GtaSpider Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 Hello! Yes it gives a antoher way: ive maked it self $sprache = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice") _Talk("My name is "&@UserName) Func _Talk($text) $sprache.Speak($text) EndFunc - Moderator of the German AutoIt Forum
ConsultingJoe Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 Is there a way around the tempfile? I'm having conflicts wanting to run the same talking script a few times in a very short time.This way works too. You can do voice volume, speed, pitch, and different voices Func _TalkOBJ($s_text, $s_voice = 3) Local $quite = 0 Local $o_speech = ObjCreate ("SAPI.SpVoice") Select Case $s_voice == 0 Return Case $s_voice == 1 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Mary", "Language=409").Item(0) TrayTip("Female Reader",$s_text,1) Case $s_voice == 2 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Mike", "Language=409").Item(0) TrayTip("Male Reader",$s_text,1) Case $s_voice == 3 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Sam", "Language=409").Item(0) TrayTip("OldMan Reader",$s_text,1) EndSelect $o_speech.Speak ($s_text) $o_speech = "" Sleep(1000) TrayTip("","",1) EndFunc ;==>_TalkOBJ Check out
Tukata Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 Is there a way to save to WAV the spoken voice ? And how do I do it ? Thanks Tuk
ConsultingJoe Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 Is there a way to save to WAV the spoken voice ?And how do I do it ?ThanksTukI think so, but I dont know how. maybe use the media UDF right before the text is spoken. I will see what I can do Check out
ConsultingJoe Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 I think so, but I dont know how. maybe use the media UDF right before the text is spoken. I will see what I can doWell There has to a way I tried the media record while recording the wav output and I didnt get anything. if you want to look here is the msdn site for it. Check out
DarkAngelBGE Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 Hrm the OBJCreate function is unknown to my installation. Where can I get it?
RazerM Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 Download latest beta use Alt-F5 in scite to run My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
blademonkey Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 i made mine say "would you like to play a game?" ---"Educate the Mind, Make Savage the Body" -Mao Tse Tung
DarkAngelBGE Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 well downloaded the latest beta an installed it successfully...then I reopen my script and press break at the OBJCREATE function... What am I doing wrong?
ConsultingJoe Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 well downloaded the latest beta an installed it successfully...then I reopen my script and press break at the OBJCREATE function... What am I doing wrong?Thats strange, run the Toggle AU3 Beta script in the start menu Check out
DarkAngelBGE Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 Done, but still won't work....omg here is the code. It always hangs at line 53..the OBJCreate function expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Opt("MouseCoordMode", 2) Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2) GUICreate("talk v1.0 by Tim koschützki",300,200,200,200) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text:",10,15,30,25) $myedit=GUICtrlCreateInput("Ich liebe Dich, Maria Schnuggel Putzi!",40,15,250,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Stimme:",10,55,30,25) $femaleVoice=GUICtrlCreateRadio ("weiblich",50, 55, 70, 20) $maleVoice=GUICtrlCreateRadio ("männlich",130, 55, 70, 20) $oldVoice=GUICtrlCreateRadio ("opa",210, 55, 70, 20) GUICtrlSetState ($femaleVoice,$GUI_CHECKED) $speak=GUICtrlCreateButton("Speak!",60,120,60,25) Global $katze1=GUICtrlCreatePic("katze.jpg",135,120,130,60) Global $katze2='' Global $voice=1 while 1 GUISetState() $msg=GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg=$femaleVoice $voice=1 Case $msg=$maleVoice $voice=2 Case $msg=$oldVoice $voice=3 Case $msg=$speak _Talk(GUICtrlRead($myedit)) $katze1=GUICtrlCreatePic("katze.jpg",135,120,130,60) GUICtrlDelete($katze2) Case $msg=$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSelect WEnd exit Func _Talk($sText) $katze2=GUICtrlCreatePic("katze2.jpg",135,120,130,60) GUICtrlDelete($katze1) $tempFile = @TempDir & '\talktemp.vbs' FileWriteLine($tempFile, 'Dim Talk' & @CRLF & _ 'Set Talk = WScript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")' & _ @CRLF & 'Talk.Speak "' & $sText & '"') RunWait('Wscript.exe talktemp.vbs', @TempDir) FileDelete($tempFile) EndFunc Func _TalkOBJ($s_text, $s_voice = 3) Local $quite = 0 Local $o_speech=ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice") Select Case $s_voice == 0 Return Case $s_voice == 1 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Mary", "Language=409").Item(0) TrayTip("Female Reader",$s_text,1) Case $s_voice == 2 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Mike", "Language=409").Item(0) TrayTip("Male Reader",$s_text,1) Case $s_voice == 3 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Sam", "Language=409").Item(0) TrayTip("OldMan Reader",$s_text,1) EndSelect $o_speech.Speak($s_text) $o_speech = "" Sleep(1000) TrayTip("","",1) EndFunc
