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A norwegian website got a service that if you subscribe you can send free sms's trough it.

So what im asking for is how could I login and send the text message. I understand that to use HTTP headers will be a good solution, but dont know exactly how it works.

And I know you probably need more information, so ask if there is anything.

All your help is much appriciated! ^_^

And sorry for my typos.



A norwegian website got a service that if you subscribe you can send free sms's trough it.

So what im asking for is how could I login and send the text message. I understand that to use HTTP headers will be a good solution, but dont know exactly how it works.

And I know you probably need more information, so ask if there is anything.

All your help is much appriciated! ^_^

And sorry for my typos.

You could start taking a look to IE Management(UDF in the helpfile) and its examples. Easy to use.
Posted (edited)

But I want to use http headers. But can't get it to work :S

#include <HTTP.au3>

$username = '12345678'
$password = 'pass'

$rec = '87654321'
$msg = 'application_testing'

$socket = _HTTPConnect('http://biip.no', '80')

; Login
_HTTPPost('http://biip.no', '/default.aspx?section=login', $socket, '__VIEWSTATE=(alotofcrap)&ctl01%24SmsCode=&ctl01%24txtAlias='&$username&'&ctl01%24txtPassword='&$password&'&ctl01%24btnLogin=Logg+inn%21&__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=')

; Send message process

;   Step 1 (message)
_HTTPPost('http://biip.no', '/1881.aspx', $socket, '__VIEWSTATE=(alotofcrap)&ctl00%24txtBody='&$msg&'&ctl00%24btnNext.x=56&ctl00%24btnNext.y=14')

;   Step 2 (reciver)
_HTTPPost('http://biip.no', '/1881.aspx?section=step2', $socket, '__VIEWSTATE=(alotofcrap)&ctl00%24txtNumber='&$rec&'&ctl00%24btnNext.x=35&ctl00%24btnNext.y=2&__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=')

;   Step 3 (send)
_HTTPPost('http://biip.no', '/1881.aspx?section=step3', $socket, '__VIEWSTATE=(alotofcrap)&ctl00%24txtName=&ctl00%24btnNext.x=51&ctl00%24btnNext.y=1')

Do I need to include the GETs? I ran http live headers on firefox, logged in and simulate those records here. But doesnt seam to work >.<

Edited by Syntaxe

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