Wooltown Posted January 13, 2010 Author Posted January 13, 2010 Wooltown, I just downloaded the UDF and had some problems just getting started. I looked at the _OutlookSendMail demo and code snippets in this thread and whittled down my code to just this: #Include "Outlook.au3" $oOutlook = _OutlookOpen() I got this error from it: C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\Outlook.au3(1685,3) : ERROR: syntax error EndIf ^ C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\Outlook.au3(1863,19) : ERROR: 'With' cannot be nested With $oContact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ What I found is in the Outlook.au3 file, line 1684 was commented out. 1683 EndIf 1684 ;Endwith 1685 EndIf I took out the comment line and it seems to work. All With ... EndWith should be removed, I will look into it !
RagsRevenge Posted January 15, 2010 Posted January 15, 2010 All With...EndWith removed !Hey Wooltown, nice UDF, and coming in very handy at the moment.Spotted a problem with _OutlookGetMail. If an email has an inline attachment (ie: an image embedded into the body, rather than shown with a paper clip), then the mail array doesn't get fully filled out,ie all of the properties after body in the array are blank.I don't have a full solution, but you need to check the CID of the attachment, and if the CID is not blank, then the attachment is embedded and you can't assign the body to a string value.See http://www.outlookcode.com/codedetail.aspx?id=52 (Joost's post) and http://www.eggheadcafe.com/software/aspnet/31644100/for-embedded-attachments.aspx for discussions about differentiating between embedded and non embedded attachments.Nice work.D
Syl21 Posted January 27, 2010 Posted January 27, 2010 Hello, I need some help, I try to improve _OutlookCreateAppointment see here : http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=108957 I have create a _OutlookDeleteAppointment: expandcollapse popup;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _OutlookDeleteAppointment() ; Description: Modify an appointment using Microsoft Outlook. ; Syntax.........: _OutlookDeleteAppointment($oOutlook, $sSubject, $sStartDate, $sNewSubject = "", $sNewStartDate = "", $sEndDate = "", $sLocation = "", $fAllDayEvent = False, $sBody = "", $sReminder = 15, $sShowTimeAs = "", $iImportance = "", $iSensitivity = "", $iRecurrenceType = "", $sPatternStartDate = "", $sPatternEndDate = "", $iInterval = "", $iDayOfWeekMask = "", $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year = "", $iInstance = "") ; Parameter(s): $oOutlook - Outlook object opened by a preceding call to _OutlookOpen(). ; $sSubject - The Subject of the Appointment. ; $sStartDate - Start date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally. ; $sNewSubject - Optional: New Subject of the Appointment. ; $sNewStartDate - Optional: New start date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally. ; $sEndDate - Optional: End date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally. ; Number of minutes. ; $sLocation - Optional: The location where the meeting is going to take place. ; $fAllDayEvent - Optional: True or False if set to True and the appointment is lasting for more than one day, end Date ; must be one day higher than the actual end Date. ; $sBody - Optional: The Body of the Appointment. ; $sReminder - Optional: Reminder in Minutes before start, 0 for no reminder ; $sShowTimeAs - Optional: $olBusy=2, $olFree=0, $olOutOfOffice=3, $olTentative=1 ; $iImportance - Optional: $olImportanceNormal=1, $olImportanceHigh=2, $olImportanceLow=0 ; $iSensitivity - Optional: $olNormal=0, $olPersonal=1, $olPrivate=2, $olConfidential=3 ; $iRecurrenceType - Optional: $olRecursDaily=0, $olRecursWeekly=1, $olRecursMonthly=2, $olRecursMonthNth=3, $olRecursYearly=5, $olRecursYearNth=6. Remove Recurrence=-1 ; $sPatternStartDate - Optional: Start Date of the Reccurent Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD - or what is set locally. ; $sPatternEndDate - Optional: End Date of the Reccurent Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD - or what is set locally. ; $iInterval - Optional: Interval between the Reccurent Appointment ; $iDayOfWeekMask - Optional: Add the values of the days the appointment shall occur. $olSunday=1, $olMonday=2, $olTuesday=4, $olWednesday=8, $olThursday=16, $olFriday=32, $olSaturday=64 ; $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year - Optional: DayOfMonth or MonthOfYear, Day of the month or month of the year on which the recurring appointment or task occurs ; $iInstance - Optional: This property is only valid for recurrences of the $olRecursMonthNth and $olRecursYearNth type and allows the definition of a recurrence pattern that is only valid for the Nth occurrence, such as "the 2nd Sunday in March" pattern. The count is set numerically: 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on through 5 for the last. Values greater than 5 will generate errors when the pattern is saved. ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 with COM support (post 3.1.1) ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR > 0 ; @ERROR = 1 - Illegal parameters ; @ERROR = 2 - Appointment not found ; @ERROR = 9 - ObjEvent error. ; Author(s): Wooltown ; Created: 2009-02-23 ; Modified: - ; ;=============================================================================== Func _OutlookDeleteAppointment($oOutlook, $sSubject, $sStartDate = "", $sEndDate = "", $sLocation = "", $fAllDayEvent = "", $sBody = "", $sReminder = "", $sShowTimeAs = "", $iImportance = "", $iSensitivity = "", $iRecurrenceType = "", $sPatternStartDate = "", $sPatternEndDate = "", $iInterval = "", $iDayOfWeekMask = "", $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year = "", $iInstance = "") Local $iRc = 0, $fItemFound = False, $fIsRecurring, $oRecPatt, $oOrig Local $oOuError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_OutlookError") Local $oNamespace = $oOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") Local $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($olFolderCalendar) Local $oColItems = $oFolder.Items $oColItems.Sort("[Start]") $oColItems.IncludeRecurrences = True Local $sFilter = '[Subject] = "' & $sSubject & '"' Local $oFilteredItems = $oColItems.Restrict($sFilter) For $oItem In $oFilteredItems $fItemFound = True $fIsRecurring = $oItem.IsRecurring If $fIsRecurring = False Then $oItem.Delete $oItem.Close $iRc = @ERROR If $iRc = 0 Or $iRc = -2147352561 Then Return 1 Else Return SetError(9, 0, 0) EndIf Else ; ----- Recurring Appointment, change all occurences $oItem.GetFirst $oRecPatt = $oItem.GetRecurrencePattern ;With $oRecPatt If $sNewStartDate <> "" Then If Not _DateIsValid($sNewStartDate) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $oRecPatt.StartTime = $sNewStartDate EndIf If $sEndDate <> "" Then If _DateIsValid($sEndDate) Then $oRecPatt.EndTime = $sEndDate Else $oRecPatt.Duration = Number($sEndDate) EndIf EndIf $oRecPatt.Save $oRecPatt.Close ;Endwith $oOrig = $oRecPatt.Parent $oOrig.Delete $oOrig.Close $iRc = @ERROR If $iRc = 0 Or $iRc = -2147352561 Then Return 1 Else Return SetError(9, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf Next If $fItemFound = False Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndFunc Thx in AdvanceOutlook.au3
rodcrux Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Wooltown, thank you so much for creating this top UDF set - it has proved invaluable in making the switch from work diary appointments on an ageing Psion Series 7 to my shiny new netbook running Outlook. Just one thing that did confuse me for some time until today was that in the "_Read_Outlook_Appointments()" function, start date and end dates do not work correctly unless date setting is set to USA (Sweden too?) format from Regional and Language options in control panel. Great work and thanks again. Rod
Apzo Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Excellent work ! But I still don't understand how to list mails from a subfolder, itself into a 3rd or 4th account. I've seen some code, but hard to get it working.. Do you plan to update the UDF soon ? (BTW, could you replace all those "V:\Source Code\Outlook\Outlook.au3" with "Outlook.au3" please ? Thx ) Apzo. All the pop3 functions.Rsync your files on your USB key (or anywhere else)
Wooltown Posted February 4, 2010 Author Posted February 4, 2010 rodcrux: Just one thing that did confuse me for some time until today was that in the "_Read_Outlook_Appointments()" function, start date and end dates do not work correctly unless date setting is set to USA (Sweden too?) format from Regional and Language options in control panel.; Function Name: _OutlookGetAppointments(); Description: Get the appointments in Microsoft Outlook specify Subject and or Date Interval; Syntax.........: _OutlookGetAppointments($oOutlook, $sSubject = "", $sStartDate = "", $sEndDate = "", $sLocation = "", $iAllDayEvent = 2, $iImportance = ""); Parameter(s): $oOutlook - Outlook object opened by a preceding call to _OutlookOpen().; $sSubject - The Subject of the Appointment.; $sStartDate - Start date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally.; $sEndDate - Optional: End date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally.I haven't tested it in other regional settings then here in sweden, but it should work with your regional setting.Apzo:But I still don't understand how to list mails from a subfolder, itself into a 3rd or 4th account.I've seen some code, but hard to get it working..This lists all mail in the LLLL folder on the same level as "Inbox"$xx = _OutlookGetMail($oOutlook,"\LLLL" ,True,"","","","","","",False,"OutlookWarning2.exe",3)This lists all mail in the subfolder "To Save" in Inbox$xx = _OutlookGetMail($oOutlook,$olFolderInbox & "\To Save",False,"","","","","","",False,"OutlookWarning2.exe")
Apzo Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 Apzo:This lists all mail in the LLLL folder on the same level as "Inbox"$xx = _OutlookGetMail($oOutlook,"\LLLL" ,True,"","","","","","",False,"OutlookWarning2.exe",3)This lists all mail in the subfolder "To Save" in Inbox$xx = _OutlookGetMail($oOutlook,$olFolderInbox & "\To Save",False,"","","","","","",False,"OutlookWarning2.exe")Hmmm, heaven is just next door How do I get the $olFolderInbox value ?(3 accounts, dozens of subfolders, the folder I'd like to list is in the 3rd account. That is : 3rd Inbox).Apzo. All the pop3 functions.Rsync your files on your USB key (or anywhere else)
Wooltown Posted February 5, 2010 Author Posted February 5, 2010 Hmmm, heaven is just next door How do I get the $olFolderInbox value ?(3 accounts, dozens of subfolders, the folder I'd like to list is in the 3rd account. That is : 3rd Inbox).Apzo.The $olFolderInbox value is a numerial value, which is found on MSDN, is as a constant in the UDF, reading other persons folder is something I haven't mad yet, but somewhere in this topic comeno has made a solution for it.
