Graywalker Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 (edited) Okay, I am having a serious issue. I have a script that goes out and works on all 4,000 + computers in my enterprise. Sometimes, it will get to a certain computer and just sit there.... forever.... doing nothing. (sitting at 85 of 4182 right now) I've troubleshot a bit and one computer had insufficient hard drive space available. Another, I found that even though I could "Manage" to the computer, I couldn't access the disk management (to check free drive space) - it also sat there "connecting....." forever. My current script is locking up when attempting to either Drivespacefree(\\computername\c$) or ObjGet("WinNT://" & $strPCName & "/blahblah,Service") ... okay, I know its locking up on the ObjGet, but it may also be locking up on the Drivespacefree. Is there ANY way to get around this problem that does not involve exiting the script and starting all over? Some way to set a connection timeout on those attempts?? It is not a problem with the script itself - 85 other computers have had no problem whatsoever. I have a custom error handler, so its not even sending back an error. Its just waiting. Edited May 4, 2011 by Graywalker
Graywalker Posted February 10, 2009 Author Posted February 10, 2009 Okay, I am having a serious issue. I have a script that goes out and works on all 4,000 + computers in my enterprise. Sometimes, it will get to a certain computer and just sit there.... forever.... doing nothing. (sitting at 85 of 4182 right now)Tried using psservice.exe (sysinternals) to query a service on the computer and it just sat there too. No error, no quitting, just "connecting" ( I suppose ).Any ideas on how to get around a situation like this??
PsaltyDS Posted February 10, 2009 Posted February 10, 2009 Okay, I am having a serious issue. I have a script that goes out and works on all 4,000 + computers in my enterprise. Sometimes, it will get to a certain computer and just sit there.... forever.... doing nothing. (sitting at 85 of 4182 right now)I've troubleshot a bit and one computer had insufficient hard drive space available. Another, I found that even though I could "Manage" to the computer, I couldn't access the disk management (to check free drive space) - it also sat there "connecting....." forever.My current script is locking up when attempting to either Drivespacefree(\\computername\c$) or ObjGet("WinNT://" & $strPCName & "/blahblah,Service") ... okay, I know its locking up on the ObjGet, but it may also be locking up on the Drivespacefree.Is there ANY way to get around this problem that does not involve exiting the script and starting all over? Some way to set a connection timeout on those attempts??It is not a problem with the script itself - 85 other computers have had no problem whatsoever. I have a custom error handler, so its not even sending back an error. Its just waiting.Post the actual code that does the DriveSpaceFree() query. I get 0 returned in a few milliseconds for an invalid name. I'm not sure that function works on remote admin shares, either. Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
Graywalker Posted February 10, 2009 Author Posted February 10, 2009 (edited) Post the actual code that does the DriveSpaceFree() query. I get 0 returned in a few milliseconds for an invalid name. I'm not sure that function works on remote admin shares, either. ProgressSet($i, $pcc & " of " & $RecordCount & " - Checking for Running *** Services", "Working on " & $strPCName) $drivespace = DriveSpaceFree("\\" & $strPCName & "\c$") If $drivespace > 100 Then $qTunerService = ObjGet("WinNT://" & $strPCName & "/ANYSERVICE,Service") $sTunerService = IsObj($qTunerService) 85 machines process just fine before reaching this particular remote machine. I've had it where 189 machines process just fine. (edit) The machine name is Valid and responds to a ping. PSService hangs when doing a service query on this particular remote machine. When using computer management to "manage" this particular remote machine, it connects fine, displays fine... but if you try to connect to "Services" or "Disk Management", MMC hangs too. I am getting output like : $drivespace = 84.1796875 Again, I'm pretty sure it is nothing wrong in the code. There is something wrong on the remote computer that is causing WMI/MMC/COM requests to hang. My question is - how can I code to get around this computer (and similar)?? Edited February 10, 2009 by Graywalker
Graywalker Posted February 10, 2009 Author Posted February 10, 2009 Okay, I am having a serious issue. I have a script that goes out and works on all 4,000 + computers in my enterprise. Sometimes, it will get to a certain computer and just sit there.... forever.... doing nothing. (sitting at 85 of 4182 right now) Thanks to mcarriere893 on MyItForum, I think I found the Solution. Problem was, WMI was getting trapped in a connection attempt, the remote WMI shook hands, but wouldn't let go. So, not really wanting to re-work all of my script to use the new method, I simply used it to make a Check to see if WMI was available and behaving properly. $Locator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName,"root/cimv2","","","","",128) If IsObj($Service) Then $drivespace = DriveSpaceFree("\\" & $strPCName & "\c$") $qTunerService = ObjGet("WinNT://" & $strPCName & "/TMKDefault,Service") $sTunerService = IsObj($qTunerService) If you're having the same issue, put that code before you do anything requiring WMI connections. The 128 on the end there tells it to only wait 2min. for a successful connection, ergo, no waiting forever!! ( more info HERE ) BUT.... I got to 85 again... and it connected... and then SITS THERE FOR FREAKIN EVER!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!
