quaizywabbit Posted September 4, 2007 Author Posted September 4, 2007 (edited) Yes... you have to use Guisetstate(@SW_SHOW) for EACH Targetaddxxxx( ) function...... Edited September 4, 2007 by quaizywabbit [u]Do more with pre-existing apps![/u]ANYGUIv2.8
quaizywabbit Posted September 4, 2007 Author Posted September 4, 2007 No, the window is diferend every time, i can not save the info for all possible windows that script will work with This is in new version? but these are for AutoIT GUI(?), and i need for external windows. How? Here is what i thouth that will do it: $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetWindowLong", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", -16) But it returns current styles as i understood, not original... or should i use it in other way? How? if you guys look further down the ANYGUI script, youll notice i included TargetStyle() ; Function Name: _TargetStyle() ; Description: Retrieves/Sets/Unsets/Replaces Styles and/or Exstyles of 'targeted' control/window ; When called with no parameters returns the current Styles/Exstyles for the window/control ; Parameter(s): $action[optional] - "set", "unset", "toggle", and "replace" ; $Bool[optional] - 1 to Update window/control when finished ; $Style[optional] - New window style (multiple styles can be BitOr'd) ; $ExStyle[optional] - New window exstyle (multiple styles can be BitOr'd) ; $LocTargethWnd[optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable [u]Do more with pre-existing apps![/u]ANYGUIv2.8
TK_Incorperate Posted September 4, 2007 Posted September 4, 2007 So I added a GuiSetState after each of the targetadds and it still doesnt show up. It flashes inside the window for just a split second, but then it goes away. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Here's my script, only difference is I put the GuiSetStates in there hoping it would work. I've tried it with the GUISetState in the loop and without it in the loop. #include<_AnyGUI.au3> #include<GUIConstants.au3> WinActivate("Diablo II") $Target = _GuiTarget("Diablo II", 1, "") $GUI = _TargetaddChild("D2ImP", 10, 10, 300, 300, $Target) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $Button1 = _TargetaddButton("Test", 20, 20, 40, 20, -1, -1, $Target) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI) Sleep(1) WEnd
quaizywabbit Posted September 4, 2007 Author Posted September 4, 2007 So I added a GuiSetState after each of the targetadds and it still doesnt show up. It flashes inside the window for just a split second, but then it goes away. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Here's my script, only difference is I put the GuiSetStates in there hoping it would work. I've tried it with the GUISetState in the loop and without it in the loop. #include<_AnyGUI.au3> #include<GUIConstants.au3> WinActivate("Diablo II") $Target = _GuiTarget("Diablo II", 1, "") $GUI = _TargetaddChild("D2ImP", 10, 10, 300, 300, $Target) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $Button1 = _TargetaddButton("Test", 20, 20, 40, 20, -1, -1, $Target) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI) Sleep(1) WEnd Game windows are a crap shoot because the software uses DirectX to render the graphics. about the only thing i can think of is trying to make a autohiding tray(set to always on top), perhaps semi-translucent, so the game shows through..... can you resize the game window? [u]Do more with pre-existing apps![/u]ANYGUIv2.8
MrCreatoR Posted September 4, 2007 Posted September 4, 2007 if you guys look further down the ANYGUI script, youll notice i included TargetStyle()I have seen that, thanks, but i need not the current styles, i need the original (that the app set for window at starting)... but i supose that this is't possible  Spoiler Using OS: Win 7 Professional, Using AutoIt Ver(s): /  AutoIt Russian Community My Work... Spoiler Projects: ATT - Application Translate Tool {new}| BlockIt - Block files & folders {new}| SIP - Selected Image Preview {new}| SISCABMAN - SciTE Abbreviations Manager {new}| AutoIt Path Switcher | AutoIt Menu for Opera! | YouTube Download Center! | Desktop Icons Restorator | Math Tasks | KeyBoard & Mouse Cleaner | CaptureIt - Capture Images Utility | CheckFileSize ProgramUDFs: OnAutoItErrorRegister - Handle AutoIt critical errors {new}| AutoIt Syntax Highlight {new}| Opera Library! | Winamp Library | GetFolderToMenu | Custom_InputBox()! | _FileRun UDF | _CheckInput() UDF | _GUIInputSetOnlyNumbers() UDF | _FileGetValidName() UDF | _GUICtrlCreateRadioCBox UDF | _GuiCreateGrid() | _PathSplitByRegExp() | _GUICtrlListView_MoveItems - UDF | GUICtrlSetOnHover_UDF! | _ControlTab UDF! | _MouseSetOnEvent() UDF! | _ProcessListEx - UDF | GUICtrl_SetResizing - UDF! | Mod. for _IniString UDFs | _StringStripChars UDF | _ColorIsDarkShade UDF | _ColorConvertValue UDF | _GUICtrlTab_CoverBackground | CUI_App_UDF | _IncludeScripts UDF | _AutoIt3ExecuteCode | _DragList UDF | Mod. for _ListView_Progress | _ListView_SysLink | _GenerateRandomNumbers | _BlockInputEx | _IsPressedEx | OnAutoItExit Handler | _GUICtrlCreateTFLabel UDF | WinControlSetEvent UDF | Mod. for _DirGetSizeEx UDF Examples: ScreenSaver Demo - Matrix included | Gui Drag Without pause the script | _WinAttach()! | Turn Off/On Monitor | ComboBox Handler Example | Mod. for "Thinking Box" | Cool "About" Box | TasksBar Imitation Demo Like the Projects/UDFs/Examples? Please rate the topic (up-right corner of the post header: Rating ) * === My topics === * ================================================== ==================================================    AutoIt is simple, subtle, elegant. © AutoIt Team
TK_Incorperate Posted September 4, 2007 Posted September 4, 2007 Game windows are a crap shoot because the software uses DirectX to render the graphics.about the only thing i can think of is trying to make a autohiding tray(set to always on top), perhaps semi-translucent, so the game shows through.....can you resize the game window?The game window can be resized, but only to 2 different resolutions. I will most likely look into always on top attribute, or make the game transparent, then put a black background behind it, so it doesn't show the programs running behind it, then put the GUI on top of the black background. As far as translucent, what's that? same as transparent? lol I'm not completely sure, but I'll try this tomorrow, I got to get to work early so I need sleep. Thanks for your help.~TK
