CRLF & _
        "Time taken (in seconds): " & $Timer & @CRLF & _
        "---------------------------------------" & @CRLF & _

; Find only data, return as an array
$Timer = TimerInit()
$Results = _RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString, 4, 1)
$Timer = TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000
_ArrayDisplay($Results, "Results (data only)")

; Function _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
;   Where:  $sStartKey = Reg path at which to begin search
;           $sSearchVal = The string to search for
;           $iType = Matching types to return:
;               1 = Key names
;               2 = Value names
;               4 = Value data
;               Add bits together for multiple match types, default is 7 (all)
;           $fArray = Return an array of results vice the string (defualt = False)
;   Performs a recursive search of the registry starting at $sStartKey, looking for $sSearchVal
;   Returns a string containing a list of key names and values.
;   If a key name matches, it is listed as a reg path with trailing backslash:
;    i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
;   If a value name matches, it is listed as a reg path without trailing backslash:
;    i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir
;   If the data matches, the format is path = data:
;      i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir = %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper
;   If $fArray is True, then return data is an array with [0] = count.
; Change Log:
;  v1.0.0.0  |  03/17/05  |  Original SearchReg() by Holger
;  v2.0.0.0  |  08/10/06  |  Native AutoIt version by PsaltyDS
;  v2.0.0.1  |  08/16/06  |  Fixed bug reported by markloman
;  v2.0.1.0  |  07/30/08  |  Added $iType and $fArray parameters
Func _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
    Local $v, $sVal, $k, $sKey, $sFound = ""
; Generate type flags
    If Not BitAND($iType, 0x07) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0); No returns selected
    Local $fKeys = BitAND($iType, 0x1), $fValue = BitAND($iType, 0x2), $fData = BitAND($iType, 0x4)
; This checks values and data in the current key
    If ($fValue Or $fData) Then
        $v = 1
        While 1
            $sVal = RegEnumVal($sStartKey, $v)
            If @error = 0 Then
            ; Valid value - test its name
                If $fValue And StringInStr($sVal, $sSearchVal) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & @LF
            ; test its data
                If $fData Then
                    $readval = RegRead($sStartKey, $sVal)
                    If StringInStr($readval, $sSearchVal) Then
                        $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & " = " & $readval & @LF
                $v += 1
            ; No more values here
; This loop checks subkeys
    $k = 1
    While 1
        $sKey = RegEnumKey($sStartKey, $k)
        If @error = 0 Then
        ; Valid key - test it's name
            If $fKeys And StringInStr($sKey, $sSearchVal) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sKey & "\" & @LF
        ; Now search it
            $sFound &= _RegSearch($sStartKey & "\" & $sKey, $sSearchVal, $iType)
        ; No more keys here
        $k += 1

; Return results
    If StringRight($sFound, 1) = @LF Then $sFound = StringTrimRight($sFound, 1)
    If $fArray Then
        Return StringSplit($sFound, @LF)
        Return $sFound
EndFunc  ;==>_RegSearch

Comments always welcome!


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Tweaked version of _RegSearch() to fix bug. When $fArray = True and no matches are found, it was returning an array with [0] = 1 and [1] = "". Now correctly returns 1-element array with [0] = 0.

; Function _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
;    Where:  $sStartKey = Reg path at which to begin search
;            $sSearchVal = The string to search for
;            $iType = Matching types to return:
;                1 = Key names
;                2 = Value names
;                4 = Value data
;                Add bits together for multiple match types, default is 7 (all)
;            $fArray = Return an array of results vice the string (defualt = False)
;    Performs a recursive search of the registry starting at $sStartKey, looking for $sSearchVal
;    Returns a string containing a list of key names and values.
;   If a key name matches, it is listed as a reg path with trailing backslash:
;    i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
;   If a value name matches, it is listed as a reg path without trailing backslash:
;    i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir
;   If the data matches, the format is path = data:
;      i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir = %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper
;    If $fArray is True, then return data is an array with [0] = count.
; Change Log:
;  v1.0.0.0  |  03/17/05  |  Original SearchReg() by Holger
;  v2.0.0.0  |  08/10/06  |  Native AutoIt version by PsaltyDS
;  v2.0.0.1  |  08/16/06  |  Fixed bug reported by markloman
;  v2.0.1.0  |  07/30/08  |  Added $iType and $fArray parameters
;  v2.0.2.0  |  11/12/08  |  Fixed bug returning array [0] = 1 vice 0 for none found
Func _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
    Local $v, $sVal, $k, $sKey, $sFound = "", $avFound[1] = [0]
; Generate type flags
    If Not BitAND($iType, 0x07) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0); No returns selected
    Local $fKeys = BitAND($iType, 0x1), $fValue = BitAND($iType, 0x2), $fData = BitAND($iType, 0x4)
; This checks values and data in the current key
    If ($fValue Or $fData) Then
        $v = 1
        While 1
            $sVal = RegEnumVal($sStartKey, $v)
            If @error = 0 Then
           ; Valid value - test its name
                If $fValue And StringInStr($sVal, $sSearchVal) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & @LF
           ; test its data
                If $fData Then
                    $readval = RegRead($sStartKey, $sVal)
                    If StringInStr($readval, $sSearchVal) Then
                        $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & " = " & $readval & @LF
                $v += 1
           ; No more values here
; This loop checks subkeys
    $k = 1
    While 1
        $sKey = RegEnumKey($sStartKey, $k)
        If @error = 0 Then
       ; Valid key - test it's name
            If $fKeys And StringInStr($sKey, $sSearchVal) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sKey & "\" & @LF
       ; Now search it
            $sFound &= _RegSearch($sStartKey & "\" & $sKey, $sSearchVal, $iType)
       ; No more keys here
        $k += 1

