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Posted (edited)

For the ExcelCOM_UDF users amongst you.

This color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette (same as the Excel color pane).

I think that this could be useful if you plan to develop Excel outputs in AutoIt.


PS. I didn't find a way to implement the color option 2 of the ExcelCOM_UDF where

$iColorIndex > 254 and $hColor Hex value of color is used.

The colors are always different between Excel and Windows. I was tired of trying to understand the differences so this udf only functions with the interior color index

With a little bit of modification, this udf could be used for other means.

Edit: March 6, 21:50 Corrected a bug and color panel now displays the default color.

; Function:         _ColorPicker
; Version:          AutoIt Version:
; Description:      Color Picker Tool for Excel Current Workbook Pallet 
;                   Returns the selected color
; Syntax:           _ColorPicker($_CPleft, $_CPTop, $_DefaultColor = "", $_Title = "Color Picker")
; Parameter(s):     $_CPleft - Left position of the Color Picker Window
;                   $_CPTop - Top position of the Color Picker Window
;                   $_DefaultColor - Array (element 
;                   $_Title - Optional title of the Color Picker Window
;                   $_Font - Logical, if True, then it is a font color, important for the default return which should be black 
; Requirement(s):   None
; Return Value(s):  On Success - Returns an Array Array with the following format:
;                       [0] AutoIt Hex color 
;                       [1] Excel Color number
;                   When Default/Transparent button is clicked
;                       [0] AutoIt color 0xFFFFFF 
;                       [1] Excel Color 0 (black/transparent)
;                   On Failure, more exactly on Escape or Enter - Returns: 
;                       [0] -1 or the default Hex color 
;                       [1] -1 or the default Excel Color number
;                        @error=1 - Specified object does not exist
; Author(s):        A. Greencan  - March 2009
; Note(s):          Excel Color information can be found on 
;                   http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/colors.htm
;                   Color table $ExcelColors
;                   The table is the standard palet of Excel 2003
;                   The color table can be expanded to contain all color elements, from 0 (transparent) to color 56
;                   The window size will grow dynaically
;                   Each color element contains:
;                       [0] Hex number of the Windows color
;                       [1] Number of the Excel color
;                       [2] Name of the color
;                       [3] Return value of the button
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

