Dampe Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 (edited) Well, Between 11:00pm and 2:00am I decided to write a little Socks5 server in autoit.It's not finished.At the moment, it's only loading some complete pages, I'm too tired to figure out why most don't completely load, but I think it's just some structure error in my programming (lol),So if you wanna go ahead and fix that up, I'd be happy for you to, just post it after so I can actually use it xDBut really, it's proof of concept / developing my skills a little more.Should be something fun to play with for everyone anyway There is loads of ways to make it more efficient in speed / data storage so, have a play.Constructive criticism welcome.Thanks to:jennico - The _AdLib.au3 script that everyone r4ged over haha.manadar - http server inspired me to make thisSocks 5 documentation:http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1928.txtexpandcollapse popup#include "_AdLib.au3" Local $SOCKS_LISTEN_SOCKET Local $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[1000][10] Local $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[1000][10] Local $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER Local $SOCKS_TOTAL_SENT = 0 Local $SOCKS_TOTAL_RECEIVED = 0 Local $SOCKS_TIMEOUT_WAIT = 30000;//30 second timeout Local Const $SOCKS_LISTEN_IP = @IPAddress1 Local Const $SOCKS_LISTEN_PORT = 1080 #cs __ _| | ____ _ _ ___ ___ | _ |/ _ |/ \/ \/ _ || -_| |____||__/|_||_/\/\_|| / \___/ |__| Dampe http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showuser=28723 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ SOCKS Protocol Version 5 Server for AutoIt ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Version: 0.1. ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Release notes: Basic functionality working, yay for proof of concept biggrin.gif ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Contact: duggy_denton@hotmail.com ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ #ce Func _SOCKS_Init_Server() TCPStartup() ;//Open listening socket $SOCKS_LISTEN_SOCKET = TCPListen ($SOCKS_LISTEN_IP, $SOCKS_LISTEN_PORT) If @error Then SetError (1) Return -1 EndIf ;//Fill server socket array with -1 For $i = 0 to UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS) -1 step 1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 Next _AdlibEnable("_SOCKS_Accept_Client", 50) _AdlibEnable("_SOCKS_Receive_Data", 50) _AdlibEnable("_SOCKS_ReceiveClient_Data", 50) _AdlibEnable("_SOCKS_Empty_OverTimed", 1000) EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Close_Server() TCPShutdown() If @error Then Return -1 EndIf EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Accept_Client() $dEmptyArrayNum = _SOCKS_GetEmptyServerSocket() If $dEmptyArrayNum <> -1 Then $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$dEmptyArrayNum][0] = TCPAccept ($SOCKS_LISTEN_SOCKET) EndIf EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Receive_Data() For $i = 0 To UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS) -1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] <> -1 Then $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER = TCPRecv ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0], 9999) If @error Then ;//Client dcd ;//Close socket, set its part of the array back to -1 TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 ElseIf $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER <> "" Then _SOCKS_Parse_Data($SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER, $i) EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _SOCKS_ReceiveClient_Data() For $i = 0 To UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS) -1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0] <> -1 Then $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER = TCPRecv ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0], 9999) If @error Then ;//Client dcd ;//Close socket, set its part of the array back to -1 TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 ElseIf $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER <> "" Then ;//Send back the data to the browser / our servers client TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][2], Binary ($SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER)) $SOCKS_TOTAL_RECEIVED += StringLen ($SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER) EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Parse_Data($sData, $nArrayIndex) ConsoleWrite ($sData & " from index " & $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] & @CRLF) $sData = StringReplace ($sData, "0x", "") Switch $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] ;// // ;//This is an authenticate session ;// // Case 1 ;//Set string values $vVersion = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 2) $vNmethod = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 2) $vMethod = $sData If $vVersion = "05" and $vNmethod = "01" and $vMethod = "00" Then ;//Version is okay ConsoleWrite ("Authentication accepted" & @CRLF) TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x0500") $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] += 1 Else ;//Unsupported protcol, notify the user then kill connection ConsoleWrite ("Authentication denied, invalid protocol version" & @CRLF) TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05FF") TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] = 1 EndIf ;// // ;// This is a request session ;// // Case 2 ;//Set string values $vVersion = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 2) $vCmd = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 4) $vAddressType = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 2) $vDest = StringLeft ($sData, 8) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 8) $vDPort = StringLeft ($sData, 4) If $vVersion <> "05" or $vAddressType = "04" or $vCmd <> "01" Then ;//Cannot do for now ConsoleWrite ("Invalid proxy version or destination address" & @CRLF) TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05070004000000000000") TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] = 1 Else ;//Do shit $rSockId = _SOCKS_Connect_To_Dest($vDest, $vDPort, $vCmd, $vAddressType, $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) If @error Then ;//Couldn't connect TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05030001000000000000") ConsoleWrite ("Couldn't connect to host" & @CRLF) TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] = 1 Else ;//Connected TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05000001" & $vDest & $vDPort) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] += 1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][2] = $rSockId ConsoleWrite ("Connected to host" & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf Case 3 ;//Send request to server _SOCKS_Send_Request_To_Dest($sData, $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][2]) If @error Then TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05040001000000000000") ConsoleWrite ("Connection to host lost" & @CRLF) TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] = 1 EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Receive_Client_Data($sId) $tRecv = TCPRecv ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$sId][0], 9999) If @error Then ;//User dropped SetError (1) Return -1 EndIf If $tRecv <> "" Then Return $tRecv EndIf EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Send_Request_To_Dest($sReg, $sID) TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$sID][0], Binary ($sReg)) If @error Then SetError (1) Return -1 EndIf $SOCKS_TOTAL_SENT += StringLen (Binary($sReg)) EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Empty_OverTimed() For $i = 0 to UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS) -1 step 1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0] <> -1 Then If TimerDiff ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][4]) >= $SOCKS_TIMEOUT_WAIT Then ConsoleWrite ("Closed connection due to timeout" & @CRLF) TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Connect_To_Dest($sDest, $sPort, $sType, $sAtype, $sFromID) Local $tSDestination, $tSPort If $sAtype = "01" Then $tSDestination = _SOCKS_Convert_To_Ip($sDest) Else $tDestination = $sDest EndIf $tSPort = Dec ($sPort) $nTempConSocket = _SOCKS_GetEmptyClientSocket() If $nTempConSocket <> -1 Then ;//Connect to $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][0] $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][2] = $sFromID $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][0] = TCPConnect ($tSDestination, $tSPort) $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][4] = TimerInit() If $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][0] = -1 Then SetError (1) Return -1 Else Return $nTempConSocket EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Get_Total_Sent() Return $SOCKS_TOTAL_SENT EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Get_Total_Received() Return $SOCKS_TOTAL_RECEIVED EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Convert_To_Ip($sAddr) Local $sBuf For $i = 1 to 4 step 1 $sBuf &= Dec (StringLeft ($sAddr, 2)) & "." $sAddr = StringTrimLeft ($sAddr, 2) Next Return StringTrimRight ($sBuf, 1) EndFunc Func _SOCKS_GetEmptyClientSocket() For $i = 0 To UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS) -1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 Then Return $i EndIf Next Return -1 EndFunc Func _SOCKS_GetEmptyServerSocket() For $i = 0 To UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS) -1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 Then Return $i EndIf Next Return -1 EndFuncExample:#include "Socks5.au3" #include <GuiConstants.au3> Opt ("GUIOnEventMode", 1) _SOCKS_Init_Server() $GUI = GUICreate ("Socks Server: Running", 300, 75) GUISetOnEvent ($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Quit") $GUILblSent = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("0", 5, 5, 280, 15) $GUILblReceived = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("0", 5, 20, 280, 15) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) _AdlibEnable("_UpdateGui", 1000) While 1 Sleep (1000) WEnd Func _Quit() Exit 0 EndFunc Func _UpdateGui() GUICtrlSetData ($GUILblSent, "Total data sent: " & _SOCKS_Get_Total_Sent() / 1024 & " kbs") GUICtrlSetData ($GUILblReceived,"Total data received: " & _SOCKS_Get_Total_Received() / 1024 & " kbs") EndFunc_Adlib.au3 Here: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...7&hl=_adlib Edited April 21, 2009 by Dampe
Dampe Posted April 16, 2009 Author Posted April 16, 2009 Updated, fixed server freezing a bit, still locks up though.