Graywalker Posted February 10, 2009 Author Posted February 10, 2009 (edited) $Locator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName,"root/cimv2","","","","",128) If IsObj($Service) Then ;$drivespace = DriveSpaceFree("\\" & $strPCName & "\c$") $qTunerService = $Service.get("Win32_Service.Name='MyServiceName'") $sTunerService = IsObj($qTunerService) Changed it all up... and Yep, still hangs. Any ideas? Or am I just talking to myself (and documenting the whole process?) Edited February 10, 2009 by Graywalker
Graywalker Posted February 11, 2009 Author Posted February 11, 2009 (edited) Okay, Trying This : Global $psservice = @ComSpec & ' /c "' & @ScriptDir & '\psservice.exe"' ProgressSet($i, $pcc & " of " & $RecordCount & " - Checking for Running BMC Services", "Working on " & $strPCName) $Locator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName, "root/cimv2", "", "", "", "", 128) If IsObj($Service) Then ; Test to see if the WMI Service is behaving $psscmd = " \\" & $strPCName & " query winmgmt" $WMITest = Run($psservice & $psscmd, "", @SW_MINIMIZE) $pss_check = ProcessWaitClose($WMITest, 128) If $pss_check = 1 Then $drivespace = DriveSpaceFree("\\" & $strPCName & "\c$") $qTService = $Service.get("Win32_Service.Name='MYSERVICE'") $sTService = IsObj($qTService) If $sTService = "1" Then $sTService = "Service Running" EndIf Else ProcessClose($WMITest) $sTService = "WMI Locked Up" EndIf Else $sTService = "WMI Unavailable" EndIf Theory : Okay, the WMI is responding. Good. Still may lock up on a query. Well, lets use an external process to check that. PSService!! Launch PSService - using RUN so the whole script doesn't wait for it to finish, RUNWAIT doesn't have a timeout. So, get PSService to check on WMI service - winmgmt. Use ProcessWaitClose to wait for PSService to finish - but only give it 128 seconds to get done before realizing that its lockedup. And, if it IS locked up, we can politely close PSService so it's all freed up for the next computer. Yeah, its a bit much code... but if you are dealing with 4000+ computers and it hangs up on number 2583, man... frustration. So, right now, I am testing this script - going through 4185 computers pulling tons of info into one place. I'll be happy if it gets past 85 and then 186 (the two that have caused problems, but I'm pretty sure I've had those rebooted, which clears the issue for a while) and will Edit here on whether or not it actually works. stay tuned.... {EDIT} Its past 85... past 131 ... past 200... and have encountered at least one computer whose WMI was locked up - and PASSED it!! WOOHOO!! Success. Messy, but it gets the script done! Edited February 11, 2009 by Graywalker
Graywalker Posted March 30, 2011 Author Posted March 30, 2011 Global $psservice = @ComSpec & ' /c "' & @ScriptDir & '\psservice.exe"' ProgressSet($i, $pcc & " of " & $RecordCount & " - Checking for Running BMC Services", "Working on " & $strPCName) $Locator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName, "root/cimv2", "", "", "", "", 128) That was not working consistently. In other words, I still got hangs, but nowhere near as often. I found iSecurityFlags = "&H80" over here So, code would be Global $psservice = @ComSpec & ' /c "' & @ScriptDir & '\psservice.exe"' ProgressSet($i, $pcc & " of " & $RecordCount & " - Checking for Running BMC Services", "Working on " & $strPCName) $iSecurityFlags = "&H80" $Locator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName, "root/cimv2", "", "", "", "", $iSecurityFlags) $Locator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") Dim $iSecurityFlags = 128 $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName, "root/cimv2", "", "", "", "", $iSecurityFlags) also works - and I've used it with good results so far.
Graywalker Posted May 4, 2011 Author Posted May 4, 2011 Well, its not working. Its better, but I just verified with trace lines that the script hangs on : $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName, "root/cimv2", "", "", "", "", $iSecurityFlags) (its either that line or "If IsObj($Service) Then") and will just sit there forever - even though it is supposed to time out. Here is a code snippit to test with - granted, the actual script (619 lines with an additional 6 includes) connects to active directory and goes through 500 to 700+ computers, pulling info from AD, WMI and direct file reads, before hanging on one. Its not usually the same system - I just verified the last run it zoomed past the computer name it hung up on this time. $strPCName = InputBox("PC Name","Input Computer Name") $Locator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") Dim $iSecurityFlags = 128 ; "wbemConnectFlagUseMaxWait" or 128 or &H080 $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName, "root/cimv2", "", "", "", "", $iSecurityFlags) If