georchin Posted January 9, 2018 Posted January 9, 2018 Please example for this; " //Edit2: This UDF makes it possible to Drag a file from an AutoIt-GUI to the Explorer or other drop-enabled applications. " Tankx...
SEuBo Posted February 25, 2021 Posted February 25, 2021 Does anyone still have that file and could share it again? Original download link is broken. AutoIt Examples/UDF's:Generate Function at Runtime using IRunningObjectTable / AutoItObjectVery Simple Inter-Process Communication (using AutoItObject Pure AutoIt)
UEZ Posted February 25, 2021 Posted February 25, 2021 DoDragDropGUI.au3 expandcollapse popup#include"DoDragDrop.au3" #include<ClipBoard.au3> #include<WindowsConstants.au3> Global Const $DROPFILES = "DWORD pFiles; int pt[2]; int fNC; int fWide;" ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CreateHDROP_FORMATETC() ; Description:: Creates a FORMATETC-structure with the needed values to do a HDROP (Drag Files like explorer) ; Parameter(s): none ; Requirement(s): COM/OLE UDF ; Return Value(s): FORMATETC DLL-structure ; Author(s): prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _CreateHDROP_FORMATETC() Local $FMTETC = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,1,$CF_HDROP) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,2,0) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,3,$DVASPECT_CONTENT) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,4,-1) DllStructSetData($FMTETC,5,$TYMED_HGLOBAL) Return $FMTETC EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CreateDROPFILES ; Description:: Creates a DROPFILES-structure ; Parameter(s): $Files - Pipe-separated list of files to copy: example: C:\File1.bin|D:\AnotherFile.dat ; Requirement(s): COM/OLE UDF ; Return Value(s): HGLOBAL-Pointer to a DROPFILES structure ; Author(s): prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _CreateDROPFILES($Files) $Files = String($Files) $hMem = _MemGlobalAlloc(_DragDrop_SIZEOF($DROPFILES) + ((StringLen($Files)+2)*2),$GPTR) $Files = StringSplit($Files,"|") $stDROPFILES = DllStructCreate($DROPFILES,$hMem) $hPtr = $hMem + DllStructGetSize($stDROPFILES) DllStructSetData($stDROPFILES, "fWide", 1) DllStructSetData($stDROPFILES, 1, DllStructGetSize($stDROPFILES)) For $i = 1 To $Files[0] $next = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($Files[$i])+1 & "]", $hPtr) DllStructSetData($next,1,$Files[$i] & ChrW(0)) $hPtr += (StringLen($Files[$i])+1)*2 Next $next = DllStructCreate("wchar[1]", $hPtr) DllStructSetData($next,1,ChrW(0)) Return $hMem EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CreateDROPFILES_STGMEDIUM ; Description:: Creates a STGMEDIUM with a DROPFILES-structure ; Parameter(s): $Files - Pipe-separated list of files to copy: example: C:\File1.bin|D:\AnotherFile.dat ; Requirement(s): COM/OLE UDF ; Return Value(s): STGMEDIUM-DLLStruct ; Author(s): prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _CreateDROPFILES_STGMEDIUM($Files) Local $STGMD = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) DllStructSetData($STGMD,1,$TYMED_HGLOBAL) Local $DF = _CreateDROPFILES($Files) If Not $DF Then Return SetError(1,0,0) DllStructSetData($STGMD,2,$DF) Return $STGMD EndFunc #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> Global $hDragDropGUI ,$iListView, $_GLOB_fDragInitiated=False ; do on Startup _OLEInitialize() ; init DropSource Handler Global $objIDropSource = _CreateIDropSource() Global Const $DI_GETDRAGIMAGE = "ShellGetDragImage" Global Const $WM_DI_GETDRAGIMAGE = _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage($DI_GETDRAGIMAGE) Global Const $CFSTR_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT = "Performed DropEffect" Global Const $CF_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT = _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage($CFSTR_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT) Global Const $tagSHDRAGIMAGE = "long sizeDragImage[2];long ptOffset[2]; ptr hbmpDragImage; dword crColorKey;" Global $CLSID_DragDropHelper = _GUID("4657278A-411B-11D2-839A-00C04FD918D0") Global $IID_IDragSourceHelper = _GUID("DE5BF786-477A-11D2-839D00C04FD918D0") Global $IID_IDropTargetHelper = _GUID("4657278B-411B-11D2-839A00C04FD918D0") Global $IDragSourceHelper_vTable = $IUnknown_vTable & "ptr InitializeFromBitmap; ptr InitializeFromWindow;" Func _SetBMP(ByRef $IDragSourceHelper, ByRef $IDataObject) Local $SHDRAGIMAGE = DllStructCreate($tagSHDRAGIMAGE) ;~ Local $deskDC = _WinAPI_GetDC(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow()) ;~ Local $hBMP = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($deskDC,96,96) ;~ _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow(),$deskDC) Local $hBMP = _WinAPI_LoadImage(0,"C:\Windows\Feder.bmp",0,0,0,$LR_LOADFROMFILE) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"hbmpDragImage",$hBMP) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"sizeDragImage",96,1) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"sizeDragImage",96,2) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"ptOffset",45,1) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"ptOffset",69,2) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"crColorKey",0x00FF00FF) _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $IDragSourceHelper, "InitializeFromBitmap", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($SHDRAGIMAGE), "ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($IDataObject)) EndFunc _Main() ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemGlobalGetValue($hMem, $DataType, $Offset=0) If _MemGlobalSize($hMem) < __MemArray_SIZEOF($DataType) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $hPtr = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) If Not $hPtr Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Local $Data = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate($DataType,$hPtr+$Offset),1) If @error Then Return SetError(1,_MemGlobalUnlock($hMem)) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $Data EndFunc Func OnAutoItExit() ; release the DropSource Handler _ReleaseIDropSource($objIDropSource) _OLEUnInitialize() EndFunc Func MY_GETDRAGIMAGE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $SHDRAGIMAGE = DllStructCreate($tagSHDRAGIMAGE,$lParam) ;~ Local $deskDC = _WinAPI_GetDC(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow()) ;~ Local $hBMP = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($deskDC,96,96) ;~ _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow(),$deskDC) Local $hBMP = _WinAPI_LoadImage(0,"C:\Windows\Feder.bmp",0,0,0,$LR_LOADFROMFILE) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"hbmpDragImage",$hBMP) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"sizeDragImage",128,1) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"sizeDragImage",128,2) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"ptOffset",45,1) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"ptOffset",69,2) DllStructSetData($SHDRAGIMAGE,"crColorKey",0x00FF00FF) Return True EndFunc Func _Main() Local $hGUI, $hItemChild, $hImage, $iImage, $hItem, $hListView, $btnDelete, $btnExit $hGUI = GUICreate("DragDrop Example", 400, 450,-1,-1,Default,0) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Drag files to the ListView and drop them" & @CRLF &" ... ... or the other way round ;)", 10,10,380,60) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,14,600) $hDragDropGUI = GUICreate("DropOnlyHere",380,300,10,80,$WS_CHILD,BitOR($WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES,$WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT),$hGUI) ; This