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Outlook UDF


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Hi all,

I just registered to ask about this one issue that is driving me crazy. I'm really new at AutoIt, but I've written a few scripts that have made my daily life a lot easier.

This UDF is great! But I have this issue. At it's heart, I have these 3 basic lines:

#Include "Outlook.au3"

$oOutlook = _OutlookOpen()

_OutlookDeleteMail($oOutlook, $sFolder = "\Junk E-Mail", $fDeleteMultipleMail = True, $fRemoveFromDeletedItems = False)

And I get this error:

ERROR: $sFolder: undeclared global variable.

_OutlookDeleteMail($oOutlook, $sFolder =


So then I add above _OutlookDeleteMail:

$sFolder = "\Junk E-Mail"

$fDeleteMultipleMail = True

$fRemoveFromDeletedItems = False

And get this error:

Error in expression.:

$oFilteredItems = $oMailItems.Restrict($sFilter)

$oFilteredItems = ^ ERROR

Any ideas? I'm sure I'm screwing something up.


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_OutlookDeleteMail($oOutlook, $sFolder = "\Junk E-Mail", $fDeleteMultipleMail = True, $fRemoveFromDeletedItems = False)

should be:

_OutlookDeleteMail($oOutlook,"\Junk E-Mail",'','', '', true, false)


Lol, hey Michael :graduated:



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One thing I could really use this for, is that we have certain items that users can "Check out" through outlook. Things such as conference rooms.

When You add an appointment, you can add items to the resources to do this. If I could use this to create an appaointment, and add a resource... And possibly, view the resources (I.E. If they are in use for that time already)

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Hi Wooltown,

my understanding is that the functions always access the default folder of the specified type (mail, contacts ...) of my mailbox. It would be great if we could pass a parameter that specifies the mailbox and or folder to access.

So I could access the appointments of another user or the conacts in a folder different from the default contacts folder.

Often the functions return a lot of data (_OutlookGetContacts returns up to 45 properties). If the user could pass a parameter containing a comma separated list of properties he wants to be in the returned array could make things a bit easier. If nothing is passed a default list of properties will be returned.

What do you think?

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Extending my last post I tried to adapt function _OutlookContacts so

  • it can access all possible folder locations (default contacts folder of current user, subfolder of default contacts folder of current user, different contacts folder and subfolders of current user, public folder and subfolders, default contacts folder of another user, subfolder of default contacts folder of another user, different contacts folder and subfolders of another user)
  • the performance of searching large folders is improved
  • the properties to be returned can be defined freely
  • the filter (complex queries using exact match) and search (one property using partial match) properties can be defined and combined freely
  • the filter query can consist of complex expressions
Here you find what I have so far:

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _OutlookGetContacts
; Description ...: Get contacts using Microsoft Outlook, returning an array of all information
; Syntax.........: _OutlookGetContacts($oOutlook[, $sFolder = ""[, $sRestrict = ""[, $sSearchName = ""[, $sSearchValue = ""[, $sReturnProperties = "FirstName,LastName,Email1Address,Email2Address,MobileTelephoneNumber"[, $sWarningClick = ""]]]]]])
; Parameters ....: $oOutlook        - Outlook object opened by a preceding call to _OutlookOpen()
;               $sFolder        - Optional: Folder to access. (default = contacts folder of current user)
;               |                   "Rootfolder\Subfolder\Subfolder\...\Subfolder" to access any public folder or any contacts folder of the current user
;               |                   "\\firstname name" to access the default contacts folder of another user
;               |                   "\\firstname name\subfolder" to access a subfolder of the default contacts of another user
;               |                   "\\firstname name\\subfolder" to access any subfolder of another user
;               |                   "\subfolder" to access a subfolder of the default contacts of the current user
;               $sRestrict      - Optional: Filter text to restrict number of items returned
;               $sSearchName    - Optional: Name of the property to search for
;               $sSearchValue   - Optional: String value of the property to search for
;               $sReturnProperties - Optional: Comma separated list of properties to return (default = "FirstName,LastName,Email1Address,Email2Address,MobileTelephoneNumber")
;               $sWarningClick  - Optional: The Entire SearchString to 'OutlookWarning2.exe' (default = None)
; Return values .: Success - One based two-dimensional array with the properties specified by $sReturnProperties
;               Failure - Returns 0 and sets @Error:
;               |1 - You have to specifiy $sSearchname AND $sSearchValue or none of them
;               |2 - $sWarningClick not found
;               |3 - Could not resolve specified User in $sFolder
;               |4 - Error accessing another users mailbox. For details check @extended
;               |5 - Error accessing specified folder. For details check @extended
;               |6 - Error accessing specified property. For details check @extended
;               |7 - Error processing the restrict query. For details check @extended
;               |9 - ObjEvent error
; Author ........: Wooltown
; Modified ......: 2010-12-04 by water:
; Remarks .......: Be sure to specify the values in $sReturnProperties and $sSearchname in correct case e.g. "FirstName" is valid, "Firstname" is invalid
;               Search here to find how to define a query for $sRestrict: See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff869597.aspx
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _OutlookGetContactsEx($oOutlook, $sFolder, $sRestrict = "", $sSearchName = "", $sSearchValue="", $sReturnProperties = "FirstName,LastName,Email1Address,Email2Address,MobileTelephoneNumber", $sWarningClick = "")