IsObj($Service) Then ; Test to see if the WMI Service is behaving $psscmd = " \\" & $strPCName & " query winmgmt" $WMITest = Run($psservice & $psscmd, "", @SW_HIDE) $pss_check = ProcessWaitClose($WMITest, 128) If $pss_check = 1 Then Msgbox(0,"WMI Test", $strPCName & " has responsive WMI.") Else Msgbox(0,"WMI Test", $strPCName & " has broken WMI.") Endif Else Msgbox(0,"WMI Test", $strPCName & " - can not connect." Endif My trace report got : Starting (Some Server Name) pc 574 Starting (Some Server Name) at 5/3/2011 3:42:22 PM Line 299 $pingresult = Run Ping Completed - 1123.9115747736 milliseconds Line 338 $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer and I saw this on 5/4/2011 at 8:20 AM With my Trace lines : $Locator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer" & @CRLF) FileFlush($trace) $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName, "root/cimv2", "", "", "", "", $iSecurityFlags) If IsObj($Service) Then ; Test to see if the WMI Service is behaving $psscmd = " \\" & $strPCName & " query winmgmt" FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " $WMITest = Run($psservice & $psscmd" & @CRLF) FileFlush($trace) $WMITest = Run($psservice & $psscmd, "", @SW_HIDE) $pss_check = ProcessWaitClose($WMITest, 128) If $pss_check = 1 Then Includes in the big script : #include "String.au3" #include "ADFunctions.au3" #include "ServiceControl.au3" #include "array.au3" #include "Date.au3" #include "Constants.au3"
Graywalker Posted May 4, 2011 Author Posted May 4, 2011 (edited) is not much help I found : Which suggests that using Dim $iSecurityFlags = "&H80" ; "wbemConnectFlagUseMaxWait" or 128 or &H80 not &H080 Works. "&H80" instead of "&H080" - so am trying this. No errors so far (26 systems) Edited May 4, 2011 by Graywalker
UEZ Posted May 4, 2011 Posted May 4, 2011 (edited) Thanks for the hint! I thought &H80 is 0x80 which I used but still hangs on some system where the WMI service is not running properly (restart of the service helps most time). I will try it with "&H80" now. Br, UEZ Edited May 5, 2011 by UEZ Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
Graywalker Posted May 5, 2011 Author Posted May 5, 2011 Apparently I was wrong and that is not my issue. The script is just randomly hanging at any and all locations. the report from : Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;0=no info, 1=debug line info does not agree with what I am getting from a trace report txt file - the txt file shows the script is way past where the debug tray info shows. I am at a complete loss... no correlation as to effect and cause... hangs on random computers, after random number of systems - from 22 to 1575 - and random lines in the script. My only thought now is that I am using up resources or handles??? I replaced the $locator with : $psscmd = " \\" & $strPCName & " query winmgmt" $WMITest = Run(@ComSpec & " /c sc" & $psscmd, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) $pt = TimerInit() While 1 $line = StdoutRead($WMITest) If @error Then ExitLoop $ptd = TimerDiff($pt) If $ptd > 50000 Then ProcessClose($WMITest) ExitLoop EndIf If $line <> "" Then $wmires = $wmires & $line & @CRLF EndIf WEnd StdioClose($WMITest) $pss_check = StringInStr($wmires, "Running") Just to be sure that it was not causing the hanging... Its just gotten worse. So - question is, does using the Run and $STDOUT_CHILD three times on each computer, with hundreds of computers, max out some resources and hang the script? If so, how to release those after each computer? Or something else causing the hanging? Full code : expandcollapse popup#region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=C:\Users\ME\Pictures\computer_network.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=AssetCollect.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include "String.au3" #include "ADFunctions.au3" #include "ServiceControl.au3" #include "array.au3" #include "Date.au3" #include "Constants.au3" ;OnAutoItExitRegister("ExitReport") ;Opt("TrayAutoPause", 0) ;0=no pause, 1=Pause ;Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;0=no info, 1=debug line info ;Opt("TrayIconHide", 0) ;0=show, 1=hide tray icon FileInstall("psservice.exe", @ScriptDir & "\psservice.exe") FileInstall("sc.exe", @ScriptDir & "\sc.exe") FileInstall("NoBMC.exe", @ScriptDir & "\NoBMC.exe") FileInstall("NoTrend.exe", @ScriptDir & "\NoTrend.exe") ;----- Customize the following constants for your needs ----- Const $statusfilen = "status" & @MON & @MDAY & @YEAR & ".txt" Const $ResultsFile = "AssetCollect" & @MON & @MDAY & @YEAR & ".csv" Const $ScriptVersion = 1.0 Global $g_eventerror = 0 ; to be checked to know if com error occurs. Must be reset after handling. Global $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") ; Install a custom error handler Global $psservice = @ComSpec & ' /c "' & @ScriptDir & '\psservice.exe" -accepteula' Global $pslist = @ComSpec & ' /c "' & @ScriptDir & '\pslist.exe" -accepteula' Global $recheck = "" ;------ Constant Declarantions ---------- Const $ForReading = 0 Const $ForWriting = 2 Const $ForAppending = 1 Const $LDAP_Suffix = "DC=WORKPLACE,DC=local" Const $adOpenStatic = 3 Const $adLockOptimistic = 3 Const $adCmdText = "&H0001" Const $ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE = 2 If Not FileExists("NoBMC.txt") Then Global $nobmcfile = FileOpen("NoBMC.txt", 2) Global $notrendfile = FileOpen("NoTrend.txt", 2) Else Global $nobmcfile = FileOpen("NoBMC2.txt", 2) Global $notrendfile = FileOpen("NoTrend2.txt", 2) EndIf ; Constants for the NameTranslate function. Const $ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC = 3 Const $ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4 = 3 Const $ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779 = 1 ; Dim the Variables used Global $objAD_Recordset, $strDN, $strPCName, $objPC, $RecordCount, $pcc, $objAD_Command, $a_PCNames Dim $i = 0 Global $ErrorFile, $timenow, $start, $statusfile Global $ExistingService, $sTunerService, $TunerPath Global $servicenames[18] ; Set Service Names $servicenames[0] = "BMCservice1" $servicenames[1] = "BMCservice2" $servicenames[2] = "BMCservice3" $servicenames[3] = "BMCservice4" $servicenames[4] = "BMCservice5" $servicenames[5] = "BMCservice6" $servicenames[6] = "BMCservice7" $servicenames[7] = "BMCservice8" $servicenames[8] = "BMCservice9" $servicenames[9] = "BMCservice10" $servicenames[10] = "BMCservice11" $servicenames[11] = "BMCservice12" $servicenames[12] = "BMCserviceLaptop" $servicenames[13] = "BMCserviceSrVR" $servicenames[14] = "BMCservicePkg" $servicenames[15] = "BMCservice_end" $servicenames[16] = "BMCservice_Main" $servicenames[17] = "Test" ; Establish Log File to write results to $LogFile = FileOpen($ResultsFile, $ForWriting) If @error = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "ERROR: Unable to initialize requested log file, " & $ResultsFile & ".") FileClose($LogFile) Exit EndIf ;Err.Number <> 0 $ErrorFile = FileOpen("ErrorFile" & @MON & @MDAY & @YEAR & ".csv", $ForWriting) If @error = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "ERROR: Unable to initialize requested Error log file.") FileClose($ErrorFile) Exit EndIf ; Set the Status file If FileExists($statusfilen) Then FileCopy($statusfilen, "OldStatusFile.txt") FileDelete($statusfilen) EndIf $statusfile = FileOpen($statusfilen, $ForWriting) ; Set start time in status file $now = _Now() ;$status = FileOpen($statusfile, $ForWriting) FileWriteLine($statusfile, "Started Collect at : " & $now) ;FileClose($status) ; Prepare Active Directory and Query Global $objConnection = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection"); Create COM object to AD $objConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=ADsDSOObject" $objConnection.Open("Active Directory Provider"); Open connection to AD $objAD_Command = ObjCreate("ADODB.Command") $objAD_Command.ActiveConnection = $objConnection $objAD_Command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM 'LDAP://DC=WORKPLACE,DC=local' WHERE objectClass='computer' AND 'userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:'<>2" $objAD_Command.Properties("Page Size") = 1000 $objAD_Command.Properties("Searchscope") = 2 $objAD_Recordset = $objAD_Command.Execute $RecordCount = $objAD_Recordset.recordcount ; Set Results File Headers FileWriteLine($LogFile, "Computer Name, Ping?, OS, OS SP, OS Version, Date Changed (GMT), Date Created (GMT), Password Changed, IP Subnet, Tuner File?, Tuner Installed?, Tuner Service?, Trend?, TrendServer, GoverLan?, Free C: MB, StartBMC?") ;$status = FileOpen($statusfile, $ForAppending) FileWriteLine($statusfile, "Working with " & $RecordCount & " computers.") ;FileClose($status) Do ; Set trace file ;$trace = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\tracereport.txt", 2) $strDN = $objAD_Recordset.Fields(0).value $objPC = ObjGet($strDN) If IsObj($objPC) Then $strPCName = ($ $pcc = $pcc + 1 ;FileWriteLine($trace, 'Starting ' & $strPCName & " pc " & $pcc & @CRLF & @CRLF) ;### Trace Console InfoCollect($strPCName, $objPC, $pcc) Else FileWriteLine($ErrorFile, "Unable to get Object (line 130) on PC " & $pcc & ", " & $strDN) FileWriteLine($LogFile, $strDN & ",Not an Object") $recheck = $recheck & "!" & $strDN $pcc = $pcc + 1 EndIf $objAD_Recordset.MoveNext() ; Set trace file ;FileClose($trace) Until $objAD_Recordset.EOF() FileClose($nobmcfile) FileClose($notrendfile) ; Kick off BMC Install and Trend Repair Run("NoBMC.exe", @ScriptDir) Run("NoTrend.exe", @ScriptDir) ; re-check unavailable computers ; Set complete time for first run $now = _Now() FileWriteLine($statusfile, "Completed & Started Re-Check at : " & $now) ;FileClose($status) $pcc = 0 ; make sure time is during working hours to capture laptops missed by midnight launch Do $timenow = @HOUR & @MIN If $timenow > "0830" And $timenow < "1400" Then $start = "YES" ExitLoop Else $start = "No" Sleep(1500000) EndIf Until $start = "YES" ; put entry into status file $now = _Now() FileWriteLine($statusfile, "Re-check begins working at : " & $now) If Not FileExists("NoBMC.txt") Then Global $nobmcfile = FileOpen("NoBMC.txt", 2) Global $notrendfile = FileOpen("NoTrend.txt", 2) Else Global $nobmcfile = FileOpen("NoBMC2.txt", 2) Global $notrendfile = FileOpen("NoTrend2.txt", 2) EndIf $a_PCNames = StringSplit($recheck, "!") If Not IsArray($a_PCNames) Then $a_PCNames[0] = 1 $a_PCNames[1] = $recheck EndIf $RecordCount = $a_PCNames[0] $now = _Now() FileWriteLine($statusfile, "Re-checking " & $RecordCount & " computers, starting : " & $now) ;FileClose($status) Do ; Set trace file ;$trace = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\tracereport.txt", 2) ;FileWriteLine($trace, 'Recheck Starting ' & $strPCName & " pc " & $pcc & @CRLF & @CRLF) ;### Trace Console $q_eventerror = 0 $pcc = $pcc + 1 $strDN = "LDAP://" & $a_PCNames[$pcc] $objPC = ObjGet($strDN) If IsObj($objPC) Then $strPCName = ($ InfoCollect($strPCName, $objPC, $pcc) Else FileWriteLine($ErrorFile, "Unable to get Object (line 182) on PC " & $pcc & ", " & $strDN) FileWriteLine($LogFile, $strDN & ",Not an Object") EndIf ; close trace file ;FileClose($trace) Until $pcc = $RecordCount ResultsCleanup() ; Set complete time for full run $now = _Now() FileWriteLine($statusfile, "Completed : " & $now) FileClose($statusfile) FileClose($LogFile) FileClose($ErrorFile) FileClose($nobmcfile) FileClose($notrendfile) ; Kick off BMC Install and Trend Repair again If ProcessExists("NoBMC") Then While ProcessExists("NoBMC") Sleep(3000) WEnd Else Run("NoBMC.exe", @ScriptDir) EndIf If ProcessExists("NoTrend") Then While ProcessExists("NoTrend") Sleep(3000) WEnd Else Run("NoTrend.exe", @ScriptDir) EndIf Exit ; ********* Functions that do the actual working ********** Func InfoCollect($strPCName, $objPC, $pcc) Dim $strOS, $strOSsp, $strOSv, $strChange, $strCreate, $sTempFile, $IsAlive Dim $stripIP, $arrIP, $strSubnet, $pingresult, $sStart, $sEnd, $sString, $strADGROUP Dim $cDay, $cHour, $cMin, $cMonth, $cYear, $crDay, $crYear, $crHour, $crMin, $crMonth, $netwrkAddr, $pt, $ptd Dim $strGroup, $Group, $Groups, $s, $sTrendService, $qTrendService, $qTunerService, $lastlogon, $thegroup, $wmires = "" Dim $arrGroups, $fqdn, $memberof, $strTunerPathC, $strTunerPathD, $strTunerPathE, $strPwdCh, $strPwdChd, $exitcode Dim $IPSubkey, $IPkey, $keyread = "No", $r = 0, $drivespace, $Locator, $Service, $TrendServer, $hundreds, $startbmc Dim $ABCDService, $ABCSAService, $ABCRpService, $ABCLaptop, $ApplicationPkgr, $EndNode, $JacksonMain, $Test, $stanum, $ABCDRepeater Dim $ABCDay, $ABCMirror, $ABCATM, $sTunerServicei, $WMITest, $psscmd, $pss_check, $sGoverLan, $qGoverLan, $ABC_Server Dim $services = "\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services" Dim $iSecurityFlags = "&H80" ; "wbemConnectFlagUseMaxWait" or 128 or &H80 Global $trendkey = "\\" & $strPCName & "\HKLM\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro" $qTunerService = 0 $qGoverLan = 0 $qTrendService = 0 $sTunerService = "" $sTrendService = "X" $sGoverLan = "X" $TrendServer = "X" $IsAlive = "X" $strOS = "X" $strOSsp = "X" $strOSv = "X" $strChanged = "X" $strCreated = "X" $strPwdChd = "X" $strSubnet = "X" $TunerPath = "X" $sTunerServicei = "X" $drivespace = "X" $startbmc = "X" $keyread = "X" $stanum = $pcc / 100 If IsInt($stanum) Then $now = _Now() FileWriteLine($statusfile, " " & $pcc & " at : " & $now) FileFlush($LogFile) FileFlush($statusfile) EndIf ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Starting " & $strPCName & " at " & $now) ;;FileFlush($trace) ;MsgBox(0, "PC Name", $strPCName) $fqdn = $objPC.distinguishedName $strOS = $objPC.operatingSystem $strOSsp = $objPC.operatingSystemServicePack $strOSv = $objPC.operatingSystemVersion $strChange = $objPC.whenChanged $strCreate = $objPC.whenCreated $strPwdCh = $objPC.passwordLastChanged ; check for stale workstation or BMC only AD Account If StringInStr($fqdn, "stale") Then $IsAlive = $IsAlive & "STALE " ElseIf StringInStr($fqdn, "BMC CM") Then $IsAlive = $IsAlive & "BMC AD " EndIf ; Convert the whenChanged date to something useable by Excel $cYear = StringLeft($strChange, 4) $cMonth = StringMid($strChange, 5, 2) $cDay = StringMid($strChange, 7, 2) $cHour = StringMid($strChange, 9, 2) $cMin = StringMid($strChange, 11, 2) $strChanged = $cMonth & "/" & $cDay & "/" & $cYear & " " & $cHour & ":" & $cMin ; Convert the whenCreated date to something useable by Excel $crYear = StringLeft($strCreate, 4) $crMonth = StringMid($strCreate, 5, 2) $crDay = StringMid($strCreate, 7, 2) $crHour = StringMid($strCreate, 9, 2) $crMin = StringMid($strCreate, 11, 2) $strCreated = $crMonth & "/" & $crDay & "/" & $crYear & " " & $crHour & ":" & $crMin ; Convert the pwdLastSet to something useable by Excel $crYear = StringLeft($strPwdCh, 4) $crMonth = StringMid($strPwdCh, 5, 2) $crDay = StringMid($strPwdCh, 7, 2) $crHour = StringMid($strPwdCh, 9, 2) $crMin = StringMid($strPwdCh, 11, 2) $strPwdChd = $crMonth & "/" & $crDay & "/" & $crYear & " " & $crHour & ":" & $crMin ; Ping the computer and store results in a temp file Local $pingresult, $ping $ping = "" ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " $pingresult = Run" & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) $pingresult = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'ping -n 2 ' & $strPCName, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) $pt = TimerInit() While 1 $line = StdoutRead($pingresult) If @error Then ExitLoop $ptd = TimerDiff($pt) If $ptd > 50000 Then ProcessClose($pingresult) ExitLoop EndIf ;MsgBox(0,"line",$line) If $line <> "" Then $ping = $ping & $line & @CRLF EndIf WEnd StdioClose($pingresult) ; Check to see if there was a Time to Live on the ping, meaning the pc responded. ;MsgBox(0, "Ping", $ping) $TTL = StringInStr($ping, "TTL=") Select Case $TTL > 0 $IsAlive = "Responding" Case Else $IsAlive = "Not Responding to Ping" EndSelect ;FileWriteLine($trace, " Ping Completed - " & $ptd & " milliseconds, " & $IsAlive) ;;FileFlush($trace) $sString = $ping $sStart = "from " $sEnd = ": " $stripIPa = _StringBetween($sString, $sStart, $sEnd) If IsArray($stripIPa) Then $stripIP = $stripIPa[0] Else $stripIP = @error EndIf ;$Locator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") ;;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " $Service = $Locator.ConnectServer" & @CRLF) ;;;FileFlush($trace) ;$Service = $Locator.ConnectServer($strPCName, "root/CIMV2", "", "", "", "", $iSecurityFlags) ; strserver,namespace,user,password,locale,authority,isecurityflags,namedvalueset ;If IsObj($Service) Then If $IsAlive = "Responding" Then ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & ' $psscmd = " \\" & $strPCName & " query winmgmt"' & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) ; Test to see if the WMI Service is behaving $psscmd = " \\" & $strPCName & " query winmgmt" ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " $WMITest = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c sc' & $psscmd, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD)" & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) $WMITest = Run(@ComSpec & " /c sc" & $psscmd, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) ;$pss_check = ProcessWaitClose($WMITest, 32) ;$exitcode = @extended $pt = TimerInit() While 1 $line = StdoutRead($WMITest) If @error Then ExitLoop $ptd = TimerDiff($pt) If $ptd > 50000 Then ProcessClose($WMITest) ExitLoop EndIf ;MsgBox(0,"line",$line) If $line <> "" Then $wmires = $wmires & $line & @CRLF EndIf WEnd StdioClose($WMITest) $pss_check = StringInStr($wmires, "Running") ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + - 2) & " $pss_check : " & $pss_check & " exit code : " & @extended & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) If $pss_check > 1 Then ; IF ping succeeded, pull the IP address from the ping response file *otherwise* Try to pull from the Registry if Ping Failed If $IsAlive = "Responding" Then ; all is good Else $keyread = "working" While $keyread = "working" $r = $r + 1 ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " $IPSubkey = RegEnumKey(" & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) $IPSubkey = RegEnumKey("\\" & $strPCName & "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\", $r) If @error <> 0 Then Select Case @error = -1 $keyread = "outofrange" Case @error = 3 $keyread = "Unable to connect to Registry" Case @error = 2 $keyread = "No such Key" Case @error = 1 $keyread = "No Subkey Found" EndSelect EndIf SetError(0) $IPkey = RegRead("\\" & $strPCName & "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & $IPSubkey, "DhcpIPAddress") If $IPkey <> "" Then $keyread = "GotIt" EndIf SetError(0) WEnd If $IPkey = "" Then $IPkey = "Can Not.Acquire IP." & $keyread & ".Error" EndIf EndIf If $keyread = "GotIt" Or StringInStr($stripIP, ".") Then ; Take either method's IP address and pull out the subnet only ;MsgBox(0, "StringBetween", $stripIP[0]) $isip = StringInStr($stripIP, ".") If $isip > 0 Then $arrIP = StringSplit($stripIP, ".") ;MsgBox(0, "Array size for IP", $arrIP[0]) $strSubnet = $arrIP[1] & "." & $arrIP[2] & "." & $arrIP[3] Else