czardas Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 (edited) Here are the results as promised. There are 70 unique situations where a player can either win or lose the game (not including immediate wins). These grids can be rotated and mirrored to produce 477 grid orientations. To view all 477 grids run the following code in SciTE Editor.expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> #include <String.au3> Local $av_BookLines[70][2] = _ [["x||,||,||","|L|L,L|D|L,L|L|L"],["|x|,||,||","D||D,L|D|L,L|D|L"],["||,|x|,||","D|L|D,L||L,D|L|D"],["o|x|,||,||","||D,W|W|D,W|D|D"], _ ["o||x,||,||","|L|,W|D|D,W|D|W"],["o||,||x,||","|L|W,D|W|,W|D|D"],["o||,||,||x","|L|W,L|D|D,W|D|"],["x|o|,||,||","||L,D|D|L,D|L|D"], _ ["|o|,x||,||","W||L,|W|D,D|L|D"],["|o|,|x|,||","D||D,D||D,D|L|D"],["|o|,||,x||","W||L,L|D|L,|L|D"],["|x|,|o|,||","W||W,W||W,W|D|W"], _ ["x|o|x,||,||","||,L|D|L,L|L|L"],["x|o|,||x,||","||L,L|D|,L|L|L"],["x|o|,||,|x|","||L,L|L|L,D||D"],["x|x|o,||,||","||,L|D|W,L|D|W"], _ ["x||o,||x,||","|L|,D|D|,L|L|L"],["x||o,||,|x|","|L|,L|L|L,L||D"],["x||,|o|x,||","|D|D,L||,L|D|D"],["x||,|o|,||x","|D|L,D||D,L|D|"], _ ["x||,||o,|x|","|L|L,L|D|,L||L"],["x||,|x|,||o","|L|D,L||L,D|L|"],["x||,||x,||o","|L|L,D|D|,D|L|"],["o|x|,x||,||","||L,|D|D,L|D|L"], _ ["o|x|,||x,||","||L,L|D|,W|D|L"],["|x|,o||x,||","L||D,|L|,L|L|D"],["|x|,x|o|,||","D||D,||L,D|L|L"],["|x|,|o|,|x|","W||W,W||W,W||W"], _ ["|x|,||x,o||","W||L,L|L|,|L|W"],["|x|,|x|,|o|","D||D,L||L,D||D"],["o|x|o,x||,||","||,|W|D,L|D|W"],["o|x|o,||,x||","||,L|D|D,|D|W"], _ ["o|x|,o||,x||","||L,|W|L,|D|L"],["o|x|,|o|,||x","||D,W||D,W|D|"],["o|x|x,||o,||","||,W|W|,W|W|L"],["o|x|,x||o,||","||D,|D|,D|D|W"], _ ["o|x|,||o,x||","||D,L|W|,|D|W"],["o|x|,||o,||x","||L,W|D|,D|D|"],["o|x|x,||,|o|","||,W|D|W,W||W"],["o|x|,|x|,|o|","||D,D||D,W||D"], _ ["o|x|,||x,|o|","||D,D|D|,W||W"],["o|o|x,||,|x|","||,L|L|L,D||D"],["o||x,||o,|x|","|L|,W|W|,D||L"],["o||x,||o,||x","|L|,W|D|,D|D|"], _ ["o||,|x|o,||x","|D|D,L||,D|D|"],["x|o|x,o||,||","||,|W|L,L|L|D"],["x|o|,o||x,||","||D,|D|,L|D|D"],["x|o|,|o|,|x|","||L,D||D,D||D"], _ ["x|o|,||o,|x|","||L,D|D|,D||D"],["|o|,x|o|,|x|","W||W,||L,D||D"],["|o|,x|x|o,||","D||W,||,D|L|D"],["|o|,x||o,|x|","D||W,|L|,D||D"], _ ["x|o|x,o||,|x|","||,|D|L,L||D"],["x|o|x,x||,o||","||,|D|D,|W|D"],["x|o|x,||,o|x|","||,L|D|D,||D"],["x|o|,x||,o|x|","||L,|D|D,||D"], _ ["x|o|o,||x,|x|","||,L|L|,L||L"],["x|o|,o||x,|x|","||L,|L|,L||D"],["x|o|,|o|x,|x|","||L,L||,D||D"],["x|o|,||x,o|x|","||L,L|D|,||D"], _ ["x|o|,||x,|x|o","||L,D|D|,D||"],["x|x|o,||x,|o|","||,D|D|,W||D"],["x|x|o,||x,||o","||,D|D|,W|D|"],["x||o,||x,|x|o","|L|,D|D|,L||"], _ ["|x|,o|x|x,|o|","D||D,||,W||D"],["|x|,o|o|x,|x|","W||D,||,W||D"],["o|x|o,x||,x|o|","||,|D|D,||W"],["o|x|x,x||o,|o|","||,|D|,D||W"], _ ["o|x|x,||o,|o|x","||,W|D|,D||"],["o|x|,x|x|o,|o|","||D,||,D||W"]] Local $s_StringNotation, $as_Grid[3][3], $as_GeometricVariants[8], $av_Book[560][2], $iCount = 0, $i_Count = 0 For $i = 0 To 69 $s_StringNotation = $av_BookLines[$i][0] _GridTransformation($as_GeometricVariants, $s_StringNotation) For $j = 0 To UBound($as_GeometricVariants) -1 $av_Book[$i_Count][0] = $as_GeometricVariants[$j] $i_Count += 1 Next $s_StringNotation = $av_BookLines[$i][1] _GridTransformation($as_GeometricVariants, $s_StringNotation) For $j = 0 To UBound($as_GeometricVariants) -1 $av_Book[$iCount][1] = $as_GeometricVariants[$j] $iCount += 1 Next Next For $i = 559 To 1 Step - 1 For $j = $i - 1 To 0 Step -1 If $av_Book[$i][0] = $av_Book[$j][0] And $av_Book[$i][1] = $av_Book[$j][1] Then _ArrayDelete($av_Book, $j) $i -= 1 EndIf Next Next ;_ArrayDisplay($av_Book) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Tic-tac-toe Analysis Results - 477 continuations with 'o' to play next:" & @CRLF & @CRLF) Local $as_TTTGrid[3][3], $as_TTTResults[3][3], $GrdRow, $RsltRow For $i = 0 To 476 $s_StringNotation = $av_Book[$i][0] _StringNotationToArray($as_TTTGrid, $s_StringNotation) $s_StringNotation = $av_Book[$i][1] _StringNotationToArray($as_TTTResults, $s_StringNotation) ConsoleWrite(" Variant: " & $i + 1 & @CRLF & @CRLF) For $a = 0 To 2 $GrdRow = "" $RsltRow = "" For $b = 0 To 2 If $as_TTTGrid[$a][$b] = "" Then $as_TTTGrid[$a][$b] = " " If $as_TTTResults[$a][$b] = "" Then $as_TTTResults[$a][$b] = " " $GrdRow &= $as_TTTGrid[$a][$b] & "|" $RsltRow &= $as_TTTResults[$a][$b] & "|" Next ConsoleWrite(" " & StringLeft($GrdRow, 5) & @TAB & StringLeft($RsltRow, 5) & @CRLF) Next ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) Next ConsoleWrite("The following variants have been excluded from the results:"& @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("=> Immediate wins"& @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("=> Forced Blocks"& @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("=> Variants where there are no forced wins or losing continuations."& @CRLF) Func _GridTransformation(ByRef $as_GeometricVariants, $s_StringNotation) $as_GeometricVariants[0] = $s_StringNotation $as_GeometricVariants[1] = _StringReverse($s_StringNotation) ; Grid fields should only contain one character, or reversing will effect the grid's contents. _InvertGrid($s_StringNotation) $as_GeometricVariants[2] = $s_StringNotation $as_GeometricVariants[3] = _StringReverse($s_StringNotation) _StringNotationToArray($as_Grid, $s_StringNotation) _TransformGeometry($as_Grid) _ArrayToStringNotation($as_Grid, $s_StringNotation) $as_GeometricVariants[4] = $s_StringNotation $as_GeometricVariants[5] = _StringReverse($s_StringNotation) _InvertGrid($s_StringNotation) $as_GeometricVariants[6] = $s_StringNotation $as_GeometricVariants[7] = _StringReverse($s_StringNotation) EndFunc Func _InvertGrid(ByRef $s_Notation) Local $as_Rows = StringSplit($s_Notation, ",", 2) _ArrayReverse($as_Rows) $s_Notation = _ArrayToString($as_Rows,",") EndFunc Func _StringNotationToArray(ByRef $as_Grd, $s_Notation) Local $as_Elements, $as_Rows = StringSplit($s_Notation, ",", 2) For $i = 0 To 2 $as_Elements = StringSplit($as_Rows[$i],"|",2) For $j = 0 To 2 $as_Grd[$i][$j] = $as_Elements[$j] Next Next EndFunc Func _TransformGeometry(ByRef $as_Grd) Local $as_Tmp = $as_Grd For $i = 0 To 2 For $j = 0 To 2 $as_Grd[$i][$j] = $as_Tmp[$j][$i] Next Next EndFunc Func _ArrayToStringNotation(ByRef $as_Grd, ByRef $s_Notation) Local $as_Tmp[3] For $i = 0 To 2 For $j = 0 To 1 $as_Tmp[$i] &= $as_Grd[$i][$j] & "|" Next $as_Tmp[$i] &= $as_Grd[$i][$j] Next $s_Notation = _ArrayToString($as_Tmp,",") EndFuncUsing such a map is a perhaps useful if you want to vary the play of an engine. If you just want the computer to win again and again with the same order of moves: then simply go for the first win you find. Though that's really pretty dull. There are ways to spice it up slightly.I checked the analysis once and there were a few errors. Hopefully there are no more errors left.EditUpdated results. I only included results starting after two moves DOH! They were separated when I ran the engine against itself to check the variations. I have now included the first move. Edited September 16, 2010 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted September 16, 2010 Author Share Posted September 16, 2010 Wow. o.o [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
czardas Posted September 16, 2010 Share Posted September 16, 2010 I know some of the stuff I have posted can be improved. Doing this has been a good learning experience for me and I hope it gives you some ideas. There are probably plenty of other ways to do this too. operator64 ArrayWorkshop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted October 27, 2010 Author Share Posted October 27, 2010 NEW VERSION!i hope its better than my previous ones, i haven't found a bug yet. what do you guys think? [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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