picea892 Posted March 30, 2009 Posted March 30, 2009 Hi Probably won't have a chance to play with this for a couple of weeks but wanted to let you know about this information. I have developed some indepth macros within outlook using VBA. There is a legitimate way to get by the security warning without resorting to automatically clicking the messagebox closed. This is a really dangerous thing to do because of the number of email viruses out there. As mentioned don't have time to work on this but here is the VBA which should be easy to translate. The trick is to use the getitemfromID method. This does not trigger the warning. 'work on selected items Set myOlExp = myOLApp.ActiveExplorer Set myolsel = myOlExp.Selection 'for all items do... For Each myitem2 In myolsel ' This line will bypass the outlook security alert!!! It's a godsent! Set myItem = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(myitem2.EntryID)
happy2help Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 (edited) Can someone please help with this bit on script? #include <File.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include "CustomMsgBox.au3" #Include <Array.au3> #Include <Outlook.au3> $oOutlook = _OutlookOpen() Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1);0=no info, 1=debug line info Opt("WinWaitDelay", 550);250 milliseconds $month = _DateMonthOfYear(@MON, 0) $a = 200 $file1 = "Product Changes Report" $dir1 = "Z:\OPERATIONS\EOD REPORTS\" $dir2 = "Z:\OPERATIONS\PRICE FILES\PRODUCT CHANGES\" & @YEAR &"\" & $month & "\" $today = @MDAY & "-" & @MON & "-" & @YEAR more stuff _OutlookSendMail($oOutlook, "Test","","", "Product Changes", "Here is todays product changes",$dir2 & "Product Changes Report-" & $today & ".pdf;" & $dir2 & "Price Changes Report-" & $today & ".pdf",$olFormatHTML,"") it doesn't send the attachments, but when i rid of the $dir2 & "Product Changes Report-" & $today & ".pdf;" & $dir2 & "Price Changes Report-" & $today & ".pdf" and put the full path in for both files, it works. please help! edit... DOH!! in my effort to get the script working before running End Of Day, i hadn't created todays version of the file OOPPSS Edited April 8, 2009 by happy2help
Capel Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 I have an OutLook folder at the same level as \Inbox. How do I search that folder using _OutlookGetMail? I can't seem to figure out how to reference it since it is not a subfolder to \Inbox.
Capel Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 Another question: Is there any way to set the 'UnRead' flag to false after processing an email? I want to process a number of unread emails in a folder, marking them read after I process them.
hatulz Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 Hi Woltdown, thanks a lot for your effort. I have one dummy question though. When I put the body of my message like html instead of the message show up correctly it shows the html code. I have copied Outlook.au3 to includes folder #Include "Outlook.au3" $oOutlook = _OutlookOpen() _OutlookSendMail($oOutlook, "to@address.com","cc@address.com","", "Subject", "<html><body><b>test</b></body></html>","",$olFormatHTML) So instead of showing a test word in bold format it shows the whole html code. 1. Do you have any idea how to work around this? 2. Also, is it possible to create the message and show it so I can have a last check/edit before sending? Thanks in advance,
Juvigy Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 Maybe it is a bug - i dont have time to test fully , but try to change the constant olFormatHTML=2 to olFormatHTML=1 . I am not sure if it will affect any other functions.
anixon Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 Fantastic piece of work. Is it possible to code the Outlook Send/Receive function? and is it also possible to code around Outlook Security rather than having to install the MAPILab Software? Ant..
Wooltown Posted April 16, 2009 Author Posted April 16, 2009 Hi Woltdown, thanks a lot for your effort. I have one dummy question though. When I put the body of my message like html instead of the message show up correctly it shows the html code. I have copied Outlook.au3 to includes folder #Include "Outlook.au3" $oOutlook = _OutlookOpen() _OutlookSendMail($oOutlook, "to@address.com","cc@address.com","", "Subject", "<html><body><b>test</b></body></html>","",$olFormatHTML) So instead of showing a test word in bold format it shows the whole html code. 1. Do you have any idea how to work around this? 2. Also, is it possible to create the message and show it so I can have a last check/edit before sending? Thanks in advance, Just write the text as normal, and the mail will be in HTML format, how to make more formatting I don't know at the moment.
Wooltown Posted April 16, 2009 Author Posted April 16, 2009 Fantastic piece of work. Is it possible to code the Outlook Send/Receive function? and is it also possible to code around Outlook Security rather than having to install the MAPILab Software? Ant..I really don't know, I can look at it when I have time for it !
Wooltown Posted April 16, 2009 Author Posted April 16, 2009 Another question: Is there any way to set the 'UnRead' flag to false after processing an email? I want to process a number of unread emails in a folder, marking them read after I process them.I will add it as an option in _OutlookGetMail(), it should be quite easy.
Capel Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 I will add it as an option in _OutlookGetMail(), it should be quite easy.I have an OutLook folder at the same level as \Inbox. How do I search that folder using _OutlookGetMail? I can't seem to figure out how to reference it since it is not a subfolder to \Inbox.