Child-GUI is a work-around, so you can only drop files in this area $iListView = GUICtrlCreateListView("Dropped files",0,0,380,300,$LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS) $hListView = GUICtrlGetHandle($iListView) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hListView,0,$LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER) GUISetState() GUISwitch($hGUI) $btnDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("Remove selected items from list",10,400,200,40) $btnExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit",330,400,60,40) ;~ Const $WM_DROPFILES = 0x233 GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DROPFILES, "WM_DROPFILES") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "MY_NOTIFY") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DI_GETDRAGIMAGE, "MY_GETDRAGIMAGE") GUISetState() Global $IDragSourceHelper = _ObjCoCreateInstance($CLSID_DragDropHelper,$IID_IDragSourceHelper,$IDragSourceHelper_vTable) ; Loop until user exits While 1 If $_GLOB_fDragInitiated Then $_GLOB_fDragInitiated = False ; Array needed for FORMATETC Local $FMTETCs[1] = [_CreateHDROP_FORMATETC()] ; get the Filenames to a pipe separated list. Local $Items = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($iListView,True) Local $Files = "" For $i = 1 To $Items[0] $Files &= _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($iListView,$Items[$i]) & "|" Next $Files = StringTrimRight($Files,1) ; Array needed for STGMEDIUM Local $STGMDs[1] = [_CreateDROPFILES_STGMEDIUM($Files)] ; Create the Object with FORMATETC and STGMEDIUM (Attention: if you use multiple ones, the corresponding FMTETC and STGMD must be at the same position in the Array) $objIDataSource = _CreateIDataObject($FMTETCs,$STGMDs) If Not _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDataSource) Then ; Just continue, if the creation has failed _ReleaseStgMedium($STGMDs[0]) ; but first delete the created STGMedium ContinueLoop EndIf _SetBMP($IDragSourceHelper,$objIDataSource) ;~ Local $ptr = _IUnknown_QueryInterface($objIDataSource, $IID_IDataObject) ;~ $ptr = _ObjCreateFromPtr($ptr,$IDataObject_vTable) ;~ $result = _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $IDragSourceHelper, "InitializeFromWindow", "ptr", $hGUI, "ptr", 0, "ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($ptr )) ; Perform the DragDrop operation Local $Effect Local $result = _DoDragDrop($objIDataSource, $objIDropSource, BitOR($DROPEFFECT_MOVE,$DROPEFFECT_COPY,$DROPEFFECT_LINK), $Effect) ;~ Local $result = _SHDoDragDrop($hGUI, $objIDataSource, $objIDropSource, BitOR($DROPEFFECT_MOVE,$DROPEFFECT_COPY,$DROPEFFECT_LINK), $Effect) ; check the result If $result = $DRAGDROP_S_DROP Then $Effect = _GetUnoptimizedEffect($objIDataSource, $Effect) Switch $Effect Case $DROPEFFECT_MOVE ; items moved ; Delete the items that were moved For $i = $Items[0] To 1 Step -1 $File = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hListView,$Items[$i]) If Not FileExists($File) Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($hListView,$Items[$i]) EndIf Next MsgBox(0, '', "Move") Case $DROPEFFECT_COPY ; items copied MsgBox(0, '', "Copy") Case $DROPEFFECT_LINK ; links created MsgBox(0, '', "Link") Case $DROPEFFECT_NONE ; on Win 9x nothing, but NT/2000 and above have MOVE-operaion here, too ; on NT/200 and above, a move-action will also return DROPEFFECT_NONE. So you have to check that manually: Local $deletedAnything=False If @OSType = "WIN32_NT" Then ; just for the "new" NT-Systems Local $File For $i = $Items[0] To 1 Step -1 $File = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hListView,$Items[$i]) If Not FileExists($File) Then ; if the file has been moved,... _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($hListView,$Items[$i]) ; delete it from LV $deletedAnything = True ; set the deleted flag to TRUE EndIf Next If $deletedAnything Then MsgBox(0, '', "Workaround detect: Move") ; if something was deleted --> MOVE EndIf If $deletedAnything = False Then MsgBox(0, '', "Nothing Done") EndIf EndSwitch ElseIf $result = $DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL Then MsgBox(0, '', "DoDragDrop cancelled") Else MsgBox(0, '', "Error on DoDragDrop") EndIf _ReleaseIDataObject($objIDataSource) ; release the DataObject ; DO NOT RELEASE THE STGMEDIUM, since it belongs to the IDataObject EndIf ; $_GLOB_fDragInitiated Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $btnExit ExitLoop Case $btnDelete _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItemsSelected($hListView) EndSwitch WEnd _IUnknown_Release($IDragSourceHelper) GUIDelete() EndFunc ;==>_Main ; Prog@ndy Func _GetUnoptimizedEffect(ByRef $objIDataSource, $Effect) Local $FormatEtc = _CreateHDROP_FORMATETC() DllStructSetData($FormatEtc,1,$CF_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT) Local $result = _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $objIDataSource, "QueryGetData", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($FormatEtc)) If $S_OK = $result[0] Then Local $StgMedium = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) $result = _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $objIDataSource, "GetData", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($FormatEtc), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($StgMedium)) If $S_OK = $result[0] Then $Effect = _MemGlobalGetValue(DllStructGetData($StgMedium,"hGlobal"),"dword") EndIf _ReleaseStgMedium($StgMedium) EndIf Return $Effect EndFunc Func _SHDoDragDrop($hWnd, ByRef $objIDataSource, ByRef $objIDropSource, $dwDropEffects, ByRef $dwPerformedEffect) Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll",$HRESULT,"SHDoDragDrop", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDataSource),"ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDropSource), "dword", BitOR($DROPEFFECT_MOVE,$DROPEFFECT_COPY,$DROPEFFECT_LINK), "dword*", 0) $dwPerformedEffect = $result[5] Return $result[0] EndFunc Func MY_NOTIFY($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If $hWnd = $hDragDropGUI And $wParam=$iListView Then Local $NMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR,$lParam) Switch DllStructGetData($NMHDR,"Code") Case $LVN_BEGINDRAG $_GLOB_fDragInitiated = True Return False EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ; copied from ; modified by Prog@ndy Func WM_DROPFILES($hWnd, $uMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tDrop, $aRet, $iCount, $iSize ;string buffer for file path ;get file count $aRet = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFileW", "ptr", $wParam, "uint", 0xFFFFFFFF, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0) $iCount = $aRet[0] ;get file paths Local $CurInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($hDragDropGUI) If IsArray($CurInfo) And $CurInfo[4] = $iListView Then For $i = 0 To $iCount-1 $iSize = DllCall("shell32.dll", "uint", "DragQueryFileW","ptr", $wParam,"uint", $i,"ptr", 0,"uint", 0) $tDrop = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iSize[0]+1 & "]") $aRet = DllCall("shell32.dll", "uint", "DragQueryFileW","ptr", $wParam,"uint", $i,"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tDrop),"uint", $iSize[0]+1) ;ConsoleWrite(DllStructGetData($tDrop, 1) & @CRLF) If _GUICtrlListView_FindText($iListView,DllStructGetData($tDrop, 1),-1,False) = -1 Then _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($iListView,DllStructGetData($tDrop, 1)) Next EndIf ;finalize DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragFinish", "ptr", $wParam) Return EndFunc DoDragDrop.au3 expandcollapse popup#include <memory.