; Return results
    If StringRight($sFound, 1) = @LF Then $sFound = StringTrimRight($sFound, 1)
        If $fArray Then
        If StringStripWS($sFound, 8) <> "" Then $avFound = StringSplit($sFound, @LF)
        Return $avFound
        Return $sFound
EndFunc ;==>_RegSearch


Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
  • 1 year later...

Tweaked version, fixing bug reported by squid808:

; Function _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
;    Where:  $sStartKey = Reg path at which to begin search
;            $sSearchVal = The string to search for
;            $iType = Matching types to return:
;                1 = Key names
;                2 = Value names
;                4 = Value data
;                Add bits together for multiple match types, default is 7 (all)
;            $fArray = Return an array of results vice the string (defualt = False)
;    Performs a recursive search of the registry starting at $sStartKey, looking for $sSearchVal
;    Returns a string containing a list of key names and values.
;   If a key name matches, it is listed as a reg path with trailing backslash:
;    i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
;   If a value name matches, it is listed as a reg path without trailing backslash:
;    i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir
;   If the data matches, the format is path = data:
;      i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir = %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper
;    If $fArray is True, then return data is an array with [0] = count.
; Change Log:
;  v1.0.0.0  |  03/17/05  |  Original SearchReg() by Holger
;  v2.0.0.0  |  08/10/06  |  Native AutoIt version by PsaltyDS
;  v2.0.0.1  |  08/16/06  |  Fixed bug reported by markloman
;  v2.0.1.0  |  07/30/08  |  Added $iType and $fArray parameters
;  v2.0.2.0  |  11/12/08  |  Fixed bug returning array [0] = 1 vice 0 for none found
;  v2.0.3.0  |  06/22/10  |  Fixed bug appending some result strings together reported by squid808
Func _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
    Local $v, $sVal, $k, $sKey, $sFound = "", $sFoundSub = "", $avFound[1] = [0]

    ; Trim trailing backslash, if present
    If StringRight($sStartKey, 1) = "\" Then $sStartKey = StringTrimRight($sStartKey, 1)

    ; Generate type flags
    If Not BitAND($iType, 0x07) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0); No returns selected
    Local $fKeys = BitAND($iType, 0x1), $fValue = BitAND($iType, 0x2), $fData = BitAND($iType, 0x4)

    ; This checks values and data in the current key
    If ($fValue Or $fData) Then
        $v = 1
        While 1
            $sVal = RegEnumVal($sStartKey, $v)
            If @error = 0 Then
                ; Valid value - test its name
                If $fValue And StringInStr($sVal, $sSearchVal) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & @LF

                ; test its data
                If $fData Then
                    $readval = RegRead($sStartKey, $sVal)
                    If StringInStr($readval, $sSearchVal) Then
                        $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & " = " & $readval & @LF
                $v += 1
                ; No more values here

    ; This loop checks subkeys
    $k = 1
    While 1
        $sKey = RegEnumKey($sStartKey, $k)
        If @error = 0 Then
            ; Valid key - test it's name
            If $fKeys And StringInStr($sKey, $sSearchVal) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sKey & "\" & @LF

            ; Now search it
            $sFoundSub = _RegSearch($sStartKey & "\" & $sKey, $sSearchVal, $iType, False) ; use string mode to test sub keys
            If $sFoundSub <> "" Then $sFound &= $sFoundSub & @LF
            ; No more keys here
        $k += 1

    ; Return results
    If StringRight($sFound, 1) = @LF Then $sFound = StringTrimRight($sFound, 1)
    If $fArray Then
        If StringStripWS($sFound, 8) <> "" Then $avFound = StringSplit($sFound, @LF)
        Return $avFound
        Return $sFound
EndFunc   ;==>_RegSearch