Wooltown Posted April 16, 2009 Author Posted April 16, 2009 I have an OutLook folder at the same level as \Inbox. How do I search that folder using _OutlookGetMail? I can't seem to figure out how to reference it since it is not a subfolder to \Inbox.There is a way to access the "root folder" in outlook, I don't remember how, but I will look at it and get back to you
anixon Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 I really don't know, I can look at it when I have time for it !Thanks for the prompt reply I look forward to your next instalment... Ant..
Wooltown Posted April 17, 2009 Author Posted April 17, 2009 expandcollapse popup;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _OutlookGetMail() ; Description: Get all email using Microsoft Outlook. ; Syntax.........: _OutlookGetMail($oOutlook, $sFolder = $olFolderInbox, $fSubFolder = False, $sFrom = "", $sTo = "", $sCc = "", $sBCc = "", $sSubject = "", $iImportance = "", $fOnlyReturnUnread = False, $sWarningClick = "") ; Parameter(s): $oOutlook - Outlook object opened by a preceding call to _OutlookOpen() ; $sFolder - Optional: Folder, default = $olFolderInbox, add subfolders if wish to start search at a lower level, ex: $olFolderInbox & "\Archive" ; If you wish to access the root, use "\", Sent Items, write "\Sent Items" ; $fSubFolders - Optional: Search subfolders, default = False ; $sFrom - Optional: The e-mail address of the sender ; $sTo - Optional: The recipiant(s) ; $sCc - Optional: The CC recipiant(s) of the mail ; $sBCc - Optional: The BCC recipiant(s) of the mail ; $sSubject - Optional: The Subject of the mail ; $iImportance - Optional: The Importance of the mail ; $fOnlyReturnUnread - Optional: Default = False, set to True if you only wish the unread. ; $sWarningClick - Optional: The Entire SearchString to 'OutlookWarning2.exe', Default = None ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 with COM support (post 3.1.1) ; Return Value(s): On Success - Array in the following format: [10000][16] ; [0][0] - Total Number of items ; [0][1] - Number of unread items ; [1][0] - Sender name ; [1][1] - Sender Email address ; [1][2] - To ; [1][3] - Cc ; [1][4] - Bcc ; [1][5] - ReceivedTime ; [1][6] - SentOn ; [1][7] - Subject ; [1][8] - Folder ; [1][9] - Body ; [1][10] - BodyFormat ; [1][11] - Importance ; [1][12] - Unread ; [1][13] - Size ; [1][14] - FlagIcon ; [1][15] - Attachments ; [1][16] - Class - $olMail, $olMeetingRequest Or $olTaskRequest ; [n][n] - Item n ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR > 0 ; @ERROR = 1 - Illegal parameters ; @ERROR = 2 - OutlookWarning2.exe not found. ; @ERROR = 3 - No Mail found/Folder not found. ; @ERROR = 4 - More than 9999 Mail, the first 9999 mail will be returned ; @ERROR = 5 - Mailfolder not found ; @ERROR = 9 - ObjEvent error. ; Author(s): Wooltown ; Created: 2009-02-25 ; Modified: 2009-03-02 ; 2009-03-10 - If folder not found, an error occured ; ;=============================================================================== Func _OutlookGetMail($oOutlook, $sFolder = $olFolderInbox, $fSubFolders = False, $sFrom = "", $sTo = "", $sCc = "", $sBCc = "", $sSubject = "", $iImportance = "", $fOnlyReturnUnread = False, $sWarningClick = "") If $sWarningClick <> "" And FileExists($sWarningClick) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Else Run($sWarningClick) EndIf Local $fRoot = False If StringLeft($sFolder,1) = "\" Then $fRoot = True $sFolder = StringMid($sFolder,2) EndIf If $iImportance < 0 Or $iImportance > 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $asMail[10000][17], $iRc = 0, $iFolderFound = 1 Local $oOuError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_OutlookError") Local $oNamespace = $oOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") If StringRight($sFolder,1) = "\" Then $sFolder = StringLeft($sFolder,StringLen($sFolder) - 1) Local $sSubFolderParts = StringSplit ( $sFolder, "\") If $fRoot = True Then $sSubFolderParts[0] = 0 Local $oInbox = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($olFolderInbox) If $sFolder = "" Then Local $oFolder = $oInbox.Parent Else Local $sFolderName = $oInbox.Parent For $idx = 1 To $sFolderName.Folders.Count If $sFolderName.Folders.Item($idx).Name = $sFolder Then Local $oFolder = $sFolderName.Folders.Item($idx) Next EndIf Else Local $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($sSubFolderParts[1]) EndIf If IsObj($oFolder) = 0 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) Local $sRootFolderName = $oFolder.Name $asMail[0][0] = 0 $asMail[0][1] = 0 If $sSubFolderParts[0] > 1 Then $iFolderFound = _OutlookFindRootFolder($oFolder,$sRootFolderName,StringMid($sFolder,StringInStr($sFolder,"\")+ 1)) EndIf If $iFolderFound = 0 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) _OutlookFindMailInTree($asMail, $oFolder, $sRootFolderName, $fSubFolders, $sFrom, $sTo, $sCc, $sBCc, $sSubject, $iImportance, $fOnlyReturnUnread) $iRc = @ERROR If $iRc = 4 Then SetError (4) If $asMail[0][0] = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Redim $asMail[$asMail[0][0] + 1][17] _ArraySort($asMail,1,1,0,5) Return $asMail EndFunc Updated _OutlookGetMail() Use "\" to access the root folder, use "\Sent Items" for your sent Items and so on. I will store it in the main zip.file, will just add some extra features first, Mark as "Read/Unread" fo example. I think of add it as an option to _OutlookGetMail(), set Status to "Read/Unread", other ideas are welcome.
