Beege Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 (edited) Here is my new version after listening to everyone suggestions. Changes: Added 5 band Calculator Added E6, E12, E24, E48, E96 Series Added Range inputs and AutoRange option <-- Made it alot faster! Rewrote combination functions to allow larger combinations sets Once again let me know if you see or have any problems. Thanks for looking! Edit: fixed 30 second hang and window positioning in Version 2. expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GUIListBox.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Include <GuiComboBox.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #Include <array.au3> #Include <file.au3> #include <Date.au3> Dim $R_Values Global $tfound = 0, $tchecked = 0, $Gui_time_comb = 1, $Gui_time_list = 1, $ltimeS, $current_series $Form1 = GUICreate("Resistance Calculator", 629, 657) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) $B_Target = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate", 488, 472, 89, 33, 0) $Target = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 408, 81, 21) $Tolerance = GUICtrlCreateInput("1.00", 184, 408, 81, 21) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Target Value", 80, 384, 82, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("% Tolerance", 184, 384, 81, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $nResistors = GUICtrlCreateCombo("2", 288, 408, 81, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "3|4|5") $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("# of Resistors", 288, 384, 85, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Combinations Checked = ", 272, 592, 156, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $checked = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0", 427, 592, 200, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Combinations Found = ", 56, 592, 140, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $found = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0", 197, 592, 67, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") Global $List1 = GUICtrlCreateListView('Resistors|Value|% Tolerance', 56, 448, 425, 136) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($List1, 0, 190) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($List1, 1, 100) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth ($List1, 2, 130) $Checkbox_series = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Series", 112, 320, 65, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Checkbox_Parallel = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Parallel", 184, 320, 81, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Group = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Resistor Connection", 96, 296, 177, 57, $BS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFE1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $B_Save = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save List", 488, 528, 89, 33, 0) $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Settings", 56, 360, 337, 81, $BS_CENTER) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Qcalc_Input = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 32, 112, 161, 21) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ex: 10k, 68, 3.3M", 64, 88, 88, 17) $B_Qcalc = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate", 72, 144, 73, 33, 0) $Group3 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Quick Calc", 8, 56, 209, 137, $BS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Band_1_4 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Black", 296, 56, 97, 25, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Brown|Red|Orange|Yellow|Green|Blue|Violet|Gray|white") $label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Band 1", 248, 56, 38, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) $Band_2_4 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Black", 296, 88, 97, 25, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Brown|Red|Orange|Yellow|Green|Blue|Violet|Gray|white") $Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Band 2", 248, 88, 38, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) $Band_3_4 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Black", 296, 120, 97, 25, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Brown|Red|Orange|Yellow|Green|Blue|Violet|Gray|White|Gold|Silver") $Label8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Band 3", 248, 120, 38, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) $Band_4_4 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Gold", 296, 152, 97, 25, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Silver|Brown|Red|Green|Blue|Violet|Gray|None") $Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Band 4", 248, 152, 38, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) $B_Colors4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate", 280, 184, 81, 33, 0) $Color = GUICtrlCreateGroup("4 Band Calc", 224, 16, 