georchin Posted January 9, 2018 Share Posted January 9, 2018 Please example for this; " //Edit2: This UDF makes it possible to Drag a file from an AutoIt-GUI to the Explorer or other drop-enabled applications. " Tankx... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SEuBo Posted February 25, 2021 Share Posted February 25, 2021 Does anyone still have that file and could share it again? Original download link is broken. AutoIt Examples/UDF's:Generate Function at Runtime using IRunningObjectTable / AutoItObjectVery Simple Inter-Process Communication (using AutoItObject Pure AutoIt) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UEZ Posted February 25, 2021 Share Posted February 25, 2021 DoDragDropGUI.au3 expandcollapse popup#include"DoDragDrop.au3" #include<ClipBoard.au3> #include<WindowsConstants.au3> Global Const $DROPFILES = "DWORD pFiles; int pt[2]; int fNC; int fWide;" ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CreateHDROP_FORMATETC() ; Description:: Creates a FORMATETC-structure with the needed values to do a HDROP (Drag Files like explorer) ; Parameter(s): none ; Requirement(s): COM/OLE UDF ; Return Value(s): FORMATETC DLL-structure ; Author(s): prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _CreateHDROP_FORMATETC() Local $FMTETC = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,1,$CF_HDROP) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,2,0) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,3,$DVASPECT_CONTENT) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,4,-1) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,5,$TYMED_HGLOBAL) Return $FMTETC EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CreateDROPFILES ; Description:: Creates a DROPFILES-structure ; Parameter(s): $Files - Pipe-separated list of files to copy: example: C:\File1.bin|D:\AnotherFile.dat ; Requirement(s): COM/OLE UDF ; Return Value(s): HGLOBAL-Pointer to a DROPFILES structure ; Author(s): prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _CreateDROPFILES($Files) $Files = String($Files) $hMem = _MemGlobalAlloc(_DragDrop_SIZEOF($DROPFILES) + ((StringLen($Files)+2)*2),$GPTR) $Files = StringSplit($Files,"|") $stDROPFILES = DllStructCreate($DROPFILES,$hMem) $hPtr = $hMem + DllStructGetSize($stDROPFILES) DllStructSetData($stDROPFILES, "fWide", 1) DllStructSetData($stDROPFILES, 1, DllStructGetSize($stDROPFILES)) For $i = 1 To $Files[0] $next = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($Files[$i])+1 & "]", $hPtr) DllStructSetData($next,1,$Files[$i] & ChrW(0)) $hPtr += (StringLen($Files[$i])+1)*2 Next $next = DllStructCreate("wchar[1]", $hPtr) DllStructSetData($next,1,ChrW(0)) Return $hMem EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CreateDROPFILES_STGMEDIUM ; Description:: Creates a STGMEDIUM with a DROPFILES-structure ; Parameter(s): $Files - Pipe-separated list of files to copy: example: C:\File1.bin|D:\AnotherFile.dat ; Requirement(s): COM/OLE UDF ; Return Value(s): STGMEDIUM-DLLStruct ; Author(s): prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _CreateDROPFILES_STGMEDIUM($Files) Local $STGMD = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) DllStructSetData($STGMD,1,$TYMED_HGLOBAL) Local $DF = _CreateDROPFILES($Files) If Not $DF Then Return SetError(1,0,0) DllStructSetData($STGMD,2,$DF) Return $STGMD EndFunc #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> Global $hDragDropGUI ,$iListView, $_GLOB_fDragInitiated=False ; do on Startup _OLEInitialize() ; init DropSource Handler Global $objIDropSource = _CreateIDropSource() Global Const $DI_GETDRAGIMAGE = "ShellGetDragImage" Global Const $WM_DI_GETDRAGIMAGE = _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage($DI_GETDRAGIMAGE) Global Const $CFSTR_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT = "Performed DropEffect" Global Const $CF_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT = _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage($CFSTR_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT) Global Const $tagSHDRAGIMAGE = "long sizeDragImage[2];long ptOffset[2]; ptr hbmpDragImage; dword crColorKey;" Global $CLSID_DragDropHelper = _GUID("4657278A-411B-11D2-839A-00C04FD918D0") Global $IID_IDragSourceHelper = _GUID("DE5BF786-477A-11D2-839D00C04FD918D0") Global $IID_IDropTargetHelper = _GUID("4657278B-411B-11D2-839A00C04FD918D0") Global $IDragSourceHelper_vTable = $IUnknown_vTable & "ptr InitializeFromBitmap; ptr InitializeFromWindow;" Func _SetBMP(ByRef $IDragSourceHelper, ByRef $IDataObject) Local $SHDRAGIMAGE = DllStructCreate($tagSHDRAGIMAGE) ;~ Local $deskDC = _WinAPI_GetDC(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow()) ;~ Local $hBMP = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($deskDC,96,96) ;~ _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow(),$deskDC) Local $hBMP = _WinAPI_LoadImage(0,"C:\Windows\Feder.bmp",0,0,0,$LR_LOADFROMFILE) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"hbmpDragImage",$hBMP) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"sizeDragImage",96,1) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"sizeDragImage",96,2) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"ptOffset",45,1) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"ptOffset",69,2) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"crColorKey",0x00FF00FF) _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $IDragSourceHelper, "InitializeFromBitmap", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($SHDRAGIMAGE), "ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($IDataObject)) EndFunc _Main() ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemGlobalGetValue($hMem, $DataType, $Offset=0) If _MemGlobalSize($hMem) < __MemArray_SIZEOF($DataType) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $hPtr = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) If Not $hPtr Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Local $Data = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate($DataType,$hPtr+$Offset),1) If @error Then Return SetError(1,_MemGlobalUnlock($hMem)) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $Data EndFunc Func OnAutoItExit() ; release the DropSource Handler _ReleaseIDropSource($objIDropSource) _OLEUnInitialize() EndFunc Func MY_GETDRAGIMAGE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $SHDRAGIMAGE = DllStructCreate($tagSHDRAGIMAGE,$lParam) ;~ Local $deskDC = _WinAPI_GetDC(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow()) ;~ Local $hBMP = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($deskDC,96,96) ;~ _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow(),$deskDC) Local $hBMP = _WinAPI_LoadImage(0,"C:\Windows\Feder.bmp",0,0,0,$LR_LOADFROMFILE) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"hbmpDragImage",$hBMP) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"sizeDragImage",128,1) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"sizeDragImage",128,2) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"ptOffset",45,1) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"ptOffset",69,2) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"crColorKey",0x00FF00FF) Return True EndFunc Func _Main() Local $hGUI, $hItemChild, $hImage, $iImage, $hItem, $hListView, $btnDelete, $btnExit $hGUI = GUICreate("DragDrop Example", 400, 450,-1,-1,Default,0) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drag files to the ListView and drop them" & @CRLF &" ... ... or the other way round ;)", 10,10,380,60) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,14,600) $hDragDropGUI = GUICreate("DropOnlyHere",380,300,10,80,$WS_CHILD,BitOR($WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES,$WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT),$hGUI) ; This Child-GUI is a work-around, so you can only drop files in this area $iListView = GUICtrlCreateListView("Dropped files",0,0,380,300,$LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS) $hListView = GUICtrlGetHandle($iListView) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hListView,0,$LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER) GUISetState() GUISwitch($hGUI) $btnDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("Remove selected items from list",10,400,200,40) $btnExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit",330,400,60,40) ;~ Const $WM_DROPFILES = 0x233 GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DROPFILES, "WM_DROPFILES") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "MY_NOTIFY") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DI_GETDRAGIMAGE, "MY_GETDRAGIMAGE") GUISetState() Global $IDragSourceHelper = _ObjCoCreateInstance($CLSID_DragDropHelper,$IID_IDragSourceHelper,$IDragSourceHelper_vTable) ; Loop until user exits While 1 If $_GLOB_fDragInitiated Then $_GLOB_fDragInitiated = False ; Array needed for FORMATETC Local $FMTETCs[1] = [_CreateHDROP_FORMATETC()] ; get the Filenames to a pipe separated list. Local $Items = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($iListView,True) Local $Files = "" For $i = 1 To $Items[0] $Files &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($iListView,$Items[$i]) & "|" Next $Files = StringTrimRight($Files,1) ; Array needed for STGMEDIUM Local $STGMDs[1] = [_CreateDROPFILES_STGMEDIUM($Files)] ; Create the Object with FORMATETC and STGMEDIUM (Attention: if you use multiple ones, the corresponding FMTETC and STGMD must be at the same position in the Array) $objIDataSource = _CreateIDataObject($FMTETCs,$STGMDs) If Not _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDataSource) Then ; Just continue, if the creation has failed _ReleaseStgMedium($STGMDs[0]) ; but first delete the created STGMedium ContinueLoop EndIf _SetBMP($IDragSourceHelper,$objIDataSource) ;~ Local $ptr = _IUnknown_QueryInterface($objIDataSource, $IID_IDataObject) ;~ $ptr = _ObjCreateFromPtr($ptr,$IDataObject_vTable) ;~ $result = _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $IDragSourceHelper, "InitializeFromWindow", "ptr", $hGUI, "ptr", 0, "ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($ptr )) ; Perform the DragDrop operation Local $Effect Local $result = _DoDragDrop($objIDataSource, $objIDropSource, BitOR($DROPEFFECT_MOVE,$DROPEFFECT_COPY,$DROPEFFECT_LINK), $Effect) ;~ Local $result = _SHDoDragDrop($hGUI, $objIDataSource, $objIDropSource, BitOR($DROPEFFECT_MOVE,$DROPEFFECT_COPY,$DROPEFFECT_LINK), $Effect) ; check the result If $result = $DRAGDROP_S_DROP Then $Effect = _GetUnoptimizedEffect($objIDataSource, $Effect) Switch $Effect Case $DROPEFFECT_MOVE ; items moved ; Delete the items that were moved For $i = $Items[0] To 1 Step -1 $File = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hListView,$Items[$i]) If Not FileExists($File) Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($hListView,$Items[$i]) EndIf Next MsgBox(0, '', "Move") Case $DROPEFFECT_COPY ; items copied MsgBox(0, '', "Copy") Case $DROPEFFECT_LINK ; links created MsgBox(0, '', "Link") Case $DROPEFFECT_NONE ; on Win 9x nothing, but NT/2000 and above have MOVE-operaion here, too ; on NT/200 and above, a move-action will also return DROPEFFECT_NONE. So you have to check that manually: Local $deletedAnything=False If @OSType = "WIN32_NT" Then ; just for the "new" NT-Systems Local $File For $i = $Items[0] To 1 Step -1 $File = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hListView,$Items[$i]) If Not FileExists($File) Then ; if the file has been moved,... _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($hListView,$Items[$i]) ; delete it from LV $deletedAnything = True ; set the deleted flag to TRUE EndIf Next If $deletedAnything Then MsgBox(0, '', "Workaround detect: Move") ; if something was deleted --> MOVE EndIf If $deletedAnything = False Then MsgBox(0, '', "Nothing Done") EndIf EndSwitch ElseIf $result = $DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL Then MsgBox(0, '', "DoDragDrop cancelled") Else MsgBox(0, '', "Error on DoDragDrop") EndIf _ReleaseIDataObject($objIDataSource) ; release the DataObject ; DO NOT RELEASE THE STGMEDIUM, since it belongs to the IDataObject EndIf ; $_GLOB_fDragInitiated Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $btnExit ExitLoop Case $btnDelete _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($hListView) EndSwitch WEnd _IUnknown_Release($IDragSourceHelper) GUIDelete() EndFunc ;==>_Main ; Prog@ndy Func _GetUnoptimizedEffect(ByRef $objIDataSource, $Effect) Local $FormatEtc = _CreateHDROP_FORMATETC() DllStructSetData($FormatEtc,1,$CF_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT) Local $result = _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $objIDataSource, "QueryGetData", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($FormatEtc)) If $S_OK = $result[0] Then Local $StgMedium = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) $result = _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $objIDataSource, "GetData", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($FormatEtc), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($StgMedium)) If $S_OK = $result[0] Then $Effect = _MemGlobalGetValue(DllStructGetData($StgMedium,"hGlobal"),"dword") EndIf _ReleaseStgMedium($StgMedium) EndIf Return $Effect EndFunc Func _SHDoDragDrop($hWnd, ByRef $objIDataSource, ByRef $objIDropSource, $dwDropEffects, ByRef $dwPerformedEffect) Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll",$HRESULT,"SHDoDragDrop", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDataSource),"ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDropSource), "dword", BitOR($DROPEFFECT_MOVE,$DROPEFFECT_COPY,$DROPEFFECT_LINK), "dword*", 0) $dwPerformedEffect = $result[5] Return $result[0] EndFunc Func MY_NOTIFY($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If $hWnd = $hDragDropGUI And $wParam=$iListView Then Local $NMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR,$lParam) Switch DllStructGetData($NMHDR,"Code") Case $LVN_BEGINDRAG $_GLOB_fDragInitiated = True Return False EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ; copied from ; modified by Prog@ndy Func WM_DROPFILES($hWnd, $uMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tDrop, $aRet, $iCount, $iSize ;string buffer for file path ;get file count $aRet = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFileW", "ptr", $wParam, "uint", 0xFFFFFFFF, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0) $iCount = $aRet[0] ;get file paths Local $CurInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($hDragDropGUI) If IsArray($CurInfo) And $CurInfo[4] = $iListView Then For $i = 0 To $iCount-1 $iSize = DllCall("shell32.dll", "uint", "DragQueryFileW","ptr", $wParam,"uint", $i,"ptr", 0,"uint", 0) $tDrop = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iSize[0]+1 & "]") $aRet = DllCall("shell32.dll", "uint", "DragQueryFileW","ptr", $wParam,"uint", $i,"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDrop),"uint", $iSize[0]+1) ;ConsoleWrite(DllStructGetData($tDrop, 1) & @CRLF) If _GUICtrlListView_FindText($iListView,DllStructGetData($tDrop, 1),-1,False) = -1 Then _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($iListView,DllStructGetData($tDrop, 1)) Next EndIf ;finalize DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragFinish", "ptr", $wParam) Return EndFunc DoDragDrop.au3 expandcollapse popup#include <memory.