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <WinAPIConstants.au3> #include "MemArray.au3" #include "objbase.au3" #include <Misc.au3> ;+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;| | ;| UDF for OLE-DragDrop | ;| Author: Prog@ndy | ;| | ;+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;!! !! ;!! VARIABLES AND FUNCTIONS WITH DOUBLE UNDERSCORE ARE INTERNAL USE ONLY !! ;!! !! ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Global Const $MK_LBUTTON = 1 Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_DROP = 0x40100 Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL = 0x40101 Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_FIRST = 0x40100 Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_LAST = 0x4010F Global Const $DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS = 0x40102 Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_NOTREGISTERED = 0x80040100 Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_INVALIDHWND = 0x80040102 Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_LAST = 0x8004010F Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_FIRST = 0x80040100 Global Const $DRAGDROP_E_ALREADYREGISTERED = 0x80040101 Global Const $DRAGLISTMSGSTRING = "commctrl_DragListMsg" ;~ typedef enum tagDROPEFFECT ;~ { Global Const $DROPEFFECT_NONE = 0 Global Const $DROPEFFECT_COPY = 1 Global Const $DROPEFFECT_MOVE = 2 Global Const $DROPEFFECT_LINK = 4 Global Const $DROPEFFECT_SCROLL = 0x80000000 ;~ } Global $IID_IDropTarget = _GUID("{00000122-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") ; -- #Region IDropSource ------------------------------------------------------------- #Region IDropSource Global Const $IDropSource_vTable = $IUnknown_vTable & "ptr QueryContinueDrag; ptr GiveFeedback;" Global Const $tagIDropSource = "ptr vTable; dword dwRefCount;" Global $IID_IDropSource = _GUID("{00000121-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") Global Const $__IDropSource_vTable = DllStructCreate($IDropSource_vTable) Func _CreateIDropSource() Local $hMem = _MemGlobalAlloc(_DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagIDropSource),$GPTR) Local $IDropSource[3] = [$hMem, DllStructCreate($tagIDropSource,$hMem), $__IDropSource_vTable] DllStructSetData($IDropSource[1], 1, DllStructGetPtr($__IDropSource_vTable)) __IDropSource_AddRef($hMem) Return $IDropSource EndFunc Func _ReleaseIDropSource(ByRef $IDropSource) Local $res = _ObjFuncCall("ulong",$IDropSource,"Release") If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,-1) If $res[0] = 0 Then $IDropSource = 0 EndIf Return $res[0] EndFunc Global Const $__IDropSource_QueryInterface = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_QueryInterface", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "QueryInterface", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_QueryInterface)) Global Const $__IDropSource_AddRef = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_AddRef", $HRESULT, "ptr") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "AddRef", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_AddRef)) Global Const $__IDropSource_Release = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_Release", $HRESULT, "ptr") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "Release", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_Release)) Global Const $__IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag", $HRESULT, "ptr;int;dword") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "QueryContinueDrag", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag)) Global Const $__IDropSource_GiveFeedback = DllCallbackRegister("__IDropSource_GiveFeedback", $HRESULT, "ptr;dword") DllStructSetData($__IDropSource_vTable, "GiveFeedback", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDropSource_GiveFeedback)) Func __IDropSource_QueryInterface($pObject, $iid, $ppvObject) If $ppvObject = 0 Or $iid = 0 Then Return $E_NOINTERFACE Local $stIID = DllStructCreate($tagIID, $iid), $pvObject = DllStructCreate("ptr", $ppvObject) If _GUID_Compare($stIID, $IID_IDropSource) Or _GUID_Compare($stIID, $IID_IUnknown) Then DllStructSetData($pvObject, 1, $pObject) __IDropSource_AddRef($pObject) Return $S_OK EndIf DllStructSetData($pvObject,1, 0) Return $E_NOINTERFACE EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_QueryInterface Func __IDropSource_AddRef($pObject) Local $st = DllStructCreate("ptr;dword", $pObject) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($st, 2) + 1 DllStructSetData($st, 2, $iCount) Return $iCount EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_AddRef Func __IDropSource_Release($pObject) Local $st = DllStructCreate("ptr;dword", $pObject) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($st, 2) - 1 If $iCount < 0 Then Return 0 DllStructSetData($st,2,$iCount) Return $iCount EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_Release Func __IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag($pObject, $fEscapePressed, $grfKeyState) Select Case $fEscapePressed <> 0 Return $DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL Case Not BitAND($grfKeyState, $MK_LBUTTON) Return $DRAGDROP_S_DROP Case Else Return $S_OK EndSelect EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_QueryContinueDrag Func __IDropSource_GiveFeedback($pObject, $dwEffect) Select Case $dwEffect = $DROPEFFECT_NONE Case BitAND($dwEffect, $DROPEFFECT_LINK) = $DROPEFFECT_LINK Case BitAND($dwEffect, $DROPEFFECT_MOVE) = $DROPEFFECT_MOVE Case BitAND($dwEffect, $DROPEFFECT_COPY) = $DROPEFFECT_COPY Case BitAND($dwEffect, $DROPEFFECT_SCROLL) = $DROPEFFECT_SCROLL Case Else Return $E_INVALIDARG EndSelect Return $DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS EndFunc ;==>__IDropSource_GiveFeedback #EndRegion ; -- #EndRegion IDropSource ------------------------------------------------------------- ; -- #Region IDataObject ------------------------------------------------------------- #Region IDataObject Global Const $tagFORMATETC = "dword cfFormat; ptr ptd; DWORD dwAspect; LONG lindex; DWORD tymed;" Global Const $tagSTGMEDIUM = "DWORD tymed; ptr hGlobal; ptr pUnkForRelease;" Global Const $sizeFORMATETC = _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagFORMATETC) Global Const $sizeSTGMEDIUM = _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagSTGMEDIUM) Global Const $tagDVTARGETDEVICE = "DWORD tdSize; USHORT tdDriverNameOffset; USHORT tdDeviceNameOffset; USHORT tdPortNameOffset; USHORT tdExtDevmodeOffset; BYTE tdData[1];" Global Const $tagIDataObject = "ptr vTable; dword dwRefCount; dword Count; ptr pFORMATETC; ptr pSTGMEDIUM;" Global Const $TYMED_HGLOBAL = 1 Global Const $TYMED_FILE = 2 Global Const $TYMED_ISTREAM = 4 Global Const $TYMED_ISTORAGE = 8 Global Const $TYMED_GDI = 16 Global Const $TYMED_MFPICT = 32 Global Const $TYMED_ENHMF = 64 Global Const $TYMED_NULL = 0 Global Const $DVASPECT_CONTENT = 1 Global Const $DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL = 2 Global Const $DVASPECT_ICON = 4 Global Const $DVASPECT_DOCPRINT = 8 Global Const $DATADIR_GET = 1 Global Const $DATADIR_SET = 2 Global $IID_IDataObject = _GUID("{0000010E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") Global Const $DV_E_FORMATETC = 0x80040064 Global Const $DATA_E_FORMATETC = $DV_E_FORMATETC Global Const $DV_E_TYMED = 0x80040069 Global Const $OLE_S_USEREG = 0x00040000 Global Const $IDataObject_vTable = $IUnknown_vTable & _ "ptr GetData; ptr GetDataHere; ptr QueryGetData; ptr GetCanonicalFormatEtc; " & _ "ptr