193, 209, $BS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Group2 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Resistor Combination Calculator ", 40, 253, 553, 369, $BS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Checkbox_allowdup = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Allow Duplication of Resistors", 309, 322, 201, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Group4 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options", 296, 296, 217, 57, $BS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFE1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Group5 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("5 Band Calc", 424, 0, 193, 241, $BS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Band_1_5 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Black", 496, 40, 97, 25, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Brown|Red|Orange|Yellow|Green|Blue|Violet|Gray|White") $Label10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Band 1", 448, 40, 38, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) $Band_2_5 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Black", 496, 72, 97, 25, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Brown|Red|Orange|Yellow|Green|Blue|Violet|Gray|White") $Label11 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Band 2", 448, 72, 38, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) $Band_3_5 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Black", 496, 104, 97, 25, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Brown|Red|Orange|Yellow|Green|Blue|Violet|Gray|White") $Label12 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Band 3", 448, 104, 38, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) $Band_4_5 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Black", 496, 136, 97, 25, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Brown|Red|Orange|Yellow|Green|Blue|Violet|Gray|White|Gold|Silver") $Label13 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Band 4", 448, 136, 38, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) $B_Colors5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate", 480, 200, 81, 33, 0) $Band_5_5 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Gold", 496, 168, 97, 25) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Silver|Brown|Red|Green|Blue|Violet|Gray|None") $Label14 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Band 5", 448, 168, 38, 17, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) Global $Range_Start = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 416, 408, 49, 21) $Range_End = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 480, 408, 49, 21) $Label15 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Start", 426, 384, 31, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label16 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("End", 491, 384, 28, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Group6 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Range", 400, 360, 145, 81, $BS_CENTER) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $MenuItem1 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") $MenuItem8 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("View Loaded Values", $MenuItem1) $Auto_Range = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Auto Range", $MenuItem1) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $MenuItem3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Exit", $MenuItem1) $MenuItem9 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Load") $MenuItem10 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("E6 Series", $MenuItem9) $MenuItem11 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("E12 Series", $MenuItem9) $MenuItem12 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("E24 Series", $MenuItem9) $MenuItem13 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("E48 Series", $MenuItem9) $MenuItem14 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("E96 Series", $MenuItem9) $MenuItem7 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Default Values", $MenuItem9) $MenuItem4 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Import Custom Values", $MenuItem9) $MenuItem2 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Help") $MenuItem5 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("How to Use", $MenuItem2) $MenuItem6 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("About", $MenuItem2) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_Parallel, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_allowdup, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_series, $GUI_CHECKED) _Load_Default_Values($R_Values) $current_series = 'Default Values' While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $Auto_Range If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Auto_Range), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($Auto_Range, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetData($Range_Start, '') GUICtrlSetData($Range_End, '') Else