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <WinAPIConstants.au3> #include "MemArray.au3" #include "objbase.au3" #include <Misc.au3> ;+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;| | ;| UDF for OLE-DragDrop | ;| Author: Prog@ndy | ;| | ;+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;!! !! ;!! VARIABLES AND FUNCTIONS WITH DOUBLE UNDERSCORE ARE INTERNAL USE ONLY !! ;!! !! ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Global Const $MK_LBUTTON = 1 Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_DROP = 0x40100 Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL = 0x40101 Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_FIRST = 0x40100 Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_LAST = 0x4010F Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS = 0x40102 Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_NOTREGISTERED = 0x80040100 Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_INVALIDHWND = 0x80040102 Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_LAST = 0x8004010F Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_FIRST = 0x80040100 Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_ALREADYREGISTERED = 0x80040101 Global Const $DRAGLISTMSGSTRING = "commctrl_DragListMsg" ;~ typedef enum tagDROPEFFECT ;~ { Global Const $DROPEFFECT_NONE = 0 Global Const $DROPEFFECT_COPY = 1 Global Const $DROPEFFECT_MOVE = 2 Global Const $DROPEFFECT_LINK = 4 Global Const $DROPEFFECT_SCROLL = 0x80000000 ;~ } Global $IID_IDropTarget = _GUID("{00000122-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") ; -- #Region IDropSource ------------------------------------------------------------- #Region IDropSource Global Const $IDropSource_vTable = $IUnknown_vTable & "ptr QueryContinueDrag; ptr GiveFeedback;" Global Const $tagIDropSource = "ptr vTable; dword dwRefCount;" Global $IID_IDropSource = _GUID("{00000121-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") Global Const $__IDropSource_vTable = DllStructCreate($IDropSource_vTable) Func _CreateIDropSource() Local $hMem = _MemGlobalAlloc(_DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagIDropSource),$GPTR) Local $IDropSource[3] = [$hMem, DllStructCreate($tagIDropSource,$hMem), $__IDropSource_vTable] DllStructSetData($IDropSource[1], 1, DllStructGetPtr($__IDropSource_vTable)) __IDropSource_AddRef($hMem) Return $IDropSource EndFunc Func _ReleaseIDropSource(ByRef $IDropSource) Local $res = _ObjFuncCall("ulong",$IDropSource,"Release") If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,-1) If $res[0] = 0 Then $IDropSource = 0 EndIf Return $res[0] EndFunc Global Const $__IDropSource_QueryInterface = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_QueryInterface", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "QueryInterface", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_QueryInterface)) Global Const $__IDropSource_AddRef = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_AddRef", $HRESULT, "ptr") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "AddRef", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_AddRef)) Global Const $__IDropSource_Release = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_Release", $HRESULT, "ptr") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "Release", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_Release)) Global Const $__IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag", $HRESULT, "ptr;int;dword") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "QueryContinueDrag", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag)) Global Const $__IDropSource_GiveFeedback = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_GiveFeedback", $HRESULT, "ptr;dword") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "GiveFeedback", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_GiveFeedback)) Func __IDropSource_QueryInterface($pObject, $iid, $ppvObject) If $ppvObject = 0 Or $iid = 0 Then Return $E_NOINTERFACE Local $stIID = DllStructCreate($tagIID, $iid), $pvObject = DllStructCreate("ptr", $ppvObject) If _GUID_Compare($stIID, $IID_IDropSource) Or _GUID_Compare($stIID, $IID_IUnknown) Then DllStructSetData($pvObject, 1, $pObject) __IDropSource_AddRef($pObject) Return $S_OK EndIf DllStructSetData($pvObject,1, 0) Return $E_NOINTERFACE EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_QueryInterface Func __IDropSource_AddRef($pObject) Local $st = DllStructCreate("ptr;dword", $pObject) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($st, 2) + 1 DllStructSetData($st, 2, $iCount) Return $iCount EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_AddRef Func __IDropSource_Release($pObject) Local $st = DllStructCreate("ptr;dword", $pObject) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($st, 2) - 1 If $iCount < 0 Then Return 0 DllStructSetData($st,2,$iCount) Return $iCount EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_Release Func __IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag($pObject, $fEscapePressed, $grfKeyState) Select Case $fEscapePressed <> 0 Return $DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL Case Not BitAND($grfKeyState, $MK_LBUTTON) Return $DRAGDROP_S_DROP Case Else Return $S_OK EndSelect EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag Func __IDropSource_GiveFeedback($pObject, $dwEffect) Select Case $dwEffect = $DROPEFFECT_NONE Case BitAND($dwEffect, $DROPEFFECT_LINK) = $DROPEFFECT_LINK Case BitAND($dwEffect, $DROPEFFECT_MOVE) = $DROPEFFECT_MOVE Case BitAND($dwEffect, $DROPEFFECT_COPY) = $DROPEFFECT_COPY Case BitAND($dwEffect, $DROPEFFECT_SCROLL) = $DROPEFFECT_SCROLL Case Else Return $E_INVALIDARG EndSelect Return $DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_GiveFeedback #EndRegion ; -- #EndRegion IDropSource ------------------------------------------------------------- ; -- #Region IDataObject ------------------------------------------------------------- #Region IDataObject Global Const $tagFORMATETC = "dword cfFormat; ptr ptd; DWORD dwAspect; LONG lindex; DWORD tymed;" Global Const $tagSTGMEDIUM = "DWORD tymed; ptr hGlobal; ptr pUnkForRelease;" Global Const $sizeFORMATETC = _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagFORMATETC) Global Const $sizeSTGMEDIUM = _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagSTGMEDIUM) Global Const $tagDVTARGETDEVICE = "DWORD tdSize; USHORT tdDriverNameOffset; USHORT tdDeviceNameOffset; USHORT tdPortNameOffset; USHORT tdExtDevmodeOffset; BYTE tdData[1];" Global Const $tagIDataObject = "ptr vTable; dword dwRefCount; dword Count; ptr pFORMATETC; ptr pSTGMEDIUM;" Global Const $TYMED_HGLOBAL = 1 Global Const $TYMED_FILE = 2 Global Const $TYMED_ISTREAM = 4 Global Const $TYMED_ISTORAGE = 8 Global Const $TYMED_GDI = 16 Global Const $TYMED_MFPICT = 32 Global Const $TYMED_ENHMF = 64 Global Const $TYMED_NULL = 0 Global Const $DVASPECT_CONTENT = 1 Global Const $DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL = 2 Global Const $DVASPECT_ICON = 4 Global Const $DVASPECT_DOCPRINT = 8 Global Const $DATADIR_GET = 1 Global Const $DATADIR_SET = 2 Global $IID_IDataObject = _GUID("{0000010E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") Global Const $DV_E_FORMATETC = 0x80040064 Global Const $DATA_E_FORMATETC = $DV_E_FORMATETC Global Const $DV_E_TYMED = 