james3mg Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 expandcollapse popup#include <guiconstants.au3> Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) $TaskPos=WinGetPos("classname=Shell_TrayWnd") $ClipGUI = GUICreate("",200,200,@DesktopWidth-200,@DesktopHeight-201-$TaskPos[3],$WS_POPUPWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) $ClipTxt = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,0,200,200) $talk = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice") Global $clip=ClipGet() ;#cs; Uncomment this line and the one below StopTalking() to be able to 'stop' the talking mid-sentence While 1 $Clip2 = ClipGet() If $Clip2 <> $Clip Then AdlibEnable("stopTalking") $Clip = $Clip2 GUICtrlSetData($ClipTxt,$Clip) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$ClipGUI) $talk.Speak($Clip) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$ClipGUI) EndIf WEnd Func stopTalking() If GUIGetMsg() = $ClipTxt Then $talk.Speak(" ") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$ClipGUI) EndIf EndFunc ;#ce; Uncomment this line and the one above the while loop to be able to 'stop' the talking mid-sentence While 1;only runs if you comment out the above while loop-causes reading to be slow, but stoppable $Clip2 = ClipGet() If $Clip2 <> $Clip Then $Clip = $Clip2 $ClipArray = StringSplit($Clip," ") GUICtrlSetData($ClipTxt,$Clip) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$ClipGUI) For $i=1 To $ClipArray[0] If GUIGetMsg() = $ClipTxt Then ExitLoop $talk.Speak($ClipArray[$i]) Next GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$ClipGUI) EndIf WEndThis script sits in your taskbar and waits for you to change the contents of the when you copy (and for some reason paste) text to the clipboard, it reads it to you and shows you the text near the notification area. The only problem is, I'd like to have it STOP reading if you click the pop-up text window. I tried this several ways in the adlib function, (the latest being reflected here-tell it to read nothing), but even if you just have a MsgBox function, it waits until it's done reading to process the adlib. It won't even process the tray icon for a pause command until it's done reading. I can get it to work (without adlib) if I break the string apart by spaces (uncomment the two indicated lines to see this in action), but then it's reading each word individually - no sentence structure inflection or anything, and REALLY slow. Does anybody know how to 'interrupt' the reading function - that is, keep it from grinding the script to an absolute stop while it's processing? "There are 10 types of people in this world - those who can read binary, and those who can't.""We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true." ~Robert Wilensky0101101 1001010 1100001 1101101 1100101 1110011 0110011 1001101 10001110000101 0000111 0001000 0001110 0001101 0010010 1010110 0100001 1101110
blitzkrg Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 Done, but still won't work....omg here is the code. It always hangs at line 53..the OBJCreate functiongive this a trydownload the latest betarun the installer, when it prompts you for the installation path dont hit enterit will say something likec:\program files\autoit3\beta (or something like that)just delete the \beta partlet the beta install over top of the org. releasei think what is happening is that you have the 3.11 release installed which doesnt support com.and you have the beta release installed (in \beta) but when you click on a script, it's executed with 3.11 and not the by doing what i said above, it will install the beta over top of 3.11 and when you click on a script, it will run with the could also mod the file associations, but this way is just as easy.
ConsultingJoe Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 Very cool script though Check out
DarkAngelBGE Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 Thanks that did it for me. Unfortunately I don't have all Microsoft voices...I reckon they are quite it would not be very wise to supply them with the autoit program.
DarkAngelBGE Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 k downloaded all and works like a charm, very nice! How can I use the api to alter the speed?
ConsultingJoe Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 (edited) k downloaded all and works like a charm, very nice! How can I use the api to alter the speed? examples: $o_speech.Speak ("<rate speed='5'>" & $s_text & "</rate>")OR$o_speech.Speak ("<VOLUME LEVEL='quiet'>" & $s_text & "</VOLUME>")OR$o_speech.Speak ("<emph>" & $s_text & "</emph>") Edited May 22, 2006 by zerocool60544 Check out
jvanegmond Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 This way works too. You can do voice volume, speed, pitch, and different voices Func _TalkOBJ($s_text, $s_voice = 3) Local $quite = 0 Local $o_speech = ObjCreate ("SAPI.SpVoice") Select Case $s_voice == 0 Return Case $s_voice == 1 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Mary", "Language=409").Item(0) TrayTip("Female Reader",$s_text,1) Case $s_voice == 2 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Mike", "Language=409").Item(0) TrayTip("Male Reader",$s_text,1) Case $s_voice == 3 $o_speech.Voice = $o_speech.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft Sam", "Language=409").Item(0) TrayTip("OldMan Reader",$s_text,1) EndSelect $o_speech.Speak ($s_text) $o_speech = "" Sleep(1000) TrayTip("","",1) EndFunc;==>_TalkOBJ Thanks zero, that's just what i needed!
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