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I've the HTML script like this :

<tr valign="center"><td width="100%">
                  <div id="div__4668003_0">
                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                      <td valign="middle" width="5%">
                      <input name="cg__4668003" type="radio"
                        value="0" />
                    <td class="radiolist" width="95%">
                        <span class="style4668003">Yes</span>

Plz, Help me use _FFFormRadioButton for this .

And Use _FFFormCheckBox for that one .

<tr valign="center"><td width="100%">
                  <div id="div__4668004_0">
                  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                      <td valign="middle" width="5">
                        <input name="cg__4668004" type="checkbox"
                      <td class="checklist" width="275">
                        <span class="style4668004">Adhesive Bandages</span>


Because I can't see any form-tag there I give you some examples with _FFXpath:

;The radio-button:
_FFXpath("//input[@name='cg__4668003']", "checked=true", 9)
;The check-box:
_FFXpath("//input[@name='cg__4668004']", "checked=true", 9)
  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed a problem with _FFFrameEnter while upgrading from V0.5.3.7b to

I had to change this statement:

_FFFrameEnter("main", "id")



to make subsequent things work.

Is this a problem with the newer version?

Here are the console logs:

>"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Frank\Script\Firefox\ff-factory.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams

+>08:42:02 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 CPU:X64 OS:X86)

>Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3

+>08:42:02 AU3Check ended.rc:0

>Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Frank\Script\Firefox\ff-factory.au3"

_FFConnect: OS: WIN_XP WIN32_NT 2600 Service Pack 3

_FFConnect: AutoIt:

_FFConnect: FF.au3:

_FFConnect: IP:

_FFConnect: Port: 4242

_FFConnect: Delay: 2ms

_FFConnect: Socket: 1660

__FFSend: try{window.content.frames["top"].document.browserDOMWindow}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};


__FFSend: try{navigator.userAgent}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

_FFConnect: Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

__FFSend: try{content.frames.length}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: 3

__FFSend: try{content.frames[0].name}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: banner

__FFSend: try{content.frames[1].name}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: contents

__FFSend: try{content.frames[2].name}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: main

@@ Debug(518) : $i = 2

>Error code: 0

_FFOpenURL: BpclView.ssi

__FFSend: try{window.content.frames[2].document.location.href="BpclView.ssi";}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: BpclView.ssi

_FFLoadWait: .... loaded in 874ms

@@ Debug(523) : 1 = 1

>Error code: 0

_FFLoadWait: . loaded in 31ms

__FFSend: try{FFau3.simulateClick(window.content.frames[2].document.getElementById('Modify'),0,0);}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: 1

_FFLoadWait: .... loaded in 949ms

__FFSend: FFau3.xpath=null;try{FFau3.xpath=window.content.frames[2].document.evaluate("//form[@name='Form1']//select[@id='BpclPortList']//option[@value='7']",window.content.frames[2].document,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue.selected=true;}catch(e){'_FFXPath_Error: '+e;};

__FFRecv: 1

__FFSend: try{window.content.wrappedJSObject.frames[2].document.getElementById('BpclPercentage').value='77';}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: 77

__FFSend: try{window.content.frames[2].document.forms[1].elements.length;}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: 7

__FFSend: try{window.content.frames[2].document.forms[1].submit();}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};


_FFLoadWait: .... loaded in 875ms

_FFLoadWait: . loaded in 32ms

+>08:42:09 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0

+>08:42:10 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished

>Exit code: 0 Time: 8.381

>"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Frank\Script\Firefox\ff-factory.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams

+>08:44:11 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 CPU:X64 OS:X86)

>Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3

+>08:44:11 AU3Check ended.rc:0

>Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Frank\Script\Firefox\ff-factory.au3"

_FFConnect: OS: WIN_XP WIN32_NT 2600 Service Pack 3

_FFConnect: AutoIt:

_FFConnect: FF.au3:

_FFConnect: IP:

_FFConnect: Port: 4242

_FFConnect: Delay: 2ms

_FFConnect: Socket: 1660

__FFSend: try{window.content.top.document.browserDOMWindow}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};


__FFSend: try{navigator.userAgent}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

_FFConnect: Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

__FFSendJavascripts: Sending functions to FireFox .......... done

@@ Debug(518) : $i = 1

>Error code: 0

_FFOpenURL: BpclView.ssi

__FFSend: try{window.content.top.main.document.location.href="BpclView.ssi";}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: _FFCmd_Err

@@ Debug(523) : 1 = 1

>Error code: 8

_FFLoadWait: ._FFOpenURL ==> No match: BpclView.ssi

loaded in 31ms

__FFSend: try{FFau3.simulateEvent(window.content.top.main.document.getElementById('Modify'),'MouseEvents','click');}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: _FFCmd_Err

_FFClick ==> No match: $sElement: window.content.document.getElementById('Modify')

+>08:44:14 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0

+>08:44:15 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished

>Exit code: 0 Time: 4.945



I have tried to use _FFClick and _FFFormSubmit to submit this form (below) without success. Any suggestions? This page is within a frame, and I am using version




<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<meta name="author" content="ics#cap">