Wooltown Posted April 17, 2009 Author Posted April 17, 2009 New options in _OutlookGetMail() & _OutlookSaveMail(), ability to access "Root folder" and change read/unread status Have searched for the ability to simulate send/receive button, but no success.
anixon Posted April 17, 2009 Posted April 17, 2009 New options in _OutlookGetMail() & _OutlookSaveMail(), ability to access "Root folder" and change read/unread statusHave searched for the ability to simulate send/receive button, but no success.In Tools|Options|Mail Setup|Send/Receive|Send/Receive you can setup automatic Send and Receives including Send and Receive on Exit I guess the question is how to trigger this time interval and event driven Outlook function. Thinking outside the box perhaps you simply make active the Send/Receive option on Exit and have the AutoIT routine simply Open/Close/Open Outlook to perform the Send/Receive which will work but unfortunately is not an elegant solution. Ant..
picea892 Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 Hi I looked into the application get id method I referred to earlier as a way to get by the security prompt. Seems like it can only be done in VBA, that's really too bad. Another option is to use redemption, it's not a solution for me, but anyone interested just google outlook + redemption. Below is the code I was playing with. As expected the subject and number of messages don't trigger security prompt. The security was put in to stop viruses from sending itself to your addressbook. expandcollapse popup#include <StaticConstants.au3> HotKeySet("{esc}", "Terminate") GUICreate("outlook Info Summary", 600,300,-1,-1) $unread=GUICtrlCreateLabel("",5,5,20,20,$SS_right) $unread2=GUICtrlCreateLabel("",25,3,100,30,$SS_LEFT) $details2=GUICtrlCreateLabel("",110,-15,460,290,$SS_LEFT) newmessages() GUISetState() While 1 sleep(200) WEnd Func newmessages() $strsubject="" $otl = ObjCreate("Outlook.Application") $session = $otl.GetNameSpace("MAPI") $inbox = $session.GetDefaultFolder(6) $c=0 For $m In $inbox.items If $m.unread Then $c = $c + 1 ;$myItem = application.session.GetItemFromID($m.EntryID) ;MsgBox(0,"",$myItem) ; $strItemName = $myItem.SenderName $strsubject= $strsubject&@CR&$m.Subject EndIf Next $session.logoff $s = "s" If $c = 1 Then $s = "" GUICtrlSetFont($unread,15,"Franklin Gothic Medium") GUICtrlSetData($unread,$c) GUICtrlSetFont($unread2,8,"Franklin Gothic Medium") GUICtrlSetData($unread2," unread" &@CR&" message" & $s) GUICtrlSetFont($details2,11,"Arial") GUICtrlSetData($details2,$strsubject) EndFunc func terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc
Capel Posted April 24, 2009 Posted April 24, 2009 (edited) Updated _OutlookGetMail()Use "\" to access the root folder, use "\Sent Items" for your sent Items and so on.I will store it in the main zip.file, will just add some extra features first, Mark as "Read/Unread" fo example.I think of add it as an option to _OutlookGetMail(), set Status to "Read/Unread", other ideas are welcome.Wooltown, thanks for making these changes! Edited April 24, 2009 by Capel
Capel Posted April 24, 2009 Posted April 24, 2009 (edited) I'm getting some unexpected results and not sure if it is a bug or something I'm not doing. So, I have an OL folder that received email from a web page. The body of the email contains a single string of characters with no CRLF. The example below shoud just be one line but this forum s/w keeps breaking it into two! Adam|Smith|smith1820@comcast.net|a28015|True|True|True|2|4|False|False|False|False|False|Select|Sele ct|Select|SM|0 When I process this with Outlook.au3 I get the following string. The first part of the string is repeated and a CRLF is inserted. Adam|Smith|smith1820@comcast.net|a28015|True|True|True|2|4|False|False|F Adam|Smith|alse|False|False|Select|Select|Select|SM|0| I have no idea why AutoIT is doing this. Help! Edited April 24, 2009 by Capel
codemaker Posted April 25, 2009 Posted April 25, 2009 Is it possible to read a specific note from Outlook edit it in a "mini" editor and save it back as the same note If you can delete and create new note with the same "name"
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