Func _ColorPicker($_CPleft = -1, $_CPTop = -1, $_DefaultColor = "", $_Title = "Color picker", $_Font = False)
    Local $_CP_GUI, $_TransparentBtn, $_HorCounter, $_VertCounter, $_a, $_msg, $_result, $_DummytBtn
    ; Color table  
    Local $ExcelColors[40][4] = [ _
        [0x000000,1,"Black",""], _
        [0x993300,53,"Brown",""], _
        [0x333300,52,"Olive Green",""], _
        [0x003300,51,"Dark Green",""], _
        [0x003366,49,"Dark Teal",""], _
        [0x000080,11,"Dark Blue",""], _
        [0x333399,55,"Indigo",""], _
        [0x333333,56,"Gray-80%",""], _
        [0x800000,9,"Dark Red",""], _
        [0xFF6600,46,"Orange",""], _
        [0x808000,12,"Dark Yellow",""], _
        [0x008000,10,"Green",""], _
        [0x008080,14,"Teal",""], _
        [0x0000FF,5,"Blue",""], _
        [0x666699,47,"Blue-Gray",""], _
        [0x808080,16,"Gray-50%",""], _
        [0xFF0000,3,"Red",""], _
        [0xFF9900,45,"Light Orange",""], _
        [0x99CC00,43,"Lime",""], _
        [0x339966,50,"Sea Green",""], _
        [0x33CCCC,42,"Aqua",""], _
        [0x3366FF,41,"Light Blue",""], _
        [0x800080,13,"Violet",""], _
        [0x969696,48,"Gray-40%",""], _
        [0xFF00FF,7,"Pink",""], _
        [0xFFCC00,44,"Gold",""], _
        [0xFFFF00,6,"Yellow",""], _
        [0x00FF00,4,"Bright Green",""], _
        [0x00FFFF,8,"Turquoise",""], _
        [0x00CCFF,33,"Sky Blue",""], _
        [0x993366,54,"Plum",""], _
        [0xC0C0C0,15,"Gray-25%",""], _
        [0xFF99CC,38,"Rose",""], _
        [0xFFCC99,40,"Tan",""], _
        [0xFFFF99,36,"Light Yellow",""], _
        [0xCCFFCC,35,"Light Green",""], _
        [0xCCFFFF,34,"Light Turquoise",""], _
        [0x99CCFF,37,"Pale Blue",""], _
        [0xCC99FF,39,"Lavender",""], _
    If $_DefaultColor <> "" Then 
        ConsoleWrite("default : " & "0x" & Hex($_DefaultColor[0][0],6) & " - Excel: " & $_DefaultColor[0][1] & @CR)
        If $_DefaultColor[0][1] = 0 Then
            $_result = -1 ; set for Default/Transparent button
            $_result = _ArraySearch($ExcelColors, $_DefaultColor[0][0], -1, -1, -1, -1, 0 )
    ConsoleWrite("result: " & $_result & @CR)
    If $_CPleft = -1 Then $_CPleft = ((@DesktopWidth - 215)/2)
    If $_CPTop = -1 Then $_CPTop = ((@DesktopHeight - 165)/2)
    $_CP_GUI = GUICreate($_Title, 215, 35 + (26 * round((0.4+(UBound($ExcelColors)/8)),0)),$_CPleft,$_CPTop,-1, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)
    ; dummy button, need to create this to catch the enter which means no change
    $_DummytBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 0, 0, 0, 0, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON)
    If $_result = -1 Then
        GUICtrlCreatelabel("", 5 ,5 ,205, 26 ,$SS_BLACKRECT )
        $_TransparentBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Default/Transparent", 7, 7, 201, 22)
        $_TransparentBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Default/Transparent", 5, 5, 205, 26)        
    GuiCtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF )    
    GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Default")
    $_HorCounter = 0
    $_VertCounter = 0
    For $_a = 0 to UBound($ExcelColors) - 1
        If $_HorCounter = 8 Then
            $_HorCounter = 1
            $_VertCounter = $_VertCounter + 1
            $_HorCounter = $_HorCounter + 1
        If $_a = $_result Then ; default color
            GUICtrlCreatelabel("", 5 - 26 + ($_HorCounter * 26 ),5 + 26 + ($_VertCounter *26),24,24 ,$SS_BLACKRECT )
            $ExcelColors[$_a][3] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 7 - 26 + ($_HorCounter * 26 ),7 + 26 + ($_VertCounter *26),20,20  )  
            $ExcelColors[$_a][3] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 5 - 26 + ($_HorCounter * 26 ),5 + 26 + ($_VertCounter *26),24,24 )
        GuiCtrlSetBkColor(-1, $ExcelColors[$_a][0]) 
        GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $ExcelColors[$_a][2])      