L3G3NdKillEr Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 (edited) hi all of you, I made a timer and i want to show in upper left of game window but game hide the timer what sholud added in my script is anyGui.au3 have ability to do expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> hotkeyset("6", "khurram") Const $WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112 ;Const $SC_MOVE = 0xF010 Const $SC_MINIMIZE = 0xF020 Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $testGUI2 = GUICreate("", 140, 60, 0, 0, BitOR($WS_MINIMIZEBOX,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, $WS_POPUP)) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Timer", 40, 16, 395, 273) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Label1, "ALabel1Click") GUICtrlSetData("khurram1", $Label1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) WinSetOnTop($testGUI2, "", 1) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### Global $pos = WinGetPos($testGUI2) Global Const $WM_NCHITTEST = 0x0084 GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NCHITTEST,"WM_NCHITTEST") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SYSCOMMAND, "On_WM_SYSCOMMAND") While GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE WEnd Func On_WM_SYSCOMMAND($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If BitAND($wParam, 0xFFF0) = $SC_MINIMIZE Then Return EndFunc Sleep(100) Send("6") While 1 WEnd Func WM_NCHITTEST($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) If $hWnd = $testGUI2 And $iMsg = $WM_NCHITTEST Then $id = _API_DefWindowProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) If $id = 2 Then;if it is the title handle Return 1;return the client handle Else Return $id;return the real handle EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _API_DefWindowProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) Local $aResult $aResult = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "DefWindowProc", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", $iMsg, "int", $iwParam, "int", $ilParam) Return $aResult[0] EndFunc Func ALabel1Click() EndFunc Func khurram() $pid = ProcessExists("closer.exe") if $pid then Processclose($pid) EndIf $Minutes = 5 ; will wait 1 minutes Local $60Count = 0, $begin = TimerInit() While $Minutes > $60Count $dif = TimerDiff($begin) $dif2 = StringLeft($dif, StringInStr($dif, ".") -1) $Count = int($dif/1000) $60Count = Int($Count / 60) GUICtrlSetFont($Label1, 28, "", "","Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetColor($Label1, 0x00AA00) GUICtrlSetData($Label1, $60count & ":" & $Count) if $60count = 5 Then Run("closer.exe") EndIf Sleep(20) WEnd EndFunc Func khurram1() if _IsPressed("36") Then khurram EndIf EndFunc Edited September 9, 2007 by L3G3NdKillEr i'm very responsible, when ever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.Life is like an Adventure... BUT COOL GRAPHICS<====================----=LEGEND KILLER=----=========================>
zone97 Posted April 15, 2008 Posted April 15, 2008 I get an error with this addin, its (missing include #include "guilist.au3") in my includes I have guilistbox.au3 and guilistview.au3... but not just an guilist.au3 Â Spoiler WinSizer 2.1 (01/04/2017) -Â Download - [ Windows Layout Manager ]Folder+Program (12/23/2016) - Download - [ USB Shortcut Creator ] Â
Bert Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 (edited) For those who want to use AnyGUI.au3, and 2.8 fails, here is the fix. I went in and fix all the errors. expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <guiconstants.au3> #include "guilistbox.au3" #region Version and Author(s)...And CREDITS!! #cs -------Version and Author Data------------------------------------------------------------------ ; *************************************************** ; ****ANYGUI.au3 v 2.8 5 MAR 2007************************** ; ************Author: Quaizywabbit******************* ; *Credits: Many thanks to Valik(especially!) and Larry!!!!!!!!!!* ; _TargetSetStyle courtesy of Xenogis!! ; *************************************************** ;Changes in this version: all func's (except _EndTarget) ;have basic error handling(return 0 and set @error) **18 July 2005 added MonthCal and Obj(embedded ActiveX) to the lineup *NOTE: Beta-Only Functions (Graphic, MonthCal, and Obj) are commented for ease of use with the production release!!!! **3 AUG 2005 fixed _TargetSetStyle "Remove" to operate properly **7 AUG 2005 Renamed _TargetSetStyle() to _TargetStyle() when called with no params, returns the current Styles and Exstyles changed "Action" verbs to "set", "unset", and "replace" **8 AUG 2005 fixed _TargetStyle Select/Case Logic (messed it up from v2.2_____ooops!) **10 AUG 2005 added "toggle" to _TargetStyle() **12 AUG 2005 added _WinMenuGetHandle() and _WinMenuSetState() **22 FEB 2007 added _TargetAddDraglist() with associated auxiliary functions, and uncommented previous Beta functions **05 MAR 2007 modified _GuiTarget() to allow passing coord array in place of ControlId(for .net controls that don't play nice) #ce;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endregion #region GuiTarget; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _GuiTarget() ; Description: Targets any existing Window/Control for Control/Child window additions ; Parameter(s): $wintitle - Window Title ; $mode [optional] 1 = "Single Window"; ; [Default]==> all else = "Multiple" ; $wintext [optional] - Text in "Target" window ; $controlid [optional] - "Targeted" Control in window **OR** array containing x and y coords ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Mode = 1: Global hWnd to window or control ; - Mode = "", or any value that isn't 1: Local hWnd to _ ; window or control. ; On Failure: returns 0 and @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _GuiTarget($wintitle, $mode = 0, $wintext = 0, $controlid = 0) Local $hWnd WinWait($wintitle) $hWnd = WinGetHandle($wintitle) If Not ($controlid = 0) Then Select Case IsArray($controlid) $ctlhwnd = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "ChildWindowFromPoint", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", $controlid[0], "int", $controlid[1]) If IsHWnd($ctlhwnd[0]) And $ctlhwnd[0] <> 0x00000000 And $ctlhwnd[0] <> $hWnd Then;checks for valid control hwnd $ID = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetDlgCtrlID", "hwnd", $ctlhwnd[0]) ConsoleWrite("ControlId = " & $ID[0] & @CRLF) $hWnd = $ctlhwnd[0] Else ConsoleWrite("invalid coordinates" & "(" & $controlid[0] & " ," & $controlid[1] & ")" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf Case Else $hWnd = ControlGetHandle($wintitle, $wintext, $controlid) EndSelect EndIf If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then SetError(1) Select Case @error = 1 ConsoleWrite("could not get hwnd" & @CRLF) _EndTarget() Return 0 Case $mode = 1 Global $TargethWnd = $hWnd Return $TargethWnd Case Else Local $LocTargethWnd = $hWnd Return $LocTargethWnd EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_GuiTarget #endregion #region EndTarget; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _EndTarget() ; Description: Resets _GuiTarget GLOBAL variable value to 0 (when used with Mode 1) ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): None ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _EndTarget() Global $TargethWnd = 0 Return $TargethWnd EndFunc ;==>_EndTarget #endregion #region _TargetaddChild; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddChild() ; Description: Adds a Child window to the "Targeted" existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - Child window title text ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns hWnd of Child window ; On Failure - Returns 0 and @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $LocTargethWnd = 0); If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Else ConsoleWrite("invalid or nonexisting target hwnd" & @CRLF) Return 0 EndIf If IsHWnd($TargethWnd) Then Local $a = GUICreate($text, $SizeX, $SizeY, $PosX, $PosY, $WS_CHILD, -1, $TargethWnd) Else ConsoleWrite("invalid or nonexisting target hwnd" & @CRLF) EndIf If $a = 0 Then SetError(1) Return $a EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddChild #endregion #region _TargetaddAvi; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddAvi() ; Description: Add Avi to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $filename - The filename of the video. Only .avi files are supported. ; $subfileid - id of the subfile to be used. If the file only contains one video then use -1. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Avi control ; $exstyle[optional]- 'exstyle' of Avi control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Avi control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Avi control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Avi controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddAvi($filename, $subfileid, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $text = $filename Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateAvi($filename, $subfileid, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddAvi #endregion #region _TargetaddButton; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddButton() ; Description: Add Button to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - text to display on button ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Button control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Button control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Button control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Button control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Button controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddButton($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateButton($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddButton #endregion #region _TargetaddCheckbox; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddCheckbox() ; Description: Add Checkbox to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - Checkbox label text ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Checkbox control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Checkbox control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Checkbox control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Checkbox control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Checkbox controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddCheckbox($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddCheckbox #endregion #region _TargetaddCombo; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddCombo() ; Description: Add Combo to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - text which will appear in the combo control ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Combo control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Combo control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Combo control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Combo control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Combo controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddCombo($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddCombo #endregion #region _TargetaddDate; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddDate() ; Description: Add Date control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - the preselected date ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Date control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Date control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Date control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Date control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Date controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddDate($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateDate($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddDate #endregion #region _TargetaddEdit; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddEdit() ; Description: Add Edit control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - the text of the control ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Edit control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Edit control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Edit control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Edit control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Edit controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddEdit($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateEdit($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddEdit #endregion #region _TargetaddGraphic; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddGraphic() ; Description: Add Graphic to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Graphic control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Graphic control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Graphic control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Graphic controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddGraphic($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddGraphic #endregion #region _TargetaddGroup; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddGroup() ; Description: Add Group control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - Group label text ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Group control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Group control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Group control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Group control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Group controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddGroup($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateGroup($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddGroup #endregion #region _TargetaddIcon; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddIcon() ; Description: Add Icon to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $filename - filename of the icon to be loaded ; $iconID - Icon identifier if the file contain multiple icon. Otherwise -1. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Icon control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Icon control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Icon control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Icon control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Icon controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddIcon($filename, $iconID, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateIcon($filename, $iconID, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddIcon #endregion #region _TargetaddInput; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddInput() ; Description: Add Input control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Input control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Input control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Input control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Input control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Input controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddInput($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateInput($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddInput #endregion #region _TargetaddLabel; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddLabel() ; Description: Add Label to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Label control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Label control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Label control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Label control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Label controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddLabel($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddLabel #endregion #region _TargetaddList; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddList() ; Description: Add List control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of List control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of List control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of List control ; $a[1] = hWnd of List control ; $a[2] = hWnd of List controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddList($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateList($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddList #endregion #region _TargetaddDragList; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddDragList() ; Description: Adds DragList control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of List control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of List control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> and <guilist.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of List control ; $a[1] = hWnd of List control ; $a[2] = hWnd of List controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddDragList($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateList($text, 15, 2, $SizeX - 15, $SizeY - 2, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) _Makedraglist($a[1]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddDragList #endregion #region _TargetaddListview; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddListview() ; Description: Add Listview control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - definition of column heading. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Listview control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Listview control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Listview control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Listview control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Listview controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddListview($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateListView($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddListview #endregion #region _TargetaddMonthCal; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddMonthCal() ; Description: Adds MonthCal control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $text - The text of the control. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of MonthCal control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of MonthCal control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of MonthCal control ; $a[1] = hWnd of MonthCal control ; $a[2] = hWnd of MonthCal controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddMonthCal($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild($text, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal($text, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddMonthCal #endregion #region _TargetaddObj; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddObj() ; Description: Adds ActiveX Object control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $ObjVar - A variable pointing to a previously opened object ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of ActiveX Object control ; $a[1] = hWnd of ActiveX Object control ; $a[2] = hWnd of ActiveX Object controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddObj($ObjVar, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("ActiveXObj", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateObj($ObjVar, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddObj #endregion #region _TargetaddPic; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddPic() ; Description: Add Pic to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $filename - filename of the icon to be loaded. ; $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Pic control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Pic control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Pic control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Pic control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Pic controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddPic($filename, $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreatePic($filename, 0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddPic #endregion #region _TargetaddProgress; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddProgress() ; Description: Add Progress control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Progress control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Progress control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Progress control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Progress control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Progress controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddProgress($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateProgress($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddProgress #endregion #region _TargetaddSlider; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddSlider() ; Description: Add Slider to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Slider control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Slider control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Slider control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Slider control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Slider controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddSlider($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateSlider(0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddSlider #endregion #region _TargetaddTab; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddTab() ; Description: Add Tab control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Tab control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Tab control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Tab control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Tab control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Tab controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddTab($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddTab #endregion #region _TargetaddTreeview; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetaddTreeview() ; Description: Add Treeview control to existing control/window ; Parameter(s): $PosX - 'X' horiz. position coordinate ; $PosY - 'Y' vert. position coordinate ; $SizeX - 'X' horiz. Size value ; $SizeY - 'Y' vert. Size value ; $style [optional] - 'style' of Treeview control ; $exstyle [optional] - 'exstyle' of Treeview control ; $LocTargethWnd [optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 3 element array: ; $a[0] = ControlId of Treeview control ; $a[1] = hWnd of Treeview control ; $a[2] = hWnd of Treeview controls Child window ; On Failure - returns 0, @error set to 1 ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetaddTreeview($PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $a[3] $a[2] = _TargetaddChild("", $PosX, $PosY, $SizeX, $SizeY, $TargethWnd) $a[0] = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(0, 0, $SizeX, $SizeY, $style, $exstyle) $a[1] = ControlGetHandle($a[2], "", $a[0]) If $a[2] = 0 Or $a[0] = 0 Or $a[1] = "" Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $a EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TargetaddTreeview #endregion #region _TargetSetStyle; ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _TargetStyle() ; Description: Retrieves/Sets/Unsets/Replaces Styles and/or Exstyles of 'targeted' control/window ; When called with no parameters returns the current Styles/Exstyles for the window/control ; Parameter(s): $action[optional] - "set", "unset", "toggle", and "replace" ; $Bool[optional] - 1 to Update window/control when finished ; $Style[optional] - New window style (multiple styles can be BitOr'd) ; $ExStyle[optional] - New window exstyle (multiple styles can be BitOr'd) ; $LocTargethWnd[optional] - 'Local' _GuiTarget assigned variable ; Requirement(s): #include <guiconstants.au3> ; Return Value(s): On success: $action left blank-returns an array with $array[0] as the current Style and $array[1] as the current Exstyle ; otherwise it returns previous style and exstyle ; If style and exstyle are changed the function will return an array ; with $Array[0] as the previous style and ; $Array[1] as the previous exstyle ; On Error:affected array element returns 0, error flag set to 1 if Style, 2 if ExStyle. ; MsgBox displayed for either. ; Msgbox displayed for incorrect 'action' verb, returns 0 and sets error ; Author(s): Chase/Xenogis- - -Modified by Quaizywabbit ; 3 AUG 2005: corrected "Remove" to operate properly(Thanks Valik and Nutster!) ; 7 AUG 2005: changed 'action' verbs to "set", "unset", and "replace" ; 8 AUG 2005 fixed _TargetStyle() Select/Case logic (messed it up from v2.2___ooops!!) ; 10 AUG 2005 added "toggle" ; Comments: can only do a single 'verb' during each call, so required Style/Exstyle combinations may require ; additional _TargetStyle() calls with the last call setting $Bool to 1 to update the 'target' ;=============================================================================== Func _TargetStyle($action = 0, $Bool = 0, $style = -1, $exstyle = -1, $LocTargethWnd = 0) If Not ($LocTargethWnd = 0) Then $TargethWnd = $LocTargethWnd Local $ostyle = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "GetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16);get existing Style Local $oexstyle = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "GetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20);get existing ExStyle Select Case $action = "set" If $style <> -1 Then Local $scall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16, "long", BitOR($ostyle[0], $style));add Style to old style If $exstyle <> -1 Then Local $exscall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20, "long", BitOR($oexstyle[0], $exstyle));add Exstyle to old exstyle Case $action = "unset" If $style <> -1 Then Local $scall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16, "long", BitAND($ostyle[0], BitNOT($style)));remove Style from old style If $exstyle <> -1 Then Local $exscall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20, "long", BitAND($oexstyle[0], BitNOT($exstyle)));remove Exstyle from old exstyle Case $action = "toggle" If $style <> -1 Then Local $scall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16, "long", BitXOR($ostyle[0], $style));Toggle Style(s) on or off If $exstyle <> -1 Then Local $exscall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20, "long", BitXOR($oexstyle[0], $exstyle));Toggle ExStyle(s) on or off Case $action = "replace" If $style <> -1 Then Local $scall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -16, "long", $style);replace Style If $exstyle <> -1 Then Local $exscall = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowLong", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "int", -20, "long", $exstyle);replace Exstyle Case Else Dim $ret[2] $ret[0] = $ostyle[0] $ret[1] = $oexstyle[0] Return $ret EndSelect Dim $return[2] If $style <> -1 And $scall[0] <> $ostyle[0] Then SetError(1) $return[0] = 0 MsgBox(4096, "Error setting Style", "Please check your Style settings and try again") ElseIf $exstyle <> -1 And $exscall[0] <> $oexstyle[0] Then SetError(2) $return[1] = 0 MsgBox(4096, "Error setting ExStyle", "Please check your ExStyle settings and try again") Else If $style <> -1 Then $return[0] = $scall[0] Else $return[0] = $ostyle[0] EndIf If $exstyle <> -1 Then $return[1] = $exscall[0] Else $return[1] = $oexstyle[0] EndIf EndIf If $Bool = 1 Then _Refresh($TargethWnd) Return $return EndFunc ;==>_TargetStyle #endregion #region _WinMenuGetHandle() ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _WinMenuGetHandle() ; Description: Retrieves handle to a Window Menu ; Parameter(s): $hwnd - Window handle ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): On Success - $ret[0] = Window handle ; $ret[1] = Menu handle ; On Failure: returns 0 and @error set to 1 ; MsgBox shown explaining possible reasons for failure ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ; Comments: Child windows cannot have menu's. Not all Non-Child windows have menu's. ;=============================================================================== Func _WinMenuGetHandle($window) Local $menu = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "GetMenu", "hwnd", $window) Local $test = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "IsMenu", "hwnd", $menu[0]) If $test[0] <> 0 Then Dim $ret[2] $ret[0] = $window $ret[1] = $menu[0] Return $ret Else SetError(1) MsgBox(4096, "Error-_WinMenuGetHandle", "Could not retrieve Menu handle:window is child, or has no menu") Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WinMenuGetHandle #endregion #region _WinMenuSetState() ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _WinMenuSetState() ; Description: 'shows' or 'hides' a Window Menu's visibility ; Parameter(s): $window - initial call = Non-Child Window handle(that has a Menu) ; subsequent calls = returned array variable from initial call ; $state - "show" [default] ; "hide" ; Requirement(s): _WinMenuGetHandle() ; Return Value(s): On Success(initial call only) - $ret[0] = Window handle ; $ret[1] = Menu handle ; On Failure: returns 0 and @error set to 1 ; MsgBox shown explaining possible reasons for failure ; Author(s): Quaizywabbit ; Comments: Must "hide" before "show", when "show"ing use the initial "hide" call variable ; Child windows cannot have menu's("show" won't work). Not all Non-Child windows have menu's. ;=============================================================================== Func _WinMenuSetState($window, $state = "show"); ;is this the initial call? If IsArray($window) Then; 'old call Local $windowhwnd = $window[0] Local $menuhwnd = $window[1] Else Local $get = _WinMenuGetHandle($window); 'new call $windowhwnd = $get[0] $menuhwnd = $get[1] EndIf Select Case $state = "hide" Local $menu = 0 Local $menusetsucceed_fail = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetMenu", "hwnd", $windowhwnd, "hwnd", $menu) If $menusetsucceed_fail[0] = 0 Then SetError(1) MsgBox(4096, "Error!", " 'hide' update failed!") Return 0 EndIf Case $state = "show" Local $menusetsucceed_fail = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetMenu", "hwnd", $window[0], "hwnd", $window[1]) If $menusetsucceed_fail[0] = 0 Then SetError(1) MsgBox(4096, "Error!", "'show' update failed!") Return 0 EndIf EndSelect If Not IsArray($window) Then;( Return only on initial call) Dim $ret[2] $ret[0] = $windowhwnd $ret[1] = $menuhwnd Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WinMenuSetState #endregion #region aux-func's ;=============================================================================== ; AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ;=============================================================================== ;Const $SWP_NOMOVE = 0x0002, $SWP_NOSIZE = 0x0001, $SWP_NOZORDER = 0x0004, $SWP_FRAMECHANGED = 0x0020 Const $DRAGLISTMSGSTRING = "commctrl_DragListMsg" Const $DL_BEGINDRAG = ($WM_USER + 133) Const $DL_DRAGGING = ($WM_USER + 134) Const $DL_DROPPED = ($WM_USER + 135) Const $DL_CANCELDRAG = ($WM_USER + 136) Dim $dragIdx, $dragIdto, $dragging, $sztext, $cursor_old = MouseGetCursor() Func _Makedraglist($window, $text = 0, $controlid = 0) Local $hWnd If Not ($controlid = 0) Then $hWnd = ControlGetHandle($window, $text, $controlid) Else $hWnd = $window EndIf Local $r = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "int", "MakeDragList", "hwnd", $hWnd) $draglistmessage = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "RegisterWindowMessage", "str", $DRAGLISTMSGSTRING) $x = GUIRegisterMsg(($draglistmessage[0]), "_DraglistHandler") Return $r[0] EndFunc ;==>_Makedraglist Func _DrawInsert($hWnd, $Hlb, $nItem) $r = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "int", "DrawInsert", "hwnd", $hWnd, "hwnd", $Hlb, "int", $nItem) Return $r[0] EndFunc ;==>_DrawInsert Func _LBItemFromPt($Hlb, $Point, $autoscroll = 1) $x = DllStructGetData($Point, 1) $y = DllStructGetData($Point, 2) $r = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "int", "LBItemFromPt", "hwnd", $Hlb, "int", $x, "int", $y, "int", $autoscroll) Return $r[0] EndFunc ;==>_LBItemFromPt Func _Refresh($TargethWnd) $r = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowPos", "hwnd", $TargethWnd, "hwnd", $TargethWnd, _ "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, _ "long", BitOR($SWP_NOMOVE, $SWP_NOSIZE, $SWP_NOZORDER, $SWP_FRAMECHANGED)) Return $r[0] EndFunc ;==>_Refresh Func _DraglistHandler($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam) $nID = BitAND($wParam, 0x0000FFFF) Local $DraglistInfo = DllStructCreate("uint;hwnd;int;int", $lParam) $nNotifyCode = (DllStructGetData($DraglistInfo, 1)) $Hlb = "0x" & Hex(DllStructGetData($DraglistInfo, 2)) $Point = DllStructCreate("int;int") DllStructSetData($Point, 1, DllStructGetData($DraglistInfo, 3)) DllStructSetData($Point, 2, DllStructGetData($DraglistInfo, 4)) Select Case $nNotifyCode = $DL_BEGINDRAG $dragIdx = _LBItemFromPt($Hlb, $Point) _Refresh($Hlb) GUICtrlSetCursor($nID, 0);hand cursor $dragging = False Return True; use conditional statements returning true to allow item drag for some items, or false to disallow. Case $nNotifyCode = $DL_CANCELDRAG _Refresh($Hlb) _DrawInsert($hWnd, $Hlb, -1) GUICtrlSetCursor($nID, $cursor_old); back to arrow $dragging = False Case $nNotifyCode = $DL_DRAGGING $dragIdto = _LBItemFromPt($Hlb, $Point) _DrawInsert($hWnd, $Hlb, $dragIdto) $dragging = True Case $nNotifyCode = $DL_DROPPED $dragIdto = _LBItemFromPt($Hlb, $Point) If $dragging = True And $dragIdto <> -1 Then $sztext = _GUICtrlListBox_GetText($nID, $dragIdx) _GUICtrlListBox_DeleteString($nID, $dragIdx) _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString($nID, $sztext, $dragIdto) _GUICtrlListBox_SetCurSel($nID, $dragIdto) _DrawInsert($hWnd, $Hlb, -1) EndIf GUICtrlSetCursor($nID, $cursor_old); back to arrow Case Else Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_DraglistHandler #endregion #region User Call Tips; Copy and paste these to your "User CallTips" #cs;User call tip entries: _GuiTarget("title"[,Mode- enter 1 for single window mode [,"text"[,ControlId]]]) _EndTarget() _TargetaddChild( "title", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, hWnd}) _TargetaddAvi( filename, subfileid, PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style [,exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddButton( "text",PosX,PosY,SizeX,SizeY[,style[,exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddCheckbox( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddCombo( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddDate( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddEdit("text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddGraphic( PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, hWnd]]) _TargetaddGroup( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddIcon( filename, iconID, PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddInput( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddLabel( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddList( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddDragList( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddListview( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddMonthCal( "text", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddObj( "Object Variable", PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, hWnd]) _TargetaddPic( filename, PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddProgress(PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddSlider(PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddTab(PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetaddTreeview(PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY[, style[, exstyle[, hWnd]]]) _TargetStyle([action "set|unset|toggle|replace"[,Update"1 = yes 0 = no"[,Style[, ExStyle[, hWnd]]]]]) _WinMenuGetHandle(WindowHwnd) _WinMenuSetState($windowhwnd_or_Previous_call$Variable[, $state = "show|hide"]) #ce #endregion Edited May 2, 2008 by Volly The Vollatran project  My blog: http://www.vollysinterestingshit.com/
daddydave Posted May 25, 2008 Posted May 25, 2008 (edited) For AutoIt3 version v3.2.12.0, since GUIConstants.au3 is now obsolete (and guilist.au3 became obsolete at some point--can't find it in the AutoIt changelog though), it looks like AnyGUI's includes should now be #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <GuiListBox.au3> Just found this, but already it is giving me too many ideas. Thanks, quaizywabbit! :) Edited May 25, 2008 by daddydave
daddydave Posted May 25, 2008 Posted May 25, 2008 And a question. Is there any way to capture an event such as $GUI_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE from one of these targeted windows?