SetData; ptr EnumFormatEtc; ptr DAdvise; ptr DUnadvise; ptr EnumDAdvise; " Global Const $__IDataObj_QueryInterface = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_QueryInterface", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_AddRef = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_AddRef", "ULONG", "ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_Release = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_Release", "ULONG", "ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_GetData = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_GetData", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_GetDataHere = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_GetDataHere", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_QueryGetData = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_QueryGetData", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_SetData = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_SetData", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;ptr;int") Global Const $__IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc", $HRESULT, "ptr;dword;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_DAdvise = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_DAdvise", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr;DWORD;ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_DUnadvise = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_DUnadvise", $HRESULT, "ptr;dword") Global Const $__IDataObj_EnumDAdvise = DllCallbackRegister( "__IDataObj_EnumDAdvise", $HRESULT, "ptr;ptr") Global Const $__IDataObj_vTable = DllStructCreate($IDataObject_vTable) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "QueryInterface", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_QueryInterface)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "AddRef", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_AddRef)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "Release", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_Release)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "GetData", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_GetData)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "GetDataHere", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_GetDataHere)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "QueryGetData", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_QueryGetData)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "GetCanonicalFormatEtc", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "SetData", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_SetData)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "EnumFormatEtc", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "DAdvise", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_DAdvise)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "DUnadvise", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_DUnadvise)) DllStructSetData($__IDataObj_vTable, "EnumDAdvise", DllCallbackGetPtr($__IDataObj_EnumDAdvise)) ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_QueryInterface($pObject, $iid, $ppvObject) Local $stIID = DllStructCreate($tagIID, $iid), $pvObject = DllStructCreate("ptr", $ppvObject) ;~ ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_StringFromGUID($iid) & @CRLF) If _GUID_Compare($stIID, $IID_IDataObject) Or _GUID_Compare($stIID, $IID_IUnknown) Then __IDataObj_AddRef($pObject) DllStructSetData($pvObject,1, $pObject) Return $S_OK EndIf DllStructSetData($pvObject,1, 0) Return $E_NOINTERFACE EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_QueryInterface ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_AddRef($pObject) Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($st, "dwRefCount") + 1 DllStructSetData($st, "dwRefCount", $iCount) Return $iCount EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_AddRef ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_Release($pObject) Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Local $iCount = DllStructGetData($st, "dwRefCount") - 1 DllStructSetData($st, "dwRefCount", $iCount) If $iCount = 0 Then ;[[[ Array Local $pFORMATETC = DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC") Local $pSTGMEDIUM = DllStructGetData($st, "pSTGMEDIUM") Local $STGMED = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) Local $FMTETC = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC) ;~ Local $STGMED Local $pSTGMED = DllStructGetPtr($STGMED) Local $pFMTETC = DllStructGetPtr($FMTETC) For $i = 0 To DllStructGetData($st, "Count")-1 _MemArrayGet($pFORMATETC, $i, $pFMTETC) If DllStructGetData($FMTETC, "ptd") Then _CoTaskMemFree(DllStructGetData($FMTETC, "ptd")) _MemArrayGet($pSTGMEDIUM, $i, $pSTGMED) _ReleaseStgMedium($STGMED) Next _MemArrayFree($pFORMATETC) _MemArrayFree($pSTGMEDIUM) ;]]] Array _MemGlobalFree($pObject) EndIf Return $iCount EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_Release ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_GetData($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $pMedium) If $pMedium = 0 Or $pFormatEtc = 0 Then Return $E_POINTER Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Local $dwCount = DllStructGetData($st, "Count") Local $pArrFormatEtc = DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC") Local $idx = __DataObj_LookupFormatEtc($pFormatEtc, $pArrFormatEtc, $dwCount) If $idx == -1 Then Return $DV_E_FORMATETC Local $stFORMATETC = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC, $pFormatEtc) ;~ Local $tymed = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC,$pArrFormatEtc+ $idx*$sizeFORMATETC),"tymed") ;[[[ Array Local $tymed = DllStructGetData(_MemArrayGet($pArrFormatEtc, $idx, $tagFORMATETC),"tymed") ;]]] Array Local $Medium = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,$pMedium) DllStructSetData($Medium,"tymed", $tymed) DllStructSetData($Medium,"pUnkForRelease", 0) Switch $tymed Case $TYMED_ENHMF, $TYMED_GDI, $TYMED_HGLOBAL, $TYMED_MFPICT, $TYMED_NULL, $TYMED_ISTREAM, $TYMED_ISTORAGE ;~ Local $IntMedium = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,DllStructGetData($st,"pSTGMEDIUM") + $idx*$sizeSTGMEDIUM) ;[[[ Array Local $IntMedium = _MemArrayGet(DllStructGetData($st,"pSTGMEDIUM"), $idx, $tagSTGMEDIUM) ;]]] Array ;~ DllStructSetData($Medium,"hGlobal", DupGlobalMemMem(DllStructGetData($IntMedium,"hGlobal"))) If Not DeepCopyStgMedium($pMedium, DllStructGetPtr($IntMedium)) Then Return $DV_E_FORMATETC Case Else return $DV_E_FORMATETC; EndSwitch Return $S_OK EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_GetData ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_GetDataHere($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $pMedium) Return $DATA_E_FORMATETC; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_GetDataHere ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_QueryGetData($pObject, $pFormatEtc) Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Return _Iif( __DataObj_LookupFormatEtc($pFormatEtc, DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC"), DllStructGetData($st, "Count")) = -1, $DV_E_FORMATETC, $S_OK); EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_QueryGetData ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $pFormatEtcOut) ;~ // Apparently we have to set this field to NULL even though we don't do anything else Local $FormatEtcOut = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC, $pFormatEtcOut) DllStructSetData($FormatEtcOut, "ptd", 0); Return $E_NOTIMPL; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_GetCanonicalFormatEtc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_SetData($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $pMedium, $fRelease) ;~ Return $E_NOTIMPL; Local $STGMED = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,$pMedium) Switch DllStructGetData($STGMED,"tymed") Case $TYMED_ENHMF, $TYMED_GDI, $TYMED_HGLOBAL, $TYMED_MFPICT, $TYMED_NULL, $TYMED_ISTREAM, $TYMED_ISTORAGE ; they are accepted Case Else If Not $fRelease And DllStructGetData($STGMED,"tymed")=$TYMED_FILE Then Return $DV_E_FORMATETC EndSwitch If Not $fRelease Then $STGMED = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) Local $FormatEtc = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC) If Not DeepCopyStgMedium(DllStructGetPtr($STGMED) , $pMedium) Then Return $E_OUTOFMEMORY DeepCopyFormatEtc(DllStructGetPtr($FormatEtc) , $pFormatEtc) $pMedium = DllStructGetPtr($STGMED) $pFormatEtc = DllStructGetPtr($FormatEtc) EndIf Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) Local $pArrFormatEtc = DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC") Local $pArrStgMedium = DllStructGetData($st, "pSTGMEDIUM") Local $dwCount = DllStructGetData($st, "Count") Local $idx = __DataObj_LookupFormatEtc($pFormatEtc, $pArrFormatEtc, $dwCount) If $idx == -1 Then _MemArrayAdd($pArrFormatEtc, $pFormatEtc) _MemArrayAdd($pArrStgMedium, $pMedium) DllStructSetData($st, "Count", $dwCount+1) Else Local $ptd = DllStructGetData(_MemArrayGet($pArrFormatEtc, $idx, $tagFORMATETC),"ptd") If $ptd Then _CoTaskMemFree($ptd) _MemArraySet($pArrFormatEtc, $idx, $pFormatEtc) Local $Med = _MemArrayGet($pArrStgMedium, $idx, $tagSTGMEDIUM) _ReleaseStgMedium($Med) _MemArraySet($pArrStgMedium, $idx, $pMedium) EndIf If DllStructGetData($STGMED,"pUnkForRelease") = $pObject Then Local $IUnk = _ObjCreateFromPtr($pMedium,$IUnknown_vTable) _IUnknown_Release($IUnk) EndIf Return $S_OK EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_SetData ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc($pObject, $dwDirection, $ppEnumFormatEtc) Switch $dwDirection Case $DATADIR_GET Local $st = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObject) ;~ Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", $HRESULT, "SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc", "uint", DllStructGetData($st, "Count"), "ptr", DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC"), "ptr*", 0) ;[[[ Array Local $pFORMATETC = DllStructGetData($st, "pFORMATETC") Local $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", $HRESULT, "SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc", "uint", DllStructGetData($st, "Count"), "ptr", __MemArrayLockedPtr($pFORMATETC), "ptr*", 0) __MemArrayUnLock($pFORMATETC) ;]]] Array Local $pEnumFormatEtc = DllStructCreate("ptr",$ppEnumFormatEtc) DllStructSetData($pEnumFormatEtc,1,$result[3]) Return _Iif($result[3]=0, $E_OUTOFMEMORY, $S_OK) Case Else ;~ Return $E_NOTIMPL Return $OLE_S_USEREG ; No support for all formats, but this is easier :P EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_EnumFormatEtc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_DAdvise($pObject, $pFormatEtc, $advf, $pAdvSink, $pdwConnection) Return $OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_DAdvise ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_DUnadvise($pObject, $dwConnection) Return $OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_DUnadvise ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __IDataObj_EnumDAdvise($pObject, $ppEnumAdvise) Return $OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; EndFunc ;==>__IDataObj_EnumDAdvise ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagStruct) Return DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate($tagStruct, 1)) EndFunc ;==>_DragDrop_SIZEOF ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CreateIDataObject(ByRef $fmtetc, ByRef $stgmed) If Not IsArray($fmtetc) Or UBound($fmtetc) <> UBound($stgmed) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iCount = UBound($fmtetc) Local $sizeIDataObj = _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagIDataObject) ;~ Local $pObj = _MemGlobalAlloc($sizeIDataObj + ($iCount * $sizeFORMATETC) + ($iCount * $sizeSTGMEDIUM), $GPTR) ;[[[ Array Local $pObj = _MemGlobalAlloc($sizeIDataObj, $GPTR) Local $pFORMATETC = _MemArrayCreate($tagFORMATETC) Local $pSTGMEDIUM = _MemArrayCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM) ;]]] Array Local $stObj = DllStructCreate($tagIDataObject, $pObj) DllStructSetData($stObj, "vTable", DllStructGetPtr($__IDataObj_vTable)) DllStructSetData($stObj, "dwRefCount", 1) ;~ Local $pPtr = $pObj + $sizeIDataObj DllStructSetData($stObj, "Count", $iCount) ;~ DllStructSetData($stObj, "pFORMATETC", $pPtr) DllStructSetData($stObj, "pFORMATETC", $pFORMATETC) For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1 ;~ _MemMoveMemory(DllStructGetPtr($fmtetc[$i]), $pPtr, $sizeFORMATETC) ;~ _RtlCopyMemory(DllStructGetPtr($fmtetc[$i]), $pPtr, $sizeFORMATETC) _MemArrayAdd($pFORMATETC, $fmtetc[$i]) ;~ $pPtr += $sizeFORMATETC Next ;~ DllStructSetData($stObj, "pSTGMEDIUM", $pPtr) DllStructSetData($stObj, "pSTGMEDIUM", $pSTGMEDIUM) For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1 ;~ _MemMoveMemory(DllStructGetPtr($stgmed[$i]), $pPtr, $sizeSTGMEDIUM) ;~ _RtlCopyMemory(DllStructGetPtr($stgmed[$i]), $pPtr, $sizeSTGMEDIUM) _MemArrayAdd($pSTGMEDIUM, $stgmed[$i]) ;~ $pPtr += $sizeSTGMEDIUM Next Local $result[3] = [$pObj, $stObj, $__IDataObj_vTable] Return $result EndFunc ;==>_CreateIDataObject ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _ReleaseIDataObject(ByRef $IDataObj) Local $res = _ObjFuncCall("ulong",$IDataObj,"Release") If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,-1) If $res[0] = 0 Then $IDataObj = 0 EndIf Return $res[0] EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _RtlCopyMemory($pSource, $pDest, $iLength) DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "none:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", $pDest, "ptr", $pSource, "dword", $iLength) EndFunc ;==>_RtlCopyMemory ; Author: Prog@ndy ; translated from C++ Func DupGlobalMemMem($hMem) Local $len = _MemGlobalSize($hMem); Local $source = _MemGlobalLock($hMem); If $source = 0 Then $source = $hMem ;~ Local $dest = _MemGlobalAlloc($len, BitOR($GMEM_MOVEABLE,$GMEM_SHARE)); Local $dest = _MemGlobalAlloc($len, BitOR($GMEM_FIXED,$GMEM_SHARE)); ;~ _MemMoveMemory($source, _MemGlobalLock($dest), $len); _RtlCopyMemory($source, _MemGlobalLock($dest), $len); _MemGlobalUnlock($dest); _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem); Return $dest; EndFunc ;==>DupGlobalMemMem Func DeepCopyStgMedium($pDest, $pSource) __MemCopyMemory($pSource,$pDest,$sizeSTGMEDIUM) Local $stSource = DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,$pSource) Local $Souce_tymed = DllStructGetData($stSource,"tymed") Local $data = DllStructGetData($stSource,"hGlobal"), $newData Switch $Souce_tymed Case $TYMED_NULL Return True Case $TYMED_HGLOBAL $newData = _CloneHGLOBAL($data) Case $TYMED_GDI $newData = _CloneBitmap($data) Case $TYMED_ENHMF $newData = _CloneEnhMetaFile($data) Case $TYMED_MFPICT $newData = _CloneMetaFile($data) Case $TYMED_ISTREAM, $TYMED_ISTORAGE Local $IUnk = _ObjCreateFromPtr($data,$IUnknown_vTable) _IUnknown_AddRef($IUnk) Return True Case Else Return False EndSwitch If DllStructGetData($stSource,"pUnkForRelease") Then Local $IUnk = _ObjCreateFromPtr(DllStructGetData($stSource,"pUnkForRelease"),$IUnknown_vTable) _IUnknown_AddRef($IUnk) EndIf DllStructSetData(DllStructCreate($tagSTGMEDIUM,$pDest),"hGlobal",$newData) Return True EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CloneBitmap($hBmp) Local $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "ptr", "CopyImage", "ptr", $hBmp, "uint", 0, "int",0, "int",0, "uint", 0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CloneEnhMetaFile($hemfSrc) Local $result = DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "ptr", "CopyEnhMetaFileW", "ptr", $hemfSrc, "ptr", 0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CloneMetaFile($hemfSrc) Local $result = DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "ptr", "CopyMetaFileW", "ptr", $hemfSrc, "ptr", 0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _CloneHGLOBAL($hMem) Local $Size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $Flags = __MemGlobalFlags($hMem) If $Flags = $GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $hNewMem = _MemGlobalAlloc($Size,$Flags) Local $pNewMem = _MemGlobalLock($hNewMem) Local $pMem = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) __MemCopyMemory($pMem, $pNewMem, $Size) _MemGlobalUnlock($hNewMem) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $hNewMem EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy ; translated from C++ Func DeepCopyFormatEtc($pDest, $pSource) ;// copy the source FORMATETC into dest __MemCopyMemory($pSource,$pDest,$sizeFORMATETC) Local $Souce_ptd = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC,$pSource),"ptd") if($Souce_ptd) Then ;// allocate memory for the DVTARGETDEVICE if necessary Local $dest_ptd = _CoTaskMemAlloc(_DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagDVTARGETDEVICE)); ;// copy the contents of the source DVTARGETDEVICE into dest->ptd __MemCopyMemory($Souce_ptd, $dest_ptd, _DragDrop_SIZEOF($tagDVTARGETDEVICE)) ;*(dest->ptd) = *(source->ptd); DllStructSetData(DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC,$pDest),"ptd",$dest_ptd) EndIf EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy ; translated from C++ Func __DataObj_LookupFormatEtc($pFormatEtc, $pAvailableFormats, $dwCount) Local $FormatEtc = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC, $pFormatEtc), $next ;// check each of our formats in turn to see if one matches ;~ Local $pPtr = $pAvailableFormats For $i = 0 To $dwCount - 1 ;~ $next = DllStructCreate($tagFORMATETC, $pPtr) $next = _MemArrayGet($pAvailableFormats, $i, $tagFORMATETC) ; "dword cfFormat; ptr ptd; DWORD dwAspect; LONG lindex; DWORD tymed;" If ( ( DllStructGetData($next, 1) = DllStructGetData($FormatEtc, 1) ) And _ ( DllStructGetData($next, 3) = DllStructGetData($FormatEtc, 3) ) And _ ( DllStructGetData($next, 4) = DllStructGetData($FormatEtc, 4) ) And _ ( BitAND(DllStructGetData($next, 5), DllStructGetData($FormatEtc, 5)) <> 0 ) ) Then ;// return index of stored format Return $i; ;~ $pPtr += $sizeFORMATETC EndIf Next ;// error, format not found Return -1; EndFunc ;==>__DataObj_LookupFormatEtc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _ReleaseStgMedium(ByRef $stgmed) Local $ptr If IsDllStruct($stgmed) Then $ptr = DllStructGetPtr($stgmed) ElseIf IsPtr($stgmed) Then $ptr = $stgmed Else Return SetError(1) EndIf DllCall("ole32.dll","none", "ReleaseStgMedium", "ptr", $ptr) EndFunc #EndRegion IDataObject ; -- #EndRegion IDataObject ------------------------------------------------------------- ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _DoDragDrop(ByRef $objIDataSource, ByRef $objIDropSource, $dwDropEffects, ByRef $dwPerformedEffect) Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"DoDragDrop", "ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDataSource),"ptr", _ObjGetObjPtr($objIDropSource), "dword", BitOR($DROPEFFECT_MOVE,$DROPEFFECT_COPY,$DROPEFFECT_LINK), "dword*", 0) $dwPerformedEffect = $result[4] Return $result[0] EndFunc Func _Iif($FTEST, $VTRUEVAL, $VFALSEVAL) If $FTEST Then Return $VTRUEVAL Else Return $VFALSEVAL EndIf EndFunc objbase.au3 expandcollapse popupGlobal Const $OLE32 = DllOpen("ole32.dll") ; Prog@ndy Func MAKE_HRESULT($sev,$fac,$code) Return BitOR(BitShift($sev,-31) , BitOR(BitShift($fac,-16), $code)) EndFunc Global Const $CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER = 1 Global Const $CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER = 4 Global Const $CLSCTX_SERVER = BitOR($CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER , $CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER) Global Const $HRESULT = "lresult" ;~ Global Const $S_OK = 0 ;~ Global Const $E_NOINTERFACE = 0x80004002 ;~ Global Const $E_ABORT = 0x80004004 ;~ Global Const $E_ACCESSDENIED = 0x80070005 ;~ Global Const $E_FAIL = 0x80004005 ;~ Global Const $E_INVALIDARG = 0x80070057 ;~ Global Const $E_HANDLE = 0x80070006 ;~ Global Const $E_NOTIMPL = 0x80004001 ;~ Global Const $E_OUTOFMEMORY = 0x8007000E ;~ Global Const $E_PENDING = 0x8000000A ;~ Global Const $E_POINTER = 0x80004003 ;~ Global Const $E_UNEXPECTED = 0x8000FFFF Global Const $OLE_E_ADVF = 0x80040001 Global Const $OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED = 0x80040003 Global Const $OLE_E_BLANK = 0x80040007 Global Const $OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE = 0x8004000A Global Const $OLE_E_CANT_GETMONIKER = 0x80040009 Global Const $OLE_E_CANTCONVERT = 0x80040011 Global Const $OLE_E_CLASSDIFF = 0x80040008 Global Const $OLE_E_ENUM_NOMORE = 0x80040002 Global Const $OLE_E_FIRST = 0x80040000 Global Const $OLE_E_INVALIDHWND = 0x8004000F Global Const $OLE_E_INVALIDRECT = 0x8004000D Global Const $OLE_E_LAST = 0x800400FF Global Const $OLE_E_NOCACHE = 0x80040006 Global Const $OLE_E_NOCONNECTION = 0x80040004 Global Const $OLE_E_NOSTORAGE = 0x80040012 Global Const $OLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE = 0x80040010 Global Const $OLE_E_NOTRUNNING = 0x80040005 Global Const $OLE_E_OLEVERB = 0x80040000 Global Const $OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED = 0x8004000C Global Const $OLE_E_STATIC = 0x8004000B Global Const $OLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ = 0x8004000E Global $IID_IUnknown = _GUID("{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") Global Const $tagIID = "DWORD Data1; ushort Data2; ushort Data3; BYTE Data4[8];" ; Prog@ndy Func _GUID($IID) $IID = StringRegExpReplace($IID,"([}{])","") $IID = StringSplit($IID,"-") Local $_GUID = "DWORD Data1; ushort Data2; ushort Data3; BYTE Data4[8];" Local $GUID = DllStructCreate($_GUID) If $IID[0] = 5 Then $IID[4] &= $IID[5] If $IID[0] > 5 Or $IID[0] < 4 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) DllStructSetData($GUID,1,Dec($IID[1])) DllStructSetData($GUID,2,Dec($IID[2])) DllStructSetData($GUID,3,Dec($IID[3])) DllStructSetData($GUID,4,Binary("0x"&$IID[4])) Return $GUID EndFunc ; Prog@ndy ; compares two GUID / IID DLLStructs Func _GUID_Compare(ByRef $IID1, ByRef $IID2) Local $a,$b For $i = 1 To 4 $a = DllStructGetData($IID1,$i) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) $b = DllStructGetData($IID2,$i) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) If $a <> $b Then Return 0 Next Return 1 EndFunc ; The IUnknown-Interface ; description: Global Const $IUnknown = "ptr IUnknown;" Global Const $IUnknown_vTable = "ptr QueryInterface; ptr AddRef; ptr Release;" ;~ /*** IUnknown methods ***/ ;~ STDMETHOD_(HRESULT,QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) PURE; ; Prog@ndy Func _IUnknown_QueryInterface(ByRef $ObjArr, ByRef $REFIID) Local $ret = _ObjFuncCall($HRESULT, $ObjArr, "QueryInterface", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($REFIID), "ptr*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError($ret[0],0,$ret[3]) EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _IUnknown_AddRef(ByRef $ObjArr) Local $ret = _ObjFuncCall("ULONG", $ObjArr, "AddRef") If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError($ret[0]<1,0,$ret[0]) EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _IUnknown_Release(ByRef $ObjArr) Local $ret = _ObjFuncCall("ULONG", $ObjArr, "Release") If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError($ret[0],0,$ret[0]=0) EndFunc ; -- #Region MemoryCalls ----------------------------------- #Region Call ObjectFuncs ; _ObjFunc.. are the MemoryFunc... functions from ;~ Global $__COMFN_HookPtr, $__COMFN_HookBak, $__COMFN_HookApi = "LocalFlags", $__COMFN_Kernel32Dll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") Global $__COMFN_HookPtr, $__COMFN_HookBak, $__COMFN_HookApi = "LocalCompact", $__COMFN_Kernel32Dll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") ; by Ward Func _ObjFuncInit() Local $KernelHandle = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "ptr", "LoadLibrary", "str", "kernel32.dll") Local $HookPtr = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "ptr", "GetProcAddress", "ptr", $KernelHandle[0], "str", $__COMFN_HookApi) $__COMFN_HookPtr = $HookPtr[0] $__COMFN_HookBak = DllStructCreate("ubyte[7]") DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($__COMFN_HookBak), "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr, "uint", 7, "uint*", 0) DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr, "byte*", 0xB8, "uint", 1, "uint*", 0) DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr + 5, "ushort*", 0xE0FF, "uint", 2, "uint*", 0) EndFunc ; by Ward ; modified by Prog@ndy ; Return array: [0] - result ; [1] - Object Pointer ; [2] - first parameter ; [n+1] - n-th Parameter Func _ObjFuncCall($RetType, ByRef $ObjArr, $sFuncName, $Type1 = "", $Param1 = 0, $Type2 = "", $Param2 = 0, $Type3 = "", $Param3 = 0, $Type4 = "", $Param4 = 0, $Type5 = "", $Param5 = 0, $Type6 = "", $Param6 = 0, $Type7 = "", $Param7 = 0, $Type8 = "", $Param8 = 0, $Type9 = "", $Param9 = 0, $Type10 = "", $Param10 = 0, $Type11 = "", $Param11 = 0, $Type12 = "", $Param12 = 0, $Type13 = "", $Param13 = 0, $Type14 = "", $Param14 = 0, $Type15 = "", $Param15 = 0, $Type16 = "", $Param16 = 0, $Type17 = "", $Param17 = 0, $Type18 = "", $Param18 = 0, $Type19 = "", $Param19 = 0, $Type20 = "", $Param20 = 0) If Not IsDllStruct($__COMFN_HookBak) Then _ObjFuncInit() Local $Address = _ObjGetFuncPtr($ObjArr,$sFuncName) If @error Then Return SetError(1,-1,0) If $Address = 0 Then Return SetError(3,-1,0) _ObjFuncSet($Address) Local $Ret Switch @NumParams Case 3 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0]) Case 5 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1) Case 7 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1, $Type2, $Param2) Case 9 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1, $Type2, $Param2, $Type3, $Param3) Case 11 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1, $Type2, $Param2, $Type3, $Param3, $Type4, $Param4) Case 13 $Ret = DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0], $Type1, $Param1, $Type2, $Param2, $Type3, $Param3, $Type4, $Param4, $Type5, $Param5) Case Else If Mod(@NumParams,2)=0 Then Return SetError(2,-1,0) Local $DllCallStr = 'DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, $RetType, $__COMFN_HookApi, "ptr", $ObjArr[0]', $n, $i For $i = 5 To @NumParams Step 2 $n = ($i - 3) / 2 $DllCallStr &= ', $Type' & $n & ', $Param' & $n Next $DllCallStr &= ')' $Ret = Execute($DllCallStr) EndSwitch SetError(@error,@extended) Return $Ret EndFunc ; by Ward Func _ObjFuncSet($Address) DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr + 1, "uint*", $Address, "uint", 4, "uint*", 0) EndFunc ; by Ward Func _ObjFuncExit() DllCall($__COMFN_Kernel32Dll, "int", "WriteProcessMemory", "ptr", -1, "ptr", $__COMFN_HookPtr, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($__COMFN_HookBak), "uint", 7, "uint*", 0) $__COMFN_HookBak = 0 EndFunc #EndRegion ; -- #EndRedion MemoryCalls ----------------------------------- ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjCreateFromPtr($ObjPointer, $vTable) If Not $ObjPointer Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $object[3] = [$ObjPointer] $object[1] = DllStructCreate("ptr lpvTable",Ptr($object[0])) If @error Then Return SetError(2,0 ,0) $object[2] = DllStructCreate($vTable,DllStructGetData($object[1],1)) If @error Then Return SetError(3,0,0) Return $object EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjCoCreateInstance(ByRef $CLSID, ByRef $IID,$ObjvTable) ;~ Local $ret = DllCall($OLE32,"long_ptr","CoCreateInstance","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($CLSID),"ptr",0,"dword",$CLSCTX_SERVER, "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($IID),"ptr*",0) Local $ret = DllCall($OLE32,"long_ptr","CoCreateInstance","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($CLSID),"ptr",0,"dword",$CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($IID),"ptr*",0) Local $object[3] = [$ret[5],0,0] ; get the interface $object[1] = DllStructCreate("ptr lpvTable",$object[0]) $object[2] = DllStructCreate($ObjvTable,DllStructGetData($object[1],1)) Return $object EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjCoInitialize() Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"CoInitialize","ptr",0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjCoUninitialize() Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"CoUninitialize") Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjGetFuncPtr(ByRef $ObjArr, $FuncName) If UBound($ObjArr)<>3 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return DllStructGetData($ObjArr[2],$FuncName) EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _ObjGetObjPtr(ByRef $ObjArr) If UBound($ObjArr)<>3 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) If DllStructGetData($ObjArr[1],1)=0 Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Return $ObjArr[0] EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _OLEInitialize() Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"OleInitialize","ptr",0) Return $result[0] EndFunc ; Prog@ndy Func _OLEUnInitialize() Local $result = DllCall($OLE32,$HRESULT,"OleUninitialize") Return $result[0] EndFunc Func _CoTaskMemAlloc($iSize) Local $result = DllCall($OLE32, "ptr", "CoTaskMemAlloc", "ulong", $iSize) Return $result[0] EndFunc Func _CoTaskMemFree($pMem) DllCall($OLE32, "none", "CoTaskMemFree", "ptr", $pMem) EndFunc Func _CoTaskMemRealloc($pMem, $iSize) Local $result = DllCall($OLE32, "ptr", "CoTaskMemRealloc", "ptr", $pMem, "ulong", $iSize) Return $result[0] EndFunc MemArray.au3 expandcollapse popup#include<Memory.au3> #include<Array.au3> Global Const $__MemArray_HEAD = "dword iElSize;" Global Const $__MemArray_HEADSIZE = __MemArray_SIZEOF($__MemArray_HEAD) ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemArray_SIZEOF($tagStruct) Return DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate($tagStruct, 1)) EndFunc ;==>__MemArray_SIZEOF Func __MemArrayLockedPtr($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return _MemGlobalLock($hMem)+$__MemArray_HEADSIZE EndFunc Func __MemArrayUnLock($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) EndFunc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayCreate($tagStruct) Local $iSize = __MemArray_SIZEOF($tagStruct) If $iSize = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $hMem = _MemGlobalAlloc($__MemArray_HEADSIZE, $GMEM_MOVEABLE) If $hMem = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) DllStructSetData(DllStructCreate($__MemArray_HEAD, _MemGlobalLock($hMem)), 1, $iSize) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $hMem EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayCreate ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iSize = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate($__MemArray_HEAD, _MemGlobalLock($hMem)), 1) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $iSize EndFunc ;==>__MemArrayElementSize ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayFree($hMem) Return _MemGlobalFree($hMem) EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayFree ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayAdd($hMem, ByRef $stEntry) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If Not (IsDllStruct($stEntry) Or IsPtr($stEntry)) Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $result = __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, $size + $iElSize, $GHND) If Not $result Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $indX = (($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize) If IsPtr($stEntry) Then __MemCopyMemory($stEntry, _MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $size, $iElSize) Else __MemCopyMemory(DllStructGetPtr($stEntry), _MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $size, $iElSize) EndIf _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $indX EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayAdd ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayDelete($hMem, $indX) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = ($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize If $indX < 0 Or $indX > $maxIndX Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $size > ($__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $iElSize) Then Local $hPtr = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) Local $deletedElementOffset = ($indX * $iElSize) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE _MemMoveMemory($hPtr + $deletedElementOffset + $iElSize, $hPtr + $deletedElementOffset, $size - ($deletedElementOffset + $iElSize)) _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) EndIf __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, $size - $iElSize, $GMEM_MOVEABLE) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayDelete ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayGet($hMem, $indX, $tagStruct) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = ($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize If $indX < 0 Or $indX > $maxIndX Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If IsPtr($tagStruct) Then __MemCopyMemory(_MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize, $tagStruct, $iElSize) Local $struct = $tagStruct Else Local $struct = DllStructCreate($tagStruct) If @error Then Return SetError(2,0,0) __MemCopyMemory(_MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize, DllStructGetPtr($struct), $iElSize) EndIf _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $struct EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayGet ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayGetDelete($hMem, $indX, $tagStruct) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = ($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize If $indX < 0 Or $indX > $maxIndX Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $hPtr = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) If IsPtr($tagStruct) Then __MemCopyMemory($hPtr + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize, $tagStruct, $iElSize) Else Local $struct = DllStructCreate($tagStruct) If @error Then Return SetError(2,_MemGlobalUnlock($hMem),0) __MemCopyMemory($hPtr + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize, DllStructGetPtr($struct), $iElSize) EndIf If $size > ($__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $iElSize) Then Local $deletedElementOffset = ($indX * $iElSize) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE _MemMoveMemory($hPtr + $deletedElementOffset + $iElSize, $hPtr + $deletedElementOffset, $size - ($deletedElementOffset + $iElSize)) EndIf _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, $size - $iElSize, $GMEM_MOVEABLE) Return $struct EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayGet #cs Func _MemArrayGetToArray($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = $size/$__MemArray_PTRSIZE If $maxIndX < 1 Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Local $struct = DllStructCreate("ptr[" & $maxIndX & "]", _MemGlobalLock($hMem) ) Local $array[$maxIndX] For $i = 1 To $maxIndX $array[$i-1] = DllStructGetData($struct,1,$i) Next _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return $array EndFunc #ce ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArraySet($hMem, $indX, ByRef $stEntry) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $size = _MemGlobalSize($hMem) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Local $maxIndX = ($size - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize If $indX < 0 Or $indX > $maxIndX Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $pEntry = _MemGlobalLock($hMem) + $__MemArray_HEADSIZE + $indX * $iElSize __MemZeroMemory($pEntry, $iElSize) If IsPtr($stEntry) Then __MemCopyMemory($stEntry, $pEntry, $iElSize) ElseIf IsDllStruct($stEntry) Then __MemCopyMemory(DllStructGetPtr($stEntry), $pEntry, $iElSize) Else Return SetError(2,0,0) EndIf _MemGlobalUnlock($hMem) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_MemArraySet ; Author: Prog@ndy Func _MemArrayUBound($hMem) If Not IsPtr($hMem) Or $hMem = 0 Or Not __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iElSize = __MemArrayElementSize($hMem) Return ((_MemGlobalSize($hMem) - $__MemArray_HEADSIZE) / $iElSize) EndFunc ;==>_MemArrayUBound ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemIsGlobal($hMem) Local $result = __MemGlobalFlags($hMem) If @error Or $result == $GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE Then Return 0 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__MemIsGlobal ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, $iBytes, $iFlags) Local $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "ptr", "GlobalReAlloc", "ptr", $hMem, "ulong", $iBytes, "uint", $iFlags) Return $aResult[0] EndFunc ;==>__MemGlobalReAlloc ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemGlobalFlags($hMem) Local $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "uint", "GlobalFlags", "ptr", $hMem) Return $aResult[0] EndFunc ;==>__MemGlobalFlags ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemGlobalDiscard($hMem) Return __MemGlobalReAlloc($hMem, 0, $GMEM_MOVEABLE) EndFunc ;==>__MemGlobalDiscard ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemCopyMemory($pSource, $pDest, $iLength) DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "none:cdecl", "memcpy", "ptr", $pDest, "ptr", $pSource, "dword", $iLength) EndFunc ;==>__MemCopyMemory ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemFillMemory($pDest, $ubFill, $iLength) DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "RtlFillMemory", "ptr", $pDest, "dword", $iLength, "ubyte", $ubFill) EndFunc ;==>__MemFillMemory ; Author: Prog@ndy Func __MemZeroMemory($pDest, $iLength) DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "RtlZeroMemory", "ptr", $pDest, "dword", $iLength) EndFunc ;==>__MemZeroMemory 😷 SEuBo, argumentum and pixelsearch 2 1 Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
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