    $_msg = 0
    While $_msg <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        $_msg = GUIGetMsg()
            Case $_msg = $_TransparentBtn ; Transparent / default button will return 0
                GUIDelete ( $_CP_GUI )
                If $_Font = True Then
                    local $res[1][2] = [[0x000000,0]] ; foreground should be black
                    local $res[1][2] = [[0xFFFFFF,0]] ; background should be white
            Case $_msg = 6  Or $_msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE; enter or Escape - no change, will return -1 or the default color
                GUIDelete ( $_CP_GUI )
                If $_DefaultColor <> "" Then ; we will keep the default color if known, otherwise, return -1
                    ;local $res[1][2] = [[$ExcelColors[$_result][0],$ExcelColors[$_result][1]]] 
                    local $res[1][2] = [[-1,-1]]
            Case Else
                ; returns selected color numbers
                For $_a = 0 to UBound($ExcelColors) - 1
                    If $_msg = $ExcelColors[$_a][3] Then 
                        GUIDelete ( $_CP_GUI )
                        local $res[1][2] = [[$ExcelColors[$_a][0],$ExcelColors[$_a][1]]]
EndFunc ;==>_ColorPickeroÝ÷ Ø*%¢ºbrG«{¦¦W¢±1qéZ»v®¶­sb672ÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÐ ¢WFôBfW'6öã¢2ã2ãã¢WF÷#¢âw&VVä6à Ö&6# ¢67&BgVæ7Föã  W×ÆR6öÆ÷"6·WFööÂW6VÂ6öÆ÷'2W6ærçFW&÷"ä6öÆ÷$æFW ¥&WV&W3¢6æ6ÇVFRfÇCµô6öÆ÷%6¶W"æS2fwC° ¢66RÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒТ6æ6ÇVFRfÇCµ7FF46öç7FçG2æS2fwC°¢6æ6ÇVFRfÇC´'&æS2fwC°¢6æ6ÇVFRfÇC´W6VÄ4ôÕõTDbæS2fwC²¢6æ6ÇVFRfÇCµô6öÆ÷%6¶W"æS2fwC°£²â&W&RFRW×ÆP ¤Æö6Âb33c¶ôW6VÂÒôW6VÄ&öö´æWr²÷VâæWrW6VÂ&öö°¥ôW6VÅw&FT6VÆÂb33c¶ôW6VÂÂgV÷C´W6VÂföçBæB&6¶w&÷VæB6öÆ÷&ærW×ÆRgV÷C²ÂgV÷C´gV÷C²²w&FRDDÄRFòFRf'7B6VÆÂöbFRf'7B6VW@¥ôW6VÄföçE6WBb33c¶ôW6VÂÂgV÷C´¤gV÷C²ÂÂÂÂgV÷C´''W667&B7FBgV÷C²²6WBföç@¥ôW6VÄföçE6WE6¦Rb33c¶ôW6VÂÂgV÷C´¤gV÷C²ÂÂÂÂ3²6WBFRföçB6¦P£µôW6VÄföçE6WE&÷W'FW2b33c¶ôW6VÂÂgV÷C´¤gV÷C²ÂÂÂÂG'VRÂfÇ6RÂfÇ6R²6WB&öÆ@¥ôW6VÄ6öÅvGF6WBb33c¶ôW6VÂÂgV÷C´¤gV÷C²ÂgV÷C¶WFöfBgV÷C²²6WBFR6öÇVÖâvGF¥ôW6VÅ6÷rb33c¶ôW6V²6÷rFR6VW@ £²6WBFR&6¶w&÷VæBæBföçBfÇVRf÷"F2FVÖð¤FÒb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³%ÒÒµ³dbÃUÕФFÒb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³%ÒÒµ³dddddbÃ%ÕÐ ¥ôW6VÄ6VÆÄ6öÆ÷%6WBb33c¶ôW6VÂÂgV÷C´¤gV÷C²ÂÂÂÂb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³Ò²6öÆ÷"FR&6¶w&÷Væ@¥ôW6VÄföçE6WD6öÆ÷"b33c¶ôW6VÂÂgV÷C´¤gV÷C²ÂÂÂÂb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³Ò²föçB6öÆ÷  £²"â6WBFRuTvF6öÆ÷"6ævW ¢b33c¶uTÒuT7&VFRgV÷C´6öÆ÷"6¶W"W×ÆRgV÷C²Ã3ÃSÂÓÂÓ¢b33cµôW6VÄ6VÆÄ6öÆ÷"ÒuT7G&Ä7&VFTÆ&VÂgV÷C´W6VÂ6VÆÂ6öÆ÷"gV÷C²ÂCÂSÂcÂSÂb33cµ55ô4TåDU"¤wV7G&Å6WD&´6öÆ÷"b33cµôW6VÄ6VÆÄ6öÆ÷"Âb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³Ò¤uT7G&Å6WD6öÆ÷"b33cµôW6VÄ6VÆÄ6öÆ÷"Âb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³Ò¤uT7G&Å6WDföçBÓÂÂc ¢b33cµô$t6öÆ÷$'FâÒuT7G&Ä7&VFT'WGFöâgV÷C´6ævR&6¶w&÷VæB6öÆ÷"gV÷C²ÂÂSÂSÂ#"¢b33cµôdt6öÆ÷$'FâÒuT7G&Ä7&VFT'WGFöâgV÷C´6ævRföçB6öÆ÷"gV÷C²ÂÂÂSÂ#"²Âb33c´%5ôDTeU4%UEDôâ ¤uT6WE7FFR ¢b33c¶×6rÒ¥vÆRb33c¶×6rfÇC²fwC²b33c´uTôUdTåEô4Äõ4P b33c¶×6rÒuTvWD×6r 6VÆV7@ 66Rb33c¶×6rÒb33cµô$t6öÆ÷$'Fà b33c¶&u÷fÇVRÒô6öÆ÷%6¶W"ÓÂÓÂb33c¶&u÷fÇVRÂgV÷C´&6¶w&÷VæB6öÆ÷"gV÷C² bb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³ÒfÇC²fwC²ÓFVà 6öç6öÆUw&FRgV÷C´&6¶w&÷VæBWFöC¢gV÷C²fײgV÷C³gV÷C²fײWb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³ÒÃbfײgV÷C²ÒW6VâgV÷C²fײb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³Òfײ5" wV7G&Å6WD&´6öÆ÷"b33cµôW6VÄ6VÆÄ6öÆ÷"Âb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³Ò ôW6VÄ6VÆÄ6öÆ÷%6WBb33c¶ôW6VÂÂgV÷C´¤gV÷C²ÂÂÂÂb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³Ò²6öÆ÷"FR&6¶w&÷Væ@ VæD` 66Rb33c¶×6rÒb33cµôdt6öÆ÷$'Fà b33c¶fu÷fÇVRÒô6öÆ÷%6¶W"ÓÂÓÂb33c¶fu÷fÇVRÂgV÷C´föçB6öÆ÷"gV÷C²ÂG'VR bb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³ÒfÇC²fwC²ÓFVà 6öç6öÆUw&FRgV÷C´föçBWFöC¢gV÷C²fײgV÷C³gV÷C²fײWb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³ÒÃbfײgV÷C²ÒW6VâgV÷C²fײb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³Òfײ5" uT7G&Å6WD6öÆ÷"b33cµôW6VÄ6VÆÄ6öÆ÷"Âb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³Ò ôW6VÄföçE6WD6öÆ÷"b33c¶ôW6VÂÂgV÷C´¤gV÷C²ÂÂÂÂb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³Ò²föçB6öÆ÷  VæD` 66Rb33c¶×6rÒÓ2²W66R¶W&W76VB6òV@ WDÆö÷ VæE6VÆV7@¥tVæ@ ¤×6t&÷ÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷CµFR6VÆV7FVB6öÆ÷'2&S¢gV÷C²fײ5"fײ5"fײgV÷C´föçC¢gV÷C²fײ5"fײgV÷C´WFöC¢gV÷C²fײgV÷C³gV÷C²fײWb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³ÒÃbfײgV÷C²ÒW6VâgV÷C²fײb33c¶fu÷fÇVU³Õ³Òfײ5"fײ5"fײgV÷C´&6¶w&÷VæC¢gV÷C²fײ5"fײgV÷C´WFöC¢gV÷C²fײgV÷C³gV÷C²fײWb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³ÒÃbfײgV÷C²ÒW6VâgV÷C²fײb33c¶&u÷fÇVU³Õ³Òfײ5"fײ5"fײgV÷C´6Æ÷6ærF÷vâW6VÂgV÷C²£²6Æ÷6R÷W@¥ôW6VÄ&öö´6Æ÷6Rb33c¶ôW6VÂ
Edited by GreenCan


