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really.. who is dedicated enough to write their own program to close your program... this is an example how to make a screen locker with a password... you can make a random name for everytime it runs... so that the "hacker" would NOT know what name it is unless taskmanager is open..

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I made a program similiar to this a while ago...

break(0) ;Disable closure from the tray 

Global $mousePos[2] ;Defualt mouse position
        $mousePos[0] = 0 ;x 
        $mousePos[1] = 0 ;y

HotKeySet("!e", "terminate") ;Hotkey to terminate script

ToolTip("Lockdown active...", 640, 400) ; Set tooltip
Run("notepad.exe") ; Run notepad
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") ; Wait until it's active...

;;; Body ;;;

While (1) ; Keeps going for ever and ever and ever and ... and ever!    
    ToolTip("Lockdown active...", 640, 400) ; Tooltips are win
    $pos = MouseGetPos() ; Gets the current mouse position
    If ($pos[0] <> $mousePos[0]) OR ($pos[1] <> $mousePos[1]) Then ; If they moved the x or y axis...
        MouseMove($mousePos[0], $mousePos[1], 0) ; ...Move it back to where it should be. Immediantly.
    If WinActive("Untitled - Notepad") Then ; If notepad is still on top...
        Sleep(0) ; ...Do nothing
    ElseIf WinActive("Windows Task Manager") Then ; If they've opened task manager...
        WinClose("Windows Task Manager") ; ...Close it...
        WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad") ; ...Active notepad.
        If WinActive("Untitled - Notepad") Then ; ...If notepad is activated...
            Sleep(0) ; ...Do nothing.
        Else ; If it's not active (they dare close it...)
            Run("Notepad.exe") ; Open it again
            WinWaitActive("Notepad.exe") ; Keeps it from opening 20 notepads, but a possible problem
    Else ; If notepad is not on top...
        WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad") ; ...Make it on top.
        If WinActivate("Untitled - Notepad") Then ; If it is now on top...
            Sleep(0) ; ...Do nothing.
        Else ; If it *still* isn't (they closed it)...
            Run("notepad.exe") ; ...Run it again...
            WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") ; ...Wait until it's active (keeps it from spawning 20 notepads)

;;; Functions ;;;

Func terminate()
    ToolTip("Lockdown terminated.", 640, 400) ; Reset tooltip
    WinClose("Untitled - Notepad") ; Close notepad
    Exit 0 ; Exit! =D

Yes, I did comment every line... I was bored :(. I also made a variation of this, which opened "pw.txt" instead of a random notepad document, and you needed to type in the password and save the document, and if what you typed matched the pw it would turn it off.

And I thought I'd never have a use for this >_<. If anybody bothers to run this, try to get out of it, and tell me if you can :(. I tried for a bit myself, not to hard mind you, but I think I have all the easy stuff covered.


Edited by Pandemic
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have edited this and made t awesome. Imma make a thread with all my random scripts so yall can see it. It has an options menu where you can change the bg color, bg image, and password! ITS ENCRYPTED. Woo. Ill edit when I set up the thred. :D yay

EDIT http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=101756

Edited by DarkShadow6
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*cough* did you just hijack my thread? tisk tisk.... anyway.. i haven't worked on it yet... got too much stuff to do... you know.. other stuff in life.. Family, Football, Girls,Friends ect its just hard to find time in the summer to do this..

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  • 4 weeks later...

well!! haha

i got bored with my current project and started this again.. i ReWrote the ENTIRE thing... and came up with whats at the top... the Password is right in from of the user.. kinda a combination lock type deal

*combination* i got it off of SawII haha :) "the combination lies Over the Rainbow."

get the text for Red Orange Yellow and Green and thats the password BUT!! it changes without warning

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alright i changed a few things of the new version

*Password Resets itself every 20-30 seconds

*if you get the password wrong it resets the password

*darker transparency

*Exit Shortcut removed.. MUST be able to get the password to close it (unless by other means...)

*the taskmanager is blocked

*automatically sets this to the topmost&active window when you try to switch windows (excluding ALT+TAB)

tell me of anymore bugs you guys find or things that you like & things you want to be changed

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closing This.. does not take any knowledge of Autoit.. you just gotta get the password correct. there is NO set password.. and i have removed the SHIFTESC hotkey (for added security)...

the combination is this:

*you have to find the colors RED ORANGE YELLOW and GREEN within 30 seconds

*and type the colored characters in succession as they appear in the rainbow R-O-Y-G




*for each time you get the password WRONG it resets the password...

*if 30 seconds is up it resets the password

*the characters that are colored CAN be randomly reset without warning.. FIND THEM FAST!!

i wonder why some people don't look through the Code they want to test.. BEFORE they test it. :)

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  • 1 year later...

one thing to consider is with win7 if you log off and back on with the WinKey + L or Ctrl + alt + Delete

and log off and then back on the screen lock script is no longer running. but with my XP VM it works like a champ. doesn't matter if it is locked it will still be there when you log back on.

other thoughts its hard as hell to find the colors with a 23" monitor.

also i have 2 23" monitors and the screen lock covers only on the primary screen,

it didn't really hurt or help when trying to exit the script. but good job with the script keep up the good work.

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When I start the program, the CPU goes to 100% usage...

Can't you just make a bit more sleeps in it???

PowerSlide2UnlockiPhone look-a-like program you can use to lock your pc, you can't access your desktop again until the password is entered and the slider slided to the right. (really proud of it)-- After a time AutoIt and Windows, I switched to Mac. Don't expect me to answer anymore.
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