    Local $oFolder, $bSearch = False
    If $sWarningClick <> "" Then
        If FileExists($sWarningClick) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "")
    ;Local $oSecurityManager = ObjCreate("AddinExpress.Outlook.SecurityManager")
    ;$oSecurityManager.DisableOOMWarnings = True
    ;==> Local $oOuError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_OutlookError")
    Local $oNamespace = $oOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    If $sFolder = "" Or (StringLeft($sFolder, 1) = "\" And _                    ; No folder specified. Use default contacts folder
        StringMid($sFolder, 2, 1) <> "\") Then                                  ; Folder starts with "\" = subfolder in default contacts folder
        $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($olFolderContacts)
        If $sFolder <> "" Then
            $aFolders = StringSplit(StringMid($sFolder, 2), "\")
            SetError(0)                                                         ; Reset error of StringSplit
            For $i = 1 To $aFolders[0]
                $oFolder = $oFolder.Folders($aFolders[$i])
                If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(5, @error, "")
        If StringLeft($sFolder, 2) = "\\" Then                                  ; Access the calender of another user
            $aFolders = StringSplit(StringMid($sFolder, 3), "\")                ; Split off Recipient
            $oDummy = $oNameSpace.CreateRecipient("=" & $aFolders[1])           ; Create Recipient. "=" sets resolve to strict
            $oDummy.Resolve                                                     ; Resolve
            If Not $oDummy.Resolved Then Return SetError(3, 0 , "")
            SetError(0)                                                         ; Reset error to 0
            If $aFolders[0] > 1 And $aFolders[2] = "" Then                      ; Access any subolder of another user
                $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder($oDummy, $olFolderContacts).Parent
            Else                                                                ; Access a subolder of the default contacts of another user
                $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder($oDummy, $olFolderContacts)
            If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(4, @error, "")
            $aFolders = StringSplit($sFolder, "\")                              ; Folder specified. Split and get the object
            $oFolder = $oNamespace.Folders($aFolders[1])
            If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(5, @error, "")
        If $aFolders[0] > 1 Then                                                ; Access subfolders
            For $i = 2 To $aFolders[0]
                If $aFolders[$i] <> "" Then
                    $oFolder = $oFolder.Folders($aFolders[$i])
                    If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(5, @error, "")
    If ($sSearchName <> "" And $sSearchValue = "") Or ($sSearchName = "" And $sSearchValue <> "") Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
    If $sSearchName <> "" Then $bSearch = True
    Local $asReturnProperties = StringSplit(StringStripWS($sReturnProperties, 8), ",")
    Local $asContacts[$oFolder.Items.Count+1][$asReturnProperties[0]] = [[0, $asReturnProperties[0]]], $sTemp
    If $sRestrict = "" Then $sRestrict = '[OutlookVersion] <> ""'               ; Dummy filter to retrieve all items
    $oContacts = $oFolder.Items.Restrict($sRestrict)
    If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(7, @error, "")
    For $oContact In $oContacts
        If $oContact.Class <> $olContact Then ContinueLoop
        If $bSearch And StringInStr($oContact.ItemProperties.Item($sSearchName).value, $sSearchValue) = 0 Then ContinueLoop
        $asContacts[0][0] += 1
        For $iIndex = 1 To $asReturnProperties[0]                               ; Fill array with the specified properties
            $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][$iIndex - 1] = $oContact.ItemProperties.Item($asReturnProperties[$iIndex] ).value
            If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(6, @error, "")
    ReDim $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0] + 1][$asReturnProperties[0]]
    If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(9, @error, "")
    ;$oSecurityManager.DisableOOMWarnings = True
    Return $asContacts

EndFunc   ;==>_OutlookGetContactsEx


; Example 1 - Current User - Default contacts folder
; Filter all items with firstname "Mathias" and return properties firstname, lastname and fullname
$sFolderToAccess = ""
$aContacts = _OutlookgetContactsEx($oOutlook, $sFolderToAccess, '[FIRSTNAME] = "Mathias"', "", "", "FirstName,LastName,FullName")
ConsoleWrite("@error: " & @error & ", @extended: " & @extended & @CRLF)

; Example 2 - Other User - Default contacts folder
; Filter all items with homeaddresscity "New York" and companyname "IBM". The department contains "IT". Return properties firstname, lastname and fullname
$sFolderToAccess = "\\name firstname"
$aContacts = _OutlookgetContactsEx($oOutlook, $sFolderToAccess, '[HomeAddressCity] = "New York" and [CompanyName] = "IBM"', "Department", "IT", "FirstName,LastName,FullName")
ConsoleWrite("@error: " & @error & ", @extended: " & @extended & @CRLF)

What do you think?

