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I'm trying to read and save as file the source of a webpage that contains Cyrillic characters but i'm not able to get them right. I get the English ones write, but the Cyrillic are just some kind of garbage. Here is the source with an example of yandex.ru (popular russian search engine). Am I doing something wrong or FF.au3 doesn't support Cyrillic alphabet?

#Include <FF.au3>

If _FFStart("yandex.ru") Then
    $sHTML = _FFReadHTML()
    If Not @error Then FileWrite ("text.html", $sHTML )

    ; filtered source-code
    $sHTML = _FFReadHTML("html",7)
        FileWrite ("text2.html", $sHTML )

It works for me:

#Include <FF.au3>

If _FFStart() Then
    ;filter HTML tags from body
    $sHTML = _FFReadHTML("body",8)
    If Not @error Then 
     $File = FileOpen("text.txt",2)
     FileWrite ($File, $sHTML )
    ;get innerHTML from html
    $sHTML = _FFReadHTML("html")
    If Not @error Then 
     $File = FileOpen("text.html",2)
     FileWrite ($File, $sHTML )

The point of world view


Still NOT working for me >_< It's getting me results like * !45;0BL AB0@B>2>9 * >9B8 2 ?>GBC /=45:A. I'm out of any ideas, I've been looking for workarounds for 8 hours


Still NOT working for me :( It's getting me results like * !45;0BL AB0@B>2>9 * >9B8 2 ?>GBC /=45:A. I'm out of any ideas, I've been looking for workarounds for 8 hours

You should read this page. Yandex page has page charset as windows-1251. The FF thinks that it is UTF-8. You have to get binary content of page.

Javascript can't get it. This .responseBody has IE's object Msxml2.XMLHTTP or XMLHttpRequest, only.

Yes. It is small problem with full binary content of page, I think.


The point of world view


Even you added Opt("TCPTimeOut", $_FF_CON_DELAY) but it still have that TCP 10053 error, and seem to be more often.

More often? The complete line is:

If $_FF_CON_DELAY > 100 Then Opt("TCPTimeout", $_FF_CON_DELAY)

so I don't think you can have more timeouts then before.

I can only try some things, because I can't reproduce this error.


New in the latest test-version:

_FFDispatchEvent($sElement, $sEventType = "change")

$sElement = Element or object from _FFXpath /_FFObj*

$sEventType = change|select|focus|blur|resize


Posted (edited)

More often? The complete line is:

If $_FF_CON_DELAY > 100 Then Opt("TCPTimeout", $_FF_CON_DELAY)

so I don't think you can have more timeouts then before.

I can only try some things, because I can't reproduce this error.


New in the latest test-version:

_FFDispatchEvent($sElement, $sEventType = "change")

$sElement = Element or object from _FFXpath /_FFObj*

$sEventType = change|select|focus|blur|resize


Hi, Stilgar

Actually I don't know where this error come from. It's really strange but I used your previous version this error happened when I compiled the script only if I ran from the editor it didn't happen. But this version it happens even I run from the editor >_<

I will send you my script, please check it if you have free time.

Have a nice day.

Edited by trinitrotoluen

I'm trying to read and save as file the source of a webpage that contains Cyrillic characters but i'm not able to get them right. I get the English ones write, but the Cyrillic are just some kind of garbage. Here is the source with an example of yandex.ru (popular russian search engine). Am I doing something wrong or FF.au3 doesn't support Cyrillic alphabet?

[ code='text' ] ( Popup )

See AFireFox_Full - v.1.2. here

Added two buttons:

Execute - call javascript functions from content current page

Source - get page source of current URL (incl. UTF-8)

It works fine with Russian page content, too.

The point of world view


If want to change programaticaly the action to do with *.lng from always wondering to recording (see thumbnail) Is it possible ?

Thanks in advance



If want to change programaticaly the action to do with *.lng from always wondering to recording (see thumbnail) Is it possible ?

Thanks in advance


You can do it by editing the "mimeTypes.rdf" in your profile-dir, or do you wanna change it while FF is running?

Posted (edited)

You can do it by editing the "mimeTypes.rdf" in your profile-dir, or do you wanna change it while FF is running?

I want to change it at the beginning of a session and after restore it at the end of the session

I correct a problem in _MozRepl_Detect

The location of firefox when several installation has been made would be correct like this

If $bInstall Then


Local $sFFExe = RegRead($sHKLM , "SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\FIREFOX.EXE\shell\open\command")


Edited by LOULOU

I want to change it at the beginning of a session and after restore it at the end of the session

It' a bit complicated to made this while FF is running, I'm searching for a solution.

I correct a problem in _MozRepl_Detect

The location of firefox when several installation has been made would be correct like this

Are you sure, that you have "corrected" it?