mbbs Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 Hello, WooltownThank you for nice idea. I need in this UDF. Now I check func _OutlookGetContacts. You loss three strings.If $fFullList = False Then $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][0] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).FirstName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][1] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).LastName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][2] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Email1Address $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][3] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Email2Address $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][4] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).MobileTelephoneNumber Else $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][0] = $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][1] = $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][2] = $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][3] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Title $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][4] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).MiddleNameBest regards
gk123 Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 Hello WoolTown, I was wondering how I can add a resource (for example a room/rooms to an appointment). The UDF are just brilliant. Cheers, gk123
BullGates Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 I have the need to search for the contacts of a company name, so I've added this, can it be included on the UDF as well? A small change in the Function call: ($oOutlook, $sFirstName = "", $sLastName = "", $sEmail1Adress = "", $sCompanyName = "", $fSearchPart = False, $fFullList = False, $sWarningClick = "") Then this was added in the read loop, just after "For $iNum = 1 to $iNumOfContacts" If $sCompanyname <> "" Then If $fSearchPart = False Then If $sCompanyname <> $oColItems.Item($iNum).CompanyName Then ContinueLoop Else If StringInStr($oColItems.Item($iNum).CompanyName,$sCompanyName) = 0 Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf I have to create a list of contacts read from the AD, and created on a speccific Contacts Folder. How can I add the contacts to a speccific PST folder? The ideia is that I can fill our several company phones with the latest contacts (using Nokia manager and activesync) [topic="51913"]Restrict USB Storage usage to group membership[/topic] * [topic="48699"]Using nircmd library[/topic] * Some admin notes
mbbs Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 I have to create a list of contacts read from the AD, and created on a speccific Contacts Folder. How can I add the contacts to a speccific PST folder?The ideia is that I can fill our several company phones with the latest contacts (using Nokia manager and activesync)It's my correction for reading of different contact folders:Func _OutlookGetContacts($oOutlook, $sFirstName = "", $sLastName = "", $sEmail1Adress = "", _ $fSearchPart = False, $fFullList = False, $sWarningClick = "", $sFolder = "" )......Local $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($olFolderContacts)If $sFolder <> "" Then $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($sFolder)endIf......EndFunc
daddydave Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 (edited) You have done some amazing work here, Wooltown. Thanks for your efforts. I just noticed something that I am not sure is a bug or just me not understanding something. The _OutlookCreateTask seems to return failure codes even if the task is created. #include <Outlook.au3> Local $OOutlook = _OutlookOpen() Local $Test = _OutlookCreateTask($OOutlook, "this is an _OutlookCreateTask() test") MsgBox(16, "test", "@ERROR = " & @ERROR & " and $Test = " & $Test) ; Task gets created in Outlook but ; @ERROR = 9 and $Test = 0 both indicating failure Edited March 17, 2010 by daddydave
Syl21 Posted March 19, 2010 Posted March 19, 2010 (edited) Here is a start of _OutlookDeleteAppointment() I'm sure lot of things can be improve... expandcollapse popup;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _OutlookDeleteAppointment() ; Description: Delete an appointment using Microsoft Outlook. ; Syntax.........: _OutlookDeleteAppointment($oOutlook, $sSubject, $sStartDate, $sNewSubject = "", $sNewStartDate = "", $sEndDate = "", $sLocation = "", $fAllDayEvent = False, $sBody = "", $sReminder = 15, $sShowTimeAs = "", $iImportance = "", $iSensitivity = "", $iRecurrenceType = "", $sPatternStartDate = "", $sPatternEndDate = "", $iInterval = "", $iDayOfWeekMask = "", $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year = "", $iInstance = "") ; Parameter(s): $oOutlook - Outlook object opened by a preceding call to _OutlookOpen(). ; $sSubject - The Subject of the Appointment. ; $sStartDate - Start date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally. ; $sNewSubject - Optional: New Subject of the Appointment. ; $sNewStartDate - Optional: New start date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally. ; $sEndDate - Optional: End date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally. ; Number of minutes. ; $sLocation - Optional: The location where the meeting is going to take place. ; $fAllDayEvent - Optional: True or False if set to True and the appointment is lasting for more than one day, end Date ; must be one day higher than the actual end Date. ; $sBody - Optional: The Body of the Appointment. ; $sReminder - Optional: Reminder in Minutes before start, 0 for no reminder ; $sShowTimeAs - Optional: $olBusy=2, $olFree=0, $olOutOfOffice=3, $olTentative=1 ; $iImportance - Optional: $olImportanceNormal=1, $olImportanceHigh=2, $olImportanceLow=0 ; $iSensitivity - Optional: $olNormal=0, $olPersonal=1, $olPrivate=2, $olConfidential=3 ; $iRecurrenceType - Optional: $olRecursDaily=0, $olRecursWeekly=1, $olRecursMonthly=2, $olRecursMonthNth=3, $olRecursYearly=5, $olRecursYearNth=6. Remove Recurrence=-1 ; $sPatternStartDate - Optional: Start Date of the