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
Posted (edited)

New version

- Added $iType flag for RegExp pattern

- Added Pseudo-pattern "*" to match all (internally translates to "." RegExp pattern)

Demo script (only shows new functionallity):

#include <Array.au3>; Only for _ArrayDisplay() in demo

$SearchKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3"

; Find only values, return as an array
$SearchString = "*" ; find all values
$Timer = TimerInit()
$Results = _RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString, 2, 1)
$Timer = TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000
_ArrayDisplay($Results, "Results (data only) in " & $Timer & " seconds")

; Find only values, by RegExp, return as an array
$SearchString = "(?<=Install)Dir" ; find "Dir", only where preceded by "Install", using a RegExp look-behind assertion
$Timer = TimerInit()
$Results = _RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString, 2+8, 1)
$Timer = TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000
_ArrayDisplay($Results, "Results (data only) in " & $Timer & " seconds")

_RegSearch() Function:

; Function:  _RegSearch
; Purpose:  Performs a recursive search of the registry starting at $sStartKey, looking for $sSearchVal
; Syntax:  _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
; Where:  $sStartKey = Reg path at which to begin search
;       $sSearchVal = The string to search for, or RegExp pattern to use if $iType bit 3 is set
;       $iType = Matching types to return:
;           1 = Key names
;           2 = Value names
;           4 = Value data
;           8 = $sSearchVal is a RegExp pattern (default is StringInStr)
;           Add bits together for multiple match types, default is 7 (all types, StringInStr matching)
;       $fArray = Return an array of results vice the string ([0] = count)
; Return value:  On success, returns a string containing a @LF delimited list of matching key names and values:
;       Where a key name matches, it is listed as a reg path with trailing backslash:
;           i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
;       Where a value name matches, it is listed as a reg path without trailing backslash:
;           i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir
;       Where the data matches, the format is path = data:
;           i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WallPaperDir = %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper
;       On failure, returns 0 and sets @error.
; Notes:    No matches is not an error, returns "" or an array with [0] = 0 depending on $fArray
;           Default StringInStr() matches are not case sensitive.
; Change Log:
;  v1.0.0.0  |  03/17/05  |  Original SearchReg() by Holger
;  v2.0.0.0  |  08/10/06  |  Native AutoIt version by PsaltyDS
;  v2.0.0.1  |  08/16/06  |  Fixed bug reported by markloman
;  v2.0.1.0  |  07/30/08  |  Added $iType and $fArray parameters
;  v2.0.2.0  |  11/12/08  |  Fixed bug returning array [0] = 1 vice 0 for none found
;  v2.0.3.0  |  06/22/10  |  Fixed bug appending some result strings together reported by squid808
;  v2.1.0.0  |  06/23/10  |  Added $iType option for RegExp patterns, and pseudo wildcard "*"
Func _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
    Local $v, $sVal, $k, $sKey, $sFound = "", $sFoundSub = "", $avFound[1] = [0]

    ; Trim trailing backslash, if present
    If StringRight($sStartKey, 1) = "\" Then $sStartKey = StringTrimRight($sStartKey, 1)

    ; Generate type flags
    If Not BitAND($iType, 0x07) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0); No returns selected
    Local $fKeys = BitAND($iType, 0x1), $fValue = BitAND($iType, 0x2), $fData = BitAND($iType, 0x4), $fRegExp = BitAND($iType, 0x8)

    ; Check for wildcard
    If (Not $fRegExp) And ($sSearchVal == "*") Then
        ; Use RegExp pattern "." to match anything
        $iType += 0x8
        $fRegExp = 0x8
        $sSearchVal = "."

    ; This checks values and data in the current key
    If ($fValue Or $fData) Then
        $v = 1
        While 1
            $sVal = RegEnumVal($sStartKey, $v)
            If @error = 0 Then
                ; Valid value - test its name
                If $fValue Then
                    If $fRegExp Then
                        If StringRegExp($sVal, $sSearchVal, 0) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & @LF
                        If StringInStr($sVal, $sSearchVal) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & @LF

                ; test its data
                If $fData Then
                    $readval = RegRead($sStartKey, $sVal)
                    If $fRegExp Then
                        If StringRegExp($readval, $sSearchVal, 0) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & " = " & $readval & @LF
                        If StringInStr($readval, $sSearchVal) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sVal & " = " & $readval & @LF
                $v += 1
                ; No more values here

    ; This loop checks subkeys
    $k = 1
    While 1
        $sKey = RegEnumKey($sStartKey, $k)
        If @error = 0 Then
            ; Valid key - test it's name
            If $fKeys Then
                If $fRegExp Then
                    If StringRegExp($sKey, $sSearchVal, 0) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sKey & "\" & @LF
                    If StringInStr($sKey, $sSearchVal) Then $sFound &= $sStartKey & "\" & $sKey & "\" & @LF