<meta name="rev_author" content="ics#cap">

<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="NO-CACHE">

<meta http-equiv="expires" content="-1">

<meta name="alternate_title" content="BpclMod">

<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<style type="text/css"></style>

<script language="javascript">

function PortChanged()


var nPortNumber = parseInt(document.getElementById('BpclPortList').value, 10);

document.getElementById('PortNumber').value = nPortNumber;




function UpdatePage()


var start = new Date().getTime();

var cur = start;

while (cur - start < 50)

cur = new Date().getTime();



function Validate_Fields()


var nPercent = document.Form1.BpclPercentage;

if (!top.Validate_Number(nPercent, 0, 100))

return false;

return true;




<body onload="top.FixTable(document.getElementById('Table1'))">

<form id="PageHeader"><p class=nth1>Fault:&nbsp;&nbsp;Low voltage on power supply V1.<br></p></form>

<form name="Form1" id="Form1" method="post" onsubmit="return Validate_Fields();" action="System_Cmd">


<h2>Broadcast Packet Count Limit Configuration</h2>

<table id="Table1" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td class="LabelTop">Port Name</td>

<td valign="top" class="Value"><select name="BpclPortList" id="BpclPortList" onchange="PortChanged()"><option value=1>TX1</option><option value=2>TX2</option><option value=3>TX3</option><option value=4>TX4</option><option value=5 selected>TX5</option><option value=6>TX6</option><option value=7>FX1</option><option value=8>FX2</option><option value=100>All</option></select></td>



<td class="LabelTop">BPCL Percentage</td>

<td valign="top" class="Value"><input type="text" id="BpclPercentage" name="BpclPercentage" maxlength="3" size="3" value="3"</td>




<input type="submit" id="Update" name="Update" value="Update"> <input type="button" value="Cancel" id="Cancel" name="Cancel" onclick="location=document.Form1.Destination.value">

<input type="hidden" id="ID" name="ID" value="Update_BpclConfig"> <input type="hidden" id="Destination" name="Destination" value="BpclView.ssi">

<input type="hidden" id="PortNumber" name="PortNumber" value="0">



<form id="PageFooter" name="PageFooter"><hr><p class=ntf1><strong>NOTE:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Changes have been made that have not been <a href="Config.ssi" target=main>saved</a>.</p></form>





I want to block cookies on some site, but i dont know how. I try to open FFex.au3 and see this function

Func _FF_EmptyCookies()
    If Not @error Then Return 1
    Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>_FF_EmptyCookies

Please help me make a function to block and allow cookie on site:

Ex: _FF_BlockCookies($site) and _FF_AllowCookies($site)

Posted (edited)

What happened to the _FFLoadWaitTimeOut Function..??

It seems to have been removed since the last version I was using to the latest version that I just updated to --> FF.au3 (V0.6.0.0b)..??

Is there a different way now to set the GLOBAL LOADWAIT_TIMEOUT..?? Or am I missing something..??

Func _FFLoadWaitTimeOut($iTimeOut = 120000)
    If Not IsInt($iTimeOut) Then Return 0
    If $iTimeOut < 1000 Then $iTimeOut = 1000
    Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>_FFLoadWaitTimeOut

Also how can I click a button by its value..??

<input class="button" type="submit" value="Log in"/>

Also is there any FF Function to ScrollIntoView an Element at all..?? like there is for ScrollIntoView()..??

Edited by cypher175
Posted (edited)


I try this the next time ...


The solution is there:


and now in the FFEx.au3, too.


The function _FFLoadWaitTimeOut was removed.

Yes, there is a way to set this variable:




_FFAu3Option("LoadWaitTimeOut", $iYourTimeOutTime)

Click on this ...

<input class="button" type="submit" value="Log in"/>


_FFClick( _FFXPath("//input[@value='Log in']", "", 9 ))

or you use _FFFormSubmit instead.

Edited by Stilgar
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. Im have problems with tab functions. _FFTabExists(), _FFTabSetSelected() dont work with cyrillic text like _FFTabExists("тест"), return value is always -1. What im doing wrong :D ?


Hi. Im have problems with tab functions. _FFTabExists(), _FFTabSetSelected() dont work with cyrillic text like _FFTabExists("тест"), return value is always -1. What im doing wrong :D ?

The tab-title is searched by regex. So you must use the escaped chars or this:

_FFTabExists(__FFValue2Javascript("тест") )
Posted (edited)


Thank you!


some new function for the FFex.au3:

; _FF_CookiesAllow

; _FF_CookiesDeny

; _FF_CookiesRemoveAll

; _FF_CookiesSetAccess

; _FF_GetStatus

; _FF_ResetTitle

; _FF_TabGetAllTitles

; _FF_TabGetAllURLs

; _FF_TabReloadAll

- _FF_Call: for "content.wrappedJSObject" you can use now "CW" as shortcut.

look at the UDF for more informations, please.