Reccurent Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD - or what is set locally. ; $sPatternEndDate - Optional: End Date of the Reccurent Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD - or what is set locally. ; $iInterval - Optional: Interval between the Reccurent Appointment ; $iDayOfWeekMask - Optional: Add the values of the days the appointment shall occur. $olSunday=1, $olMonday=2, $olTuesday=4, $olWednesday=8, $olThursday=16, $olFriday=32, $olSaturday=64 ; $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year - Optional: DayOfMonth or MonthOfYear, Day of the month or month of the year on which the recurring appointment or task occurs ; $iInstance - Optional: This property is only valid for recurrences of the $olRecursMonthNth and $olRecursYearNth type and allows the definition of a recurrence pattern that is only valid for the Nth occurrence, such as "the 2nd Sunday in March" pattern. The count is set numerically: 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on through 5 for the last. Values greater than 5 will generate errors when the pattern is saved. ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 with COM support (post 3.1.1) ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR > 0 ; @ERROR = 1 - Illegal parameters ; @ERROR = 2 - Appointment not found ; @ERROR = 9 - ObjEvent error. ; Author(s): Wooltown ; Created: 2009-02-23 ; Modified: - ; ;=============================================================================== Func _OutlookDeleteAppointment($oOutlook, $sSubject, $sStartDate = "", $sEndDate = "", $sLocation = "", $fAllDayEvent = "", $sBody = "", $sReminder = "", $sShowTimeAs = "", $iImportance = "", $iSensitivity = "", $iRecurrenceType = "", $sPatternStartDate = "", $sPatternEndDate = "", $iInterval = "", $iDayOfWeekMask = "", $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year = "", $iInstance = "") Local $iRc = 0, $fItemFound = False, $fIsRecurring, $oRecPatt, $oOrig Local $oOuError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_OutlookError") Local $oNamespace = $oOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") Local $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($olFolderCalendar) Local $oColItems = $oFolder.Items $oColItems.Sort("[Start]") $oColItems.IncludeRecurrences = True Local $sFilter = '[Subject] = "' & $sSubject & '"' Local $oFilteredItems = $oColItems.Restrict($sFilter) For $oItem In $oFilteredItems $fItemFound = True $fIsRecurring = $oItem.IsRecurring If $fIsRecurring = False Then $oItem.Delete $oItem.Close $iRc = @ERROR If $iRc = 0 Or $iRc = -2147352561 Then Return 1 Else Return SetError(9, 0, 0) EndIf Else ; ----- Recurring Appointment, change all occurences $oItem.GetFirst $oRecPatt = $oItem.GetRecurrencePattern ;With $oRecPatt If $sNewStartDate <> "" Then If Not _DateIsValid($sNewStartDate) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $oRecPatt.StartTime = $sNewStartDate EndIf If $sEndDate <> "" Then If _DateIsValid($sEndDate) Then $oRecPatt.EndTime = $sEndDate Else $oRecPatt.Duration = Number($sEndDate) EndIf EndIf $oRecPatt.Save $oRecPatt.Close ;Endwith $oOrig = $oRecPatt.Parent $oOrig.Delete $oOrig.Close $iRc = @ERROR If $iRc = 0 Or $iRc = -2147352561 Then Return 1 Else Return SetError(9, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf Next If $fItemFound = False Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndFunc Enjoy ;~) Edited March 19, 2010 by Syl21
fp001 Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 (edited) I love you! This is immensely helpful. Attached file: Outlook.zip - 7 Demo files and 3 UDF files Edited April 9, 2010 by fp001
Ktulu789 Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 Hello, I find this UDF extremely useful I thank you so very much for releasing this to the community. I kinda found a bug in the _OutlookGetContacts Func.The function does not show the first names when it is set True to return a full List:expandcollapse popupLine# 2038 If $fFullList = False Then $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][0] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).FirstName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][1] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).LastName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][2] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Email1Address $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][3] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Email2Address $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][4] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).MobileTelephoneNumber Else $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][3] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Title $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][4] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).MiddleName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][5] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Suffix $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][6] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Email1DisplayName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][7] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Email2Address $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][8] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Email2DisplayName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][9] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Email3Address $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][10] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Email3DisplayName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][11] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).JobTitle $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][12] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).CompanyName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][13] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Body $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][14] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).SelectedMailingAddress $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][15] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Categories $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][16] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).MobileTelephoneNumber $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][17] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).HomeTelephoneNumber $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][18] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).HomeAddressStreet $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][19] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).HomeAddressCity $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][20] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).HomeAddressState $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][21] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).HomeAddressPostalCode $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][22] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).HomeAddressCountry $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][23] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).BusinessTelephoneNumber $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][24] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).BusinessAddressStreet $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][25] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).BusinessAddressCity $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][26] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).BusinessAddressState $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][27] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).BusinessAddressPostalCode $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][28] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).BusinessAddressCountry $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][29] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).OtherTelephoneNumber $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][30] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).OtherAddressStreet $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][31] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).OtherAddressCity $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][32] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).OtherAddressState $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][33] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).OtherAddressPostalCode $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][34] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).OtherAddressCountry $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][35] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).WebPage $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][36] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).IMaddress $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][37] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Birthday $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][38] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Department $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][39] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).OfficeLocation $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][40] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Profession $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][41] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).ManagerName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][42] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).AssistantName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][43] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).NickName $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][44] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Spouse $asContacts[$asContacts[0][0]][45] = $oColItems.Item($iNum).Anniversary EndIfWhy?If set to False it does the first 5 items but if set to True it jumps to the rest above the third item so the name ends up as an empty value!Also, after fixing this, when using the full list option the order seems messy.FirstName, LastName, Email1Address, Title, MiddleName, Suffix, Email1DisplayNameI fixed my copy of the UDF to fit my needs (first and last name and the 3 mail adresses together if available).I want to thank you again for this wonderful UDF. It's great, Wooltown! AutoIt is a blessing, I don't know how I was able to use my computer before [Auto]It :-S
daddydave Posted May 22, 2010 Posted May 22, 2010 (edited) For my application-in-progress (and I would think many applications would benefit from this), I ended up changing _OutlookOpen() so that it tries to get an existing instance of Outlook (ObjGet) and return that one and creating a new one (ObjCreate) only if that fails. I only halfway know what I'm doing though, so I am afraid to post the working code until I've used it a while. But it's trivial, and anyone should be able to figure it out from the ObjGet documentation. Edited May 22, 2010 by daddydave
Rigest Posted July 3, 2010 Posted July 3, 2010 This UDF saved me a lot of work! Thanks for the time and effort you put in to this. Only thing that I'm missing is a send with delay function. I know this isn't a populair function, but it's really usefull. You can find it when you set up a new e-mail at options. Then you see an option "Don't deliver before..." (I translated this from Dutch, so it can be slightly different). Do you think this will be added somewhere in the future? I would really love to see it. If not, thanks anyway for this UDF
SeF Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 Hello! First of all, very nice UDF! I'm trying to read/save emails from a 'shared mailbox'. I've tryed IQ9003's solution in page 4, but didn't worked... :/ My code: #Include <Array.au3> #Include <Outlook.au3> $oOutlook = _OutlookOpen() $Folders = _OutlookGetMail($oOutlook, "\\Caixa de correios - Cadastro Credito - VC\Inbox") _ArrayDisplay($Folders, "Inbox")
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