Quual Posted December 27, 2010 Author Posted December 27, 2010 Here is a new version of the script - Added DLL version Good news Adobe finally has decided to add this functionality (as of version 10.2) into the flash player. Therefore this most likely will be the final update. Note: Upgraded my system to Win 7 64 bit recently and I couldn't patch the NPSWF32.dll file in its default location of C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll. To apply the patch if you run into this issue. 1. Copy the file to a location where you can modify files without restriction Lets Say: D:\AdobeDLL\NPSWF32.dll 2. Change line #51 in the script from Local $sPatchThisFile = '' to Local $sPatchThisFile = 'D:\AdobeDLL\NPSWF32.dll' 3. Run the script and patch the copy of the NPSWF32.dll file. 4. Copy the newly patched dll back to its original location overwriting the original version Enjoy expandcollapse popupGlobal $ver ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; To Add a version you need to increment the value of $nFlashVersions Local $nFlashVersions = 7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;And the New Version's data for each ; Don't forget the comma between or 'Quotes' for string values ;Global Const $vFlashVer[$nFlashVersions] = Version of the NPSWF32.dll ;Global Const $vFlashSize[$nFlashVersions] = Size of the NPSWF32.dll file in bytes ;Global Const $vFlashOffset[$nFlashVersions] = Offset in bytes to location of bytes needing replacement ;Global Const $vFlashOrig[$nFlashVersions] = Original bytes at offset location (to be patched) ;Global Const $vFlashNew[$nFlashVersions] = Replacement Bytes Global Const $vFlashVer[$nFlashVersions] = [ '','','','','' ,'', ''] Global Const $vFlashSize[$nFlashVersions] = [ 3695008, 3771296, 3883424, 3885984, 3884312, 5612496, 5971408 ] Global Const $vFlashOffset[$nFlashVersions] = [ 1271652, 1270591, 1274696, 1276282, 1277053, 1575445, 1576519 ] Global Const $vFlashOrig[$nFlashVersions] = [ '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x7439', '0x7439' ] Global Const $vFlashNew[$nFlashVersions] = [ '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x9090', '0x9090'] ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;Global Const $bSearchOrig = a binary string to search for. marks the offset location ;Global Const $bSearchReplaced = a binary string to search for after the patch has been applied. marks the offset location ; ;Changing these values is only necessary the script cannot find the correct offset location Global Const $bSearchOrig = Binary('0x743983E807741183E80575138B') Global Const $bSearchReplaced = Binary('0x909083E807741183E80575138B') ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The script looks for the Adobe Flash DLL file in ; 1st place it checks C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll ; 2nd place it checks C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll ; To patch a NPSWF32.dll file located elsewhere when the file also exists in one of the two locations above ; You must tell the script where to look, so that it will look in that location first ; For example in order to patch a NPSWF32.dll located at D:\AdobeDll\NPSWF32.dll ; change the following line from. ; Local $sPatchThisFile = '' to ; Local $sPatchThisFile = 'D:\AdobeDll\NPSWF32.dll' Local $sPatchThisFile = '' ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Do not edit below this line ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; start($sPatchThisFile) Exit Func start($sPatchThis) If $sPatchThis Then If FileExists($sPatchThis) Then VerifyDllVersion($sPatchThis) Return EndIf EndIf If FileExists(@WindowsDir & '\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') Then VerifyDllVersion(@WindowsDir & '\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') ElseIf FileExists(@WindowsDir & '\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') Then VerifyDllVersion(@WindowsDir & '\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') Else VerifyDllVersion(FindDll('NPSWF32.dll')) EndIf EndFunc Func FindDll($sDll) If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Error',$sDll & ' Does not exist' & @CRLF & ' Would you like to select the file manually? ' & @CRLF & @CRLF) = 6 Then $sNewFileName = FileOpenDialog('Adobe FullScreen Fix', @SystemDir , 'Dll File (*.dll)' , 1 , 'NPSWF32.dll') If StringRight($sNewFileName,11) = $sDll Then Return $sNewFileName EndIf EndFunc Func VerifyDllVersion($sDll) Local $sVer,$oFSO $oFSO = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $sVer = $oFSO.GetFileVersion( $sDll ) $oFSO = "" For $i = 0 To UBound($vFlashVer) - 1 If $sVer = $vFlashVer[$i] Then $ver = $sVer Return EndIf Next If Not $ver Then If WrongVersion($sVer) Then VersionIsBad_ScanForIt($sDll, $sVer) Else VersionIsGood_Openit($sDll,$sVer) EndIf EndFunc Func VersionIsGood_Openit($sDll, $sVer) Local $hDLL, $bFile $hDLL = FileOpen($sDll,16) If @error = -1 Then FileOpenFail() $bFile = FileRead($hDLL) If @error = 1 Then FileReadFail() FileClose($hDLL) For $i = 0 To UBound($vFlashVer) - 1 If $sVer = $vFlashVer[$i] Then PatchIt($bFile,$sDll,$vFlashVer[$i],$vFlashSize[$i],$vFlashOffset[$i],Binary($vFlashOrig[$i]),Binary($vFlashNew[$i])) Return EndIf Next EndFunc Func VersionIsBad_ScanForIt($sDll, $sVer) Local $loc1,$loc2,$i,$nSize $ver = $sVer $nSize = FileGetSize($sDll) $hDLL = FileOpen($sDll,16) If @error Then FileOpenFail() $bFile = FileRead($hDLL) If @error Then FileReadFail() FileClose($hDLL) $loc1 = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bSearchOrig),Default,1) If Not $loc1 Then $loc1 = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bSearchReplaced),Default,1) If Not $loc1 Then MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to locate the correct byte sequence in the dll file ' & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) Return Else If MsgBox(1,'FullScreen Fix : Untested Version'," Found a 'possible' location where an untested version was patched " & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & ' Location = ' & $loc1 & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' DO NOT proceed unless you have previously patched an untested version. ' & @CRLF ) <> 1 Then PatchIt($bFile,$sDll,$ver,$nSize,$loc1 - 1,Binary("0x9090"),Binary("0x7439")) Return EndIf Else $loc1 -= 1 $sLocs = 'Location 1= ' & $loc1 & @CRLF $loc2 = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bSearchOrig),Default,2) If $loc2 Then $loc2 -= 1 $sLocs &= 'Location 2= ' & $loc2 & @CRLF $i = 3 While $i <= 20 $p = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bSearchOrig),Default,$i) If Not $p Then ExitLoop $sLocs &= 'Location ' & $i & '= ' & $p & @CRLF $i += 1 WEnd MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Found multiple possible locations to patch ' & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & @CRLF & $sLocs & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) Return EndIf PatchIt($bFile,$sDll,$ver,$nSize,$loc1,Binary("0x7439"),Binary("0x9090")) Return EndIf EndFunc Func PatchIt(byref $bFile,$sDll,$sV,$nL,$nO,$bOrig,$bNew) If $ver <> $sV then return Local $bReplace, $bReplacement, $bPart1, $bPart2, $bTarget, $hDLL If BinaryLen($bFile) <> $nL Then If Not WrongSize(BinaryLen($bFile),$nL) Then Exit EndIf $bPart1 = BinaryMid($bFile, 1, $nO) $bTarget = BinaryMid($bFile, $nO + 1, 2) $bPart2 = BinaryMid($bFile, $nO + 3, BinaryLen($bFile)) If $bTarget = $bOrig Then $bTarget = $bNew $ReplacementMsg = ' The NPSWF32.dll file is not currently patched. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Would you like to patch it now?' ElseIf $bTarget = $bNew Then $bTarget = $bOrig $ReplacementMsg = ' The NPSWF32.dll file has been patched. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Would you like to remove the patch?' Else MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' The 2 bytes to patch are incorrect ' & @CRLF & ' they should be ' & $bShouldbe & ', ' & @CRLF & ' they are ' & $bIs & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF) Return EndIf $bReplace = $bPart1 & $bTarget & $bPart2 If BinaryLen($bReplace) <> BinaryLen($bFile) Then MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Critical error: the length of the original file' & @CRLF & ' and the length of the new file would have not been the same. ' & @CRLF & ' Commit changes to file has beeen aborted. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Uknown reason how or why this would happen. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Exiting....' & @CRLF) Return EndIf If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Patch',' Found the target dll file in , ' & @CRLF & ' ' & $sDll & '.' & @CRLF & _ @CRLF & $ReplacementMsg & @CRLF ) = 6 Then $hDLL = FileOpen($sDll,18) If @error = -1 Then FileOpenFail() Exit EndIf If Not FileWrite($hDLL,$bReplace) Then FileClose($hDLL) FileWriteFail() Exit EndIf FileClose($hDLL) EndIf Exit EndFunc Func WrongVersion($sVerIs) If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Error', " Current NPSWF32.dll Version = " & $sVerIs & @CRLF & " That version hasn't been added yet" & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Would you like to scan the file for the target bytes ?' & @CRLF & @CRLF) = 6 Then Return True Else Exit EndIf EndFunc Func WrongSize($nSizeIs, $nSizeShouldBe) If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Error', 'The dll file size should be' & $nSizeShouldBe & ',' & @CRLF & "however it is " & $nSizeIs & @CRLF & "It's possible the patch may work still." & @CRLF & 'There are a number of additional checks to make sure the wrong file does not get patched' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'Would you like to continue ?' & @CRLF & @CRLF) = 6 Then Return True EndFunc Func FileOpenFail() MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to open the file NPSWF32.dll.' & @CRLF & ' File may be in use. ' & @CRLF & ' Try the following' & @CRLF & ' Quit any applications that maybe using flash.' & @CRLF & ' Restart your system.' & @CRLF & ' Use an account with administrator privledges.' & @CRLF & ' Check permissions to make sure you have read & write privledges.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndFunc Func FileReadFail() MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to read the file NPSWF32.dll.' & @CRLF & ' File may be in use. ' & @CRLF & ' Try the following' & @CRLF & ' Quit any applications that maybe using flash.' & @CRLF & ' Restart your system.' & @CRLF & ' Use an account with administrator privledges.' & @CRLF & ' Check permissions to make sure you have read & write privledges.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndFunc Func FileWriteFail() MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to write to the file NPSWF32.dll.' & @CRLF & ' File may be in use. ' & @CRLF & ' Try the following' & @CRLF & ' Quit any applications that maybe using flash.' & @CRLF & ' Restart your system.' & @CRLF & ' Use an account with administrator privledges.' & @CRLF & ' Check permissions to make sure you have read & write privledges.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndFuncAdobeFix.au3
Prototype Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 (edited) There was an error in the VerifyDLLVersion function. Exitloop instead of Return should be used. The script now correctly changes the dll. However, for some reason the flash players does not stay full srceen at my second monitor. (eventhough I am using a modifed dll, I checked if the dll was correctly modified at the right location etc.) (74 39 83 E8 07 74 11 83 E8 05 75 13 8B) -> (90 90 83 E8 07 74 11 83 E8 05 75 13 8B) I am using windows 7 x64, firefox 3.6.13 and flashplayer If anybody has any suggestion, pls let me know. Func VerifyDllVersion($sDll) Local $sVer,$oFSO $oFSO = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $sVer = $oFSO.GetFileVersion( $sDll ) $oFSO = "" ;MsgBox(0,'test message','File version = ' & $sVer & @CRLF & 'test.') For $i = 0 To UBound($vFlashVer) - 1 If $sVer = $vFlashVer[$i] Then $ver = $sVer ;Return ----------------- ERROR --------------------------- ExitLoop EndIf Next ;MsgBox(0,'test message','File = ' & $ver & @CRLF & 'test.') If Not $ver Then ;MsgBox(0,'test message','File = ' & $ver & @CRLF & 'unsupported version.') If WrongVersion($sVer) Then VersionIsBad_ScanForIt($sDll, $sVer) Else ;MsgBox(0,'test message','File = ' & $ver & @CRLF & 'supported version.') VersionIsGood_Openit($sDll,$sVer) EndIf EndFuncAdobeFix_10.1.102.64.au3 Edited January 2, 2011 by Prototype
devrandomness Posted February 11, 2011 Posted February 11, 2011 Hi guys - brilliant! I've tested your new version on my new Win7 box with this week's Flash update, and it works. Yippee! Anyway, I have one slight adjustment to make to the most recent version (i.e. the last two posts combined), and that is a check for Administrator rights. Without it, it won't patch the DLL. Without further ado, here's the code - or just download it below. expandcollapse popupGlobal $ver ; Run this script with administrator privileges - otherwise it won't allow us to path the DLL #RequireAdmin ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; To Add a version you need to increment the value of $nFlashVersions Local $nFlashVersions = 7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;And the New Version's data for each ; Don't forget the comma between or 'Quotes' for string values ;Global Const $vFlashVer[$nFlashVersions] = Version of the NPSWF32.dll ;Global Const $vFlashSize[$nFlashVersions] = Size of the NPSWF32.dll file in bytes ;Global Const $vFlashOffset[$nFlashVersions] = Offset in bytes to location of bytes needing replacement ;Global Const $vFlashOrig[$nFlashVersions] = Original bytes at offset location (to be patched) ;Global Const $vFlashNew[$nFlashVersions] = Replacement Bytes Global Const $vFlashVer[$nFlashVersions] = [ '','','','','' ,'', ''] Global Const $vFlashSize[$nFlashVersions] = [ 3695008, 3771296, 3883424, 3885984, 3884312, 5612496, 5971408 ] Global Const $vFlashOffset[$nFlashVersions] = [ 1271652, 1270591, 1274696, 1276282, 1277053, 1575445, 1576519 ] Global Const $vFlashOrig[$nFlashVersions] = [ '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x0074', '0x7439', '0x7439' ] Global Const $vFlashNew[$nFlashVersions] = [ '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x00EB', '0x9090', '0x9090'] ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;Global Const $bSearchOrig = a binary string to search for. marks the offset location ;Global Const $bSearchReplaced = a binary string to search for after the patch has been applied. marks the offset location ; ;Changing these values is only necessary the script cannot find the correct offset location Global Const $bSearchOrig = Binary('0x743983E807741183E80575138B') Global Const $bSearchReplaced = Binary('0x909083E807741183E80575138B') ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The script looks for the Adobe Flash DLL file in ; 1st place it checks C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll ; 2nd place it checks C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll ; To patch a NPSWF32.dll file located elsewhere when the file also exists in one of the two locations above ; For example in order to patch a NPSWF32.dll located at D:\AdobeDll\NPSWF32.dll ; change the following line from. ; Local $sPatchThisFile = '' to ; Local $sPatchThisFile = 'D:\AdobeDll\NPSWF32.dll' Local $sPatchThisFile = '' ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Do not edit below this line ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; start($sPatchThisFile) Exit Func start($sPatchThis) If $sPatchThis Then If FileExists($sPatchThis) Then VerifyDllVersion($sPatchThis) Return EndIf EndIf If FileExists(@WindowsDir & '\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') Then VerifyDllVersion(@WindowsDir & '\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') ElseIf FileExists(@WindowsDir & '\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') Then VerifyDllVersion(@WindowsDir & '\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll') Else VerifyDllVersion(FindDll('NPSWF32.dll')) EndIf EndFunc Func FindDll($sDll) If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Error',$sDll & ' Does not exist' & @CRLF & ' Would you like to select the file manually? ' & @CRLF & @CRLF) = 6 Then $sNewFileName = FileOpenDialog('Adobe FullScreen Fix', @SystemDir , 'Dll File (*.dll)' , 1 , 'NPSWF32.dll') If StringRight($sNewFileName,11) = $sDll Then Return $sNewFileName EndIf EndFunc Func VerifyDllVersion($sDll) Local $sVer,$oFSO $oFSO = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $sVer = $oFSO.GetFileVersion( $sDll ) $oFSO = "" ;MsgBox(0,'test message','File version = ' & $sVer & @CRLF & 'test.') For $i = 0 To UBound($vFlashVer) - 1 If $sVer = $vFlashVer[$i] Then $ver = $sVer ;Return ----------------- ERROR --------------------------- ExitLoop EndIf Next ;MsgBox(0,'test message','File = ' & $ver & @CRLF & 'test.') If Not $ver Then ;MsgBox(0,'test message','File = ' & $ver & @CRLF & 'unsupported version.') If WrongVersion($sVer) Then VersionIsBad_ScanForIt($sDll, $sVer) Else ;MsgBox(0,'test message','File = ' & $ver & @CRLF & 'supported version.') VersionIsGood_Openit($sDll,$sVer) EndIf EndFunc Func VersionIsGood_Openit($sDll, $sVer) Local $hDLL, $bFile $hDLL = FileOpen($sDll,16) If @error = -1 Then FileOpenFail() $bFile = FileRead($hDLL) If @error = 1 Then FileReadFail() FileClose($hDLL) For $i = 0 To UBound($vFlashVer) - 1 If $sVer = $vFlashVer[$i] Then PatchIt($bFile,$sDll,$vFlashVer[$i],$vFlashSize[$i],$vFlashOffset[$i],Binary($vFlashOrig[$i]),Binary($vFlashNew[$i])) Return EndIf Next EndFunc Func VersionIsBad_ScanForIt($sDll, $sVer) Local $loc1,$loc2,$i,$nSize $ver = $sVer $nSize = FileGetSize($sDll) $hDLL = FileOpen($sDll,16) If @error Then FileOpenFail() $bFile = FileRead($hDLL) If @error Then FileReadFail() FileClose($hDLL) $loc1 = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bSearchOrig),Default,1) If Not $loc1 Then $loc1 = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bSearchReplaced),Default,1) If Not $loc1 Then MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to locate the correct byte sequence in the dll file ' & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) Return Else If MsgBox(1,'FullScreen Fix : Untested Version'," Found a 'possible' location where an untested version was patched " & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & ' Location = ' & $loc1 & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' DO NOT proceed unless you have previously patched an untested version. ' & @CRLF ) <> 1 Then PatchIt($bFile,$sDll,$ver,$nSize,$loc1 - 1,Binary("0x9090"),Binary("0x7439")) Return EndIf Else $loc1 -= 1 $sLocs = 'Location 1= ' & $loc1 & @CRLF $loc2 = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bSearchOrig),Default,2) If $loc2 Then $loc2 -= 1 $sLocs &= 'Location 2= ' & $loc2 & @CRLF $i = 3 While $i <= 20 $p = StringInStr(BinaryToString($bFile),BinaryToString($bSearchOrig),Default,$i) If Not $p Then ExitLoop $sLocs &= 'Location ' & $i & '= ' & $p & @CRLF $i += 1 WEnd MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Found multiple possible locations to patch ' & @CRLF & ' Version = ' & $ver & @CRLF & $sLocs & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) Return EndIf PatchIt($bFile,$sDll,$ver,$nSize,$loc1,Binary("0x7439"),Binary("0x9090")) Return EndIf EndFunc Func PatchIt(byref $bFile,$sDll,$sV,$nL,$nO,$bOrig,$bNew) If $ver <> $sV then return Local $bReplace, $bReplacement, $bPart1, $bPart2, $bTarget, $hDLL If BinaryLen($bFile) <> $nL Then If Not WrongSize(BinaryLen($bFile),$nL) Then Exit EndIf $bPart1 = BinaryMid($bFile, 1, $nO) $bTarget = BinaryMid($bFile, $nO + 1, 2) $bPart2 = BinaryMid($bFile, $nO + 3, BinaryLen($bFile)) If $bTarget = $bOrig Then $bTarget = $bNew $ReplacementMsg = ' The NPSWF32.dll file is not currently patched. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Would you like to patch it now?' ElseIf $bTarget = $bNew Then $bTarget = $bOrig $ReplacementMsg = ' The NPSWF32.dll file has been patched. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Would you like to remove the patch?' Else MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' The 2 bytes to patch are incorrect ' & @CRLF & ' they should be ' & $bShouldbe & ', ' & @CRLF & ' they are ' & $bIs & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF) Return EndIf $bReplace = $bPart1 & $bTarget & $bPart2 If BinaryLen($bReplace) <> BinaryLen($bFile) Then MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Critical error: the length of the original file' & @CRLF & ' and the length of the new file would have not been the same. ' & @CRLF & ' Commit changes to file has beeen aborted. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Uknown reason how or why this would happen. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Exiting....' & @CRLF) Return EndIf If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Patch',' Found the target dll file in , ' & @CRLF & ' ' & $sDll & '.' & @CRLF & _ @CRLF & $ReplacementMsg & @CRLF ) = 6 Then $hDLL = FileOpen($sDll,18) If @error = -1 Then FileOpenFail() Exit EndIf If Not FileWrite($hDLL,$bReplace) Then FileClose($hDLL) FileWriteFail() Exit EndIf FileClose($hDLL) EndIf Exit EndFunc Func WrongVersion($sVerIs) If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Error', " Current NPSWF32.dll Version = " & $sVerIs & @CRLF & " That version hasn't been added yet" & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Would you like to scan the file for the target bytes ?' & @CRLF & @CRLF) = 6 Then Return True Else Exit EndIf EndFunc Func WrongSize($nSizeIs, $nSizeShouldBe) If MsgBox(4,'FullScreen Fix - Error', 'The dll file size should be' & $nSizeShouldBe & ',' & @CRLF & "however it is " & $nSizeIs & @CRLF & "It's possible the patch may work still." & @CRLF & 'There are a number of additional checks to make sure the wrong file does not get patched' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'Would you like to continue ?' & @CRLF & @CRLF) = 6 Then Return True EndFunc Func FileOpenFail() MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to open the file NPSWF32.dll.' & @CRLF & ' File may be in use. ' & @CRLF & ' Try the following' & @CRLF & ' Quit any applications that maybe using flash.' & @CRLF & ' Restart your system.' & @CRLF & ' Use an account with administrator privledges.' & @CRLF & ' Check permissions to make sure you have read & write privledges.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndFunc Func FileReadFail() MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to read the file NPSWF32.dll.' & @CRLF & ' File may be in use. ' & @CRLF & ' Try the following' & @CRLF & ' Quit any applications that maybe using flash.' & @CRLF & ' Restart your system.' & @CRLF & ' Use an account with administrator privledges.' & @CRLF & ' Check permissions to make sure you have read & write privledges.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndFunc Func FileWriteFail() MsgBox(0,'FullScreen Fix - Error',' Unable to write to the file NPSWF32.dll.' & @CRLF & ' File may be in use. ' & @CRLF & ' Try the following' & @CRLF & ' Quit any applications that maybe using flash.' & @CRLF & ' Restart your system.' & @CRLF & ' Use an account with administrator privledges.' & @CRLF & ' Check permissions to make sure you have read & write privledges.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & ' Critical failure...Exiting....' & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndFunc Hope this helpsAdobeFix.au3
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