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I think this may have a short answer but can't seem to land on it. How to you get the current window's class?

WinGetClassList doesn't work. What I want to do, is get the class of the active window and then close all windows of that class. The below works, but I think is sloppy, there has to be a better way.

Thanks in advance for help with this simple question.

func closegroup()

If WinActive("[CLASS:ExploreWClass]") Then $classed="[CLASS:ExploreWClass]"

If WinActive("[CLASS:CabinetWClass]") Then $classed="[CLASS:CabinetWClass]"

If WinActive("[CLASS:AcrobatSDIWindow]") Then $classed="[CLASS:AcrobatSDIWindow]"

If WinActive("[CLASS:IEFrame]") Then $classed="[CLASS:IEFrame]"

If WinActive("[CLASS:XLMAIN]") Then $classed="[CLASS:XLMAIN]"

local $var = WinList($classed)

For $i = 0 to $var[0][0]

WinClose($classed, "")




This could end up being a really long list and even then you will miss some.


I think this may have a short answer but can't seem to land on it. How to you get the current window's class?

WinGetClassList doesn't work. What I want to do, is get the class of the active window and then close all windows of that class. The below works, but I think is sloppy, there has to be a better way.

Thanks in advance for help with this simple question.

func closegroup()

If WinActive("[CLASS:ExploreWClass]") Then $classed="[CLASS:ExploreWClass]"

If WinActive("[CLASS:CabinetWClass]") Then $classed="[CLASS:CabinetWClass]"

If WinActive("[CLASS:AcrobatSDIWindow]") Then $classed="[CLASS:AcrobatSDIWindow]"

If WinActive("[CLASS:IEFrame]") Then $classed="[CLASS:IEFrame]"

If WinActive("[CLASS:XLMAIN]") Then $classed="[CLASS:XLMAIN]"

local $var = WinList($classed)

For $i = 0 to $var[0][0]

WinClose($classed, "")




This could end up being a really long list and even then you will miss some.

Another way could be:

#include <WinAPI.au3>

$hwnd= WinGetHandle("[active]")
MsgBox(4096, "Get ClassName", "ClassName of " & $hwnd & ": " & _WinAPI_GetClassName($hwnd))

Thanks for the fast replies! I knew there was a simple solution but couldn't find it. The below is my final script

func closegroup()

$hwnd= WinGetHandle("[active]")

$classed = _WinAPI_GetClassName($hwnd)

local $var = WinList("[CLASS:"&$classed&"]")

For $i = 0 to $var[0][0]

WinClose("[CLASS:"&$classed&"]", "")




  • 2 years later...

Sorry I make comment here late.

Just tell who haven't known.

I've just known the available tool to define class of windows, button and other properties. It's Au3Info, default as "C:Program FilesAutoIt3Au3Info.exe"

Drag and drop Finder Tool into object we need to know, we will have the answer.

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