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I was trying to set the background color af a TabItem, but was unable to change it.

Am I doing it wrong or is it just not possible?

From the HELP-file:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

GUICreate("My GUI Tab") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered

GUISetFont(9, 300)

$tab=GUICtrlCreateTab (10,10, 200,100)
    ;Set background color !!! (won't work here...)
     GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,0x00ff00) ; Green
$tab0=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("tab0")
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,0x00ff00) ; Green
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("label0", 30,80,50,20)
$tab0OK=GUICtrlCreateButton ("OK0", 20,50,50,20)
$tab0input=GUICtrlCreateInput ("default", 80,50,70,20)

$tab1=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ( "tab----1")
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("label1", 30,80,50,20)
$tab1combo=GUICtrlCreateCombo ("", 20,50,60,40)
GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Trids|CyberSlug|Larry|Jon|Tylo", "Jon"); default Jon
$tab1OK=GUICtrlCreateButton ("OK1", 80,50,50,20)

$tab2=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("tab2")
GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_SHOW); will be display first
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("label2", 30,80,50,20)
$tab2OK=GUICtrlCreateButton ("OK2", 140,50,50)

GUICtrlCreateTabitem (""); end tabitem definition

GUICtrlCreateLabel ("label3", 20,130,50,20)

GUISetState ()

; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop

Any ideas?


Cannot color tabs. Too much code involved, to have this feature, apparently. Better with a light A3 Gui, then a heavyweight Gui, IMHO?


Cannot color tabs. Too much code involved, to have this feature, apparently. Better with a light A3 Gui, then a heavyweight Gui, IMHO?


Bummer, but I agree on that. :lmao:o:)

include <GUIConstants.au3>
autoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1)
; --------------------------------------------------------------
GUICreate("My GUI TAB color", 220, 160)
GuiSetBkColor (0x00E0FFFF)
GUISetFont (9, 300)

$button1=GUICtrlCreateTab (10,10, 200,100)

; TAB 0
$tab0=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("tab#0")
; TAB 1
$tab1=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("tab#1")
GuiCtrlSetState($tab1, 16); $GUI_SHOW
$lab1= GUICtrlCreateLabel (" Set me a color ", 92, 51, 90, 20)
$combo=GUICtrlCreateCombo ("", 20, 50, 70, 80)
GuiCtrlSetData (-1,"Red|Blue|Green")
$input1=GUICtrlCreateInput ("default", 20, 80,70,20)
GuiSetState (@SW_SHOW)

; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed or timeout
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
if $msg <> 0 then $start=TimerInit()
if $msg>0 then
  If GUICtrlRead($combo) then
     $col= GUICtrlRead($combo)
     $_posw = WinGetPos("My GUI TAB")
        case $col= "Red"
           GUICtrlSetBkColor($lab1, 0xff0000)
           GuiSetBkColor( 0xff0000)
        case $col= "Blue"
           GUICtrlSetBkColor($lab1, 0xff)
           GuiSetBkColor( 0xff)
        case $col= "Green"
           GUICtrlSetBkColor($lab1, 0xff00)
           GuiSetBkColor( 0xff00)
Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE OR TimerDiff($start)>=3000

That's what you can do. :lmao:

Only Label, Checkox, Group, Radio, Treeview and Progress controls can currently be colored.

I am updating the doc on the subject.


...Only Label, Checkox, Group, Radio, Treeview and Progress controls can currently be colored...


Bacause of the fact that GUICtrlCreateList didn't like to be painted, some days I tested to paint

the TreeView- and the ListView-controls. I soon found out that ListView didn't support this and

that only TreeView-control did. That wasn't exactly what I wanted, so I'm wondering :

Is it possible, that in the future, it will be possible to paint ListView (..and List..) controls ?


Bacause of the fact that GUICtrlCreateList didn't like to be painted, some days I tested to paint

the TreeView- and the ListView-controls. I soon found out that ListView didn't support this and

that only TreeView-control did. That wasn't exactly what I wanted, so I'm wondering :

Is it possible, that in the future, it will be possible to paint ListView (..and List..) controls ?


I will do some research to find how that can be done. I already have a solution for Edit and input not supported in 3.1.0.

Stay tune :lmao:


I will do some research to find how that can be done. I already have a solution for Edit and input not supported in 3.1.0.

Stay tune o:)


Aaah, thanks for looking at it, jpm ! Great !

Edit and Input too ?? :lmao: Woohoo !

Another thing. I think this has been asked before but anyway :

How can you get the value of the selected item in a TreeView ?

If doing a GUICtrlRead on the TreeView you only get the control-id for the selected

item, and if going further with that information using another GUICtrlRead on that

control you'll only receive the state of it. Is it possible to get the value from this item

and not only the state ? Thanks !



You can make a 2 dimensional array.

In Array[$i][0] you could have the ctrl ID and in Array[$i][1] the name of the item.

Just a tip.


Yes, that's one way of doing it but aren't there any more direct way of doing it ?

And easier... Hmm, I know there's an easier way ! Maybe a DLLCall ?

Argh, I'll figure it out.. :lmao:


I searched the list of messages for something that returns the text.

I did not find any message that does that.

Here's where I searched:



Thanks for helping SlimShady !

I'll try to get something working when I get back home in Easter.

It would be cool if we were able to read the selected item in

TreeView and ListView, like we do with List...*hint hint* :lmao:

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