morawcik Posted January 12, 2011 Posted January 12, 2011 Hi. Can i switch on/off javascript in FF with ff.au3 ?
RichardL Posted January 14, 2011 Posted January 14, 2011 (edited) How do I fill in a text box on a web page? Text box is: <input type="text" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceCenterContent_login2_username" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceCenterContent$login2$username Alright, found it: _FFSetValue("Hello", "ctl00_ContentPlaceCenterContent_login2_username", "id"). Thanks. Edited January 15, 2011 by RichardL
nghich3 Posted January 29, 2011 Posted January 29, 2011 FF page Analyzer doesn't work . Any one send me the lastest version . Thanks !!!
krihith Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 I i navigate from one page to another, the id or the elements of the second page are not identified. For example the below script is not navigating from Images to Web #Include <FF.au3> _FFstart("") _FfLinkclick("gb_2","id") Sleep(500) _FfLinkclick("gb_1","id") Sleep(500) _FfLinkclick("gb_5","id")
krihith Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 @ininja: mailing FF.au3 done.Even I face the similar Issue. Can u send me the UDF which works
Metal Posted March 15, 2011 Posted March 15, 2011 Hi, i need to change value in a combo box, but i donnow how to. Can you help me please?
4ggr35510n Posted March 17, 2011 Posted March 17, 2011 There are no combo boxes in HTML documents. There are <SELECT> elements. Interactive with _FFFormOptionselect()
Metal Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 There are no combo boxes in HTML documents. There are <SELECT> elements. Interactive with _FFFormOptionselect() i can't get it work. I use _FFFormOptionselect("pselector", "id", 5) (i get the id by using 'web developer' firefox addon), but i get this: __FFSend: FFau3.xpath=null;try{FFau3.xpath=FFau3.WCD.evaluate("//form[1]//select[@id='pselector']//option[position()=6]",FFau3.WCD,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue.selected=true;}catch(e){'_FFXPath_Error: '+e;}; __FFRecv: _FFXPath_Error: TypeError: FFau3.WCD.evaluate("//form[1]//select[@id='pselector']//option[position()=6]", FFau3.WCD, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue is null _FFXPath ==> No match: singleNodeValue is null $sQuery: //form[1]//select[@id='pselector']//option[position()=6] - selected=true
squeegee Posted March 22, 2011 Posted March 22, 2011 How can I search for variable strings (regex)? in your example page, it can't find "\d+x200", which should match twice, on "64x200" and "128x200". In a page I'm scripting, I need to know how many results were returned. There is no way to know ahead of time what this number will be, so I can't search for a literal string.
squeegee Posted March 23, 2011 Posted March 23, 2011 Another question... I have tried to use _FFLinkClick, which works sometimes, but not always... looking in the console, sometimes the xpath returned contains garbage... Good result: __FFSend: FFau3.xpath=null;try{FFau3.xpath=FFau3.WCD.evaluate("//a[contains(@id,'editank')]",FFau3.WCD,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue;}catch(e){'_FFXPath_Error: '+e;}; __FFRecv: __FFSend: try{FFau3.simulateEvent(FFau3.xpath,'MouseEvents','click');}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';}; __FFRecv: 1 _FFLoadWait: ................ loaded in 4311ms Bad result: __FFSend: FFau3.xpath=null;try{FFau3.xpath=FFau3.WCD.evaluate("//a[contains(@id,'editank')]",FFau3.WCD,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue;}catch(e){'_FFXPath_Error: '+e;}; __FFRecv: — {dispatchEvent: function() {…}, hasAttribute: function() {…}, parentNode: {…}, getAttribute: function() {…}} __FFSend: try{FFau3.simulateEvent(FFau3.xpath,'MouseEvents','click');}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';}; __FFRecv: 1 _FFLoadWait: . loaded in 16ms