0x80040069 Global Const $OLE_S_USEREG = 0x00040000 Global Const $IDataObject_vTable = $IUnknown_vTable & _ "ptr GetData; ptr GetDataHere; ptr QueryGetData; ptr GetCanonicalFormatEtc; " & _ "ptr SetData; ptr EnumFormatEtc; ptr DAdvise; ptr DUnadvise; ptr EnumDAdvise; " Global Const $__IDataObj_QueryInterface = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_QueryInterface", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_AddRef = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_AddRef", "ULONG", "ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_Release = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_Release", "ULONG", "ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_GetData = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_GetData", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_GetDataHere = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_GetDataHere", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_QueryGetData = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_QueryGetData", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_SetData = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_SetData", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr;int") Global Const $__IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc", $HRESULT, "ptr;dword;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_DAdvise = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_DAdvise", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;DWORD;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_DUnadvise = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_DUnadvise", $HRESULT, "ptr;dword") Global Const $__IDataObj_EnumDAdvise = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_EnumDAdvise", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_vTable = DllStructCreate($IDataObject_vTable) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "QueryInterface", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_QueryInterface)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "AddRef", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_AddRef)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "Release", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_Release)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "GetData", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_GetData)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "GetDataHere", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_GetDataHere)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "QueryGetData", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_QueryGetData)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "GetCanonicalFormatEtc", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "SetData", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_SetData)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "EnumFormatEtc", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "DAdvise", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_DAdvise)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "DUnadvise", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_DUnadvise)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "EnumDAdvise", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_EnumDAdvise)) ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_QueryInterface($pObject, $iid, $ppvObject) Local $stIID = DllStructCreate($tagIID, $iid), $pvObject = DllStructCreate("ptr", $ppvObject) ;~ ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_StringFromGUID($iid) & @CRLF) If _GUID_Compare($stIID, $IID_IDataObject) Or _GUID_Compare($stIID, $IID_IUnknown) Then __IDataObj_AddRef($pObject) DllStructSetData($pvObject,1, $pObject) Return $S_OK EndIf DllStructSetData($pvObject,1, 0) Return $E_NOINTERFACE EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_QueryInterface ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_AddRef($pObject) Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($st, "dwRefCount") + 1 DllStructSetData($st, "dwRefCount", $iCount) Return $iCount EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_AddRef ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_Release($pObject) Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($st, "dwRefCount") - 1 DllStructSetData($st, "dwRefCount", $iCount) If $iCount = 0 Then ;[[[ Array Local $pFORMATETC = DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC") Local $pSTGMEDIUM = DllStructGetData($st, "pSTGMEDIUM") Local $STGMED = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) Local $FMTETC = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC) ;~ Local $STGMED Local $pSTGMED = DllStructGetPtr($STGMED) Local $pFMTETC = DllStructGetPtr($FMTETC) For $i = 0 To DllStructGetData($st, "Count")-1 _MemArrayGet($pFORMATETC, $i, $pFMTETC) If DllStructGetData($FMTETC, "ptd") Then _CoTaskMemFree(DllStructGetData($FMTETC, "ptd")) _MemArrayGet($pSTGMEDIUM, $i, $pSTGMED) _ReleaseStgMedium($STGMED) Next _MemArrayFree($pFORMATETC) _MemArrayFree($pSTGMEDIUM) ;]]] Array _MemGlobalFree($pObject) EndIf Return $iCount EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_Release ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_GetData($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $pMedium) If $pMedium = 0 Or $pFormatEtc = 0 Then Return $E_POINTER Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Local $dwCount = DllStructGetData($st, "Count") Local $pArrFormatEtc = DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC") Local $idx = __DataObj_LookupFormatEtc($pFormatEtc, $pArrFormatEtc, $dwCount) If $idx == -1 Then Return $DV_E_FORMATETC Local $stFORMATETC = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC, $pFormatEtc) ;~ Local $tymed = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC,$pArrFormatEtc+ $idx*$sizeFORMATETC),"tymed") ;[[[ Array Local $tymed = DllStructGetData(_MemArrayGet($pArrFormatEtc, $idx, $tagFORMATETC),"tymed") ;]]] Array Local $Medium = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,$pMedium) DllStructSetData($Medium,"tymed", $tymed) DllStructSetData($Medium,"pUnkForRelease", 0) Switch $tymed Case $TYMED_ENHMF, $TYMED_GDI, $TYMED_HGLOBAL, $TYMED_MFPICT, $TYMED_NULL, $TYMED_ISTREAM, $TYMED_ISTORAGE ;~ Local $IntMedium = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,DllStructGetData($st,"pSTGMEDIUM") + $idx*$sizeSTGMEDIUM) ;[[[ Array Local $IntMedium = _MemArrayGet(DllStructGetData($st,"pSTGMEDIUM"), $idx, $tagSTGMEDIUM) ;]]] Array ;~ DllStructSetData($Medium,"hGlobal", DupGlobalMemMem(DllStructGetData($IntMedium,"hGlobal"))) If Not DeepCopyStgMedium($pMedium, DllStructGetPtr($IntMedium)) Then Return $DV_E_FORMATETC Case Else return $DV_E_FORMATETC; EndSwitch Return $S_OK EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_GetData ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_GetDataHere($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $pMedium) Return $DATA_E_FORMATETC; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_GetDataHere ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_QueryGetData($pObject, $pFormatEtc) Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Return _Iif( __DataObj_LookupFormatEtc($pFormatEtc, DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC"), DllStructGetData($st, "Count")) = -1, $DV_E_FORMATETC, $S_OK); EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_QueryGetData ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $pFormatEtcOut) ;~ // Apparently we have to set this field to