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I like Visual Studio. It gets my vote every day.


I use Visual Studio as well. This is mostly for projects that require me to use it, but it is a good IDE. It has a lot of features. I just need a better computer so it's not so slow.

I just usually try to recommend free and/or Open Source options before I tell someone to pay. Though the Express Editions are pretty nice too, I always forget about them.



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File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

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Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)


The express editions are fine and the Professional versions are free to students.

Dang...I should go sign up for a class... :)


AutoIt Links

File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

External Links

Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)


You should, maybe you get lucky and also receive a MSDN alliance account! :idea: We students have it rich.

Yea...because they want you using only their products and services :party:...:)


AutoIt Links

File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

External Links

Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)


If you owned a business, wouldn't you do the same thing?

If I could market half as smart as Microsoft I would be rich. Doesn't mean I have to like what they are marketing. :)

They have a great business model, and it works. Unfortunately not always the most ethical of businesses, but business is business...


AutoIt Links

File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

External Links

Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)


I think I'll just refuse 2000 Euro worth of software then, just because they want me to use it.

LOL I don't believe I ever said that or implied it...I merely made a comment about who they offered it free to and their motives...you read further in than I typed. :-P


AutoIt Links

File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

External Links

Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)

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