            ; Now search it
            $sFoundSub = _RegSearch($sStartKey & "\" & $sKey, $sSearchVal, $iType, False) ; use string mode to test sub keys
            If $sFoundSub <> "" Then $sFound &= $sFoundSub & @LF
            ; No more keys here
        $k += 1

    ; Return results
    If StringRight($sFound, 1) = @LF Then $sFound = StringTrimRight($sFound, 1)
    If $fArray Then
        If StringStripWS($sFound, 8) <> "" Then $avFound = StringSplit($sFound, @LF)
        Return $avFound
        Return $sFound
EndFunc   ;==>_RegSearch


Edit: Added clarifying verbiage to definition of $sSearchVal in header.

Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

That is a very nice script. :mellow:

Thank you for sharing it.

I'm doing some test searches against my registry.

All is working fine with the above example, but I need some help.

I'm trying to find the meaning of the different flags in "_RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString, 2+8, 1)".



If you learn from It, it's not a mistake

Posted (edited)

I'm trying to find the meaning of the different flags in "_RegSearch($SearchKey, $SearchString, 2+8, 1)".

Look at the "Where:" section of the function header for the explanation of parameters:
; Syntax:  _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
; Where:  $sStartKey = Reg path at which to begin search
;       $sSearchVal = The string to search for, or RegExp pattern to use if $iType bit 3 is set
;       $iType = Matching types to return:
;           1 = Key names
;           2 = Value names
;           4 = Value data
;           8 = $sSearchVal is a RegExp pattern (default is StringInStr)
;           Add bits together for multiple match types, default is 7 (all types, StringInStr matching)
;       $fArray = Return an array of results vice the string ([0] = count)

The $iType parameter is bit-mapped to the type of data you want back. You can control multiple types to be returned by setting/clearing bits in that parameter. The example you asked about sets bit 21 (2) plus bit 23 (8), which results in only value names being matched (not key names or data), plus $sSearchVal will be treated as a RegExp pattern. I added some more verbiage to the definition of $sSearchVal to clarify that point.


Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

Jeez, I completely missed that comment with explanation. :P

Sorry for that.

Anyway, thanks for helping clearing things up.

I appreciate it.


Look at the "Where:" section of the function header for the explanation of parameters:

; Syntax: _RegSearch($sStartKey, $sSearchVal, $iType = 0x07, $fArray = False)
; Where: $sStartKey = Reg path at which to begin search
; $sSearchVal = The string to search for, or RegExp pattern to use if $iType bit 3 is set
; $iType = Matching types to return:
; 1 = Key names
; 2 = Value names
; 4 = Value data
; 8 = $sSearchVal is a RegExp pattern (default is StringInStr)
; Add bits together for multiple match types, default is 7 (all types, StringInStr matching)
; $fArray = Return an array of results vice the string ([0] = count)

The $iType parameter is bit-mapped to the type of data you want back. You can control multiple types to be returned by setting/clearing bits in that parameter. The example you asked about sets bit 21 (2) plus bit 23 (8), which results in only value names being matched (not key names or data), plus $sSearchVal will be treated as a RegExp pattern. I added some more verbiage to the definition of $sSearchVal to clarify that point.


If you learn from It, it's not a mistake

  • 1 year later...


This is really useful script, thanks

But how can I add and extra variable?

I want to add an extra level of search... so I want it to search in the uninstall key [allready achived] then search for a certain app vendor [again I have done this] but I also want to add another key value.. the "UninstallString"

this is so I can scan for this to use to uninstall an application from multiple machines [the app does not allways use the same uninstall string]




Try this:

#include <Array.au3>

Global $sUninstallKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
Global $sValName = "UninstallString"

; Get array of all "UninstallString" values
$aUninstallKeys = _RegSearch($sUninstallKey, $sValName, 2, True) ; 2 = Match on Value Names only, True = return array

; Create 2D array for data
Global $aUninstallStrings[UBound($aUninstallKeys)][2] = [[$aUninstallKeys[0], ""]]

; Populate 2D array with value location and data
For $n = 1 To $aUninstallKeys[0]
    $aUninstallStrings[$n][0] = $aUninstallKeys[$n]
    $aUninstallStrings[$n][1] = RegRead(StringTrimRight($aUninstallStrings[$n][0], StringLen($sValName)), $sValName)

; Display results


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law


I get an error

C:\Users\KeithDib\Desktop\New AutoIt v3 Script (5).au3(19,64) : ERROR: _RegSearch(): undefined function.

$aUninstallKeys = _RegSearch($sUninstallKey, $sValName, 2, True)


C:\Users\KeithDib\Desktop\New AutoIt v3 Script (5).au3 - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)


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