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GoogleHack Version 3.1.0

Supported Browsers:

  • Default : ALL
  • Internet Explorer (specified)
  • Firefox (specified)
  • Opera (specified)
  • Safari (specified)

Hosted Executable (includes Source .au3 file, images, PSD files)

GoogleHack Version 3.1.0


Posted Image

*NEW* with Tiny Gui

Posted Image

*NEW* with GoogleCode

Posted Image

Downloads as of 4/1/2009 : ( 183 )

  • See Help File included with the program (by clicking the ( ? ) help button in the main GUI interface) for details on how to use the program.
  • See the change log for details on all changes added/removed/fixed since the program was first created.
  • If you have questions, comments, suggestions or want report a bug, please use the forum here.

Please remember to "rate" this program by clicking the rating above.

# ---------- #


GoogleHack Version 1.1.0

-- Changed the GUI size and the general layout to be more accomodating to smaller resolutions. GUI size is now 700 x 587 (Original was 700 x 640).

GoogleHack Version 1.2.0

-- Added Preferences under the (File) menu.

-- Added a Change Log under the (Help) menu.

-- Added Display Tips for all inputs and buttons. (can be turned on or off)

-- Fixed a clearing issue with the input boxes after saving a custom query.

GoogleHack Version 1.2.1

-- Fixed clearing of sites during transition modes.

-- Fixed clearing of operators during transition modes.

GoogleHack Version 1.2.2

Fixed exit functionality for those using the 64-bit version of autoit.

GoogleHack Version 2.0.0

-- Revised and removed Form querying and added encoded URL/URI querying.

-- Added an advanced options tab.

-- Added functionality for querying by date.

-- Added functionality for querying by language type.

-- Added functionality for querying by region type.

-- Added functionality for querying by usage rights.

-- Added functionality for safe querying and removal of images.

-- Added functionality for returning larger numbers of results.

-- Removed ALLIN operators from the radio controls.

-- Added functionality for ALLIN operators in advanced options.

-- Removed IE objects from the application

-- Added Browsers in preferences so you can change which browser you want to use.

-- All Browser settings are saved in preferences or the prefs.ini file.

GoogleHack Version 2.0.1

-- Fixed visual spacing of operators after keywords on QueryBuilder.

-- Fixed encoding on / slashes in the URI portions of the query.

-- Performed a cleanup on preferences GUI.

GoogleHack Version 2.0.2

-- Fixed visual removing of sites when removing them from the QueryBuilder

GoogleHack Version 2.1.0

-- Completely skinned the GUI.

-- Added Buttons for all major controls

-- Removed the Title bar and the Menu bar

-- Packaged the GUI into an .exe distribution file.

-- Included all buttons, images, and PSD files.

-- Interface allows movable dragging.

GoogleHack Version 2.2.0

-- Made considerable changes to the way custom queries works.

-- Old Query formated files will be copied to oldQueries and converted to the new format.

-- Queries can now be inserted and all inputs modified. This allows the ability to create default form queries with the all word and phrase fields empty.

-- (Custom Shared) Included a Music Finder query file (Music_Finder.qhf) for finding MP3, WMA, OGG file formats. Just include your title in all words or phrases.

-- (Custom Shared) Included a Stock Quotes query file (Stock_Quotes.qhf) for finding all stock quotes on Yahoo finance. Just include a stock ticker, company name, or type of stock in all words or phrases.

GoogleHack Version 2.3.0

-- Created a new Tiny GUI search box that can be pinned anywhere on the desktop.

-- Click the pin button on the main gui to access the tiny gui.

-- Click the unpin button to move the tiny gui and repin it to the area by clicking the pin button.

-- Pinned areas are stored in the ini preferences as x,y locations and will be remembered, even after the app is closed.

-- While in Tiny Gui mode, all boxes from the parent GUI (minus the all words boxes) will be remembered. This gives you an additional ability to used saved queries with the new tiny gui.

-- The Default enter key while typing in the tiny gui is used as the control trigger to submit a query. Queries submitted use the windows set default browser.

-- This allows you to open multiple tabs without opening a new browser instance while in tiny gui mode.

GoogleHack Version 2.3.1

-- Added a preference for "Use Default Browser" which will automatically set the default search browser to your normally used default browser.

-- Using default browser settings will enable just "one" browser when searching and additional tabs will be opened in the one browser window.

-- Added a GoogleHack.chm helpfile that is accessed by clicking the ( ? ) help button on the main GUI interface.

-- The ( i ) information button will now take you to the advanced Google search operators page.

GoogleHack Version 3.0.0

-- Added GoogleCode, another segment to GoogleHack which allows you to search for code within many different programming languages.

-- Added GoogleCode button to the main GH interface.

-- Added a clear button to the GoogleCode interface which will reset all search parameters while in GCM (GoogleCode Mode).

-- Updated Changelog

-- Updated Helpfile

-- Updated PSD files

-- Updated image files

GoogleHack Version 3.1.0

-- Added Stocks to the radio menu of GoogleHack which allows for searching of ticker symbols.