Is this an approach that can be extended to all functions?

Edited by water

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  • 1 month later...


been using this UDF for some time and and its awesome, I've made changes and added my own methods however recently something changed which i think has been added by MS. I get this error...

Posted Image

I'm not aware of the machine doing any updates but clearly something has changed, i never used to get it.

The function caused this to popup is _OutlookGetMail() ;

I guessing i would have to add the program to the COM addin list? If thats the case it could prove difficult as im not admin. I can use the "Allow" acces for 10mins option which works but if anyone is aware of a work around that would also be nice.



They call me MrRegExpMan

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I think setting the parameter $sWarningClick of _OutlookGetMail() to the full path to OutlookWarning2.exe will do the trick. You can find details on page 1 of this thread.

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Does anyone know how can I insert table and format texts on body parameter from _OutlookSendMail.

A piece from my script:

$oOutlook = _OutlookOpen()
_OutlookSendMail($oOutlook, "email@generic.com", "", "", "Subject/Title", "Body text. Here I want to add a 5x1 table)
; Thanks!
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Set the parameter $iBodyFormat to $olFormatHTML and insert HTML into the body of your mail.

Please check the function _OutlookSendMail in the UDF. If necessary please change line

$oMessage.Body = $sBody
If $iBodyFormat = $olFormatHTML Then
    $oMessage.HTMLBody = $sBody
    $oMessage.Body = $sBody

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Set the parameter $iBodyFormat to $olFormatHTML and insert HTML into the body of your mail.

Please check the function _OutlookSendMail in the UDF. If necessary please change line

$oMessage.Body = $sBody
If $iBodyFormat = $olFormatHTML Then
    $oMessage.HTMLBody = $sBody
    $oMessage.Body = $sBody

It worked! Thanks!! :x
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  • 4 weeks later...

i know this is probably such a basic question, but when i do _outlookgetmail and it returns the array of how many items and how many unread items, how do i extract JUST the unread items? I want it to display a msgbox saying "you have x unread emails" but if i remember the unread email count is row 0 column 2 (i think) so how do i get it to output that?



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Hi darkleton,

if I understand the UDF correctly element[0][1] represents the number of unread mails. If you then want to filter the unread mails from the array check element[row][12] for True.

Or set $fOnlyReturnUnread to True and the function only returns unread mails.


BTW: It might be too early but an extended Outlook UDF with a different approach is in the making. It will remove all limitations of the current UDF. The downside will be that they are not compatible so all your scripts will have to be rewritten.

Edited by water

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No, the function always returns an array. But this should work:

#include <Outlook.au3>

$oOutlook = _OutlookOpen()
$xx = _OutlookGetMail($oOutlook, $olFolderInbox, False, "", "", "", "", "", "", True, "", 0, True)
MsgBox(0, '', "You have a total of " & $xx[0][0] & " mails in your inbox. " & $xx[0][1] & " of them are unread")
Edited by water

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Hi All,

First, very nice and helpful UDF...

I'm trying to create an appointment with sevral attendies...

I didn't see this option. Can anyone help?

Wooltown (the author of this UDF) and I am currently extending the functionality of the Outlook UDF. Most likely it will be a complete rewrite with a completely different approach.

The tests with the first alpha version start next week.

Now you have to decide what to do:

  • If you need it right now then you can create the appointment using the current UDF. The attendees have to be added manually (no big deal)
  • Wait till we release the extended UDF
  • Use the alpha version. But you might find some bugs
What do you want to do? Edited by water

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PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
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Wooltown (the author of this UDF) and I am currently extending the functionality of the Outlook UDF. Most likely it will be a complete rewrite with a completely different approach.

The tests with the first alpha version start next week.

Now you have to decide what to do:

  • If you need it right now then you can create the appointment using the current UDF. The attendees have to be added manually (no big deal)
  • Wait till we release the extended UDF
  • Use the alpha version. But you might find some bugs
What do you want to do?

Hi Water,

Nice to know this is still worked on...

Actually, I do need it as automated, as I need to read an Excel file, and add multiple appointments to multiple reciepients according to the file...

I would like to try the alpha ver...

I did add a parameter $sAttendies, and the below line:

If $sAttendies <> "" Then $oNote.Recipients.Add($sAttendies)

This does add the attendy, but as unresolved name. Also added the send command after the save:



But it's not actually sent...

Thanks for replying so fast.


Edited by kmosh1
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