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:) Cool!!

Very nice.

But is there a script that will reverse this?

Meaning Speech to text? :D

If @error = me Then $sorry
   Until $meClear
MsgBox(0,"Special Message!","Special Thanks to " & $allHadReplied,$Forever)
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COM support has done it again ... Same thing but not using a vbs file

$talk = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice")
$talk.Speak("This is my text")

This is very cool !!

You need the experimental version that has COM support here: Autoit w/COM

We have enough youth. How about a fountain of SMART?


Check it out ... A text file reader!

$talk = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice")
$file = FileOpen("C:\test.txt", 0)

; Check if file opened for reading OK
If $file = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")

; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached
While 1
    $line = FileReadLine($file)
    If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop


As before you havta have the Autoit with COM support available here: Autoit w/ COM

We have enough youth. How about a fountain of SMART?


I found some code on the internet that will allow you to change to whatever voice you want.  I have the AT&T Natural voices installed, so I will include the code to call for the female voice, crystal16, if you have it.  To change the voice, just uncomment the line for the voice you want.  If a voice is not installed, you will receive an error.  Here goes... :)

' Declaring variable to hold SAPI object.
Dim voic 

' Creating SAPI object using spvoice.
Set voic = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")

' If you want to change the voice then uncomment any of the following 4 lines.

'Set voic.voice = voic.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft mary", "Language=409").Item(0)
'Set voic.voice = voic.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft mike", "Language=409").Item(0)
'Set voic.voice = voic.GetVoices("Name=Microsoft sam", "Language=409").Item(0)
'Set voic.voice = voic.GetVoices("Name=crystal16", "Language=409").Item(0)

' you can set other parameters and properties like voice pitch, speed etc.   

' Using speak function of SpVoice to speak a string.
voic.Speak("Welcome To My First Speech Enabled ASP Page, Have a nice day!")

' Destroying SAPI.spvoice object.
Set voic = nothing


I noticed the -"Language=409"- option.

Does this mean you can select another language than English for the computer to speak?

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for not posting before, I've been busy coding some more and making something (surprise!!) I'll post here soon because I know y'all will like it... :)

But I didn't know about this new AutoIt with COM support... :|

And again, I'm glad y'all liked it!! :D

Thanx!! :D


  • 2 weeks later...

hmm.. i have xp. i have installed a few different speech engines. if i go to control panel - > speech, then click the other tab (because i have SAPI 4.0 installed) and i click the SAPI 4.0 Control Panel tab... the three engines i have installed at L&H TTS3000, Microsoft Speech Synthesis Engine, and TruVoice. yet when i go to choose voices, i can only choose microsoft sam, mike, and mary. why cant i choose any of these other voices as the default voice? i know they work, i can test the pronunciation of them while in the control panel. any ideas?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...


I saw this on the board last year! It was in a talking clock script! Anyways...been using it since then in many of my scripts. With voice recognition commands, i can sit here and argue with my computer.



I saw this on the board last year! It was in a talking clock script! Anyways...been using it since then in many of my scripts. With voice recognition commands, i can sit here and argue with my computer.

Cool isn't it, I have done it too, very funny.

Can you post your script/commands

Check out ConsultingJoe.com


I saw this on the board last year! It was in a talking clock script! Anyways...been using it since then in many of my scripts. With voice recognition commands, i can sit here and argue with my computer.

Yah, i have been board a lot recentally (even with a great scripting language like Autoit), so i would find a lot of fun in that!

Computer: Hello

Spyrorocks: You Suck

Computer: You Suck More Of What Ever I Suck!

Spyrorocks: Do Not!

Computer (x10): Do Too!

Computer (Infinate Loop): You Suck Balls!

  • 2 weeks later...

Cool isn't it, I have done it too, very funny.

Can you post your script/commands

my scripts are just simple macros to control click buttons on such programs as band in the box. much too simple to post. I run opera with voice recognition add commands in the voice preferences box which, when spoken activate my macros.. for instance .. i say.."Baby Band Style" and opera runs bandstyle.au3 which just control clicks the style select button in band in the box and randomly changes the style a song is played in.... . I do the same for bandmelody, bandthru, bandcombo, band solo. The talk back feature tells me what instrument / style/ or melody has been selected. I have a remote mike and can just sit back outside and direct the band how to play.




_Talk("forming new Melody Harmony.")



winwaitactive("Select Melody Harmony")







;I will put controlgettext and have the _talk read me what type of melody is playing here


Func _Talk($sText)

$tempFile = @TempDir & '\talktemp.vbs' ; Set the temp file

FileWriteLine($tempFile, 'Dim Talk' & @CRLF & _

'Set Talk = WScript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")' & _

@CRLF & 'Talk.Speak "' & $sText & '"'); Add contents to the temp file

RunWait('Wscript.exe talktemp.vbs', @TempDir); Run the VBScript




my scripts are just simple macros to control click buttons on such programs as band in the box. much too simple to post. I run opera with voice recognition add commands in the voice preferences box which, when spoken activate my macros.. for instance .. i say.."Baby Band Style" and opera runs bandstyle.au3 which just control clicks the style select button in band in the box and randomly changes the style a song is played in.... . I do the same for bandmelody, bandthru, bandcombo, band solo. The talk back feature tells me what instrument / style/ or melody has been selected. I have a remote mike and can just sit back outside and direct the band how to play.




_Talk("forming new Melody Harmony.")



winwaitactive("Select Melody Harmony")







;I will put controlgettext and have the _talk read me what type of melody is playing here


Func _Talk($sText)

$tempFile = @TempDir & '\talktemp.vbs' ; Set the temp file

FileWriteLine($tempFile, 'Dim Talk' & @CRLF & _

'Set Talk = WScript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")' & _

@CRLF & 'Talk.Speak "' & $sText & '"'); Add contents to the temp file

RunWait('Wscript.exe talktemp.vbs', @TempDir); Run the VBScript



Cool Idea does your speech recognition ever freeze up and stup listening???
Check out ConsultingJoe.com

Cool Idea does your speech recognition ever freeze up and stup listening???

actually, it works better than expected. i have to be careful that the speakers arent too loud to affect the microphone..then strange things occur. of course, wearing headsets and keeping the room quiet is the best way..but i like to walk around the house and do things while i am wearing the remote mike. Mike volume is kept very low and is close to my mouth. speakers are kept at a moderate volume and are far from the mike. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

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