CheckUpdate - SelfUpdating script ------- Self updating script

Dynamic input validation ------------------- Use a Input masks can make your life easier and Validation can be as simple

MsgBox with CountDown ------------------- MsgBox with visual countdown

Display Multiline text cells in ListView ---- Example of pop-up or ToolTip for multiline text items in ListView

Presentation Manager ---------------------- Program to display and refresh different Border-less GUI's on a Display (large screen TV)

USB Drive Tools ------------------------------ Tool to help you with your USB drive management

Input Period udf ------------------------------ GUI for a period input

Excel ColorPicker ---------------------------- Color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette

Excel Chart UDF ----------------------------- Collaboration project with water 

GetDateInString ------------------------------ Find date/time in a string using a date format notation like DD Mon YYYY hh:mm

TaskListAllDetailed --------------------------- List All Scheduled Tasks

Computer Info --------------------------------- A collection of information for helpdesk

Shared memory Demo ----------------------- Demo: Two applications communicate with each other through means of a memory share (using Nomad function, 32bit only)

Universal Date Format Conversion -------- Universal date converter from your PC local date format to any format

Disable Windows DetailsPane -------------- Disable Windows Explorer Details Pane

Oracle SQL Report Generator -------------  Oracle Report generator using SQL

SQLite Report Generator -------------------  SQLite Report generator using SQL

SQLite ListView and BLOB demo ---------- Demo: shows how binary (image) objects can be recognized natively in a database BLOB field

DSN-Less Database connection demo --- Demo: ActiveX Data Objects DSN-Less Database access

Animated animals ----------------------------- Fun: Moving animated objects

Perforated image in GUI --------------------- Fun: Perforate your image with image objects

UEZ's Perforator major update ------------- Fun: Pro version of Perforator by UEZ

Visual Crop Tool (GUI) ----------------------- Easy to use Visual Image Crop tool

Visual Image effect (GUI) -------------------- Visually apply effects on an image





Thanks ptrex,

I found a bug :D Corrected it :unsure: and enhanced a bit :D The color panel now makes the default color visible.

To make the button visible I had to create a label under it, I couldn't find a better method. :P

I added a 5th parameter, the default return for the font was white but it needed to be black, so I had to pass 'foreground/background' to the function .

I worked too hard on this thing, costed me 3 evenings... Excel is so weird with the color use, not very Windows standard if you ask me. I would have prefered to use the _ChooseColor function but that was way too easy... Neither possible to create something to make the full 3136 Excel colors selectable. Thanks Bill !



CheckUpdate - SelfUpdating script ------- Self updating script

Dynamic input validation ------------------- Use a Input masks can make your life easier and Validation can be as simple

MsgBox with CountDown ------------------- MsgBox with visual countdown

Display Multiline text cells in ListView ---- Example of pop-up or ToolTip for multiline text items in ListView

Presentation Manager ---------------------- Program to display and refresh different Border-less GUI's on a Display (large screen TV)

USB Drive Tools ------------------------------ Tool to help you with your USB drive management

Input Period udf ------------------------------ GUI for a period input

Excel ColorPicker ---------------------------- Color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette

Excel Chart UDF ----------------------------- Collaboration project with water 

GetDateInString ------------------------------ Find date/time in a string using a date format notation like DD Mon YYYY hh:mm

TaskListAllDetailed --------------------------- List All Scheduled Tasks

Computer Info --------------------------------- A collection of information for helpdesk

Shared memory Demo ----------------------- Demo: Two applications communicate with each other through means of a memory share (using Nomad function, 32bit only)

Universal Date Format Conversion -------- Universal date converter from your PC local date format to any format

Disable Windows DetailsPane -------------- Disable Windows Explorer Details Pane

Oracle SQL Report Generator -------------  Oracle Report generator using SQL

SQLite Report Generator -------------------  SQLite Report generator using SQL

SQLite ListView and BLOB demo ---------- Demo: shows how binary (image) objects can be recognized natively in a database BLOB field

DSN-Less Database connection demo --- Demo: ActiveX Data Objects DSN-Less Database access

Animated animals ----------------------------- Fun: Moving animated objects

Perforated image in GUI --------------------- Fun: Perforate your image with image objects

UEZ's Perforator major update ------------- Fun: Pro version of Perforator by UEZ

Visual Crop Tool (GUI) ----------------------- Easy to use Visual Image Crop tool

Visual Image effect (GUI) -------------------- Visually apply effects on an image




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