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Posted (edited)

Updated to V0.5.3.9b

Look at the first post for changes, please.



At first you must safe the FF.au3 as au3-file in your include-directory e.g.

c:\Program Files\AutoIt\include\FF.au3

If you wanna use it in your programm then "include" it like every other UDF e.g.

#include <FF.au3>


#include <FF.au3>

For reading the urls and informations from files look at the File*-functions please.

Other example:

#include <FF.au3>
_FFStart() ; just starting the browser

If _FFIsConnected() Then
  _FFOpenURL("http://ff-au3-example.thorsten-willert.de/") ; opens a webpage
  _FFSetValueByName("lname", "Name") ; insert your data into the input "Vorname" with the attribut name="lname"
  _FFFormSubmit() ; submits the formular



Select the window with _FFWindowSelect() - without parameters it uses the last opened window

Edited by Stilgar

How can I convert this AutoIt IE Code to FF AutoIt functions..??

$GetFormTags = _IETagNameGetCollection($IE, 'FORM')
$NumFormTags = @extended
For $i = 0 to $NumFormTags - 1
    $Form = _IETagNameGetCollection($IE, 'FORM', $i)
         MsgBox(0,"", $Form.Name&@CRLF&$Form.Action)

How can I convert this AutoIt IE Code to FF AutoIt functions..??

$GetFormTags = _IETagNameGetCollection($IE, 'FORM')
$NumFormTags = @extended
For $i = 0 to $NumFormTags - 1
    $Form = _IETagNameGetCollection($IE, 'FORM', $i)
         MsgBox(0,"", $Form.Name&@CRLF&$Form.Action)

The simplest way would be this:

$aName = _FFXpath("//form", "name", 6)
$aAction = _FFXpath("//form", "action", 6)

For $i = 1 To $aName[0]
    MsgBox(0,"", $aName[$i] & @CRLF & $aAction[$i])

Does that do the same thing as my code does though.??

I need it to get all the Forms on a page, then MsgBox the ( Form.Name & Form.Action ) of each Form on that page..


I'm having an issue with the _FFWindowGetHandle() function where is doesn't reset the title properly. For example:

#include <FF.au3>

If Not _FFIsConnected() And Not _FFConnect(Default, Default, 100) Then
    MsgBox(64, "", "Can't connect to FireFox!")
    $result = _FFWindowSelect("www.google.com","href", False)

This code returns "FFAU31347304041" instead of "Google" or "iGoogle".

I changed _FFWindowGetHandle as follows, which seems to fix the issue:

Func _FFWindowGetHandle()
    Local Const $sFuncName = "_FFWindowGetHandle"
    ; in the future to handle with XPCOM =#=
    Local $bErr = False
    Local $hWindow = ""

    BlockInput(1) ; =#=
    If Not @error Then
        Local $sTitle = _FFCmd(".title")
        Local $sTitleRnd = "FFAU3" & Random(1000000000, 9999999999, 1)
        _FFCmd(".title='" & $sTitleRnd & "'")
        Local $iMatchMode = AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 1)
        $hWindow = WinGetHandle($sTitleRnd)
        If @error Then $bErr = True
        AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", $iMatchMode)
;       _FFCmd("document.title=window.content.top.document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].textContent")
        _FFCmd(".title='" & $sTitle & "'")
        ConsoleWrite("_FFWindowGetHandle: " & $hWindow & @CRLF)

    If $bErr Then SetError(__FFError($sFuncName, $_FF_ERROR_GeneralError))
    Return $hWindow
EndFunc   ;==>_FFWindowGetHandle


Posted (edited)

The simplest way would be this:

$aName = _FFXpath("//form", "name", 6)
$aAction = _FFXpath("//form", "action", 6)

For $i = 1 To $aName[0]
    MsgBox(0,"", $aName[$i] & @CRLF & $aAction[$i])

so how would I set the input text of a form that had a certain string in its Form.Action..??

so say the Form.Action contains ".php" how would i set the Input.Text of that form to "123"

then untick all the checkboxes belonging to that form and then submit that form..??

Edited by cypher175
Posted (edited)


Reseting the title with this line:


is to avoid problems with different codepages.

But it seems there was something changed in latest FF-versions ...

I have fixed the problem in the latest test-version:



Your example would better look like this:

#include <FF.au3>

_FFConnect(Default, Default, 100)

If _FFIsConnected() Then
    $result = _FFWindowSelect("www.google.com","href", False)
    MsgBox(64, "", "Can't connect to FireFox!")

because _FFIsConnected are only usefull after the use of _FFConnect or _FFStart.

Or shorter:

#include <FF.au3>

If _FFConnect(Default, Default, 100) Then
    $result = _FFWindowSelect("www.google.com","href", False)
    MsgBox(64, "", "Can't connect to FireFox!")

so how would I set the input text of a form that had a certain string in its Form.Action..??

so say the Form.Action contains ".php" how would i set the Input.Text of that form to "123"

then untick all the checkboxes belonging to that form and then submit that form..??


If _FFIsConnected() Then
    $aName = _FFXpath("//form", "name", 6)
    $aAction = _FFXpath("//form", "action", 6)
    For $i = 1 To $aName[0]
        MsgBox(0,"", $aName[$j] & @CRLF & $aAction[$j])
        If $aAction[$j] = "/file.php" Then
            _FFXpath("//form[" & $j & "]//input[@type='checkbox']", "checked=false", 6) ; unchecking ALL checkboxes in this form
            _FFSetValueByName("NameOfTheInput", "123") ; or
            _FFSetValueById("IDOfTheInput", "123")
            _FFFormSubmit($i-1) ; -1 because of the DOM-index from 0-n

If you don't wanna search the IDs and names in the HTML-Source you can use this function:


Edited by Stilgar

I have fixed the problem in the latest test-version:


Yes, looks much better. Thanks!

Using the _IEAttach function, I can address a specific tab by URL. I've tried using _FFWindowSelect, but it only succeeds if the desired tab is already selected. Is there a way to do this using the existing architecture?

FWIW, I played around with this over the weekend and ended up adding the function FFau3.SearchTabURL. I then modified some of the _FFTab* functions to allow for sMode = 'href'. If you're interested, I can send you the modified source.


Posted (edited)


How would I check the state (checked=true/false) of a CheckBox by its NAME..??

And then do something based on its Checked State..??

also is there a function like .ScrollIntoView() that focuses the webpage on a certain element..??

Edited by cypher175


In _FFWindowSelect I forget to build in the selection by URL, it's the same like selection by tab-label.

Yes you can send me the modified source, please.

Right the @error from _FFWindowSelect isn't always correct, but it the function returns 0 if it fails, otherwise 1.



Currently only via xpath:

$Checked = _FFXpath("//input[@type='checkbox' and @name='name'], "checked", 9)

I change this in the next version.


You can use this function:


to get the position ot the element and then scroll to it via:

_FFAction("ScrollXY", $iX, $iY)


Strange, here it works and I changed nothing in this function.

Have you any error messages in your console-output?



Is there any other _FFCmd's like the ones below to Clear "Everything" from FF's "Recent History"..??

; Cookies

; History

; Cache

Is there any other _FFCmd's like the ones below to Clear "Everything" from FF's "Recent History"..??

I'm not sure what you mean. Do you searching anything other then the second _FFCmd(..) ?


MozRepl doesn't work with Thunderbird.

But you can ask the author of it if he can change this:


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