I searched at a forum "array diff", but have not found a fast way of a finding of a difference of two arrays. Whether there is any function similar on array_diff (in php)?
Well, the time can be reduced. This averages about 270ms on my box: #include <Array.au3>
Global $MyArray1[1200]
For $n = 0 To UBound($MyArray1) - 1
$MyArray1[$n] = $n
Global $MyArray2[500]
For $n = 0 To UBound($MyArray2) - 1
$MyArray2[$n] = ($n * 2) + 1; Odd numbers only
Global $iTimer = TimerInit()
$avResult = _ArrayDiff($MyArray1, $MyArray2)
$iTimer = Round(TimerDiff($iTimer), 2) & "ms"
_ArrayDisplay($avResult, "Time = " & $iTimer)
; ----------------------------