-- Added a minimize button to CodeSearch to minimize the interface.

-- Updated tips for CodeSearch, TinySearch, and GoogleHack to display correct information.

Tracking Old Removed Downloads:

Version 1.0.0 - 3.0.0: 479 total

Edited by Ealric

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]

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Posted (edited)

Some Additional Notes:

  • The Operators folder is currently not utilized. I have plans for that folder at a future date.
  • The statusbar at the bottom can be removed via View > Status.. which will uncheck (remove from view) or check (place in view).
  • If you are not using vista you might not need the #requireauth parameter in the top of the script. Vista tends to require it for a lot of things I.E. related, especially automatic opening or inputting of forms. If you find that it's not working properly and you aren't running Vista, you can remove it.

Please let me know if you find the app useful or not, and/or if you find anything wrong with it. I've done my best for a first release version but I'm always open to suggestions and input.

Note: This has only been tested on Vista. Please let me know if you find any unusual behavior on other OS's.

Edited by Ealric

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]


List of other operators that can be used with GoogleHack:

The (.) period operator can be used to force a single character (anything). If you type Jack.Henry it will search for Jack Henry or Jack_Henry or Jack%Henry or Jack-Henry etc. Single period operators are great for finding things that could be translated different ways.

The (*) is not used in google as a wildcard. It simply represents any single word. So, don't use it as a wildcard hoping you are going to complete a term. That won't happen. Jack * sucks would find Jack Henry sucks because the * will be used as a single word search operator.

The best features of GoogleHack that I enjoy are the site:sitename.com features and the ext: or filetype:FileExtension features. When using site:Sitename.com make sure you put the entire site URL root that you wish to begin searching from. As an example for these forums, you wouldn't search from www.autoitscript.com you would add the site to show www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php. The thing I enjoy most about the ext: operator is the ability to find actual documents or files with whatever extension you are looking for. It's very handy.

If you find any great queries that you want to share, by all means save a collection and share them with everyone. Your queries might help others expand upon their searching knowledge.

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]


Tried to play with it and have one initial comment. Do you have a version that takes up less real estate. I have a netbook that is 1024 * 600 and the GUI is too big. I realize this is a really small size but it does look interesting.


--------------------bobchernow, Bob ChernowWhat a long strange trip it's beenUDFs: [post="635594"]Multiple Monitor Screen Resolution Change[/post]


Tried to play with it and have one initial comment. Do you have a version that takes up less real estate. I have a netbook that is 1024 * 600 and the GUI is too big. I realize this is a really small size but it does look interesting.


Thanks Bob - I'll add it to my todo list for the next version.

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]

Posted (edited)

Updated and added GoogleHack Version 1.1.0 which changes the view and layout to be more accomodating. GUI size has changed from 700 x 640 to 700 x 587 and the layout has changed a bit as well. No other changes have been submitted.

For purposes of comparison, I'm keeping both .au3 files intact for comparisons on the layout.


Reiterating: GoogleHack.au3 (OLD Version) GoogleHack_v1.1.0 (NEWEST Version). Changes have been made to the Newest version not the old.

Edited by Ealric

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]

Posted (edited)

Updated to Version 1.2.0 (Old Versions Removed)

Revised: GoogleHack Version 1.2.0

-- Added Preferences under the (File) menu.

-- Added a Change Log under the (Help) menu.

-- Added Display Tips for all inputs and buttons. (can be turned on or off)

-- Fixed a clearing issue with the input boxes after saving a custom query.

Edited by Ealric

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]



I like it.

I'll need to learn how to use it be it's certainly powerfull.

Thanks for sharing



CheckUpdate - SelfUpdating script ------- Self updating script

Dynamic input validation ------------------- Use a Input masks can make your life easier and Validation can be as simple

MsgBox with CountDown ------------------- MsgBox with visual countdown

Display Multiline text cells in ListView ---- Example of pop-up or ToolTip for multiline text items in ListView

Presentation Manager ---------------------- Program to display and refresh different Border-less GUI's on a Display (large screen TV)

USB Drive Tools ------------------------------ Tool to help you with your USB drive management

Input Period udf ------------------------------ GUI for a period input

Excel ColorPicker ---------------------------- Color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette

Excel Chart UDF ----------------------------- Collaboration project with water 

GetDateInString ------------------------------ Find date/time in a string using a date format notation like DD Mon YYYY hh:mm

TaskListAllDetailed --------------------------- List All Scheduled Tasks

Computer Info --------------------------------- A collection of information for helpdesk

Shared memory Demo ----------------------- Demo: Two applications communicate with each other through means of a memory share (using Nomad function, 32bit only)

Universal Date Format Conversion -------- Universal date converter from your PC local date format to any format

Disable Windows DetailsPane -------------- Disable Windows Explorer Details Pane

Oracle SQL Report Generator -------------  Oracle Report generator using SQL

SQLite Report Generator -------------------  SQLite Report generator using SQL

SQLite ListView and BLOB demo ---------- Demo: shows how binary (image) objects can be recognized natively in a database BLOB field

DSN-Less Database connection demo --- Demo: ActiveX Data Objects DSN-Less Database access

Animated animals ----------------------------- Fun: Moving animated objects

Perforated image in GUI --------------------- Fun: Perforate your image with image objects

UEZ's Perforator major update ------------- Fun: Pro version of Perforator by UEZ

Visual Crop Tool (GUI) ----------------------- Easy to use Visual Image Crop tool

Visual Image effect (GUI) -------------------- Visually apply effects on an image





Note: This has only been tested on Vista. Please let me know if you find any unusual behavior on other OS's.