If StringInStr($IPkey, ".") Then $arrIP = StringSplit($IPkey, ".") If $arrIP[0] > 3 Then $strSubnet = $arrIP[1] & "." & $arrIP[2] & "." & $arrIP[3] Else $strSubnet = $IPkey EndIf Else $strSubnet = $IPkey EndIf EndIf ; Check for the BMC Tuner File Select Case FileExists("\\" & $strPCName & "\C$\Program Files\marimba\tuner\tuner.exe") $TunerPath = "C Drive" Case FileExists("\\" & $strPCName & "\E$\Program Files\marimba\tuner\tuner.exe") $TunerPath = "E Drive" Case FileExists("\\" & $strPCName & "\D$\Program Files\marimba\tuner\tuner.exe") $TunerPath = "D Drive" Case FileExists("\\" & $strPCName & "\C$\Program Files (x86)\marimba\tuner\tuner.exe") $TunerPath = "C Drive 64" Case FileExists("\\" & $strPCName & "\E$\program files\BMC Software\BBCA\Tuner\tuner.exe") $TunerPath = "E BBCA" Case FileExists("\\" & $strPCName & "\D$\program files\BMC Software\BBCA\Tuner\tuner.exe") $TunerPath = "D BBCA" Case FileExists("\\" & $strPCName & "\U$\program files\marimba\tuner\tuner.exe") $TunerPath = "U Drive" Case FileExists("\\" & $strPCName & "\V$\program files\BMC Software\BBCA\Tuner\tuner.exe") $TunerPath = "V BBCA" Case FileExists("\\" & $strPCName & "\V$\program files\marimba\tuner\tuner.exe") $TunerPath = "V Drive" Case Else $TunerPath = "Z_No Tuner File" If Not StringInStr($strOS, "Server") And Not StringInStr($strOS, "NT") Then FileWriteLine($nobmcfile, $strPCName) EndIf EndSelect ; Check for the BMC Tuner Service $sTunerServicei = "" ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " For $Tservice In $servicenames" & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) For $Tservice In $servicenames $tsregread = RegRead("\\" & $strPCName & $services & "\" & $Tservice, "DisplayName") If $tsregread <> "" Then $sTunerServicei = $sTunerServicei & ";" & $tsregread EndIf Next ; clean up ; $sTunerServicei = StringTrimLeft($sTunerServicei, 1) ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " $TrendServer = RegRead($trendkey" & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) $TrendServer = RegRead($trendkey & "\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion", "Server") Select Case $TrendServer = 1 $TrendServer = "Unable to open Key" Case $TrendServer = 2 $TrendServer = "Trend Registry Not Found" Case $TrendServer = 3 $TrendServer = "Unable to Connect Registry" Case $TrendServer = -1 $TrendServer = "Value Not Found" Case $TrendServer = -2 $TrendServer = "Value Type Not Supported" EndSelect If $TrendServer = "" Then $TrendServer = RegRead("\\" & $strPCName & "\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion", "Server") EndIf $drivespace = DriveSpaceFree("\\" & $strPCName & "\c$") CheckTunerService($strPCName) If $sTunerService = "Z_No Tuner Running" And $ExistingService <> "X" And $TunerPath <> "Z_No Tuner File" Then If StringInStr($ExistingService, ";") Then ; should get down to one service! Requires manual investigation Else ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & ' $startbmc = ShellExecute("sc.exe",' & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) $startbmc = ShellExecute("sc.exe", "\\" & $strPCName & " start " & $ExistingService, "", "", @SW_HIDE) Sleep(3000) CheckTunerService($strPCName) EndIf EndIf If $sTunerService = "Z_No Tuner Running" Then ; Check for Tuner.exe process (Windows 7) ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & ' $pscommand = $pslist & " \\" & $strPCName & " tuner.exe >> pslist.txt"' & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) $pscommand = $pslist & " \\" & $strPCName & " tuner.exe >> pslist.txt" Local $pwcmdproc $pwcmdproc = Run($pscommand, "", @SW_HIDE) Local $pwc = ProcessWaitClose($pwcmdproc, 60) If $pwc = 0 Then ProcessClose($pwcmdproc) EndIf $pslistfile = FileOpen("pslist.txt", $ForReading) $psfileread = FileRead($pslistfile) $pslistfound = StringInStr($psfileread, "CPU Time") If $pslistfound > 0 Then $sTunerService = "Tuner Process" EndIf EndIf ; Check Trend Service $qTrendService = _ServiceRunning($strPCName, "ntrtscan") If $qTrendService = 1 Then $sTrendService = "Trend Running" Else $sTrendService = "No Trend Running" If Not StringInStr($strOS, "Server") And Not StringInStr($strOS, "NT") Then FileWriteLine($notrendfile, $strPCName) ShellExecute("sc.exe", "\\" & $strPCName & " start ntrtscan") ShellExecute("sc.exe", "\\" & $strPCName & " start tmlisten") EndIf EndIf ; Check GoverLan Service $qGoverLan = _ServiceRunning($strPCName, "GOVsrv") If $qGoverLan = 1 Then $sGoverLan = "GoverLan Running" Else $sGoverLan = "No GoverLan Running" EndIf Else ProcessClose($WMITest) $sTunerService = "WMI Locked Up" $sTrendService = "WMI Locked Up" EndIf Else ProcessClose($WMITest) $sTunerService = "WMI Unavailable" $IsAlive = $IsAlive & ": WMI Locked (" & $exitcode & ")" EndIf ; Write the results to the