awesomejimistgeil Posted March 30, 2011 Posted March 30, 2011 My script interacts with this website My source #include <FF.au3> #Include <Array.au3> Local $oZipCode Local $oSubmit Local $ZipCode = "xxxxx" $url = "" $oFF = _FFStart($url) $aArray = _FFXPath("//input[@value='Enter US city or zip']","",9) MsgBox(64,"", _FFObj("xpath.type") & @crlf & _FFObj("xpath.value")) _FFObj("xpath", "value", $ZipCode) sleep(2000) $aArray = _FFXPath("//input","src",7) _ArrayDisplay($aArray) MsgBox(0,"", $aArray) _FFClick("input", "tag", 22) MsgBox(0,"", _FFReadText(24)) On the page that comes up when you enter your zip i use _FFReadText to get the text that has the pollen forecast for my zip code. However the text that i need, and a lot of other text doesnt come up. It seems like the page is inside another page. How can i access text that doesnt come up from _FFReadText
awesomejimistgeil Posted March 31, 2011 Posted March 31, 2011 I figured out the last problem i had by reading the html source and then parsing it. I couldnt find the stuff i was looking for with xpath either but reading the source i was able to find what i needed. i have a new problem now ;Local $oFF = _FFStart($url) ;Local $oFF = _FFStart($url, default, 1, true) when i use the first command my script runs however when i use the second command my mouse freezes and my script does nothing, not to mention the page still comes up, its not hidden. ;Local $oFF = _FFStart($url, default, 1, false) when i use that my script runs fine.
Kjra Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 how i can use _FFImageClick() ? it always report _FFImageClick("WebObjects/BalanceDo-v3_005.woa/Contents/WebServerResources/continue.gif") _FFImageClick ==> No match: $vSearch: WebObjects/BalanceDo-v3_005.woa/Contents/WebServerResources/continue.gif
fanoI Posted May 1, 2011 Posted May 1, 2011 (edited) Hy I'm trying to "automate" the ClipnGrabber site ( it is a site that permites to download videos from megavideo, youtube and etc... Using FF.udf I've insert the megavideo link in the URL field and submitted the problem happens when I've to press the FLV button... I suppose it is created dinamycally by javascript so it's not present in the page source... but using FireBug I see this section after that the FLV button appears: <div id="mv_flv" style="display: inline;"><div id="downloadflv"><a id="a_mv_flv" href="***************************** [].flv"><img title="" src="images/downloadflv-med.png"></a></div></div> I've tried all ID but no success! I suppose the solution can be to select that strange "a id="a_mv_flv" but "a id" is not a valid tag, obviouly! This is my script: #Include <FF.au3> _FFConnect(); If _FFIsConnected() Then _FFOpenURL("") $sInput = _FFObjGet("url", "name") ; returns a string - no object! _FFObj($sInput, "value", "*******") MsgBox(64, "Suche: ", _FFObj($sInput, "value")) _FFClick("nab", "id"); Sleep(15000); _FFImageClick("images/downloadflv-med.png", "src"); _FFDisConnect(); EndIf Thanks for your help! Edited May 1, 2011 by fanoI
eagle4life69 Posted June 7, 2011 Posted June 7, 2011 Am I missing something... I used to use FF.au3 no problems, I went to update a script and now I can not compile D:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\FF.au3(4191,15) : WARNING: $RetVal: possibly used before declaration. If $RetVal > ~~~~~~~~~~~^ D:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\FF.au3(4193,13) : ERROR: 'Return' not allowed from global scope. Return 1 ~~~~~~~~^ D:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\FF.au3(4195,34) : WARNING: $sFuncName: possibly used before declaration. SetError(__FFError($sFuncName, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ D:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\FF.au3(4195,87) : WARNING: $sLabel: possibly used before declaration. SetError(__FFError($sFuncName, $_FF_ERROR_InvalidExpression, "$sLabel: " & $sLabel) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ D:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\FF.au3(4196,13) : ERROR: 'Return' not allowed from global scope. Return 0 ~~~~~~~~^ D:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\FF.au3(4199,13) : ERROR: 'Return' not allowed from global scope. Return 0 ~~~~~~~~^ D:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\FF.au3(4201,3) : ERROR: syntax error Case ^ D:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\FF.au3(4191,15) : ERROR: $RetVal: undeclared global variable. If $RetVal > ~~~~~~~~~~~^ T:\Scripts\Ticket\Ticketer_0.0.7.4.au3 - 5 error(s), 3 warning(s) All Errors are in FF.au3 Any suggestions?