Edited by Stilgar

_FFWindowSelect currently only looks at the active tab when searching by url. I changed the javascript code for SelectWin() to the following to allow selection of a window by searching all of the available urls:

; SelectWin()
    $sJavascript = 'FFau3.SelectWin = function SelectWin(sSearch,sMode,sType){'
    $sJavascript &= 'var win;var enum = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator).getEnumerator(sType);'
    $sJavascript &= 'while(enum.hasMoreElements() ){'
    $sJavascript &= 'win=enum.getNext();'
    $sJavascript &= 'switch(sMode){'
    $sJavascript &= 'case "title": if (win.title.indexOf(sSearch) != -1){repl.enter(win);return 1;};break;'
    $sJavascript &= 'case "label": if (FFau3.SearchTab(sSearch)>-1){repl.enter(win);return 1;};break;'
;   $sJavascript &= 'case "href": if (win.content.document.location.href.indexOf(sSearch) != -1){repl.enter(win);return 1;};break;'
    $sJavascript &= 'case "href": '
    $sJavascript &= 'var tabbrowser = win.gBrowser;'
    $sJavascript &= 'var numTabs = tabbrowser.browsers.length;'
    $sJavascript &= 'for (var index = 0; index < numTabs; index++ ){'
    $sJavascript &= 'var currentBrowser = tabbrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(index);'
    $sJavascript &= 'if (RegExp(sSearch).test(currentBrowser.currentURI.spec)){repl.enter(currentBrowser);return 1;}};break;'
    $sJavascript &= 'default: return -1};'
    $sJavascript &= '}return -1;};'

With this in mind, is it possible to send commands to a tab that is not currently selected?


Need help!

_FFLinkClick is not working for me. Here is a small piece of code

$ww = _FFStart("www.google.com")

_FFSetValue("Mark Matthews","q","name")


_FFClick("btnG", "name")


_FFLinkClick("Mark Matthews' Blog", "text")

the search page shows up. but the _FFLinkClick does not work. gives this error -

__FFSend: FFau3.xpath=null;try{FFau3.xpath=FFau3.WCD.evaluate("//a[contains(.,'Mark Matthews' Blog')]",FFau3.WCD,null,9,null).singleNodeValue;}catch(e){'_FFXPath_Error: '+e;};

__FFRecv: _FFXPath_Error: [Exception... "The expression is not a legal expression." code: "51" nsresult: "0x805b0033 (NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_Expression_ERR)" location: "chrome://mozrepl/content/repl.js -> file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/choudhary/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/e32t8aiw.default/mozrepl.tmp.js Line: 1"]

_FFXPath ==> Invalid Expression: NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_Expression_ERR $sQuery: //a[contains(.,'Mark Matthews' Blog')]

__FFSend: try{FFau3.simulateEvent(0,'MouseEvents','click');}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: -3

_FFClick ==> No match: $sElement: 0



Thank you for your suggestion!

Something like this was planned for _FFWindowSelect and _FFTabSetSelected for the next version.

With this in mind, is it possible to send commands to a tab that is not currently selected?

Not directly, but you can execute any Javascript on not selected tabs with:

$Result = _FFCmd("gBrowser.mTabs[n].FunctionOrAttribute")

Need help!

_FFLinkClick is not working for me. Here is a small piece of code

$ww = _FFStart("www.google.com")

_FFSetValue("Mark Matthews","q","name")


_FFClick("btnG", "name")


_FFLinkClick("Mark Matthews' Blog", "text")

the search page shows up. but the _FFLinkClick does not work. gives this error -

__FFSend: FFau3.xpath=null;try{FFau3.xpath=FFau3.WCD.evaluate("//a[contains(.,'Mark Matthews' Blog')]",FFau3.WCD,null,9,null).singleNodeValue;}catch(e){'_FFXPath_Error: '+e;};

__FFRecv: _FFXPath_Error: [Exception... "The expression is not a legal expression." code: "51" nsresult: "0x805b0033 (NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_Expression_ERR)" location: "chrome://mozrepl/content/repl.js -> file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/choudhary/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/e32t8aiw.default/mozrepl.tmp.js Line: 1"]

_FFXPath ==> Invalid Expression: NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_Expression_ERR $sQuery: //a[contains(.,'Mark Matthews' Blog')]

__FFSend: try{FFau3.simulateEvent(0,'MouseEvents','click');}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};

__FFRecv: -3

_FFClick ==> No match: $sElement: 0

That's a bug.

The problem is the ' in your search-text.

But you can avoid this by searching only the begin of the string - _FFLinkClick is searching substrings:

_FFLinkClick("Mark Matthews", "text")


Thank you for your suggestion!

Something like this was planned for _FFWindowSelect and _FFTabSetSelected for the next version.

Not directly, but you can execute any Javascript on not selected tabs with:

$Result = _FFCmd("gBrowser.mTabs[n].FunctionOrAttribute")

Is this a limitation of FF? MozRepl? Or your specific Autoit implementation?

It sure would be nice to be able to interact with a specific tab without needing to activate it first (like in IE).

Posted (edited)

How can I do this without it prefixing "http://" to it..??


Just include the FFEx.au3 and try this:



Hi, It is possible to use two scripts in two different tabs at once?

At the moment only direct with Javascript:


But it's better to open for every script a new window.

Edited by Stilgar

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