I have never seen a key like "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Desktop" anywhere. So the _MozRepl_Detect doesn't work here anymore.

I've used the registry descripted e.g. on this page:


(near the bottom of the page "Plug-in Installation and the Windows Registry" - search for "PathToExe")


It' a bit complicated to made this while FF is running, I'm searching for a solution.

Are you sure, that you have "corrected" it?

I have never seen a key like "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Desktop" anywhere. So the _MozRepl_Detect doesn't work here anymore.

I've used the registry descripted e.g. on this page:


(near the bottom of the page "Plug-in Installation and the Windows Registry" - search for "PathToExe")

So IN french XP pack SP3

Your Key is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\3.5.2 (fr)\Main

and subkey Pathtoexe The return is C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

This key is dependant from the version of Firefox installed

Always IN Xp3 the following key




return the same thing "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" but seems no to be dependant off version

This is only avalaible on French system , i can't try it on another foreign language

Can some one confirm or not this is the same problem in an XP English Version with Firefox 3.2



how to add in include folder FF.au3?? i added in folder but script says, i dont have FF.au3 :D

[center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Die die die my darling[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Don't utter a single word[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Die die die my darling[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Just shut your pretty mouth[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]I'll be seeing you again[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]I'll be seeing you[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]In hell[/font][/center]


Error when accessing a table By id

_FFTABLEWritetoarray("tabListeDetail", "id", "text", True)

Here is the error message

__FFSend: try{window.content.wrappedJSObject.frames["top"].document.getElementsByTagName('table').length;}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: 9

__FFSend: try{content.document.tabListeDetail}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};


__FFSend: try{content.document.tabListeDetail.getElementsByTagName('tr').length}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: _FFCmd_Err

_FFCmd ==> Error return value: _FFCmd_Err

FF.au3 (2830) : ==> Array variable subscript badly formatted.:

Local $a_TableCells[$i_cols][$trs]

Local $a_TableCells[^ ERROR

->18:00:35 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:1

+>18:00:37 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished

Posted (edited)


Do you have saved it as FF.au3 in your include-dir? e.g.:

c:\program files\autoit\include


I try to fix this in the next update.

For simple tables (no merged cells, no line breaks in cells) you can try something like this:

Global $aTable[1][1]
$a = _FFXpath("//table[@id='tabListeDetail']//tr",default,6)
$a[1] = StringStripWS($a[1],3)
$aRow = StringSplit($a[1],@crlf)
ReDim $aTable[$a[0]][UBound($aRow)-1]

For $i = 1 To $a[0]
    $a[$i] = StringStripWS($a[$i],3)
    $aRow = StringSplit($a[$i],@crlf)
    For $j = 0 To $aRow[0]-1
        $aTable[$i-1][$j] = StringStripWS($aRow[$j+1],3)

or this:

For $i = 1 To 100000
    $a = _FFXpath("//table[@id='tabListeDetail']//tr[" & $i & "]//td",default,6)
    If $a[0] = 0 Then ExitLoop
    _ArrayDisplay($a) ; do something with $a
Edited by Stilgar


Do you have saved it as FF.au3 in your include-dir? e.g.:

c:\program files\autoit\include


I try to fix this in the next update.

For simple tables (no merged cells, no line breaks in cells) you can try something like this:

Global $aTable[1][1]
$a = _FFXpath("//table[@id='tabListeDetail']//tr",default,6)
$a[1] = StringStripWS($a[1],3)
$aRow = StringSplit($a[1],@crlf)
ReDim $aTable[$a[0]][UBound($aRow)-1]

For $i = 1 To $a[0]
$a[$i] = StringStripWS($a[$i],3)
$aRow = StringSplit($a[$i],@crlf)
For $j = 0 To $aRow[0]-1
$aTable[$i-1][$j] = StringStripWS($aRow[$j+1],3)

or this:

For $i = 1 To 100000
$a = _FFXpath("//table[@id='tabListeDetail']//tr[" & $i & "]//td",default,6)
If $a[0] = 0 Then ExitLoop
_ArrayDisplay($a) ; do something with $a

Hi stligar,

Thanks for answering, I will correct in documentation _FFGetlength /// Tables option is forgotten

Posted (edited)


Do you have saved it as FF.au3 in your include-dir? e.g.:

c:\program files\autoit\include

yes is in .../autoit/include

now all is good.. but have new problem in FF - Page Analyzer.. can understand how to add page :D can u say me? i pushed all butons.. but that dont help((

and somebody know how i can do controlclick, controlsend in FFwindow?

Edited by toader

[center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Die die die my darling[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Don't utter a single word[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Die die die my darling[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Just shut your pretty mouth[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]I'll be seeing you again[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]I'll be seeing you[/font][/center][center][font=courier new,courier,monospace]In hell[/font][/center]

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