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Just started to create a GUI and got stuck with the combo box.

I would like to initially enter a value in it, which is then written to a ini file.

On a next occasion it will read the value from the file and show it in a drop list.

If the value is not in the list I would like to enter a new one in the combo list.

Currently when I enter a value in the combo box it returns empty.

What would be the right way of doing this?




Just started to create a GUI and got stuck with the combo box.

I would like to initially enter a value in it, which is then written to a ini file.

On a next occasion it will read the value from the file and show it in a drop list.

If the value is not in the list I would like to enter a new one in the combo list.

Currently when I enter a value in the combo box it returns empty.

What would be the right way of doing this?



Post a sample script that's illustrate your problem so we can help you more efficiently.

Thanks :lmao:


Maybe something like this:

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

$GUI = GuiCreate("Example")
$combo = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 10, 10, 100, 100)

While 1
    if GuiGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit

Func HotKeyStuff()
    If WinActive($GUI) Then
        HotKeySet("{Enter}", "Enter")

Func Enter()
    $newText = GuiCtrlRead($combo)
    If $newText <> "" Then
        GuiCtrlSetData($combo, $newText);add entry to combo list
        Send("+{Home}{Backspace}");clear the textbox
Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

Thanks for the help I sorted it out, it was my first time messin with the GUI,

works slightly different than I thinking. My initial question is solved, got stuck with a new issue;

I have listbox containing file names, I would like to be able to drag and drop these to an input box within the script so I am not refering to external files.


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