Results file ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " FileWriteLine($LogFile" & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) FileWriteLine($LogFile, $strPCName & "," & $IsAlive & "," & $strOS & "," & $strOSsp & "," & $strOSv & "," & $strChanged & "," & $strCreated & "," & $strPwdChd & "," & $strSubnet & "," & $TunerPath & "," & $sTunerServicei & "," & $sTunerService & "," & $sTrendService & "," & $TrendServer & "," & $sGoverLan & "," & $drivespace & "," & $startbmc) Else ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber + 2) & " FileWriteLine($LogFile" & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) FileWriteLine($LogFile, $strPCName & "," & $IsAlive & "," & $strOS & "," & $strOSsp & "," & $strOSv & "," & $strChanged & "," & $strCreated & "," & $strPwdChd & "," & $strSubnet & "," & $TunerPath & "," & $sTunerServicei & "," & $sTunerService & "," & $sTrendService & "," & $TrendServer & "," & $sGoverLan & "," & $drivespace & "," & $startbmc) $recheck = $recheck & "!" & $fqdn EndIf ; Cleanup all variables, just to see if there is carryover and prevent contamination of next record $WMITest = "" $strPCName = "carryover" $IsAlive = "carryover" $strOS = "carryover" $strOSsp = "carryover" $strOSv = "carryover" $strChanged = "carryover" $strCreated = "carryover" $strSubnet = "carryover" $sTunerService = "" $sTrendService = "carryover" $strADGROUP = "carryover" $Groups = "carryover" $strSubnet = "carryover" $IPkey = "carryover" $TunerPath = "carryover" $sTunerServicei = "carryover" $sGoverLan = "carryover" $startbmc = "carryover" $ExistingService = "" $Locator = "" $Service = "" EndFunc ;==>InfoCollect Func CheckTunerService($strPCName) ;FileWriteLine($trace, "Line " & (@ScriptLineNumber - 1) & " Func CheckTunerService($strPCName)" & @CRLF) ;;FileFlush($trace) Dim $qTunerService, $qTunerServiceE $sTunerService = "" $Tservice = "" ; Check Tuner Services (some excluded) For $Tservice In $servicenames $qTunerService = _ServiceRunning($strPCName, $Tservice) $qTunerServiceE = _ServiceExists($strPCName, $Tservice) If $qTunerServiceE = 1 Then $ExistingService = $ExistingService & ";" & $Tservice EndIf If $qTunerService = 1 Then $sTunerService = $sTunerService & ";" & $Tservice EndIf Next ; If Z_No Tuner found then say so If $sTunerService = "" Then $sTunerService = "Z_No Tuner Running" EndIf ;clean up ExistingService $ExistingService = StringTrimLeft($ExistingService, 1) $sTunerService = StringTrimLeft($sTunerService, 1) EndFunc ;==>CheckTunerService ; This is my custom COM error handler Func MyErrFunc() $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8) $timenow = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN FileWriteLine($ErrorFile, $strPCName & "," & $timenow & "," & $oMyError.description & "," & $HexNumber & ", Line " & $oMyError.scriptline & "," & $oMyError.windescription) $g_eventerror = 1 ; something to check for when this function returns EndFunc ;==>MyErrFunc Func ResultsCleanup() Dim $sfile, $search, $filecreated, $now, $datetest, $created $search = FileFindFirstFile("AssetCollect*.csv") If $search = -1 Then Return While 1 $sfile = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop $created = FileGetTime($sfile) $filecreated = $created[0] & "/" & $created[1] & "/" & $created[2] & " " & $created[3] & ":" & $created[4] & ":" & $created[5] $now = _NowCalc() $datetest = _DateDiff("D", $filecreated, $now) If $datetest > 14 Then FileDelete($sfile) EndIf WEnd $search = FileFindFirstFile("status*.txt") If $search = -1 Then Return While 1 $sfile = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop $created = FileGetTime($sfile) $filecreated = $created[0] & "/" & $created[1] & "/" & $created[2] & " " & $created[3] & ":" & $created[4] & ":" & $created[5] $now = _NowCalc() $datetest = _DateDiff("D", $filecreated, $now) If $datetest > 7 Then FileDelete($sfile) EndIf WEnd $search = FileFindFirstFile("Error*.csv") If $search = -1 Then Return While 1 $sfile = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop $created = FileGetTime($sfile) $filecreated = $created[0] & "/" & $created[1] & "/" & $created[2] & " " & $created[3] & ":" & $created[4] & ":" & $created[5] $now = _NowCalc() $datetest = _DateDiff("D", $filecreated, $now) If $datetest > 7 Then FileDelete($sfile) EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>ResultsCleanup ;Func ExitReport() ; $xitrpt = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Exitreport.txt", 1) ; FileWriteLine($xitrpt, @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN) ; FileWriteLine($xitrpt, "Exit Code : " & @exitCode & @CRLF & "Exit Method : " & @exitMethod) ; FileClose($xitrpt) ; Exit ;EndFunc ;==>ExitReport Anyone have any ideas on why this is hanging up??
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