NULL even though we don't do anything else Local $FormatEtcOut = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC, $pFormatEtcOut) DllStructSetData($FormatEtcOut, "ptd", 0); Return $E_NOTIMPL; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_SetData($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $pMedium, $fRelease) ;~ Return $E_NOTIMPL; Local $STGMED = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,$pMedium) Switch DllStructGetData($STGMED,"tymed") Case $TYMED_ENHMF, $TYMED_GDI, $TYMED_HGLOBAL, $TYMED_MFPICT, $TYMED_NULL, $TYMED_ISTREAM, $TYMED_ISTORAGE ; they are accepted Case Else If Not $fRelease And DllStructGetData($STGMED,"tymed")=$TYMED_FILE Then Return $DV_E_FORMATETC EndSwitch If Not $fRelease Then $STGMED = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) Local $FormatEtc = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC) If Not DeepCopyStgMedium(DllStructGetPtr($STGMED) , $pMedium) Then Return $E_OUTOFMEMORY DeepCopyFormatEtc(DllStructGetPtr($FormatEtc) , $pFormatEtc) $pMedium = DllStructGetPtr($STGMED) $pFormatEtc = DllStructGetPtr($FormatEtc) EndIf Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Local $pArrFormatEtc = DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC") Local $pArrStgMedium = DllStructGetData($st, "pSTGMEDIUM") Local $dwCount = DllStructGetData($st, "Count") Local $idx = __DataObj_LookupFormatEtc($pFormatEtc, $pArrFormatEtc, $dwCount) If $idx == -1 Then _MemArrayAdd($pArrFormatEtc, $pFormatEtc) _MemArrayAdd($pArrStgMedium, $pMedium) DllStructSetData($st, "Count", $dwCount+1) Else Local $ptd = DllStructGetData(_MemArrayGet($pArrFormatEtc, $idx, $tagFORMATETC),"ptd") If $ptd Then _CoTaskMemFree($ptd) _MemArraySet($pArrFormatEtc, $idx, $pFormatEtc) Local $Med = _MemArrayGet($pArrStgMedium, $idx, $tagSTGMEDIUM) _ReleaseStgMedium($Med) _MemArraySet($pArrStgMedium, $idx, $pMedium) EndIf If DllStructGetData($STGMED,"pUnkForRelease") = $pObject Then Local $IUnk = _ObjCreateFromPtr($pMedium,$IUnknown_vTable) _IUnknown_Release($IUnk) EndIf Return $S_OK EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_SetData ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc($pObject, $dwDirection, $ppEnumFormatEtc) Switch $dwDirection Case $DATADIR_GET Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) ;~ Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", $HRESULT, "SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc", "uint", DllStructGetData($st, "Count"), "ptr", DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC"), "ptr*", 0) ;[[[ Array Local $pFORMATETC = DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC") Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", $HRESULT, "SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc", "uint", DllStructGetData($st, "Count"), "ptr", __MemArrayLockedPtr($pFORMATETC), "ptr*", 0) __MemArrayUnLock($pFORMATETC) ;]]] Array Local $pEnumFormatEtc = DllStructCreate("ptr",$ppEnumFormatEtc) DllStructSetData($pEnumFormatEtc,1,$result[3]) Return _Iif($result[3]=0, $E_OUTOFMEMORY, $S_OK) Case Else ;~ Return $E_NOTIMPL Return $OLE_S_USEREG ; No support for all formats, but this is easier :P EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_DAdvise($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $advf, $pAdvSink, $pdwConnection) Return $OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_DAdvise ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_DUnadvise($pObject, $dwConnection) Return $OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_DUnadvise ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_EnumDAdvise($pObject, $ppEnumAdvise) Return $OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_EnumDAdvise ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagStruct) Return DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate($tagStruct, 1)) EndFunc ;==>_DragDrop_SIZEOF ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CreateIDataObject(ByRef $fmtetc, ByRef $stgmed) If Not IsArray($fmtetc) Or UBound($fmtetc) <> UBound($stgmed) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iCount = UBound($fmtetc) Local $sizeIDataObj = _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagIDataObject) ;~ Local $pObj = _MemGlobalAlloc($sizeIDataObj + ($iCount * $sizeFORMATETC) + ($iCount * $sizeSTGMEDIUM), $GPTR) ;[[[ Array Local $pObj = _MemGlobalAlloc($sizeIDataObj, $GPTR) Local $pFORMATETC = _MemArrayCreate($tagFORMATETC) Local $pSTGMEDIUM = _MemArrayCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) ;]]] Array Local $stObj = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObj) DllStructSetData($stObj, "vTable", DllStructGetPtr($__IDataObj_vTable)) DllStructSetData($stObj, "dwRefCount", 1) ;~ Local $pPtr = $pObj + $sizeIDataObj DllStructSetData($stObj, "Count", $iCount) ;~ DllStructSetData($stObj, "pFORMATETC", $pPtr) DllStructSetData($stObj, "pFORMATETC", $pFORMATETC) For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1 ;~ _MemMoveMemory(DllStructGetPtr($fmtetc[$i]), $pPtr, $sizeFORMATETC) ;~ _RtlCopyMemory(DllStructGetPtr($fmtetc[$i]), $pPtr, $sizeFORMATETC) _MemArrayAdd($pFORMATETC, $fmtetc[$i]) ;~ $pPtr += $sizeFORMATETC Next ;~ DllStructSetData($stObj, "pSTGMEDIUM", $pPtr) DllStructSetData($stObj, "pSTGMEDIUM", $pSTGMEDIUM) For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1 ;~ _MemMoveMemory(DllStructGetPtr($stgmed[$i]), $pPtr, $sizeSTGMEDIUM) ;~ _RtlCopyMemory(DllStructGetPtr($stgmed[$i]), $pPtr, $sizeSTGMEDIUM) _MemArrayAdd($pSTGMEDIUM, $stgmed[$i]) ;~ $pPtr += $sizeSTGMEDIUM Next Local $result[3] = [$pObj, $stObj, $__IDataObj_vTable] Return $result EndFunc ;==>_CreateIDataObject ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _ReleaseIDataObject(ByRef $IDataObj) Local $res = _ObjFuncCall("ulong",$IDataObj,"Release") If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,-1) If $res[0] = 0 Then $IDataObj = 0 EndIf Return $res[0] EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _RtlCopyMemory($pSource, $pDest, $iLength) DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "none:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", $pDest, "ptr", $pSource, "dword", $iLength) EndFunc ;==>_RtlCopyMemory ; Author: Prog@ndy ; translated from C++ Func DupGlobalMemMem($hMem) Local $len = _MemGlobalSize($hMem); Local $source = _MemGlobalLock($hMem); If $source = 0 Then $source = $hMem ;~ Local $dest = _MemGlobalAlloc($len, BitOR($GMEM_MOVEABLE,$GMEM_SHARE)); Local $dest = _MemGlobalAlloc($len, BitOR($GMEM_FIXED,$GMEM_SHARE)); ;~ _MemMoveMemory($source, _MemGlobalLock($dest), $len); _RtlCopyMemory($source, _MemGlobalLock($dest), $len); _MemGlobalUnlock($dest); _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem); Return $dest; EndFunc ;==>DupGlobalMemMem Func DeepCopyStgMedium($pDest, $pSource) __MemCopyMemory($pSource,$pDest,$sizeSTGMEDIUM) Local $stSource = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,$pSource) Local $Souce_tymed = DllStructGetData($stSource,"tymed") Local $data = DllStructGetData($stSource,"hGlobal"), $newData Switch $Souce_tymed Case $TYMED_NULL Return True Case $TYMED_HGLOBAL $newData = _CloneHGLOBAL($data) Case $TYMED_GDI $newData = _CloneBitmap($data) Case $TYMED_ENHMF $newData = _CloneEnhMetaFile($data) Case $TYMED_MFPICT $newData = _CloneMetaFile($data) Case $TYMED_ISTREAM, $TYMED_ISTORAGE Local $IUnk = _ObjCreateFromPtr($data,$IUnknown_vTable) _IUnknown_AddRef($IUnk) Return True Case Else Return False EndSwitch If DllStructGetData($stSource,"pUnkForRelease") Then Local $IUnk = _ObjCreateFromPtr(DllStructGetData($stSource,"pUnkForRelease"),$IUnknown_vTable) _IUnknown_AddRef($IUnk) EndIf DllStructSetData(DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,$pDest),"hGlobal",$newData) Return True EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CloneBitmap($hBmp) Local $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "ptr", "CopyImage", "ptr", $hBmp, "uint", 0, "int",0, "int",0, "uint", 0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CloneEnhMetaFile($hemfSrc) Local $result = DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "ptr", "CopyEnhMetaFileW", "ptr", $hemfSrc, "ptr", 0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CloneMetaFile($hemfSrc) Local $result = DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "ptr", "CopyMetaFileW", "ptr", $hemfSrc, "ptr", 0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CloneHGLOBAL($hMem) Local $Size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $Flags = __MemGlobalFlags($hMem) If $Flags = $GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $hNewMem = _MemGlobalAlloc($Size,$Flags) Local $pNewMem = _MemGlobalLock($hNewMem) Local $pMem = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) __MemCopyMemory($pMem, $pNewMem, $Size) _MemGlobalUnlock($hNewMem) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $hNewMem EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy ; translated from C++ Func DeepCopyFormatEtc($pDest, $pSource) ;// copy the source FORMATETC into dest __MemCopyMemory($pSource,$pDest,$sizeFORMATETC) Local $Souce_ptd = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC,$pSource),"ptd") if($Souce_ptd) Then ;// allocate memory for the DVTARGETDEVICE if necessary Local $dest_ptd = _CoTaskMemAlloc(_DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagDVTARGETDEVICE)); ;// copy the contents of the source DVTARGETDEVICE into dest->ptd __MemCopyMemory($Souce_ptd, $dest_ptd, _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagDVTARGETDEVICE)) ;*(dest->ptd) = *(source->ptd); DllStructSetData(DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC,$pDest),"ptd",$dest_ptd) EndIf EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy ; translated from C++ Func __DataObj_LookupFormatEtc($pFormatEtc, $pAvailableFormats, $dwCount) Local $FormatEtc = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC, $pFormatEtc), $next ;// check each of our formats in turn to see if one matches ;~ Local $pPtr = $pAvailableFormats For $i = 0 To $dwCount - 1 ;~ $next = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC, $pPtr) $next = _MemArrayGet($pAvailableFormats, $i, $tagFORMATETC) ; "dword cfFormat; ptr ptd; DWORD dwAspect; LONG lindex; DWORD tymed;" If ( ( DllStructGetData($next, 1) = DllStructGetData($FormatEtc, 1) ) And _ ( DllStructGetData($next, 3) = DllStructGetData($FormatEtc, 3) ) And _ ( DllStructGetData($next, 4) = DllStructGetData($FormatEtc, 4) ) And _ ( BitAND(DllStructGetData($next, 5), DllStructGetData($FormatEtc, 5)) <> 0 ) ) Then ;// return index of stored format Return $i; ;~ $pPtr += $sizeFORMATETC EndIf Next ;// error, format not found Return -1; EndFunc ;==>__DataObj_LookupFormatEtc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _ReleaseStgMedium(ByRef $stgmed) Local $ptr If IsDllStruct($stgmed) Then $ptr = DllStructGetPtr($stgmed) ElseIf IsPtr($stgmed) Then $ptr = $stgmed Else Return SetError(1) EndIf DllCall("ole32.dll","none", "ReleaseStgMedium", "ptr", $ptr) EndFunc #EndRegion IDataObject ; -- #EndRegion IDataObject ------------------------------------------------------------- ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _DoDragDrop(ByRef $objIDataSource, ByRef $objIDropSource, $dwDropEffects, ByRef $dwPerformedEffect) Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"DoDragDrop", "ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDataSource),"ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDropSource), "dword", BitOR($DROPEFFECT_MOVE,$DROPEFFECT_COPY,$DROPEFFECT_LINK), "dword*", 0) $dwPerformedEffect = $result[4] Return $result[0] EndFunc Func _Iif($FTEST, $VTRUEVAL, $VFALSEVAL) If $FTEST Then Return $VTRUEVAL Else Return $VFALSEVAL EndIf EndFunc objbase.au3 expandcollapse popupGlobal Const $OLE32 = DllOpen("ole32.dll") ; Prog@ndy Func MAKE_HRESULT($sev,$fac,$code) Return BitOR(BitShift($sev,-31) , BitOR(BitShift($fac,-16), $code)) EndFunc Global Const $CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER = 1 Global Const $CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER = 4 Global Const $CLSCTX_SERVER = BitOR($CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER , $CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER) Global Const $HRESULT = "lresult" ;~ Global Const $S_OK = 0 ;~ Global Const $E_NOINTERFACE = 0x80004002 ;~ Global Const $E_ABORT = 0x80004004 ;~ Global Const $E_ACCESSDENIED = 0x80070005 ;~ Global Const $E_FAIL = 0x80004005 ;~ Global Const $E_INVALIDARG = 0x80070057 ;~ Global Const $E_HANDLE = 0x80070006 ;~ Global Const $E_NOTIMPL = 0x80004001 ;~ Global Const $E_OUTOFMEMORY = 0x8007000E ;~ Global Const $E_PENDING = 0x8000000A ;~ Global Const $E_POINTER = 0x80004003 ;~ Global Const $E_UNEXPECTED = 0x8000FFFF Global Const $OLE_E_ADVF = 0x80040001 Global Const $OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED = 0x80040003 Global Const $OLE_E_BLANK = 0x80040007 Global Const $OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE = 0x8004000A Global Const $OLE_E_CANT_GETMONIKER = 0x80040009 Global Const $OLE_E_CANTCONVERT = 0x80040011 Global Const $OLE_E_CLASSDIFF = 0x80040008 Global Const $OLE_E_ENUM_NOMORE = 0x80040002 Global Const $OLE_E_FIRST = 0x80040000 Global Const $OLE_E_INVALIDHWND = 0x8004000F Global Const $OLE_E_INVALIDRECT = 0x8004000D Global Const $OLE_E_LAST = 0x800400FF Global Const $OLE_E_NOCACHE = 0x80040006 Global Const $OLE_E_NOCONNECTION = 0x80040004 Global Const $OLE_E_NOSTORAGE = 0x80040012 Global Const $OLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE = 0x80040010 Global Const $OLE_E_NOTRUNNING = 0x80040005 Global Const $OLE_E_OLEVERB = 0x80040000 Global Const $OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED = 0x8004000C Global Const $OLE_E_STATIC = 0x8004000B Global Const $OLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ = 0x8004000E Global $IID_IUnknown = _GUID("{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") Global Const $tagIID = "DWORD Data1; ushort Data2; ushort Data3; BYTE Data4[8];" ; Prog@ndy Func _GUID($IID) $IID = StringRegExpReplace($IID,"([}{])","") $IID = StringSplit($IID,"-") Local $_GUID = "DWORD Data1; ushort Data2; ushort Data3; BYTE Data4[8];" Local $GUID = DllStructCreate($_GUID) If $IID[0] = 5 Then $IID[4] &= $IID[5] If $IID[0] > 5 Or $IID[0] < 4 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) DllStructSetData($GUID,1,Dec($IID[1])) DllStructSetData($GUID,2,Dec($IID[2])) DllStructSetData($GUID,3,Dec($IID[3])) DllStructSetData($GUID,4,Binary("0x"&$IID[4])) Return $GUID EndFunc ; Prog@ndy ; compares two GUID / IID DLLStructs Func _GUID_Compare(ByRef $IID1, ByRef $IID2) Local $a,$b For $i = 1 To 4 $a = DllStructGetData($IID1,$i) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) $b = DllStructGetData($IID2,$i) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) If $a <> $b Then Return 0 Next Return 1 EndFunc ; The IUnknown-Interface ; description: Global Const $IUnknown = "ptr IUnknown;" Global Const $IUnknown_vTable = "ptr QueryInterface; ptr AddRef; ptr Release;" ;~ /*** IUnknown methods ***/ ;~ STDMETHOD_(HRESULT,QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) PURE; ; Prog@ndy