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Nice example! Why don't you made a thread? So it's easier to find.

The "CHM Reader"-AddOn is only working up to FF3.0.x >_<

About special thread. It's good idea to make "AFireFox" thread. Thank you.

AddOn CHM Reader can work nice with FireFox 3.5.1, also.

About this read here, please.

Thank you for creation of FF.au3.



The point of world view

Posted (edited)

About special thread. It's good idea to make "AFireFox" thread. Thank you.

AddOn CHM Reader can work nice with FireFox 3.5.1, also.

About this read here, please.

Thank you for creation of FF.au3.



Yes, ok, I know how I change the AddOn files (xpi), so they work with other FF versions, too. I mean the problem is, the "official" AddOn doesn't work >_<


Have you tried to increase the AutoIt-option for TCPTimeout?



Sure you can load an image from the web into a GUI. If you know the adress of the image you don't need the FF.au3 to do this.

Download it with InetGet an put it like any other image in your GUI.

Edited by Stilgar

Hi folks,

Can anyone help me with something? I want to load an image from a website into autoit GUI? Is this possible? If so, how can I do it?




Help forum is here.


I mean the problem is, the "official" AddOn doesn't work :(

Maybe in Germany it doesn't work but in Russia...


The point of world view


Hi stilgar,

THis code is IE automation and allow clicking on an "Input type=file"

$fichier = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($form, "nomFic")

MouseMove(_IEPropertyGet($fichier, "screenx") + _IEPropertyGet($fichier, "width") - 10, _IEPropertyGet($fichier, "screeny") + _IEPropertyGet($fichier, "height") / 2)


Is-it possible wit firefox to have a function like _IEPropertyGet

This function allow to determinate the location on the screen of button Input type

Thanks in advance

Posted (edited)

Hi stilgar,

THis code is IE automation and allow clicking on an "Input type=file"

Is-it possible wit firefox to have a function like _IEPropertyGet

This function allow to determinate the location on the screen of button Input type

Thanks in advance


why do you click on it? You can just set the value (_FFSetValueBy* doesn't work!)

_FFXpath("//input[@type='file' and @name='nomFic']","",9) ; I hope that's the right input name

Or if you wanna made a MouseClick then you can use this function to find the position of the button:


Edited by Stilgar


why do you click on it? You can just set the value (_FFSetValueBy* doesn't work!)

_FFXpath("//input[@type='file' and @name='nomFic']","",9) ; I hope that's the right input name

Or if you wanna made a MouseClick then you can use this function to find the position of the button:


My problem is that nomfic is an Input type = file an due to security you can't assign a value to this type of object

Am i wright ? If yes what you show me does'nt works. Thanks to confirm

Posted (edited)

Have you tried it?

Via DOM you can't assign the value but via Xpath it works.

That's the reasen why I said you can't do it with the _FFSetValueBy* functions.


#include <FF.au3>

If _FFConnect() Then

Edited by Stilgar
Posted (edited)

how I can automatically change my IP on FF

I can't use _FFConnect("",3125,1000)

it always error

Which error appears?

You wanna connect to a running FireFox on and the MozRepl-port is there set to 3125?


Thank you!

Edited by Stilgar
Posted (edited)

#Include <FF.au3>
; trying to connect to a running FireFox with MozRepl on
If _FFConnect("",1080, 3000) Then
; open a page
; disconnect from FireFox
    If _FFDisConnect() Then
    MsgBox(64, "", "Disconnected from FireFox!")
    MsgBox(64, "", "Can't connect to FireFox!")

What wrong

FF not to http://www.ip-adress.com/

SciTE :

__FFStartProcess: ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -new-window "about:blank" -repl 4242

_FFConnect: OS: WIN_XP WIN32_NT 2600 Service Pack 2

_FFConnect: AutoIt:

_FFConnect: FF.au3:

_FFConnect: IP:

_FFConnect: Port: 4242

_FFConnect: Delay: 2ms

_FFConnect: Socket: 1676

__FFSend: try{window.content.frames["top"].document.browserDOMWindow}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};


__FFSend: try{navigator.userAgent}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10

_FFConnect: Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10

_FFSendJavascripts: Sending functions to FireFox ........... done

_FFLoadWait: . loaded in 33ms

_FFConnect: OS: WIN_XP WIN32_NT 2600 Service Pack 2

_FFConnect: AutoIt:

_FFConnect: FF.au3:

_FFConnect: IP:

_FFConnect: Port: 1080

_FFConnect: Delay: 386ms

_FFConnect: Socket: 1664

__FFWaitForRepl ==> Error TCPSend / TCPRecv: TCPRecv :-1

please !help me

Edited by Unfrog

1) Do you really wanna connect to an FF somewhere in your network/internet?

2) Or you wanna connect to FF on your own PC?

If 1) Is there a firewall or something blocking this ports in your script?

If 2) Just use_FFConnect(). You can see in the output from SciTE that the first connection (_FFStart) on localhost ( is working and your second connection (not really usefull without saving the first socket) doesn't work (

So if you wanna using FF on your own PC:

#Include <FF.au3>
_FFStart() ; open FF and made a connection to it

If _IsConnected() Then
    _FFOpenURL("http://www.ip-adress.com/") ; open a page
    _FFDisConnect() ; close the connection
    MsgBox(64, "", "Can't connect to FireFox!")


How can set value to Input type=file

Like some posts before:


or on the examples page:



Hi, I can't do with this :

<input type="file" size="35" name="upfile"/>

__FFSend: FFau3.xpath=null;try{FFau3.xpath=window.content.frames["top"].document.evaluate("//input[@type='file']",window.content.frames["top"].document,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue;}catch(e){'_FFXPath_Error: '+e;};

__FFRecv: [object XPCNativeWrapper [object HTMLInputElement]] — {ownerDocument: {…}, id: "", parentNode: {…}, namespaceURI: null, localName: "INPUT", name: "upfile", previousSibling: null, ...}

__FFSend: try{FFau3.xpath.hasAttribute('value')}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: 0

_FFObj ==> Invalid value: $sAttrib not found: value

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