Sure thing.

I'm running Windows XP 64bit edition. Exit doesnt work it goes buggy when i try to push exit. Also the X button doesnt work. I really have to rightclick in the tray and then exit.. Also preferences doesn't show anything.

Posted (edited)


I like it.

I'll need to learn how to use it be it's certainly powerfull.

Thanks for sharing


Thanks mate.

By the way...

Updated to Version 1.2.1 (two fixes included)

Revised: GoogleHack Version 1.2.1

-- Fixed clearing of sites during transition modes.

-- Fixed clearing of operators during transition modes.

Edited by Ealric

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]


Thanks mate.

By the way...

Updated to Version 1.2.1 (two fixes included)

Revised: GoogleHack Version 1.2.1

-- Fixed clearing of sites during transition modes.

-- Fixed clearing of operators during transition modes.

Getting better all the time. Now hows about the google advanced search Date type options.


--------------------bobchernow, Bob ChernowWhat a long strange trip it's beenUDFs: [post="635594"]Multiple Monitor Screen Resolution Change[/post]


Sure thing.

I'm running Windows XP 64bit edition. Exit doesnt work it goes buggy when i try to push exit. Also the X button doesnt work. I really have to rightclick in the tray and then exit.. Also preferences doesn't show anything.

I've placed a fix in the upcoming version for that. However, since I'm not actually testing on 64-bit versions, I'll just provide a test for that using


.. to see if you are using the 64-bit version.

Can you confirm whether you are using the 64-bit version of autoit OR if you are using a 64-bit OS and right-clicking to run with Run Script (x86)? That would be helpful information.

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]


a very good program indeed... the only thing I don't like is it's using IE to do everything.

I believe that navigating to the already formed url (using shellexecute()) is better 'cause you can use the browser you usually use... insted of IE :)


Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------http://torels.altervista.org


a very good program indeed... the only thing I don't like is it's using IE to do everything.

I believe that navigating to the already formed url (using shellexecute()) is better 'cause you can use the browser you usually use... insted of IE :)


This will be changing. I will be incorporating the ability to use any browser with the app. A lot of good things are already in the works and I work pretty fast.

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]


Combining Changelog notes for 1.2.2 and 2.0.0

GoogleHack Version 1.2.2

Fixed exit functionality for those using the 64-bit version of autoit.

GoogleHack Version 2.0.0

-- Revised and removed Form querying and added encoded URL/URI querying.

-- Added an advanced options tab.

-- Added functionality for querying by date.

-- Added functionality for querying by language type.

-- Added functionality for querying by region type.

-- Added functionality for querying by usage rights.

-- Added functionality for safe querying and removal of images.

-- Added functionality for returning larger numbers of results.

-- Removed ALLIN operators from the radio controls.

-- Added functionality for ALLIN operators in advanced options.

-- Removed IE objects from the application

-- Added Browsers in preferences so you can change which browser you want to use.

-- All Browser settings are saved in preferences or the prefs.ini file.

There were a lot of changes in this new version so if there are any errors, please report them as soon as you discover them. Be sure to check out the edit > preferences to decide which browser to use and which path your browser might be located to ensure that querying is done properly.

The IE tools were removed from this app entirely and now it supports ShellExecute() for browser negotiation and search. All of the queries now use true URL | URI encoded search functionality.

Please make sure to "rate" this application at the top of the page.

Many thanks and enjoy.

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]


GoogleHack Version 2.0.1

-- Fixed visual spacing of operators after keywords on QueryBuilder.

-- Fixed encoding on / slashes in the URI portions of the query.

-- Performed a cleanup on preferences GUI.

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]


I've added a lot to the app over the last week. Make sure that you provide me "any" feedback if you are using the app, what you like about it, don't like about it, or to report any bugs/issues. I still consider this a beta app even though it works very well. I'd also appreciate it if you gave an honest rating to the application. I will continue to improve it and add many more functions, custom save modes - etc.

Thanks again.

My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]


GoogleHack Version 2.0.2

-- Fixed visual removing of sites when removing them from the QueryBuilder

Version 2.0.2 should contain the last immediate bug fix for the 2.0.x version. If you find any other bugs, please be sure to report them.


My Projects: [topic="89413"]GoogleHack Search[/topic], [topic="67095"]Swiss File Knife GUI[/topic], [topic="69072"]Mouse Location Pointer[/topic], [topic="86040"]Standard Deviation Calculator[/topic]

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