GUICtrlSetState($Auto_Range, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetData($Range_End, '') GUICtrlSetData($Range_Start, '') EndIf Case $B_Save _SaveList($List1) Case $MenuItem7 Dim $R_Values[66] _Load_Default_Values($R_Values) $current_series = 'Default Values' MsgBox(0, 'Default Values Loaded!', UBound($R_Values) & ' Values have been Loaded') Case $MenuItem4 Dim $R_Values_Temp _Import_Custom_Values($R_Values_Temp) If IsArray($R_Values_Temp) = 1 Then $R_Values = $R_Values_Temp MsgBox(0, 'Custom Values Imported!', UBound($R_Values) & ' Values have been Loaded') Else ContinueLoop EndIf Case $B_Target If GUICtrlRead($Target) = '' Then MsgBox(0, 'ERROR!', 'No Value Entered') ContinueLoop EndIf If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_Parallel) = $GUI_UNCHECKED, GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_series) = $GUI_UNCHECKED) Then MsgBox(0, 'ERROR!', 'You must select at least one type of connection') ContinueLoop EndIf $vtarget = GUICtrlRead($Target) _Format_View2Value($vtarget) Dim $hour, $mins, $secs, $time $timeS = TimerInit() $ltimeS = TimerInit() $tfound = 0 $tchecked = 0 $Gui_time_comb = 1 $Gui_time_list = 1 _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems ($List1) GUICtrlSetData($found, $tfound) GUICtrlSetData($checked, $tchecked) ;_Calc_Total(GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_series),GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_Parallel),$vtarget, $R_Values, GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) Select Case BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_Parallel) = $GUI_CHECKED, GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_series) = $GUI_CHECKED, BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Auto_Range), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED) If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_allowdup) = $GUI_CHECKED Then _AutoRange('Parallel', $vtarget, $R_Values) $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo_Dups($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), $GUI_UNCHECKED, $GUI_CHECKED, GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) _AutoRange('Series', $vtarget, $R_Values) $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo_Dups($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), $GUI_CHECKED, $GUI_UNCHECKED, GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_allowdup) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then _AutoRange('Parallel', $vtarget, $R_Values) $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), $GUI_UNCHECKED, $GUI_CHECKED, GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) _AutoRange('Series', $vtarget, $R_Values) $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), $GUI_CHECKED, $GUI_UNCHECKED, GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) EndIf Case BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_Parallel) = $GUI_CHECKED, GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_series) = $GUI_UNCHECKED, BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Auto_Range), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED) If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_allowdup) = $GUI_CHECKED Then _AutoRange('Parallel', $vtarget, $R_Values) $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo_Dups($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), $GUI_UNCHECKED, $GUI_CHECKED, GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_allowdup) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then _AutoRange('Parallel', $vtarget, $R_Values) $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), $GUI_UNCHECKED, $GUI_CHECKED, GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) EndIf Case BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_Parallel) = $GUI_UNCHECKED, GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_series) = $GUI_CHECKED, BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Auto_Range), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED) If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_allowdup) = $GUI_CHECKED Then _AutoRange('Series', $vtarget, $R_Values) $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo_Dups($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), $GUI_CHECKED, $GUI_UNCHECKED, GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_allowdup) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then _AutoRange('Series', $vtarget, $R_Values) $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), $GUI_CHECKED, $GUI_UNCHECKED, GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) EndIf Case BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Auto_Range), $GUI_UNCHECKED) = $GUI_UNCHECKED If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_allowdup) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo_Dups($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_series), GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_Parallel), GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_allowdup) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then $Range_Rvalues = _Create_Range($R_Values, GUICtrlRead($Range_Start), GUICtrlRead($Range_End)) _Combo($Range_Rvalues, $vtarget, GUICtrlRead($Tolerance), GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_series), GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_Parallel), GUICtrlRead($nResistors)) EndIf EndSelect Global $B_DESCENDING[_GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount ($List1) ] _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort ($List1, $B_DESCENDING, 2) $dif = TimerDiff($timeS) If $dif < 60000 Then $time = Round($dif / 1000, 2) & ' Seconds' Else _TicksToTime(Int($dif), $hour, $mins, $secs) If $hour = 0 Then $time = $mins & ' Minutes and ' & $secs & ' Seconds' Else $time = $hour & 'Hours ' & $mins & 'Minutes and ' & $secs & ' Seconds' EndIf EndIf MsgBox(0, 'Finished!', 'Search Took ' & $time) If _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount ($List1) = 0 Then MsgBox(0, 'No Matches', 'You had 0 matches so you should increase the tolerance.' & @LF & _ 'Remember for low Values you can increase the tolerance pretty high without changing value much.') Case $B_Colors4 Dim $colors[4] $colors[0] = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel ($Band_1_4) $colors[1] = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel ($Band_2_4) $colors[2] = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel ($Band_3_4) $colors[3] = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel ($Band_4_4) $resistor_Color_Value = _Color_Value_4($colors) Case $B_Colors5 Dim $colors[5] $colors[0] = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel ($Band_1_5) $colors[1] = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel ($Band_2_5) $colors[2] = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel ($Band_3_5) $colors[3] = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel ($Band_4_5) $colors[4] = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel ($Band_5_5) _Color_Value_5($colors) Case $B_Qcalc $F_Value = _Stringformat(GUICtrlRead($Qcalc_Input), 1) $RP_String = _Parallel_Value($F_Value) $RS_String = _Series_Value($F_Value) MsgBox(0, 'Resistance Value', 'Parallel Value = ' & $RP_String & ' Ohms' & @LF & _ 'Series Value = ' & $RS_String & ' Ohms') Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $MenuItem3 Exit Case $MenuItem6 MsgBox(0, 'About', 'Resistance Calculator' & @LF & 'Version 2' & @LF & 'Writen by Brian J Christy') Case $MenuItem5 MsgBox(0, 'How to Use', "All values entered can be abbreviated with a K for thousand or M for Million." & @LF & _ "For imported values the same rule applies. Also the file you import" & @LF & "can only have one value per line and must be a .txt file." & @LF & @LF & _ "Default Values are preloaded startup. These Values include all values found in " & @LF & _ "RadioShacks Assortment Pack." & @LF & @LF & "A Comma is the character used to seperate values in the Quick calc and you can" & @LF & _ "enter as many values as you want. The Calc will return both series and parallel values.") Case $MenuItem8 Dim $Atemp = $R_Values For $i = 0 To UBound($Atemp) - 1 _Format_Value2View($Atemp[$i]) Next _ArrayDisplay($Atemp, $current_series) Case $MenuItem10 _Load_E6_Values($R_Values) $current_series = 'E6 Series' MsgBox(0, 'E6 Series Loaded!', UBound($R_Values) & ' Values have been Loaded') Case $MenuItem11 _Load_E12_Values($R_Values) $current_series = 'E12 Series' MsgBox(0, 'E12 Series Loaded!', UBound($R_Values) & ' Values have been Loaded') Case $MenuItem12 _Load_E24_Values($R_Values) $current_series = 'E24 Series' MsgBox(0, 'E24 Series Loaded!', UBound($R_Values) & ' Values have been Loaded') Case $MenuItem13 _Load_E48_Values($R_Values) $current_series = 'E48 Series' MsgBox(0, 'E48 Series Loaded!', UBound($R_Values) & ' Values have been Loaded') Case $MenuItem14 _Load_E96_Values($R_Values) $current_series = 'E96 Series' MsgBox(0, 'E96 Series Loaded!', UBound($R_Values) & ' Values have been Loaded') EndSwitch WEnd Func _AutoRange($connection, $aTarget, $aArray) Local $i, $index GUICtrlSetData($Range_End, '') GUICtrlSetData($Range_Start, '') If $connection = 'Parallel' Then For $i = UBound($aArray) - 1 To 0 Step - 1 If $aArray[$i] <= $aTarget Then $index = $i - 1 If $index <= 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($Range_End, '') GUICtrlSetData($Range_Start, '') Return EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Range_Start, $index) Return EndIf Next EndIf If $connection = 'Series' Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 If $aArray[$i] = $aTarget Then GUICtrlSetData($Range_End, $i + 1) GUICtrlSetData($Range_Start, '') Return EndIf If $aArray[$i] > $aTarget Then GUICtrlSetData($Range_End, $i) GUICtrlSetData($Range_Start, '') Return EndIf Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>_AutoRange Func _Combo(ByRef $avArray, $Target, $Tolerance, $series, $parallel, $iSet, $sDelim = ",") Local $i, $aIdx[1], $Resistor_Set, $iN = 0, $iR = 0, $iLeft = 0, $iTotal = 0 Local $sParallelV, $sSeriesV, $high, $low, $Resistor_Set $high = $Target+ ($Target* ($Tolerance / 100)) $low = $Target- ($Target* ($Tolerance / 100)) $iN = UBound($avArray) $iR = $iSet Dim $aIdx[$iR] For $i = 0 To $iR - 1 $aIdx[$i] = $i Next $iTotal = New_Array_Combinations($iN, $iR) $iLeft = $iTotal While Int($iLeft) > 0 _Array_GetNext ($iN, $iR, $iLeft, $iTotal, $aIdx) For $i = 0 To $iSet - 1 $Resistor_Set &= $avArray[$aIdx[$i]] & $sDelim Next If $sDelim <> "" Then $Resistor_Set = StringTrimRight($Resistor_Set, 1) If $parallel = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sParallelV = _Parallel_Value($Resistor_Set) _Tolerance_Check($sParallelV, $Target, $high, $low, 'P', $Resistor_Set) EndIf If $series = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sSeriesV = _Series_Value($Resistor_Set) _Tolerance_Check($sSeriesV, $Target, $high, $low, 'S', $Resistor_Set) EndIf $Resistor_Set = '' WEnd GUICtrlSetData($checked, $tchecked) EndFunc ;==>_Combo Func _Combo_Dups(ByRef $array, $Target, $Tolerance, $series, $parallel, $iSet) Local $i, $done, $iSet2[1] Local $sParallelV, $sSeriesV, $high, $low, $Resistor_Set $high = $Target+ ($Target* ($Tolerance / 100)) $low = $Target- ($Target* ($Tolerance / 100)) For $i = 0 To $iSet - 1 _ArrayAdd($iSet2, '0') Next _ArrayDelete($iSet2, 0) Do $Resistor_Set = '' For $i = 0 To UBound($iSet2) - 1 $Resistor_Set &= $array[$iSet2[$i]] & ',' Next $Resistor_Set = StringTrimRight($Resistor_Set, 1) If $parallel = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sParallelV = _Parallel_Value($Resistor_Set) _Tolerance_Check($sParallelV, $Target, $high, $low, 'P', $Resistor_Set) EndIf If $series = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sSeriesV = _Series_Value($Resistor_Set) _Tolerance_Check($sSeriesV, $Target, $high, $low, 'S', $Resistor_Set) EndIf _Shift($array, $iSet2, $done) Until $done = 1 GUICtrlSetData($checked, $tchecked) EndFunc ;==>_Combo_Dups Func _Tolerance_Check($value, $Target, $high, $low, $connection, $Resistor_Set) If BitAND(($value <= $high) , ($value >= $low)) Then Select Case $value > $Target $vTolerance = Round((($value - $Target) / $Target) * 100, 4) Case $value < $Target $vTolerance = Round((($Target - $value) / $Target) * 100, 4) Case $value = $Target $vTolerance = 0 EndSelect $format_set = _Stringformat($Resistor_Set, 0) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($connection & ' - ' & $format_set & '|' & $value & '|' & $vTolerance, $List1) $tfound += 1 GUICtrlSetData($found, $tfound) If BitAND(TimerDiff($ltimeS) > $Gui_time_list, $tfound < 50) Then Global $B_DESCENDING[_GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount ($List1) ] _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort ($List1, $B_DESCENDING, 2) $Gui_time_list += 1000 EndIf EndIf $tchecked += 1 If TimerDiff($ltimeS) > $Gui_time_comb Then GUICtrlSetData($checked, $tchecked) $Gui_time_comb += 200 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Tolerance_Check Func _SaveList(ByRef $list) Local $count, $iArray, $tArray[1], $tString, $location $count = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount ($list) If $count = 0 Then MsgBox(0, 'ERROR', 'You have no values in your list!') Return EndIf For $i = 0 To $count - 1 $iArray = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray ($list, $i) $tString = 'Resistor = ' & $iArray[1] & ' --- Value = ' & $iArray[2] & ' --- Tolerance = ' & $iArray[3] & '%' _ArrayAdd($tArray, $tString) Next $location = FileSaveDialog( "Choose a Filename and Location.", @ScriptDir, "Text files (*.txt)", 2) If StringRight($location, 4) <> '.txt' Then $location &= '.txt' _FileWriteFromArray($location, $tArray, 0) EndFunc ;==>_SaveList Func _Color_Value_4($color_Array) Local $value Select Case $color_Array[2] = 0 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) Case $color_Array[2] = 1 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * 10 Case $color_Array[2] = 2 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * 100 Case $color_Array[2] = 3 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * 1000 Case $color_Array[2] = 4 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * 10000 Case $color_Array[2] = 5 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * 100000 Case $color_Array[2] = 6 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * 1000000 Case $color_Array[2] = 7 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * 10000000 Case $color_Array[2] = 8 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * 100000000 Case $color_Array[2] = 9 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * 1000000000 Case $color_Array[2] = 10 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * .1 Case $color_Array[2] = 11 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1]) * .01 EndSelect If StringLeft($value, 1) = 0 Then $value = StringTrimLeft($value, 1) _Format_Value2View($value) If $color_Array[3] = 0 Then MsgBox(0, '4 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 5% ') If $color_Array[3] = 1 Then MsgBox(0, '4 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 10% ') If $color_Array[3] = 2 Then MsgBox(0, '4 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 1% ') If $color_Array[3] = 3 Then MsgBox(0, '4 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 2% ') If $color_Array[3] = 4 Then MsgBox(0, '4 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 0.5% ') If $color_Array[3] = 5 Then MsgBox(0, '4 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 0.25% ') If $color_Array[3] = 6 Then MsgBox(0, '4 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 0.1% ') If $color_Array[3] = 7 Then MsgBox(0, '4 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 0.05% ') If $color_Array[3] = 8 Then MsgBox(0, '4 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 20%') EndFunc ;==>_Color_Value_4 Func _Color_Value_5($color_Array) Local $value Select Case $color_Array[3] = 0 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) Case $color_Array[3] = 1 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * 10 Case $color_Array[3] = 2 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * 100 Case $color_Array[3] = 3 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * 1000 Case $color_Array[3] = 4 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * 10000 Case $color_Array[3] = 5 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * 100000 Case $color_Array[3] = 6 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * 1000000 Case $color_Array[3] = 7 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * 10000000 Case $color_Array[3] = 8 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * 100000000 Case $color_Array[3] = 9 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * 1000000000 Case $color_Array[3] = 10 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * .1 Case $color_Array[3] = 11 $value = ($color_Array[0] & $color_Array[1] & $color_Array[2]) * .01 EndSelect If StringLeft($value, 1) = 0 Then $value = StringTrimLeft($value, 1) _Format_Value2View($value) If $color_Array[4] = 0 Then MsgBox(0, '5 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 5%') If $color_Array[4] = 1 Then MsgBox(0, '5 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 10%') If $color_Array[4] = 2 Then MsgBox(0, '5 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 1%') If $color_Array[4] = 3 Then MsgBox(0, '5 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 2%') If $color_Array[4] = 4 Then MsgBox(0, '5 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 0.5% ') If $color_Array[4] = 5 Then MsgBox(0, '5 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 0.25% ') If $color_Array[4] = 6 Then MsgBox(0, '5 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 0.1% ') If $color_Array[4] = 7 Then MsgBox(0, '5 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 0.05% ') If $color_Array[4] = 8 Then MsgBox(0, '5 Band Value', $value & ' Ohms +/- 20%') ;Return $value EndFunc ;==>_Color_Value_5 Func _Series_Value($Resistors) Local $string, $array $Resistors = StringReplace($Resistors, ' ', '') $array = StringSplit($Resistors, ',') For $i = 1 To $array[0] $string += $array[$i] Next Return $string EndFunc ;==>_Series_Value Func _Parallel_Value($Resistors) Local $string, $array $Resistors = StringReplace($Resistors, ' ', '') $array = StringSplit($Resistors, ',') For $i = 1 To $array[0] $string += (1 / $array[$i]) If $i = $array[0] Then $string = 1 / $string Next If $string < 5 Then $string = Round($string, 4) Else $string = Round($string, 2) EndIf Return $string EndFunc ;==>_Parallel_Value Func _Format_View2Value(ByRef $value) If StringInStr($value, 'k') <> 0 Then $value = StringReplace($value, 'k', '') $value *= 1000 EndIf If StringInStr($value, 'm') <> 0 Then $value = StringReplace($value, 'm', '') $value *= 1000000 EndIf Return $value EndFunc ;==>_Format_View2Value Func _Format_Value2View(ByRef $value) Local $count $count = StringLen($value) Select Case $count > 6 $value = ($value / 1000000) & 'M' Return Case $count > 3 If StringInStr($value, '.') <> 0 Then Return $value = ($value / 1000) & 'K' Return EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_Format_Value2View Func _Stringformat($string, $type) Local $Atemp, $newString $string = StringReplace($string, ' ', '') $Atemp = StringSplit($string, ',') If $type = 0 Then For $i = 1 To $Atemp[0] _Format_Value2View($Atemp[$i]) $newString &= $Atemp[$i] & ', ' Next $newString = StringTrimRight($newString, 3) Return $newString EndIf If $type = 1 Then For $i = 1 To $Atemp[0] _Format_View2Value($Atemp[$i]) $newString &= $Atemp[$i] & ',' Next $newString = StringTrimRight($newString, 1) Return $newString EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Stringformat Func _Import_Custom_Values(ByRef $Custom) Local $R_V_Check, $file $file = FileOpenDialog("Select File to Import", @ScriptDir & "\", "Text files (*.txt)", 1) If $file = '' Then