Func _IUnknown_QueryInterface(ByRef $ObjArr, ByRef $REFIID) Local $ret = _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $ObjArr, "QueryInterface", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($REFIID), "ptr*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError($ret[0],0,$ret[3]) EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _IUnknown_AddRef(ByRef $ObjArr) Local $ret = _ObjFuncCall("ULONG", $ObjArr, "AddRef") If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError($ret[0]<1,0,$ret[0]) EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _IUnknown_Release(ByRef $ObjArr) Local $ret = _ObjFuncCall("ULONG", $ObjArr, "Release") If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError($ret[0],0,$ret[0]=0) EndFunc ; -- #Region MemoryCalls ----------------------------------- #Region Call ObjectFuncs ; _ObjFunc.. are the MemoryFunc... functions from ;~ Global $__COMFN_HookPtr, $__COMFN_HookBak, $__COMFN_HookApi = "LocalFlags", $__COMFN_Kernel32Dll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") Global $__COMFN_HookPtr, $__COMFN_HookBak, $__COMFN_HookApi = "LocalCompact", $__COMFN_Kernel32Dll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") ; by Ward Func _ObjFuncInit() Local $KernelHandle = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "ptr", "LoadLibrary", "str", "kernel32.dll") Local $HookPtr = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "ptr", "GetProcAddress", "ptr", $KernelHandle[0], "str", $__COMFN_HookApi) $__COMFN_HookPtr = $HookPtr[0] $__COMFN_HookBak = DllStructCreate("ubyte[7]") DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($__COMFN_HookBak), "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr, "uint", 7, "uint*", 0) DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr, "byte*", 0xB8, "uint", 1, "uint*", 0) DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr + 5, "ushort*", 0xE0FF, "uint", 2, "uint*", 0) EndFunc ; by Ward ; modified by Prog@ndy ; Return array: [0] - result ; [1] - Object Pointer ; [2] - first parameter ; [n+1] - n-th Parameter Func _ObjFuncCall($RetType, ByRef $ObjArr, $sFuncName, $Type1 = "", $Param1 = 0, $Type2 = "", $Param2 = 0, $Type3 = "", $Param3 = 0, $Type4 = "", $Param4 = 0, $Type5 = "", $Param5 = 0, $Type6 = "", $Param6 = 0, $Type7 = "", $Param7 = 0, $Type8 = "", $Param8 = 0, $Type9 = "", $Param9 = 0, $Type10 = "", $Param10 = 0, $Type11 = "", $Param11 = 0, $Type12 = "", $Param12 = 0, $Type13 = "", $Param13 = 0, $Type14 = "", $Param14 = 0, $Type15 = "", $Param15 = 0, $Type16 = "", $Param16 = 0, $Type17 = "", $Param17 = 0, $Type18 = "", $Param18 = 0, $Type19 = "", $Param19 = 0, $Type20 = "", $Param20 = 0) If Not IsDllStruct($__COMFN_HookBak) Then _ObjFuncInit() Local $Address = _ObjGetFuncPtr($ObjArr,$sFuncName) If @error Then Return SetError(1,-1,0) If $Address = 0 Then Return SetError(3,-1,0) _ObjFuncSet($Address) Local $Ret Switch @NumParams Case 3 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0]) Case 5 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1) Case 7 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1, $Type2, $Param2) Case 9 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1, $Type2, $Param2, $Type3, $Param3) Case 11 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1, $Type2, $Param2, $Type3, $Param3, $Type4, $Param4) Case 13 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1, $Type2, $Param2, $Type3, $Param3, $Type4, $Param4, $Type5, $Param5) Case Else If Mod(@NumParams,2)=0 Then Return SetError(2,-1,0) Local $DllCallStr = 'DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0]', $n, $i For $i = 5 To @NumParams Step 2 $n = ($i - 3) / 2 $DllCallStr &= ', $Type' & $n & ', $Param' & $n Next $DllCallStr &= ')' $Ret = Execute($DllCallStr) EndSwitch SetError(@error,@extended) Return $Ret EndFunc ; by Ward Func _ObjFuncSet($Address) DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr + 1, "uint*", $Address, "uint", 4, "uint*", 0) EndFunc ; by Ward Func _ObjFuncExit() DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($__COMFN_HookBak), "uint", 7, "uint*", 0) $__COMFN_HookBak = 0 EndFunc #EndRegion ; -- #EndRedion MemoryCalls ----------------------------------- ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjCreateFromPtr($ObjPointer, $vTable) If Not $ObjPointer Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $object[3] = [$ObjPointer] $object[1] = DllStructCreate("ptr lpvTable",Ptr($object[0])) If @error Then Return SetError(2,0 ,0) $object[2] = DllStructCreate($vTable,DllStructGetData($object[1],1)) If @error Then Return SetError(3,0,0) Return $object EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjCoCreateInstance(ByRef $CLSID, ByRef $IID,$ObjvTable) ;~ Local $ret = DllCall($OLE32,"long_ptr","CoCreateInstance","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($CLSID),"ptr",0,"dword",$CLSCTX_SERVER, "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($IID),"ptr*",0) Local $ret = DllCall($OLE32,"long_ptr","CoCreateInstance","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($CLSID),"ptr",0,"dword",$CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($IID),"ptr*",0) Local $object[3] = [$ret[5],0,0] ; get the interface $object[1] = DllStructCreate("ptr lpvTable",$object[0]) $object[2] = DllStructCreate($ObjvTable,DllStructGetData($object[1],1)) Return $object EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjCoInitialize() Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"CoInitialize","ptr",0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjCoUninitialize() Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"CoUninitialize") Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjGetFuncPtr(ByRef $ObjArr, $FuncName) If UBound($ObjArr)<>3 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return DllStructGetData($ObjArr[2],$FuncName) EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjGetObjPtr(ByRef $ObjArr) If UBound($ObjArr)<>3 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) If DllStructGetData($ObjArr[1],1)=0 Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Return $ObjArr[0] EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _OLEInitialize() Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"OleInitialize","ptr",0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _OLEUnInitialize() Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"OleUninitialize") Return $result[0] EndFunc Func _CoTaskMemAlloc($iSize) Local $result = DllCall($OLE32, "ptr", "CoTaskMemAlloc", "ulong", $iSize) Return $result[0] EndFunc Func _CoTaskMemFree($pMem) DllCall($OLE32, "none", "CoTaskMemFree", "ptr", $pMem) EndFunc Func _CoTaskMemRealloc($pMem, $iSize) Local $result = DllCall($OLE32, "ptr", "CoTaskMemRealloc", "ptr", $pMem, "ulong", $iSize) Return $result[0] EndFunc MemArray.au3 expandcollapse popup#include<Memory.au3> #include<Array.au3> Global Const $__MemArray_HEAD = "dword iElSize;" Global Const $__MemArray_HEADSIZE = __MemArray_SIZEOF($__MemArray_HEAD) ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemArray_SIZEOF($tagStruct) Return DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate($tagStruct, 1)) EndFunc ;==>__MemArray_SIZEOF Func __MemArrayLockedPtr($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return _MemGlobalLock($hMem)+$__MemArray_HEADSIZE EndFunc Func __MemArrayUnLock($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayCreate($tagStruct) Local $iSize = __MemArray_SIZEOF($tagStruct) If $iSize = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $hMem = _MemGlobalAlloc($__MemArray_HEADSIZE, $GMEM_MOVEABLE) If $hMem = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) DllStructSetData(DllStructCreate($__MemArray_HEAD, _MemGlobalLock($hMem)), 1, $iSize) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $hMem EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayCreate ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iSize = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate($__MemArray_HEAD, _MemGlobalLock($hMem)), 1) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $iSize EndFunc ;==>__MemArrayElementSize ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayFree($hMem) Return _MemGlobalFree($hMem) EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayFree ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayAdd($hMem, ByRef $stEntry) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If Not (IsDllStruct($stEntry) Or IsPtr($stEntry)) Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $result = __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, $size + $iElSize, $GHND) If Not $result Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $indX = (($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize) If IsPtr($stEntry) Then __MemCopyMemory($stEntry, _MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $size, $iElSize) Else __MemCopyMemory(DllStructGetPtr($stEntry), _MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $size, $iElSize) EndIf _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $indX EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayAdd ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayDelete($hMem, $indX) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = ($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize If $indX < 0 Or $indX > $maxIndX Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $size > ($__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $iElSize) Then Local $hPtr = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) Local $deletedElementOffset = ($indX * $iElSize) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE _MemMoveMemory($hPtr + $deletedElementOffset + $iElSize, $hPtr + $deletedElementOffset, $size - ($deletedElementOffset + $iElSize)) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) EndIf __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, $size - $iElSize, $GMEM_MOVEABLE) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayDelete ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayGet($hMem, $indX, $tagStruct) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = ($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize If $indX < 0 Or $indX > $maxIndX Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If IsPtr($tagStruct) Then __MemCopyMemory(_MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize, $tagStruct, $iElSize) Local $struct = $tagStruct Else Local $struct = DllStructCreate($tagStruct) If @error Then Return SetError(2,0,0) __MemCopyMemory(_MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize, DllStructGetPtr($struct), $iElSize) EndIf _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $struct EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayGet ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayGetDelete($hMem, $indX, $tagStruct) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = ($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize If $indX < 0 Or $indX > $maxIndX Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $hPtr = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) If IsPtr($tagStruct) Then __MemCopyMemory($hPtr + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize, $tagStruct, $iElSize) Else Local $struct = DllStructCreate($tagStruct) If @error Then Return SetError(2,_MemGlobalUnlock($hMem),0) __MemCopyMemory($hPtr + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize, DllStructGetPtr($struct), $iElSize) EndIf If $size > ($__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $iElSize) Then Local $deletedElementOffset = ($indX * $iElSize) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE _MemMoveMemory($hPtr + $deletedElementOffset + $iElSize, $hPtr + $deletedElementOffset, $size - ($deletedElementOffset + $iElSize)) EndIf _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, $size - $iElSize, $GMEM_MOVEABLE) Return $struct EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayGet #cs Func _MemArrayGetToArray($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = $size/$__MemArray_PTRSIZE If $maxIndX < 1 Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("ptr[" & $maxIndX & "]", _MemGlobalLock($hMem) ) Local $array[$maxIndX] For $i = 1 To $maxIndX $array[$i-1] = DllStructGetData($struct,1,$i) Next _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $array EndFunc #ce ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArraySet($hMem, $indX, ByRef $stEntry) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = ($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize If $indX < 0 Or $indX > $maxIndX Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $pEntry = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize __MemZeroMemory($pEntry, $iElSize) If IsPtr($stEntry) Then __MemCopyMemory($stEntry, $pEntry, $iElSize) ElseIf IsDllStruct($stEntry) Then __MemCopyMemory(DllStructGetPtr($stEntry), $pEntry, $iElSize) Else Return SetError(2,0,0) EndIf _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_MemArraySet ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayUBound($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Return ((_MemGlobalSize($hMem) - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize) EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayUBound ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Local $result = __MemGlobalFlags($hMem) If @error Or $result == $GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE Then Return 0 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__MemIsGlobal ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, $iBytes, $iFlags) Local $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "ptr", "GlobalReAlloc", "ptr", $hMem, "ulong", $iBytes, "uint", $iFlags) Return $aResult[0] EndFunc ;==>__MemGlobalReAlloc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemGlobalFlags($hMem) Local $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "uint", "GlobalFlags", "ptr", $hMem) Return $aResult[0] EndFunc ;==>__MemGlobalFlags ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemGlobalDiscard($hMem) Return __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, 0, $GMEM_MOVEABLE) EndFunc ;==>__MemGlobalDiscard ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemCopyMemory($pSource, $pDest, $iLength) DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "none:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", $pDest, "ptr", $pSource, "dword", $iLength) EndFunc ;==>__MemCopyMemory ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemFillMemory($pDest, $ubFill, $iLength) DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "RtlFillMemory", "ptr", $pDest, "dword", $iLength, "ubyte", $ubFill) EndFunc ;==>__MemFillMemory ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemZeroMemory($pDest, $iLength) DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "RtlZeroMemory", "ptr", $pDest, "dword", $iLength) EndFunc ;==>__MemZeroMemory 😷 argumentum, SEuBo and pixelsearch 2 1 Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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