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i am trying to capture file name in a string might be for example "-configfile te56stds -r 8798" or "-configfile te56stds.conf -r 8798"

i figure out pattern like example below but i cant get it works

please advice


$cliArray   = '(?:-configfile) ([.*\..{4}] [.*$])' 

 $cliArra  = StringRegExp("-configfile te56stds.  -r 8798",$cliArray  ,2)


i am trying to capture file name in a string might be for example "-configfile te56stds -r 8798" or "-configfile te56stds.conf -r 8798"

i figure out pattern like example below but i cant get it works

please advice


$cliArray   = '(?:-configfile) ([.*\..{4}] [.*$])' 

 $cliArra  = StringRegExp("-configfile te56stds.  -r 8798",$cliArray  ,2)

Metacharacters like . or * doesn't govern their true meaning within character class [...] so it's erroneous pattern or at least it doesn't match exactly what you want it to match.


#include <Array.au3>

Dim $sRawText = "-configfile te56stds.conf -r 8798"
Dim $sPattern = '-configfile\s*((?:"[^"]++"|[^ ]++)\s*-r\s*\d++)'

Dim $aMatches = StringRegExp($sRawText, $sPattern, 1)
If IsArray($aMatches) Then _ArrayDisplay($aMatches)

$sRawText = "-configfile C:\Configuration\te56stds.conf -r 8798"
$aMatches = StringRegExp($sRawText, $sPattern, 1)
If IsArray($aMatches) Then _ArrayDisplay($aMatches)

$sRawText = '-configfile "C:\Con fi gu rat ion\te56stds.conf" -r 8798'
$aMatches = StringRegExp($sRawText, $sPattern, 1)
If IsArray($aMatches) Then _ArrayDisplay($aMatches)

$sRawText = '-configfil "C:\Con fi gu rat ion\te56stds.conf -r 8798'
$aMatches = StringRegExp($sRawText, $sPattern, 1)
If IsArray($aMatches) Then _ArrayDisplay($aMatches) ; No match

If you want to partition the elements to - "-configfile"(don't capture), "file"(capture), "-r"(don't capture), "number"(capture), use just parentheses where you want to capture and leave the rest outside of it. Also, 2 is the whole match, even what you don't want to capture.



isn't it this what you want?

#include <Array.au3>

Dim $sRawText[3] = ['-configfile te56stds.conf -r 8798"', '-configfile "c:\Daten und Einstellungen\te56stds.conf" -r 8798"', '"-configfile te56stds -r 8798"']
Dim $sPattern = '-configfile\s*"*(.*?)(?="|-)'

For $i = 0 To UBound($sRawText) - 1
    Dim $aMatches = StringRegExp($sRawText[$i], $sPattern, 3)
    If IsArray($aMatches) Then _ArrayDisplay($aMatches)


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2 solutions:

1- simple one:

juste use $Array=stringsplit("your string here", " ",1)

2-with Regexp:

$s="-configfile te56stds -r 8798" 
$Array=StringRegExp($s, "(\w+)",3)


second time?

#include <Array.au3>

Dim $sRawText[3] = ['-configfile te56stds.conf -r 8798"', '-configfile "c:\Daten und Einstellungen\te56stds.conf" -r 8798"', '"-configfile te56stds -r 8798"']
Dim $sPattern = '-configfile\s*"*(.*?)(?="|-)'

For $i = 0 To UBound($sRawText) - 1
    Dim $aMatches = StringRegExp($sRawText[$i], $sPattern, 3)
    If IsArray($aMatches) Then _ArrayDisplay($aMatches)


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times

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