Splash Posted July 14, 2011 Posted July 14, 2011 Is possible to use JQuery with this UDF? I have tried a lot, but nothing worked. Thanks, Igor F. C. Automatic Update UDF - IP Address UDF - WinPcap AutoIt _FindDevice()[font="Verdana"][size="2"]AutoIt Spanish/Brasil/World community!!![/size][/font]Use you wanna a domain please use my link:
danhtin2108 Posted August 16, 2011 Posted August 16, 2011 I've got two test scripts which both do the same thing, just open a URL in a loop. I'm using ff.au3 _FFStart command and specifying a unique profile name and -no -remote flag. Which ever script I start first works fine. The second script opens a FF window and MsgBoxes but then does nothing else. Any pointers are greatly appreciated. thanks, mike #include <FF.au3> _FFStart("about:blank","Profile1", 9) ;_FFStart("about:blank","Profile2", 9) ####THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SCRIPTS IS WHICH PROFILE MsgBox(0,"",$_FF_GLOBAL_SOCKET ) If _FFIsConnected() Then $num_loops = 0 Do _FFOpenURL("", True) Sleep(2000) _FFTabClose("all", "keyword") ;$num_loops = $num_loops + 1 Until $num_loops = 5 _FFQuit() EndIf plz help me
lis16 Posted September 2, 2011 Posted September 2, 2011 Hi. I have a huge problem. My code works fine until it loops 6 times. Everytime at 6 loop i had an error: __FFWaitForRepl ==> Timeout: 10010ms > 10000ms $iTimeOut It don't connect again on window it work before, but if I change window to new one, and wait for a while, it connect to this new opened window (but it's useless). Have any one any ideas? I used to try on different version of FF(3, 4, 5 and mozrepl for that) There is whole loop: expandcollapse popupWhile 1 $strona_gracza=0 If _FFConnect(Default, 4243) Then If $link_num=1 Then $sciezka="/html/body/form/div[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[5]/div/div/span[2]/h3/a" $link=_FFXPath($sciezka) Else $sciezka="/html/body/form/div[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[5]/div["&$link_num&"]/div/span[2]/h3/a" $link=_FFXPath($sciezka) EndIf $klik=_FFClick($link) _FFLoadWait() If $klik=0 Then MsgBox(0, "", "Error ide do drugiej strony") $strona=$strona+1 _FFLinkClick("ctl00_ctl00_CPContent_CPMain_ucPager_repPages_ctl01_p"&$strona) _FFLoadWait() ContinueLoop EndIf $strona_gracza=1 $a=$kogo&':</td><td><imgsrc="/App_Themes/Standard/progressBar/p3.png"alt="' $b='/20"title' $html=_FFReadHTML() $czysty=StringStripWS($html, 8) ;FileWrite("C:/html.txt", $html) $tekst = _StringBetween($czysty,$a,$b) If Not @error Then If Number($tekst[0])>$skill Then $html=_FFReadHTML() $a='BrowseIds=">' $b='</a>' $tekst=_StringBetween($html, $a, $b) $pilkarz=$tekst[0] $a='PlayerID=' $b='&BrowseIds=' $tekst=_StringBetween($html, $a, $b) $id=$tekst[0] $a='Najwy|szaoferta:' $b='zBzBo|ona' $czysty=StringStripWS($html, 8) $tekst=_StringBetween($czysty, $a, $b) If $tekst=0 Then $a='wywoBawcza: ' $b=' zB</p>' $czysty=StringStripWS($html, 8) $tekst=_StringBetween($czysty, $a, $b) EndIf $tekst_po=StringReplace($tekst[0], " ", " ") FileWriteLine("C:/zawodnicy.txt", $pilkarz&" "&$id&" "&$tekst_po) EndIf EndIf If $strona_gracza=1 Then $link_num=$link_num+1 _FFAction("back") _FFLoadWait() EndIf EndIf WEnd
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