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Posted (edited)

For those of you who like to manipulate other program windows:

05 MAR, 2007 ANYGUIv2.8 ANYGUIv2.8.au3

modified _GuiTarget( ) to accept array in ControlId parameter to specify x/y CLIENTcoords of point in control

(for those pesky .Net controls where controlid/classnameNN change frequently)

for example:

Dim $coords[2] 
$coords[0] = 200  ;point x to check in CLIENT COORDS
$coords[1] = 29;point y to check in CLIENT COORDS
WinActivate("Edit Database Item")
$Ctrltarget = _GuiTarget("Edit Database Item", "", "", $coords)
Edited by quaizywabbit
[u]Do more with pre-existing apps![/u]ANYGUIv2.8
Posted (edited)

i was trying to do this a few minutes ago, good job! :)

edit: i tryed it, but i can't get it to work :D here is my code

_GuiTarget ( "My Test" )
_TargetAddButton ( "Test", 3, 3, 50, 30 )
Edited by Xenogis

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]



[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


why isn't GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) in the functions?

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


Yay, i got it to work. This is awesome.

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


you might want to set everything up using arrays and doing lots of ReDimming that way we can control multiple things with a msg loop

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


you can't, the functions don't return anything

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


No you dont.

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


Doesn't that parameter make sense, though? Don't you think it's important enough that each function gets it? I mean, in a library which creates controls on 3rd-party windows, I kind of expect there to be a parameter in the function allowing me to specify what window I want to add to.


To embed a control into another window, I expect to make 1 function call and that's it. None of this GuiTarget() garbage. No fooling with global variables. Each function stand-alone and with no dependancies.


How would you do it Valik? I think he's going for the same kind of thing as 'GUICreate,' and then adding controls.

I'd rather do his way then specifying a window each time?

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i prefer the targeting to speed up writing it but it would be extremely simple to do it without

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


you still don't have GuiShow() in the functions :)

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]

Posted (edited)

oops i wasnt thinking i ment GuiSetState()

edit: grammer error

Edited by Xenogis

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


Ya might have missed this post earlier.....

Left it out so other things like GUICtrlSetColor , GUICtrlSetImage , etc.....

can be inserted prior to calling GUIsetState()

[u]Do more with pre-existing apps![/u]ANYGUIv2.8

here's an example use...not perfect, but all controls and child windows show ok;


Here's my attempt at modifying the previous example to work with the new parameters and parameter order... please feel free to correct anything I've misunderstood.


#region Hoster demo addbutton
opt ("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
#include <ANYGUI.au3>
#include <GUIConstants.au3>; must be included in main script for GUI Functions to work
Dim $myVar1, $myVarB1, $myVarB2, $myVarB3, $myVarB4, $myVarB5, $myVarB6, $myVarC1
Run('C:\Program Files\Micro Technology Unlimited\Hoster Demo\Hoster-demo.exe')
ControlClick("Dialog", "Demo", 1); clears demo dialog box
WinSetState(" - Hoster", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)

ControlMove("Hoster", "", 1017, 20, 239, 700, 463)
$myVar1 = _GuiTarget("Hoster", "", "", 59648);<===Target is control on main application.
$myVarB1 = _TargetAddButton("Test", 750, 20, 100, 50, "", "", $myVar1)
$myVarB2 = _TargetAddButton("Test", 860,20, 100, 50, "", "", $myVar1)
$myVarB3 = _TargetAddButton("Test", 750,80, 100, 50, "", "", $myVar1)
$myVarB4 = _TargetAddButton("Test", 860,80, 100, 50, "", "", $myVar1)
$myVarB5 = _TargetAddButton("Test", 750,140, 100, 50, "", "", $myVar1)
$myVarB6 = _TargetAddButton("Test", 860,140, 100, 50, "", "", $myVar1)
$myVarC1 = _TargetChildCreate("Testing", 730, 200, 300, 600, $myVar1)

While WinExists($myVar1)
      If Not WinExists($myVar1) Then

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