Dampe Posted April 21, 2009 Author Posted April 21, 2009 (edited) Updated again. Added total bytes received and sent.. Would really appreciate some feedback Edited April 21, 2009 by Dampe
BrettF Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Please use the tags over autoit. The autoit ones are shitting out again. And I can't test your code! Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Dampe Posted April 21, 2009 Author Posted April 21, 2009 Please use the tags over autoit. The autoit ones are shitting out again. And I can't test your code! Noted Re-post in code box
BrettF Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 (edited) I can't get it to work properly. AdLib.au3 produces many errors: CODE d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(90,41) : WARNING: $al_func: possibly used before declaration. If $sync < 0 Or $sync > $al_func[0] Or ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(93,29) : WARNING: $al_ID possibly not declared/created yet $al_ID = $al_func[0] + 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(94,53) : WARNING: $al_time possibly not declared/created yet ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(94,78) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], $al_current[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,33) : WARNING: $al_next possibly not declared/created yet $al_next[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,56) : WARNING: $al_param possibly not declared/created yet $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,79) : WARNING: $al_count possibly not declared/created yet $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], $al_count[$al_ID + 1] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(106,23) : WARNING: $al_update possibly not declared/created yet $al_update = 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(94,53) : WARNING: $al_time: declared, but not used in func. ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(94,78) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], $al_current[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,56) : WARNING: $al_param: declared, but not used in func. $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,79) : WARNING: $al_count: declared, but not used in func. $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], $al_count[$al_ID + 1] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(106,23) : WARNING: $al_update: declared, but not used in func. $al_update = 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(143,25) : WARNING: $al_next possibly not declared/created yet $al_next[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(144,26) : WARNING: $al_count possibly not declared/created yet $al_count[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(145,28) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(146,27) : WARNING: $al_param possibly not declared/created yet $al_param[$al_ID] = "" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(148,19) : WARNING: $al_update possibly not declared/created yet $al_update = 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(143,25) : WARNING: $al_next: declared, but not used in func. $al_next[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(144,26) : WARNING: $al_count: declared, but not used in func. $al_count[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(145,28) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(146,27) : WARNING: $al_param: declared, but not used in func. $al_param[$al_ID] = "" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(148,19) : WARNING: $al_update: declared, but not used in func. $al_update = 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(184,36) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet $al_current[$i] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(185,39) : WARNING: $al_count possibly not declared/created yet $al_count[$i] = $count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(184,36) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. $al_current[$i] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(185,39) : WARNING: $al_count: declared, but not used in func. $al_count[$i] = $count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(225,47) : WARNING: $al_time: possibly used before declaration. $al_current[$i] = $al_time[$i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(225,47) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet $al_current[$i] = $al_time[$i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(225,47) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. $al_current[$i] = $al_time[$i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(274,48) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet $al_current[$al_ID] = $time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(277,62) : WARNING: $al_count possibly not declared/created yet If $count > 0 Then $al_count[$al_ID] = $count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(278,58) : WARNING: $al_param possibly not declared/created yet If $param Then $al_param[$al_ID] = $param ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(283,45) : WARNING: $al_update possibly not declared/created yet If $time > 0 Then $al_update = $time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(274,48) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. $al_current[$al_ID] = $time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(277,62) : WARNING: $al_count: declared, but not used in func. If $count > 0 Then $al_count[$al_ID] = $count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(278,58) : WARNING: $al_param: declared, but not used in func. If $param Then $al_param[$al_ID] = $param ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(283,45) : WARNING: $al_update: declared, but not used in func. If $time > 0 Then $al_update = $time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(329,53) : WARNING: $al_next: possibly used before declaration. $al_next[$al_ID] = $al_next[$al_ID2] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(365,40) : WARNING: $al_current: possibly used before declaration. If $al_current[$al_ID] Then ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(478,33) : WARNING: $al_count: possibly used before declaration. $ret[4] = $al_count[$al_ID] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(481,32) : WARNING: $al_param: possibly used before declaration. $ret[5] = $al_param[$al_ID] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(559,19) : WARNING: $al_update: possibly used before declaration. If $al_update Then ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(595,142) : WARNING: $al_update already declared/assigned Global $al_func[1] = [0], $al_time[1] = [0], $al_current[1] = [0], $al_next[1] = [0], $al_param[1] = [0], $al_count[1] = [0], $al_update = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3 - 0 error(s), 44 warning(s) And every page I try to load in your example wants me to download it as "Application/Octet Stream" or in one case send the value of the page to be"ÿ" which totally weirds me out... EDIT: Posted the errors.. i was a bit excited? Edited April 21, 2009 by BrettF Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Dampe Posted April 21, 2009 Author Posted April 21, 2009 I can't get it to work properly. AdLib.au3 produces many errors: CODE d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(90,41) : WARNING: $al_func: possibly used before declaration. If $sync < 0 Or $sync > $al_func[0] Or ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(93,29) : WARNING: $al_ID possibly not declared/created yet $al_ID = $al_func[0] + 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(94,53) : WARNING: $al_time possibly not declared/created yet ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(94,78) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], $al_current[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,33) : WARNING: $al_next possibly not declared/created yet $al_next[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,56) : WARNING: $al_param possibly not declared/created yet $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,79) : WARNING: $al_count possibly not declared/created yet $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], $al_count[$al_ID + 1] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(106,23) : WARNING: $al_update possibly not declared/created yet $al_update = 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(94,53) : WARNING: $al_time: declared, but not used in func. ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(94,78) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], $al_current[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,56) : WARNING: $al_param: declared, but not used in func. $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(95,79) : WARNING: $al_count: declared, but not used in func. $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], $al_count[$al_ID + 1] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(106,23) : WARNING: $al_update: declared, but not used in func. $al_update = 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(143,25) : WARNING: $al_next possibly not declared/created yet $al_next[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(144,26) : WARNING: $al_count possibly not declared/created yet $al_count[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(145,28) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(146,27) : WARNING: $al_param possibly not declared/created yet $al_param[$al_ID] = "" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(148,19) : WARNING: $al_update possibly not declared/created yet $al_update = 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(143,25) : WARNING: $al_next: declared, but not used in func. $al_next[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(144,26) : WARNING: $al_count: declared, but not used in func. $al_count[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(145,28) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(146,27) : WARNING: $al_param: declared, but not used in func. $al_param[$al_ID] = "" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(148,19) : WARNING: $al_update: declared, but not used in func. $al_update = 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(184,36) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet $al_current[$i] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(185,39) : WARNING: $al_count possibly not declared/created yet $al_count[$i] = $count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(184,36) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. $al_current[$i] = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(185,39) : WARNING: $al_count: declared, but not used in func. $al_count[$i] = $count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(225,47) : WARNING: $al_time: possibly used before declaration. $al_current[$i] = $al_time[$i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(225,47) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet $al_current[$i] = $al_time[$i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(225,47) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. $al_current[$i] = $al_time[$i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(274,48) : WARNING: $al_current possibly not declared/created yet $al_current[$al_ID] = $time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(277,62) : WARNING: $al_count possibly not declared/created yet If $count > 0 Then $al_count[$al_ID] = $count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(278,58) : WARNING: $al_param possibly not declared/created yet If $param Then $al_param[$al_ID] = $param ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(283,45) : WARNING: $al_update possibly not declared/created yet If $time > 0 Then $al_update = $time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(274,48) : WARNING: $al_current: declared, but not used in func. $al_current[$al_ID] = $time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(277,62) : WARNING: $al_count: declared, but not used in func. If $count > 0 Then $al_count[$al_ID] = $count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(278,58) : WARNING: $al_param: declared, but not used in func. If $param Then $al_param[$al_ID] = $param ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(283,45) : WARNING: $al_update: declared, but not used in func. If $time > 0 Then $al_update = $time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(329,53) : WARNING: $al_next: possibly used before declaration. $al_next[$al_ID] = $al_next[$al_ID2] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(365,40) : WARNING: $al_current: possibly used before declaration. If $al_current[$al_ID] Then ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(478,33) : WARNING: $al_count: possibly used before declaration. $ret[4] = $al_count[$al_ID] * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(481,32) : WARNING: $al_param: possibly used before declaration. $ret[5] = $al_param[$al_ID] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(559,19) : WARNING: $al_update: possibly used before declaration. If $al_update Then ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3(595,142) : WARNING: $al_update already declared/assigned Global $al_func[1] = [0], $al_time[1] = [0], $al_current[1] = [0], $al_next[1] = [0], $al_param[1] = [0], $al_count[1] = [0], $al_update = 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ d:\my documents\autoit\Socks 5\_Adlib.au3 - 0 error(s), 44 warning(s) And every page I try to load in your example wants me to download it as "Application/Octet Stream" or in one case send the value of the page to be"ÿ" which totally weirds me out... EDIT: Posted the errors.. i was a bit excited? Hmm that's weird, here is my AdLib UDF expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters= -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #cs ;#=#INDEX#===================================================# ;# Title .........: _Adlib.au3 ;# Description ...: Enhanced Adlib functionality, enables multiple adlib instances, function parameters, limited adlibs, and adlib pausing ;# Date ..........: 6.11.08 ;# Version .......: 1.0 ;# Author ........: jennico (jennicoattminusonlinedotde) ;# Main Functions : _AdlibEnable ( "function" [, time [, count [, param]]] ) ;# _AdlibDisable ( $al_ID = 0 ) ;# _AdlibPause ( $al_ID = 0 ) ;# _AdlibResume ( $al_ID = 0 ) ;# _AdlibMainFreq ( ) ;# _AdlibFreq ( $al_ID ) ;# _AdlibFunc ( $al_ID ) ;# _AdlibID ( $func ) ;# _AdlibParams ( $al_ID ) ;# _AdlibActive ( $al_ID = 0 ) ;# Subfunctions ..: __AdlibAdd ( $al_ID [, $time] ) ;# __AdlibMain ( ) ;# __AdlibKill ( ) ;# __Euclid ( $a, $b ) ;#===========================================================# #ce #include-once #Region;--------------------------Global declarations __AdlibKill() Local $al_current, $al_count, $al_func, $al_ID, $al_next, $al_param, $al_time, $al_timer Global $al_timer = TimerInit() #EndRegion;--------------------------Global declarations #region;--------------------------Main Functions #region;--------_AdlibEnable #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibEnable ( "function" [, time [, count [, param]]] ) ;# Description....: Enables Multi Adlib functionality and starts a new adlib instance. ;# Parameters.....: function = The name of the adlib function to call. ;# time [optional] = frequency how often in milliseconds (> 0) to call the function. Default is 250 ms. ;# count [optional] = how many times (> 0) the function shall be call. Default is -1 (=continuous). ;# param [optional] = parameter or array of parameters passed to "function". ;# Return Value ..: Returns Adlib-ID to be used in the other functions ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: When using _AdlibEnable, the built-in AdlibEnable and AdlibDisable MUST not be used at the same time. ;# "function" has to be passed without parentheses. ;# When using count, the adlib instance will be stopped after count times and the Adlib_ID will be invalid. ;# To pass multiple parameters to function, pass a 1-based array. Element 0 is used internally and will be overwritten. ;# For an example on multiple arrays, refer to Function "Call" in help file. ;# A hint : If param is declared globally it can be updated dynamically. ;# To skip one parameter, use "-1". ;# Theoretical limit of Alib instances is 15,999,999. ;# Every 250 ms (or time ms) the specified "function" is called. ;# The adlib function should be kept simple as it is executed often and during this time the main script is paused. ;# Also, the time parameter should be used carefully to avoid CPU load. ;# If a previously registered function is passed, the adlib frequency will be updated and the corresponding already existing Adlib-ID will be returned. ;# Thus it is not possible to call the same function twice. ;# Important recommendation: ;# If possible, please use round (multiples of each others) time frequencies to avoid CPU load . The main calling frequency of multiple adlibs is their greatest common divisor. ;# E.g. for two adlib instances, better choose 100 and 50 (main=50) for time than 99 and 51 (main=3). ;# If you choose two primes instead, the main frequency will be 1 ms and your CPU will be locked. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibEnable($func, $time = 250, $count = -1, $param = "") If $time <= 0 Then $time = 250 If $count = 0 Then $count = -1 For $al_ID = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$al_ID] = $func Then ExitLoop Next If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Then ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], $al_current[$al_ID + 1], _ $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], $al_count[$al_ID + 1] If IsArray($param) Then $param[0] = "CallArgArray" $al_func[0] = $al_ID $al_func[$al_ID] = $func EndIf $al_count[$al_ID] = $count $al_param[$al_ID] = $param $al_current[$al_ID] = $time __AdlibAdd($al_ID, $time) Return $al_ID EndFunc ;==>_AdlibEnable #EndRegion;--------_AdlibEnable #region;--------_AdlibDisable #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibDisable ( $al_ID = 0 ) ;# Description....: Stops specified adlib instance or disables entire adlib functionality. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID [optional] = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# If omitted or 0, all instances will be stopped and adlib functionality disabled. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Adlib-ID is not valid (<0, not defined or stopped before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: NOT the same as AdlibDisable, do not use it when you use (Multi) _Adlib ! ;# Instead of the Adlib-ID, the function name can be passed as an argument, if the name is not valid, 0 will be the return value. ;# When passing the Adlib-ID, make sure that it is a number ! ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibDisable($al_ID = 0);noch fehler in count ! If IsInt($al_ID) = 0 Then $al_ID = _AdlibID($al_ID) If $al_ID = 0 Then Return 0 EndIf If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID < 0 Then Return 0 If $al_ID = 0 Then __AdlibKill() Return 1 EndIf $al_next[$al_ID] = 0 $al_count[$al_ID] = 0 $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 $al_param[$al_ID] = "" $al_func[$al_ID] = "" __AdlibAdd($al_ID, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AdlibDisable #EndRegion;--------_AdlibDisable #region;--------_AdlibPause #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibPause ( $al_ID = 0 ) ;# Description....: Pauses specified or all adlib instance(s). ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Adlib-ID is not valid (<0, not defined or stopped before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If $al_ID omitted or 0, all instances will be paused. ;# Main frequency will not be updated on _AdlibPause. ;# Instead of the Adlib-ID, the function name can be passed as an argument. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibResume, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibPause($al_ID) If IsInt($al_ID) = 0 Then $al_ID = _AdlibID($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID < 0 Then Return 0 If $al_ID = 0 Then For $i = 1 To $al_func[0] $al_current[$i] = 0 Next Return 1 EndIf $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AdlibPause #EndRegion;--------_AdlibPause #region;--------_AdlibResume #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibResume ( $al_ID = 0 ) ;# Description....: Resumes specified or all (paused) adlib instance(s). ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Adlib-ID is not valid (<0, not defined or stopped before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If $al_ID omitted or 0, all instances will be resumed. ;# Instead of the Adlib-ID, the function name can be passed as an argument. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibResume($al_ID = 0) If IsInt($al_ID) = 0 Then $al_ID = _AdlibID($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID < 0 Then Return 0 If $al_ID = 0 Then For $i = 1 To $al_func[0] $al_current[$i] = $al_time[$i] $al_next[$i] = TimerDiff($al_timer) + $al_time[$i] - _ Mod(TimerDiff($al_timer), $al_time[$i]) Next Return 1 EndIf $al_current[$al_ID] = $al_time[$al_ID] $al_next[$al_ID] = TimerDiff($al_timer) + $al_time[$al_ID] - _ Mod(TimerDiff($al_timer), $al_time[$al_ID]) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AdlibResume #EndRegion;--------_AdlibResume #region;--------_AdlibMainFreq #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibMainFreq ( ) ;# Description....: Returns the current main (overall) adlib frequency. ;# Parameters.....: none ;# Return Value ..: Success: the current main (overall) adlib frequency in ms. Minimum is 1. ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Multi adlib functionality is disabled. ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: Designed to observe and prevent CPU load. Highest possible load is on 1. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibParams, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibMainFreq() If $al_func[0] = 0 Then Return 0 Local $t For $i = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$i] Then $t = $al_time[$i] For $al_ID = $i + 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_current[$al_ID] Then $t = __Euclid($t, $al_time[$al_ID]) Next Return $t EndIf Next __AdlibKill() EndFunc ;==>_AdlibMainFreq #EndRegion;--------_AdlibMainFreq #region;--------_AdlibPause #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibFreq ( $al_ID ) ;# Description....: Returns the specified adlib frequency. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns the specified adlib frequency in ms. ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Adlib-ID is not valid (0, not defined or stopped before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: Instead of the Adlib-ID, the function name can be passed as an argument. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibID, _AdlibParams, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibFreq($al_ID) If IsInt($al_ID) = 0 Then $al_ID = _AdlibID($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Then Return 0 Return $al_time[$al_ID] EndFunc ;==>_AdlibFreq #EndRegion;--------_AdlibFreq #region;--------_AdlibFunc #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibFunc ( $al_ID ) ;# Description....: Returns the specified adlib function name. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns the specified adlib function name. ;# Failure: Returns "" (blank string) if Adlib-ID is not valid (not defined or stopped before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If Sal_ID = 0 then the number of _Adlib instances (incl. stopped and paused) is returned. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibID, _AdlibParams, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibFunc($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Then Return "" Return $al_func[$al_ID] EndFunc ;==>_AdlibFunc #EndRegion;--------_AdlibFunc #region;--------_AdlibID #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibID ( $func ) ;# Description....: Returns the Adlib-ID specified by passed function name. ;# Parameters.....: $func = The function name registered in a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns the Adlib-ID. ;# Failure: Returns 0 if specified function is not registered in previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: none ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibParams, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibID($func) For $al_ID = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$al_ID] = $func Then Return $al_ID Next EndFunc ;==>_AdlibID #EndRegion;--------_AdlibID #region;--------_AdlibParams #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibParams ( $al_ID ) ;# Description....: Returns an array of parameters and stats of the specified Adlib-ID. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns a 0 based 6 element array. ;# Failure: Returns "" (blank string) if Adlib-ID is not valid (not defined or = 0). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 5.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: The returned array contains: ;# Array[0] = (More or less) proper function name incl. parenthesis and parameters (if given and not an array). ;# Array[1] = current instance Status: 1 for active, 0 for stopped, 2 for paused. ;# Array[2] = the corresponding function name ("" (blank) if instance is stopped). ;# Array[3] = the corresponding frequency (0 if instance is stopped). ;# Array[4] = (> 0) amount of times the corresponding function has been called. ;# (< 0) If count was specified, element contains the count left. ;# (= 0) Instance has been stopped. ;# Array[5] = corresponding function parameters (can be an array itself) ("" (blank) if instance is stopped). ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibID, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibParams($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID = 0 Then Return "" Local $ret[6] $ret[1] = 1 If $al_func[$al_ID] = "" Then $ret[1] = 0 If $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 Then $ret[1] = 2 $ret[2] = $al_func[$al_ID] $ret[3] = $al_time[$al_ID] $ret[4] = $al_count[$al_ID] * - 1 If $ret[4] < 0 Then $ret[3] += 1 If $al_func[$al_ID] = "" Then $ret[4] = 0 $ret[5] = $al_param[$al_ID] $ret[0] = $ret[2] & "(" & $ret[3] & "," & $ret[4] & "," & $ret[5] & ")" Return $ret EndFunc ;==>_AdlibParams #EndRegion;--------_AdlibParams #region;--------_AdlibActive #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibActive ( $al_ID = 0 ) ;# Description....: Checks if _Adlib instance is active / paused. Or: Retrieves all active _Adlib instances. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID [optional] = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 if instance is active, 0 if stopped, and 2 if paused. ;# If parameter omitted or = 0 : Returns a 0 based array containing all active _Adlib instances. ;# Failure: Returns -1 and sets @error to 1 if Adlib-ID is not valid. ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If parameter omitted or = 0 : ;# Array[0] contains total numbers, elements 1 - Array[0] the active Adlib_IDs. ;# @extended contains the number of paused _Adlib instances. Paused instances are active, too. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibParams, _AdlibParams ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibActive($al_ID = 0) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If $al_ID Then Local $ret = 0 If $al_func[$al_ID] Then $ret = 1 If $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 Then $ret = 2 EndIf Return $ret EndIf Local $ret1 = "", $ret2 = 0 For $al_ID = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$al_ID] Then $ret1 &= $al_ID & "*" If $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 Then $ret2 += 1 EndIf Next Return SetExtended($ret2, StringSplit(StringTrimRight($ret1, 1), "*")) EndFunc ;==>_AdlibActive #EndRegion;--------_AdlibActive #EndRegion;--------------------------Main Functions #Region;--------------------------Internal Functions #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: __AdlibAdd ( $al_ID [, $time] ) ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: internal use only ;# Example........: no ;#===========================================================# #ce Func __AdlibAdd($al_ID, $time) $al_time[$al_ID] = $time Local $t = _AdlibMainFreq() If $t = 0 Then Return If $time Then $al_next[$al_ID] = TimerDiff($al_timer) + $time AdlibEnable("__AdlibMain", $t) EndFunc ;==>__AdlibAdd #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: __AdlibMain ( ) ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: internal use only ;# Example........: no ;#===========================================================# #ce Func __AdlibMain() For $al_ID = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_current[$al_ID] And TimerDiff($al_timer) >= $al_next[$al_ID] Then If $al_param[$al_ID] Then Call($al_func[$al_ID], $al_param[$al_ID]) Else Call($al_func[$al_ID]) EndIf $al_count[$al_ID] -= 1 $al_next[$al_ID] += $al_time[$al_ID] If $al_count[$al_ID] = 0 Then _AdlibDisable($al_ID) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>__AdlibMain #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: __AdlibKill ( ) ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: internal use only ;# Example........: no ;#===========================================================# #ce Func __AdlibKill() Global $al_func[1] = [0], $al_time[1] = [0], $al_current[1] = [0], _ $al_next[1] = [0], $al_param[1] = [0], $al_count[1] = [0] EndFunc ;==>__AdlibKill #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: __Euclid ( $a, $b ) ;# Description....: Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor ;# Parameters.....: $a = 1st Integer ;# $b = 2nd Integer ;# Return Value ..: Returns GCD ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: internal use only ;# taken from _Primes.au3 ;# Example........: no ;#===========================================================# #ce Func __Euclid($a, $b) If $b = 0 Then Return $a Return __Euclid($b, Mod($a, $b)) EndFunc ;==>__Euclid #EndRegion;--------------------------Internal Functions Im running non-beta
twitchyliquid64 Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Hi Dampy, Nice script. Ive got it compiled and working, but how do you use it? Do you configure your proxy settings to a SOCKS Host on the IP and PORT within Firefox or otherwise? Or something else? ongoing projects:-firestorm: Largescale P2P Social NetworkCompleted Autoit Programs/Scripts: Variable Pickler | Networked Streaming Audio (in pure autoIT) | firenet p2p web messenger | Proxy Checker | Dynamic Execute() Code Generator | P2P UDF | Graph Theory Proof of Concept - Breadth First search
Splash Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 (edited) Thanks man. Very useful. Here is _adlib.au3: expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters= -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #cs ;#=#INDEX#===================================================# ;# Title .........: _Adlib.au3 ;# Description ...: Enhanced Adlib functionality, enables multiple adlib instances, function parameters, limited adlibs, and adlib pausing ;# Date ..........: 8.11.08 ;# Version .......: 1.2 improved AdlibDisable, _AdlibResume, _AdlibAdd and __AdlibMain ;# _AdlibDisable will not break the "rythm" anymore ;# added _AdlibUpdate ;# added _AdlibSync ;# added _Sync parameter to _AdlibEnable ;# fixed bug when last instance disabled by count ;# fixed bug in _AdlibResume (resuming disabled) ;# generally improved synchronicity of instances ;# changed: one function can be called by different instances now. ;# History .......: v1.1 7.11.08 ;# some descriptions precizised ;# added forgotten AdlibUnregister() in __AdlibKill ;# added count param to _AdlibPause ;# v1.0 6.11.08 ;# Author ........: jennico (jennicoattminusonlinedotde) ;# Main Functions : _AdlibEnable ( "function" [, time [, count [, param]]] ) ;# _AdlibDisable ( [$al_ID] ) ;# _AdlibPause ( [$al_ID [, $count]] ) ;# _AdlibResume ( [$al_ID] ) ;# _AdlibUpdate ( $al_ID, time [, count [, param]] ) ;# _AdlibSync ( $al_ID1, $al_ID2 ) ;# _AdlibMainFreq ( ) ;# _AdlibFreq ( $al_ID ) ;# _AdlibFunc ( $al_ID ) ;# _AdlibID ( $func ) ;# _AdlibParams ( $al_ID ) ;# _AdlibActive ( [$al_ID] ) ;# Subfunctions ..: __AdlibAdd ( $al_ID [, $time] ) ;# __AdlibMain ( ) ;# __AdlibKill ( ) ;# __Euclid ( $a, $b ) ;#===========================================================# #ce #include-once #Region;--------------------------Global declarations __AdlibKill() Global $al_timer = TimerInit() #EndRegion;--------------------------Global declarations #region;--------------------------Main Functions #region;--------_AdlibEnable #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibEnable ( "function" [, time [, count [, param [, sync ]]]] ) ;# Description....: Enables Multi Adlib functionality and starts a new adlib instance. ;# Parameters.....: function = The name of the adlib function to call (without parentheses). ;# time [optional] = frequency how often in milliseconds (> 0) to call the function. Default is 250 ms. ;# count [optional] = how many times (> 0) the function shall be called ("time ticks"). Default is -1 (=continuous). ;# param [optional] = parameter or array of parameters to be passed to "function". ;# sync [optional] = Adlib-ID returned by a previously enabled instance. ;# Return Value ..: Returns Adlib-ID to be used in the other functions. ;# Returns 0 if sync is not valid. ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: When using _AdlibEnable, the built-in AdlibEnable and AdlibDisable MUST not be used at all at the same time. This would deactivate all instances immediately. ;# When using count, the adlib instance will be disabled after count ticks of time and the Adlib-ID will be invalid. ;# When using sync, the start of the instance will be synchronized with the next tick of the instance represented by the specified Adlib-ID (results in a delay). ;# To pass multiple parameters to function, pass a 1-based array. Element 0 is used internally and will be overwritten. ;# For an example on multiple params, refer to Function "Call" in help file. ;# To skip one parameter, use "" (blank string). ;# A hint : If param (function parameter) is declared globally it can be updated dynamically without using any of these functions. ;# Theoretical limit of Alib instances is 15,999,999. ;# Every 250 ms (or time ms) the specified "function" is called. ;# The adlib function should be kept simple as it is executed often and during this time the main script is paused. ;# Also, the time parameter should be used carefully to avoid CPU load. ;# To update a parameter, use _AdlibUpdate. ;# NEW : Two or more instances can call the same function now. So you can use one adlib function to be called from several instances with different parameters. ;# Important recommendation: ;# If possible, please use round (multiples of each others) time frequencies to avoid CPU load . The main calling frequency of multiple adlibs is their greatest common divisor. ;# E.g. for two adlib instances, better choose 100 and 50 (main=50) for time than 99 and 51 (main=3). ;# If you choose two primes instead, the main frequency will be 1 ms and your CPU will possibly be locked. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibEnable($func, $time = 250, $count = -1, $param = "", $sync = 0) If $sync < 0 Or $sync > $al_func[0] Or $al_func[$sync] = "" And $sync <> 0 Then Return If $time <= 0 Then $time = 250 If $count = 0 Then $count = -1 $al_ID = $al_func[0] + 1 ReDim $al_func[$al_ID + 1], $al_time[$al_ID + 1], $al_current[$al_ID + 1], _ $al_next[$al_ID + 1], $al_param[$al_ID + 1], $al_count[$al_ID + 1] If IsArray($param) Then $param[0] = "CallArgArray" $al_func[0] = $al_ID $al_func[$al_ID] = $func $al_count[$al_ID] = $count $al_param[$al_ID] = $param $al_current[$al_ID] = $time If $sync = 0 Then __AdlibAdd($al_ID, $time) Else $al_next[$al_ID] = $al_next[$sync] $al_update = 1 EndIf Return $al_ID EndFunc ;==>_AdlibEnable #EndRegion;--------_AdlibEnable #region;--------_AdlibDisable #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibDisable ( [$al_ID] ) ;# Description....: Stops specified adlib instance or disables entire adlib functionality. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID [optional] = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# If omitted or 0, all instances will be stopped and adlib functionality disabled. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 ;# Special: Returns 2 if all processes killed (Success) ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Adlib-ID is not valid (<0, not defined or disabled before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: NOT the same as AdlibDisable, do not use it when you use (Multi) _Adlib ! ;# Instead of the Adlib-ID, the function name can be passed as an argument, if the name is not valid, 0 will be the return value. Be careful when the function is used by more than one instance. ;# When passing the Adlib-ID, make sure that it is a number ! ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibDisable($al_ID = 0) If IsInt($al_ID) = 0 Then $al_ID = _AdlibID($al_ID) If $al_ID = 0 Then Return 0 EndIf If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID < 0 Then Return 0 If $al_ID = 0 Then __AdlibKill() Return 1 EndIf $al_next[$al_ID] = 0 $al_count[$al_ID] = 0 $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 $al_param[$al_ID] = "" $al_func[$al_ID] = "" $al_update = 1 If __AdlibAdd($al_ID, 0) = 0 Then Return 2 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AdlibDisable #EndRegion;--------_AdlibDisable #region;--------_AdlibPause #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibPause ( [$al_ID [, $count]] ) ;# Description....: Pauses specified or all adlib instance(s). ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID [optional] = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# $count [optional] = how many times (> 0) the function shall be paused ("time ticks"). ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Adlib-ID is not valid (<0, not defined or disabled before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 7.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If $al_ID omitted or 0, all instances will be paused. ;# Setting count, the function will be automatically resumed after the specified ticks of time. If you have enabled the function with count parameter before, it will not be automatically disabled anmymore (previous count gets lost). ;# Main frequency will not be updated on _AdlibPause. ;# Instead of the Adlib-ID, the function name can be passed as an argument. Be careful when the function is used by more than one instance. ;# _AdlibPause will preserve the call "rythm", while _AdlibDisable followed by _AdlibEnable starts a new rythm. ;# On the other hand, if you want to resume immediately, use _AdlibEnable. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibResume, _AdlibActive, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibPause($al_ID = 0, $count = -1) If IsInt($al_ID) = 0 Then $al_ID = _AdlibID($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID < 0 Then Return 0 If $al_ID = 0 Then Local $t = 0 For $i = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$i] Then $al_current[$i] = 0 $al_count[$i] = $count $t = 1 EndIf Next Return $t EndIf If $al_func[$al_ID] = "" Then Return $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 $al_count[$al_ID] = $count Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AdlibPause #EndRegion;--------_AdlibPause #region;--------_AdlibResume #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibResume ( [$al_ID] ) ;# Description....: Resumes specified or all (paused) adlib instance(s). ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID [optional] = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Adlib-ID is not valid (<0, not defined or disabled before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If $al_ID omitted or 0, all instances will be resumed. ;# Instead of the Adlib-ID, the function name can be passed as an argument. Be careful when the function is used by more than one instance. ;# The difference to _AdlibEnable is that the function will be resumed to the same rythm as before, while _AdlibEnable starts a new rythm. ;# On the other hand, if you want to resume immediately, use _AdlibEnable. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibResume($al_ID = 0) If IsInt($al_ID) = 0 Then $al_ID = _AdlibID($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID < 0 Then Return 0 If $al_ID = 0 Then Local $t = 0 For $i = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$i] Then $al_current[$i] = $al_time[$i] $t = 1 EndIf Next Return $t EndIf If $al_func[$al_ID] = "" Then Return $al_current[$al_ID] = $al_time[$al_ID] Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AdlibResume #EndRegion;--------_AdlibResume #region;--------_AdlibUpdate #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibUpdate ( $al_ID, time [, count [, param]] ) ;# Description....: Updates parameters of specified adlib instance(s). ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# time [optional] = new frequency in ms. ;# count [optional] = new new count in ticks. ;# param [optional] = new params to be passed to specified function. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Adlib-ID is not valid (<0, not defined or disabled before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 8.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If $al_ID = 0, all instances will be updated. ;# To omit time or count, use "0" or "" (blank string) ;# Instead of the Adlib-ID, the function name can be passed as an argument. Be careful when the function is used by more than one instance. ;# The difference to _AdlibEnable is that the function will keep up its rythm, while _AdlibEnable starts a new rythm. ;# With _AdlibUpdate it is possible to change function params, even if they are not declared globally. ;# Paused instances will be resumed. ;# Please observe: the updating of a frequency will not be realized instantly, but right after the next call of ANY (not necessarily the specified) adlib function ! ;# This is necessary in order to preserve the current rythm. ;# Thus you will possibly notice a delay on first new tick. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibSync ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibUpdate($al_ID, $time = 0, $count = 0, $param = "") If IsInt($al_ID) = 0 Then $al_ID = _AdlibID($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID < 0 Then Return 0 If $al_ID = 0 Then Local $t = 0 For $al_ID = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$al_ID] Then If IsArray($param) Then $param[0] = "CallArgArray" If $time > 0 Then $al_current[$al_ID] = $time $al_time[$al_ID] = $time EndIf If $count > 0 Then $al_count[$al_ID] = $count If $param Then $al_param[$al_ID] = $param $t = 1 EndIf Next If $t = 0 Then Return If $time > 0 Then $al_update = $time Return 1 EndIf If $al_func[$al_ID] = "" Then Return If IsArray($param) Then $param[0] = "CallArgArray" If $time > 0 Then $al_current[$al_ID] = $time $al_time[$al_ID] = $time $al_update = 1 EndIf If $count > 0 Then $al_count[$al_ID] = $count If $param Then $al_param[$al_ID] = $param Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AdlibUpdate #EndRegion;--------_AdlibUpdate #region;--------_AdlibSync #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibSync ( $al_ID1, $al_ID2 ) ;# Description....: Synchronizes two (or more) _Adlib instances. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID1 = The instance to be synchronized. ;# $al_ID1 = The instance to be synchronized with. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 ;# Failure: Returns 0 if one of the Adlib-IDs is not valid (<0, not defined or disabled before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 8.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If $al_ID1 = 0, all instances will be synchronized with $al_ID2. ;# Synchronizing means restarting two or more instances ($al_ID1) right at the next call event of $al_ID2 without breaking the rythm of $al_ID2. ;# Very useful e.g. for collision implementations. ;# Instead of the Adlib-IDs, the function names can be passed as arguments. Be careful when the function is used by more than one instance. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibUpdate ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibSync($al_ID1, $al_ID2) If IsInt($al_ID1) = 0 Then $al_ID1 = _AdlibID($al_ID1) If IsInt($al_ID2) = 0 Then $al_ID2 = _AdlibID($al_ID2) If $al_ID1 > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID1 < 0 Or $al_ID2 > $al_func[0] _ Or $al_ID2 < 0 Or $al_func[$al_ID2] = "" Then Return 0 If $al_ID1 = 0 Then Local $t = 0 For $al_ID = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$al_ID] And $al_ID <> $al_ID2 Then $al_next[$al_ID] = $al_next[$al_ID2] $t = 1 EndIf Next Return $t EndIf If $al_func[$al_ID1] = "" Then Return $al_next[$al_ID1] = $al_next[$al_ID2] Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AdlibSync #EndRegion;--------_AdlibSync #region;--------_AdlibMainFreq #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibMainFreq ( ) ;# Description....: Returns the current main (overall) adlib frequency. ;# Parameters.....: none [ $p only used internally ] ;# Return Value ..: Success: the current main (overall) adlib frequency in ms. Minimum is 1. ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Multi adlib functionality is disabled. ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: Designed to observe and prevent CPU load. Highest possible load is on 1. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibParams, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibMainFreq($p = 1) If $al_func[0] = 0 Then Return 0 Local $t For $i = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$i] Then $t = $al_time[$i] For $al_ID = $i + 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_current[$al_ID] Then $t = __Euclid($t, $al_time[$al_ID]) Next Return $t EndIf Next If $p = 1 Then __AdlibKill() EndFunc ;==>_AdlibMainFreq #EndRegion;--------_AdlibMainFreq #region;--------_AdlibFreq #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibFreq ( $al_ID ) ;# Description....: Returns the specified adlib frequency. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns the specified adlib frequency in ms. ;# Failure: Returns 0 if Adlib-ID is not valid (0, not defined or disabled before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: Instead of the Adlib-ID, the function name can be passed as an argument. Be careful when the function is used by more than one instance. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibID, _AdlibParams, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibFreq($al_ID) If IsInt($al_ID) = 0 Then $al_ID = _AdlibID($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Then Return 0 Return $al_time[$al_ID] EndFunc ;==>_AdlibFreq #EndRegion;--------_AdlibFreq #region;--------_AdlibFunc #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibFunc ( $al_ID ) ;# Description....: Returns the specified adlib function name. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns the specified adlib function name. ;# Failure: Returns "" (blank string) if Adlib-ID is not valid (not defined or disabled before). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If Sal_ID = 0 then the number of _Adlib instances (incl. disabled and paused) is returned. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibID, _AdlibParams, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibFunc($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Then Return "" Return $al_func[$al_ID] EndFunc ;==>_AdlibFunc #EndRegion;--------_AdlibFunc #region;--------_AdlibID #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibID ( $func ) ;# Description....: Returns the Adlib-ID specified by passed function name. ;# Parameters.....: $func = The function name registered in a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns the Adlib-ID. ;# Failure: Returns 0 if specified function is not registered in previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: none ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibParams, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibID($func) For $al_ID = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$al_ID] = $func Then Return $al_ID Next EndFunc ;==>_AdlibID #EndRegion;--------_AdlibID #region;--------_AdlibParams #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibParams ( $al_ID ) ;# Description....: Returns an array of parameters and stats of the specified Adlib-ID. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns a 0 based 6 element array. ;# Failure: Returns "" (blank string) if Adlib-ID is not valid (not defined or = 0). ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 5.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: The returned array contains: ;# Array[0] = (More or less) proper function name incl. parenthesis and parameters (if given and not an array). ;# Array[1] = current instance Status: 1 for active, 0 for disabled, 2 for paused. ;# Array[2] = the corresponding function name ("" (blank) if instance is disabled). ;# Array[3] = the corresponding frequency (0 if instance is disabled). ;# Array[4] = (> 0) amount of times the corresponding function has been called. ;# (< 0) If count was specified, element contains the remainig count (time ticks). ;# (= 0) Instance has been stopped. ;# Array[5] = corresponding function parameters (can be an array itself) ("" (blank) if instance is disabled). ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibID, _AdlibActive ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibParams($al_ID) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Or $al_ID = 0 Then Return "" Local $ret[6] $ret[1] = 1 If $al_func[$al_ID] = "" Then $ret[1] = 0 If $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 Then $ret[1] = 2 $ret[2] = $al_func[$al_ID] $ret[3] = $al_time[$al_ID] $ret[4] = $al_count[$al_ID] * - 1 If $ret[4] < 0 Then $ret[3] += 1 If $al_func[$al_ID] = "" Then $ret[4] = 0 $ret[5] = $al_param[$al_ID] $ret[0] = $ret[2] & "(" & $ret[3] & "," & $ret[4] & "," & $ret[5] & ")" Return $ret EndFunc ;==>_AdlibParams #EndRegion;--------_AdlibParams #region;--------_AdlibActive #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: _AdlibActive ( [$al_ID] ) ;# Description....: Checks if _Adlib instance is active / paused. Or: Retrieves all active _Adlib instances. ;# Parameters.....: $al_ID [optional] = The Adlib-ID returned by a previous _AdlibEnable call. ;# Return Value ..: Success: Returns 1 if instance is active, 0 if disabled, and 2 if paused. ;# If parameter omitted or = 0 : Returns a 0 based array containing all active _Adlib instances. ;# Failure: Returns -1 and sets @error to 1 if Adlib-ID is not valid. ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: If parameter omitted or = 0 : ;# Array[0] contains total numbers, elements 1 - Array[0] the active Adlib_IDs. ;# @extended contains the number of paused _Adlib instances. Paused instances are active, too. ;# Related........: AdlibEnable, AdlibDisable, Call, _AdlibEnable, _AdlibDisable, _AdlibPause, _AdlibResume, _AdlibUpdate, _AdlibSync, _AdlibMainFreq, _AdlibFreq, _AdlibFunc, _AdlibParams, _AdlibParams ;# Example........: yes ;#===========================================================# #ce Func _AdlibActive($al_ID = 0) If $al_ID > $al_func[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If $al_ID Then Local $ret = 0 If $al_func[$al_ID] Then $ret = 1 If $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 Then $ret = 2 EndIf Return $ret EndIf Local $ret1 = "", $ret2 = 0 For $al_ID = 1 To $al_func[0] If $al_func[$al_ID] Then $ret1 &= $al_ID & "*" If $al_current[$al_ID] = 0 Then $ret2 += 1 EndIf Next Return SetExtended($ret2, StringSplit(StringTrimRight($ret1, 1), "*")) EndFunc ;==>_AdlibActive #EndRegion;--------_AdlibActive #EndRegion;--------------------------Main Functions #Region;--------------------------Internal Functions #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: __AdlibAdd ( $al_ID, $time ) ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: internal use only ;# Example........: no ;#===========================================================# #ce Func __AdlibAdd($al_ID, $time) $al_time[$al_ID] = $time Local $t = _AdlibMainFreq($time) If $time = 0 Then Return $t $al_next[$al_ID] = TimerDiff($al_timer) + $time AdlibRegister("__AdlibMain", _AdlibMainFreq()) EndFunc ;==>__AdlibAdd #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: __AdlibMain ( ) ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: internal use only ;# Example........: no ;#===========================================================# #ce Func __AdlibMain() If $al_update Then AdlibRegister("__AdlibMain", _AdlibMainFreq()) $al_update = 0 EndIf Local $t = TimerDiff($al_timer) For $al_ID = 1 To $al_func[0] If $t >= $al_next[$al_ID] And $al_func[$al_ID] Then If $al_current[$al_ID] Then If $al_param[$al_ID] Then Call($al_func[$al_ID], $al_param[$al_ID]) Else Call($al_func[$al_ID]) EndIf $al_count[$al_ID] -= 1 If $al_count[$al_ID] = 0 Then _AdlibDisable($al_ID) ElseIf $al_count[$al_ID] > 0 Then $al_count[$al_ID] -= 1 If $al_count[$al_ID] = 0 Then _AdlibResume($al_ID) EndIf $al_next[$al_ID] += $al_time[$al_ID] EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>__AdlibMain #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: __AdlibKill ( ) ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: internal use only ;# Example........: no ;#===========================================================# #ce Func __AdlibKill() AdlibUnregister() Global $al_func[1] = [0], $al_time[1] = [0], $al_current[1] = [0], _ $al_next[1] = [0], $al_param[1] = [0], $al_count[1] = [0], $al_update = 0 EndFunc ;==>__AdlibKill #cs ;#=#Function#================================================# ;# Name ..........: __Euclid ( $a, $b ) ;# Description....: Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor ;# Parameters.....: $a = 1st Integer ;# $b = 2nd Integer ;# Return Value ..: Returns GCD ;# Author ........: jennico ;# Date ..........: 4.11.08 ;# Remarks .......: internal use only ;# taken from _Primes.au3 ;# Example........: no ;#===========================================================# #ce Func __Euclid($a, $b) If $b = 0 Then Return $a Return __Euclid($b, Mod($a, $b)) EndFunc ;==>__Euclid #EndRegion;--------------------------Internal Functions Small contribuition: expandcollapse popup#include "_adlib.au3" Local $SOCKS_LISTEN_SOCKET Local $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[1000][10] Local $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[1000][10] Local $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER Local $SOCKS_TOTAL_SENT = 0 Local $SOCKS_TOTAL_RECEIVED = 0 Local $SOCKS_TIMEOUT_WAIT = 30000;//30 second timeout Local Const $SOCKS_LISTEN_IP = "" Local Const $SOCKS_LISTEN_PORT = 1080 #cs __ _| | ____ _ _ ___ ___ | _ |/ _ |/ \/ \/ _ || -_| |____||__/|_||_/\/\_|| / \___/ |__| Dampe http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showuser=28723 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ SOCKS Protocol Version 5 Server for AutoIt ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Version: 0.1. ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Release notes: Basic functionality working, yay for proof of concept biggrin.gif ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Contact: duggy_denton@hotmail.com ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ #ce Func _SOCKS_Init_Server() TCPStartup() ;//Open listening socket $SOCKS_LISTEN_SOCKET = TCPListen ($SOCKS_LISTEN_IP, $SOCKS_LISTEN_PORT) If @error Then SetError (1) Return -1 EndIf ;//Fill server socket array with -1 For $i = 0 to UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS) -1 step 1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 Next _AdlibEnable("_SOCKS_Accept_Client", 50) _AdlibEnable("_SOCKS_Receive_Data", 5) _AdlibEnable("_SOCKS_ReceiveClient_Data", 5) _AdlibEnable("_SOCKS_Empty_OverTimed", 1000) EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Close_Server() TCPShutdown() If @error Then Return -1 EndIf EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Accept_Client() $dEmptyArrayNum = _SOCKS_GetEmptyServerSocket() If $dEmptyArrayNum <> -1 Then $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$dEmptyArrayNum][0] = TCPAccept ($SOCKS_LISTEN_SOCKET) EndIf EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Receive_Data() For $i = 0 To UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS) -1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] <> -1 Then $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER = TCPRecv ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0], 9999) If @error Then ;//Client dcd ;//Close socket, set its part of the array back to -1 TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 ElseIf $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER <> "" Then _SOCKS_Parse_Data($SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER, $i) EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _SOCKS_ReceiveClient_Data() For $i = 0 To UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS) -1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0] <> -1 Then $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER = TCPRecv ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0], 9999) If @error Then ;//Client dcd ;//Close socket, set its part of the array back to -1 TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 ElseIf $SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER <> "" Then ;//Send back the data to the browser / our servers client TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][2], Binary ($SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER)) $SOCKS_TOTAL_RECEIVED += StringLen ($SOCKS_RECEIVE_BUFFER) EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Parse_Data($sData, $nArrayIndex) ConsoleWrite ($sData & " from index " & $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] & @CRLF) $sData = StringReplace ($sData, "0x", "") Switch $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] ;// // ;//This is an authenticate session ;// // Case 1 ;//Set string values $vVersion = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 2) $vNmethod = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 2) $vMethod = $sData If $vVersion = "05" and $vNmethod = "01" and $vMethod = "00" Then ;//Version is okay ConsoleWrite ("Authentication accepted" & @CRLF) TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x0500") $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] += 1 Else ;//Unsupported protcol, notify the user then kill connection ConsoleWrite ("Authentication denied, invalid protocol version" & @CRLF) TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05FF") TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] = 1 EndIf ;// // ;// This is a request session ;// // Case 2 ;//Set string values $vVersion = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 2) $vCmd = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 4) $vAddressType = StringLeft ($sData, 2) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 2) $vDest = StringLeft ($sData, 8) $sData = StringTrimLeft ($sData, 8) $vDPort = StringLeft ($sData, 4) If $vVersion <> "05" or $vAddressType = "04" or $vCmd <> "01" Then ;//Cannot do for now ConsoleWrite ("Invalid proxy version or destination address" & @CRLF) TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05070004000000000000") TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] = 1 Else ;//Do shit $rSockId = _SOCKS_Connect_To_Dest($vDest, $vDPort, $vCmd, $vAddressType, $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) If @error Then ;//Couldn't connect TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05030001000000000000") ConsoleWrite ("Couldn't connect to host" & @CRLF) TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] = 1 Else ;//Connected TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05000001" & $vDest & $vDPort) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] += 1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][2] = $rSockId ConsoleWrite ("Connected to host" & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf Case 3 ;//Send request to server _SOCKS_Send_Request_To_Dest($sData, $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][2]) If @error Then TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0], "0x05040001000000000000") ConsoleWrite ("Connection to host lost" & @CRLF) TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$nArrayIndex][1] = 1 EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Receive_Client_Data($sId) $tRecv = TCPRecv ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$sId][0], 9999) If @error Then ;//User dropped SetError (1) Return -1 EndIf If $tRecv <> "" Then Return $tRecv EndIf EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Send_Request_To_Dest($sReg, $sID) TCPSend ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$sID][0], Binary ($sReg)) If @error Then SetError (1) Return -1 EndIf $SOCKS_TOTAL_SENT += StringLen (Binary($sReg)) EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Empty_OverTimed() For $i = 0 to UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS) -1 step 1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0] <> -1 Then If TimerDiff ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][4]) >= $SOCKS_TIMEOUT_WAIT Then ConsoleWrite ("Closed connection due to timeout" & @CRLF) TCPCloseSocket ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0]) $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$i][1] = 1 EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Connect_To_Dest($sDest, $sPort, $sType, $sAtype, $sFromID) Local $tSDestination, $tSPort If $sAtype = "01" Then $tSDestination = _SOCKS_Convert_To_Ip($sDest) Else $tDestination = $sDest EndIf $tSPort = Dec ($sPort) $nTempConSocket = _SOCKS_GetEmptyClientSocket() If $nTempConSocket <> -1 Then ;//Connect to $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][0] $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][2] = $sFromID $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][0] = TCPConnect ($tSDestination, $tSPort) $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][4] = TimerInit() If $SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS[$nTempConSocket][0] = -1 Then SetError (1) Return -1 Else Return $nTempConSocket EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Get_Total_Sent() Return $SOCKS_TOTAL_SENT EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Get_Total_Received() Return $SOCKS_TOTAL_RECEIVED EndFunc Func _SOCKS_Convert_To_Ip($sAddr) Local $sBuf For $i = 1 to 4 step 1 $sBuf &= Dec (StringLeft ($sAddr, 2)) & "." $sAddr = StringTrimLeft ($sAddr, 2) Next Return StringTrimRight ($sBuf, 1) EndFunc Func _SOCKS_GetEmptyClientSocket() For $i = 0 To UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_CLIENT_SOCKETS) -1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 Then Return $i EndIf Next Return -1 EndFunc Func _SOCKS_GetEmptyServerSocket() For $i = 0 To UBound ($SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS) -1 If $SOCKS_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKETS[$i][0] = -1 Then Return $i EndIf Next Return -1 EndFunc expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include "Socks5.au3" #include <GuiConstants.au3> Opt ("GUIOnEventMode", 1) _SOCKS_Init_Server() $GUI = GUICreate ("Socks Server: Running", 300, 75) GUISetOnEvent ($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Quit") $GUILblSent = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("0", 5, 5, 280, 15) $GUILblReceived = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("0", 5, 20, 280, 15) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) _AdlibEnable("_UpdateGui", 1000) While 1 Sleep (1000) WEnd Func _Quit() Exit 0 EndFunc Func _UpdateGui() GUICtrlSetData ($GUILblSent, "Total data sent: " & Round(_SOCKS_Get_Total_Sent() / 1024, 1) & " kbs") GUICtrlSetData ($GUILblReceived,"Total data received: " & Round(_SOCKS_Get_Total_Received() / 1024, 1) & " kbs") EndFunc Edited December 11, 2010 by Splash Automatic Update UDF - IP Address UDF - WinPcap AutoIt _FindDevice()[font="Verdana"][size="2"]AutoIt Spanish/Brasil/World community!!![/size][/font]Use you wanna a dot.tk domain please use my link:
TheDcoder Posted February 12, 2023 Posted February 12, 2023 Please don't necro-post old threads. I's suggest using a proper SOCKS server like this one: https://github.com/rofl0r/microsocks EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
Parsix Posted February 13, 2023 Posted February 13, 2023 11 hours ago, TheDcoder said: Please don't necro-post old threads. I's suggest using a proper SOCKS server like this one: https://github.com/rofl0r/microsocks thanks, i need to use this code in my app
TheDcoder Posted February 13, 2023 Posted February 13, 2023 I'd suggest you just use an external program for the proxy server instead of trying to implement your own in AutoIt, would be much more easy and reliable that way. EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
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