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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

I want to present my first script in AutoIT that is yet another Launcher/macro tool. The idea is taken from tools like KeyBreeze and Launchy and look-alikes (or better: do-alikes): type 2 or 3 characters and then {ENTER} to DoIT! (that is: run the selected AutoIT macro's/script).

From the features page:


  • Find macro: search on name and/or category (wildcards %, {SPACE} and _)

    search on macro content (start with $)

    the most used macro's are returned

    example: 'a do' or '.url' or '$alpha'

  • List macro's: last used, help, categories, hotkeys or notes
  • Run macro's: run the macro by {ENTER}, DblClick, {F5} or assigned hotkey
  • Lock macro: locked macro's can not be changed or deleted
  • Hotstring: find and run macro without GUI
  • Hotkeys: assign a hotkey (AutoIt syntax)
  • Use arguments: $arg[0], $arg[1],$arg[2]..$arg[n]

    example: 'wiki,AutoIT'

  • Autoexec macro: macro 'AutoRun' is executed at startup
  • Include macro: macro 'Options: include' is included to every macro
  • Notes: display .NOTE macro's in own window
  • Drag&Drop: drag 'n drop files to create macro
  • Scan: add macro's from specified folders
  • Import: import from CSV file
  • Export: export selected macro's to CSV file
  • Auto start: Load DoIT at Windows Startup
  • Auto Backup: backup at startup, last three are kept

    And it looks like this:

Posted Image

Minimal installation (read copy, it's AutoIT you know) consists of the exe and database file:


It's convenient though, to add the files: AutoIt.chw, Au3Info.exe, AutoIt.chm, AutoIt3.chm and UDFs3.chm to the install folder.

To run more advanced scripts add a subfolder include with the standard include files.

Comments highly appreciated! Have fun!


The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers.

Sydney J. Harris

Edited by Heron

You'll find a general reluctance on the forum to simply run an executable so just posting the compiled application isn't the best way to get comments. Personally, I'll have to set up a virtual machine in order to take a look at this and that takes time and effort on my behalf. I'm not saying that you should post your source code (even though this is "Example Scripts" and not "Example Compiled Applications") but you have to understand that you're looking for a leap of faith before people can post comments.



You'll find a general reluctance on the forum to simply run an executable so just posting the compiled application isn't the best way to get comments. Personally, I'll have to set up a virtual machine in order to take a look at this and that takes time and effort on my behalf. I'm not saying that you should post your source code (even though this is "Example Scripts" and not "Example Compiled Applications") but you have to understand that you're looking for a leap of faith before people can post comments.


Thanks for this reply. It makes sense, I'll think about it.

Probably most people (including myself) are more interested in scripts and what they can learn from it or can add to it, then simply the application that's build with it.

It's an eye opener, thanks again.


Finally got around to looking at this. It's a nice application. However, as ptrex says, it desperately needs some documentation. Congrats on what you've done so far.



I am greatly confused as to why you need to add autoit tools to the same directory....

surely it makes much more sense to get the actual directory:

$AutoItDir = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt", "InstallDir")

this way you can give a directory to, lets say, the helpfile by saying:

$AutoitDir & "\AutoIt3.chm"

I'm not sure why there isn't a macro @AutoitDir...It makes sense that there should be.

the other reason you post a script not exe is so that people can suggest ways to make it better, they can see your script and see what needs improving, and can correct bad, but working, functions. It looks nice though!

Posted (edited)

@ptrex and WideBoyDixon: Indeed a bit more help to get you started could be usefull. The idea was that it should be selfexplanatory but it is appearently not. Now I see for example that there is no way to know that F12 gets you in the edit screen. And what's more: I'm not sure the purpose of the application is clear for all. In general it's a AutoIT script manager. You add, edit and store your own scripts and run them with just a few keyclicks. I'll think of more help, for now it's only F1.

@mdiesel: I'm not sure what you mean. It was designed to work on every machine, included the ones without AutoIT installed. In that case you may need to add some tool files. The AutoIt3.chm is opened by a script (I call them macro's, confusing) that is just one like the others. You can edit or change it to whatever you like and add for example a $AutoitDir 'macro' in your script. You could even add it in a macro with the name 'Option: include' and it will be included in every macro that you run!

Thanks for your replies!

EDIT: forgot to mention: the default hotkey to bring up the GUI is "`" (unshifted "~")

Edited by Heron
  • 2 years later...

Hi all,

it's long time ago that I posted this tool. Feedback was mainly the lack of a help file. Since I still use the tool for my daily work and decided to distribute it to my department I bastled a helpfile together. So why not post it here?

During reviewing I noticed several issues candidate for improvement, but who cares? Also post the source code for whoever can use it.

*&^#*@ Cannot upload the file, it is more than my upload quota?!

Ok, will see how to post it (but not today).


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