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Hello All,

i am trying to write a script that will retrieve on certain period of time backwards for example recent 15 min.

is it possible with _EventLog__Read or other function?



Hello All,

i am trying to write a script that will retrieve on certain period of time backwards for example recent 15 min.

is it possible with _EventLog__Read or other function?


None of the _EventLog* functions will access by time stamp. The _EventLog__Read() function will access by index number, however. This script presents the array returned by the oldest event and the ten after that going forward, then present the newest entry and the 10 before it going backwards:
#include <EventLog.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$hAppEvt = _EventLog__Open("", "Application")
$iOldest = _EventLog__Oldest($hAppEvt)
ConsoleWrite("Debug: $iOldest = " & $iOldest & @LF)
$iNewest = $iOldest + _EventLog__Count($hAppEvt) - 1
ConsoleWrite("Debug: $iNewest = " & $iNewest & @LF)

; Read oldest and next 10 going forward
For $n = $iOldest To $iOldest + 10
    If $n = $iOldest Then
        $avAppEvt = _EventLog__Read($hAppEvt, False, True, $iOldest); Start from oldest index
        $avAppEvt = _EventLog__Read($hAppEvt, True, True); Read next entry forward
    _ArrayDisplay($avAppEvt, "Index = " & $n)

; Read newest and previous 10 in reverse
For $n = $iNewest To $iNewest - 10 Step -1
    If $n = $iNewest Then
        $avAppEvt = _EventLog__Read($hAppEvt, False, False, $iNewest); Start from newest index
        $avAppEvt = _EventLog__Read($hAppEvt, True, False); Read next entry forward
    _ArrayDisplay($avAppEvt, "Index = " & $n)

_EventLog__Close($hAppEvt); <== Be sure to close handle

Note that the first entry IS NOT necessarily at index 1. You will have to read the entries by index number and do your own test of the date/time stamp to find what you want.


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

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