Moderators SmOke_N Posted May 25, 2008 Moderators Posted May 25, 2008 (edited) And a question. Is there any way to capture an event such as $GUI_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE from one of these targeted windows?If you are speaking of the GUI's you create using this function then sure... Shouldn't be much more than what you would do normally for a regular GUI.If you're talking about another GUI that is on another app, then you'll probably have to look at callbacks and hooks on msdn. Edited May 25, 2008 by SmOke_N Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
Dopamin Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Hi everybody, i´ve got a Problem with AnyGui 2.8. I use the Remote Assistance from Microsoft. At the Start-Screen, where you put in the Computername, i would like to replace the buttons on top (Index, Favorites...) with custom buttons. First of All I hide the buttons with ControlHide. Works great. Now I want to add custom buttons there but nothing happens. The Tool "Auto v3 Window Info" shows that the Button exists, but I can´t see or click the Button. Here´s my code: The titles are german, because my Windows XP-Language is german. The titles are correct, i just checked them! #include <GuiConstants.au3> #include "ANYGUIv2.8a.au3" ControlHide("Hilfe- und Supportcenter", "","[CLASSNN:ToolbarWindow321]") $Gui =_AnyGui_Create ("Hilfe- und Supportcenter", 1) $Test = _AnyGui_AddButton ("Test", 2 0, 924 , 38, "[CLASSNN:ToolbarWindow321]") $Test = $Test[0] GUISetState ( @SW_SHOW ) sleep(3000) ControlFocus("Hilfe- und Supportcenter","",3) While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() If $msg = $Test Then msgbox (0,"Test","Test123") EndIf WEnd Have anyone an idea?
Zinefer Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 (edited) I have been trying to get this to work for the past 25 minutes. I can't seem to eradicate this error: C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\anygui.au3 (1005) : ==> Variable used without being declared.:Const $DL_BEGINDRAG = ($WM_USER + 133)Const $DL_BEGINDRAG = (^ ERROREven using examples posted in this thread. Any suggestions?Thanks.Got it, never mind:) Edited December 25, 2008 by Zinefer
Developers Jos Posted December 25, 2008 Developers Posted December 25, 2008 Add this line to it: #include <WindowsConstants.au3> SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page  - Beta files    Read before posting   How to post scriptsource   Forum etiquette Forum Rules  Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.Â
Zinefer Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 Oh, Thanks jos. You posted just as I edited my post.
nfaustin Posted January 31, 2009 Posted January 31, 2009 Im using autoit v3.3 and ANYGUIv2.8 has error of undefined function like include "guilist.au3", more likely in this part: If $dragging = True And $dragIdto <> -1 Then $sztext = _GUICtrlListGetText($nID, $dragIdx) _GUICtrlListDeleteItem($nID, $dragIdx) _GUICtrlListInsertItem($nID, $sztext, $dragIdto) _GUICtrlListSelectIndex($nID, $dragIdto) _DrawInsert($hWnd, $Hlb, -1) EndIf Any idea where to find this function? Thanks, [font="Palatino Linotype"][size="2"]*** The information contained in this post should be considered and certified WORKS ON MY MACHINE ***[/size][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][size="2"] [/size][/font]
CosmicDan Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 I have updated the ANYGUIv2.8.au3 script for AutoIt v3.3.0.0 compatibility, and included some examples taken from the thread. It'd be good to include this in the official release! Please note the following points- 1) Only thing changed in ANYGUI.au3 are the includes, specifically... #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <GuiListBox.au3> 2) In "ANYGUI_Example_Notepad.au3", for some reason the script doesn't automatically close when you close notepad, just end it via the tray manually. 3) In "ANYGUI_Example_Notepad2.au3" there appears to be a bug. Click an object in the list to select it, then right click on that newly selected entry... the added controls seem to disappear when the context menu appears! Then they return when you exit the context menu. Wierd... maybe it's just a Vista issue? Oh I also removed the curse/swear words from this example - naughty lol! I like this example script, I only just found it but i'm going to try and use it to add a new menu option on that file bar...ANYGUIv2.8_Fixed_with_examples.zip CosmicDan.com
Hypertrophy Posted August 16, 2009 Posted August 16, 2009 (edited) How do I globally delete all pictures i created with _TargetAddPic()? Please if anyone knows I would EXTREMELY appreciate it. Edited August 16, 2009 by Hypertrophy
vmars Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I have updated the ANYGUIv2.8.au3 script for AutoIt v3.3.0.0 compatibility, and included some examples taken from the thread.It'd be good to include this in the official release! Please note the following points-1) Only thing changed in ANYGUI.au3 are the includes, specifically...#include <WindowsConstants.au3>#include <Constants.au3>#include <GuiListBox.au3>2) In "ANYGUI_Example_Notepad.au3", for some reason the script doesn't automatically close when you close notepad, just end it via the tray manually.3) In "ANYGUI_Example_Notepad2.au3" there appears to be a bug. Click an object in the list to select it, then right click on that newly selected entry... the added controls seem to disappear when the context menu appears! Then they return when you exit the context menu. Wierd... maybe it's just a Vista issue? Oh I also removed the curse/swear words from this example - naughty lol!I like this example script, I only just found it but i'm going to try and use it to add a new menu option on that file bar...Thank you very much!..vm
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