Return _FileReadToArray($file, $R_V_Check) _ArrayDelete($R_V_Check, 0) _ArrayDeleteBlanks($R_V_Check) For $i = 0 To UBound($R_V_Check) - 1 $R_V_Check[$i] = Number(_Format_View2Value($R_V_Check[$i])) Next _ArraySort($R_V_Check, 0) $Custom = $R_V_Check EndFunc ;==>_Import_Custom_Values Func _Load_E6_Values(ByRef $E6_Values) Local $E6[6] = [1, 1.5, 2.2, 3.3, 4.7, 6.8] _Expand_Series($E6) $E6_Values = $E6 EndFunc ;==>_Load_E6_Values Func _Load_E12_Values(ByRef $E12_Values) Local $E12[12] = [1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.2, 2.7, 3.3, 3.9, 4.7, 5.6, 6.8, 8.2] _Expand_Series($E12) $E12_Values = $E12 EndFunc ;==>_Load_E12_Values Func _Load_E24_Values(ByRef $E24_Values) Local $value, $E24[24] = [1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2, 2.2, 2.4, 2.7, 3, 3.3, 3.6, _ 3.9, 4.3, 4.7, 5.1, 5.6, 6.2, 6.8, 7.5, 8.2, 9.1] _Expand_Series($E24) $E24_Values = $E24 EndFunc ;==>_Load_E24_Values Func _Load_E48_Values(ByRef $E48_Values) Local $value, $E48[48] = [1, 1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.21, 1.27, 1.33, 1.4, 1.47, 1.54, 1.62, 1.69, 1.78, 1.87, _ 1.96, 2.05, 2.15, 2.26, 2.37, 2.49, 2.61, 2.74, 2.87, 3.01, 3.16, 3.32, 3.48, 3.65, 3.83, 4.02, 4.22, _ 4.42, 4.64, 4.87, 5.11, 5.36, 5.62, 5.9, 6.19, 6.49, 6.81, 7.15, 7.5, 7.87, 8.25, 8.66, 9.09, 9.53] _Expand_Series($E48) $E48_Values = $E48 EndFunc ;==>_Load_E48_Values Func _Load_E96_Values(ByRef $E96_Values) Local $value, $E96[96] = [1, 1.02, 1.05, 1.07, 1.1, 1.13, 1.15, 1.18, 1.21, 1.24, 1.27, 1.3, 1.33, 1.37, 1.4, 1.43, 1.47, 1.5, _ 1.54, 1.58, 1.62, 1.65, 1.69, 1.74, 1.78, 1.82, 1.87, 1.91, 1.96, 2, 2.05, 2.1, 2.15, 2.21, 2.26, 2.32, 2.37, 2.43, 2.49, 2.55, 2.61, _ 2.67, 2.74, 2.8, 2.87, 2.94, 3.01, 3.09, 3.16, 3.24, 3.23, 3.4, 3.48, 3.57, 3.65, 3.74, 3.83, 3.92, 4.02, 4.12, 4.22, 4.32, 4.42, _ 4.53, 4.64, 4.75, 4.87, 4.99, 5.11, 5.23, 5.36, 5.49, 5.62, 5.76, 5.9, 6.04, 6.19, 6.34, 6.49, 6.65, 6.81, 6.98, 7.15, 7.32, _ 7.5, 7.68, 7.87, 8.06, 8.25, 8.45, 8.66, 8.87, 9.09, 9.31, 9.53, 9.76] _Expand_Series($E96) $E96_Values = $E96 EndFunc ;==>_Load_E96_Values Func _Load_Default_Values(ByRef $RadioShack) Local $T_RadioShack[65] = [1, 2.2, 10, 15, 22, 33, 39, 47, 51, 68, 82, 100, 120, 150, 180, 220, 270, 300, 330, _ 390, 470, 510, 560, 680, 820, 1000, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2200, 2700, 3000, 3300, 3900, 4700, 5100, 5600, _ 6800, 8200, 10000, 12000, 15000, 18000, 22000, 27000, 33000, 39000, 47000, 51000, 56000, 68000, 82000, _ 100000, 120000, 150000, 180000, 220000, 270000, 330000, 1000000, 1500000, 2200000, 3300000, 4700000, 10000000] $RadioShack = $T_RadioShack EndFunc ;==>_Load_Default_Values Func _Expand_Series(ByRef $Eseries) Local $value For $i = 0 To UBound($Eseries) - 1 $value = $Eseries[$i] * 10 _ArrayAdd($Eseries, $value) $value = $Eseries[$i] * 100 _ArrayAdd($Eseries, $value) $value = $Eseries[$i] * 1000 _ArrayAdd($Eseries, $value) $value = $Eseries[$i] * 10000 _ArrayAdd($Eseries, $value) $value = $Eseries[$i] * 100000 _ArrayAdd($Eseries, $value) $value = $Eseries[$i] * 1000000 _ArrayAdd($Eseries, $value) Next _ArrayAdd($Eseries, 10000000) _ArraySort($Eseries, 0) EndFunc ;==>_Expand_Series Func _ArrayDeleteBlanks(ByRef $array) $i = 0 Do If $array[$i] = '' Then _ArrayDelete($array, $i) $i -= 1 EndIf $i += 1 Until $i = UBound($array) EndFunc ;==>_ArrayDeleteBlanks Func New_Array_Combinations($n, $r) Local $total = 1 For $i = $r To 1 Step - 1 $total *= ($n / $i) $n -= 1 Next Return $total EndFunc ;==>New_Array_Combinations Func _Create_Range(ByRef $rR_Values, $start, $end) Local $R_Range If BitAND($start = '', $end = '') Then $R_Range = $rR_Values Return $R_Range EndIf If $start = '' Then $start = 0 If $end = '' Then $end = UBound($rR_Values) Else $end += 1 EndIf $total = $end - $start Local $R_Range[$total] For $i = 0 To $total - 1 $R_Range[$i] = $rR_Values[$start + $i] Next Return $R_Range EndFunc ;==>_Create_Range Func _Shift(ByRef $array, ByRef $iSet, ByRef $done) Local $l If $iSet[0] = UBound($array) - 1 Then $done = 1 Return EndIf $x = UBound($iSet) - 1 While $x <> 0 If $iSet[$x] <> UBound($array) - 1 Then $iSet[$x] += 1 Return EndIf $x -= 1 If $iSet[$x] <> UBound($array) - 1 Then $iSet[$x] += 1 $l = $x Do $iSet[$l + 1] = $iSet[$x] $l += 1 Until $l = UBound($iSet) - 1 Return EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Shift Func _Calc_Total($series, $parallel, $aTarget, $aArray, $resistorsN) Local $i, $index, $parallel_start = 0, $parallel_end = 0, $series_Start = 0, $series_end = 0, $totalp = 0, $totals = 0, $total If $parallel = $GUI_CHECKED Then For $i = UBound($aArray) - 1 To 0 Step - 1 If $aArray[$i] <= $aTarget Then $index = $i - 1 If $index <= 0 Then $parallel_start = 0 $parallel_end = UBound($aArray) - 1 ExitLoop EndIf $parallel_start = $index $parallel_end = UBound($aArray) - 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf $totalp = $parallel_end - $parallel_start + 1 $totalp = New_Array_Combinations($totalp, $resistorsN) If $series = $GUI_CHECKED Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 If $aArray[$i] = $aTarget Then $series_end = $i + 1 If $series_end > UBound($aArray) - 1 Then $series_end = UBound($aArray) - 1 $series_Start = 0 ExitLoop EndIf If $aArray[$i] > $aTarget Then $series_end = $i $series_Start = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf $totals += $series_end - $series_Start + 1 $totals = New_Array_Combinations($totals, $resistorsN) $total += $totalp + $totals MsgBox(0, 'final', $total) EndFunc ;==>_Calc_TotalComplete_Resistance_Calculator.au3Complete_Resistance_Calculator_V2.au3 Edited February 9, 2009 by bchris01 Assembly Code: fasmg . fasm . BmpSearch . Au3 Syntax Highlighter . Bounce Multithreading Example . IDispatchASMUDFs: Explorer Frame . ITaskBarList . Scrolling Line Graph . Tray Icon Bar Graph . Explorer Listview . Wiimote . WinSnap . Flicker Free Labels . iTunesPrograms: Ftp Explorer . Snipster . Network Meter . Resistance Calculator
Achilles Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Don't know anything about what it does. Here's some suggestions for the GUI: Add $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST (or something like that) to the combo boxes, that way people can edit their contents You'll want to use _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth() instead of adding a ton of spaces after the column text.. I would suggest rearranging the GUI a little bit, some places look cramped while others have too much space. My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
JRowe Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Excellent idea, and great first edition. [center]However, like ninjas, cyber warriors operate in silence.AutoIt Chat Engine (+Chatbot) , Link Grammar for AutoIt , Simple Speech RecognitionArtificial Neural Networks UDF , Bayesian Networks UDF , Pattern Matching UDFTransparent PNG GUI Elements , Au3Irrlicht 2Advanced Mouse Events MonitorGrammar Database GeneratorTransitions & Tweening UDFPoker Hand Evaluator[/center]
trancexx Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 (edited) I like it (a lot). Nice idea. Looks good. Only thing is that the resistors that I have on my self are usually with 5 color rings, and wider range of possible tolerances. edit: 5 little stars from me Edited February 6, 2009 by trancexx ♡♡♡ . eMyvnE
weirddave Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Pretty good ! A few years ago I wrote a parallel resistor calculator in C. I had a drop down for selecting the resistor series to use (E12, E24 etc..). This would be a welcome addition I feel I'm not sure if you've done this (couldn't see it in the code), but you only need to check with values >= to the desired result, which speeds things up a bit. In my version, I didn't specify a tolerance, I just printed the nearest combination/value above and below the desired result, might be worth thinking about. I put an optional maximum R to use, you don't always want to use high values. I did plan, but never got around to, having a custom R range. This would be really handy as sometimes you don't have a value to hand, or have odd values from other ranges. I've attached a pic of my little effort for inpiration (or my humiliation ) For some reason it won't pick up the includes now, somethings got bugged on my system! Oh well, I'll play with it when I get home from work.... Well done!
Beege Posted February 6, 2009 Author Posted February 6, 2009 Don't know anything about what it does.Here's some suggestions for the GUI:Add $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST (or something like that) to the combo boxes, that way people can edit their contentsYou'll want to use _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth() instead of adding a ton of spaces after the column text..I would suggest rearranging the GUI a little bit, some places look cramped while others have too much space.Thanks for the suggestions about the gui. I will add both $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST and _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth() in to my script. If your curious about what my script does you should have a look here -> "". It explains what resistors are and the different ways resistance is calculated. Assembly Code: fasmg . fasm . BmpSearch . Au3 Syntax Highlighter . Bounce Multithreading Example . IDispatchASMUDFs: Explorer Frame . ITaskBarList . Scrolling Line Graph . Tray Icon Bar Graph . Explorer Listview . Wiimote . WinSnap . Flicker Free Labels . iTunesPrograms: Ftp Explorer . Snipster . Network Meter . Resistance Calculator
Beege Posted February 6, 2009 Author Posted February 6, 2009 I like it (a lot). Nice idea. Looks good.Only thing is that the resistors that I have on my self are usually with 5 color rings, and wider range of possible tolerances.edit: 5 little stars from meThanks for looking (and the five stars). In the future i do plan on adding a section for calculating 5 band values. Assembly Code: fasmg . fasm . BmpSearch . Au3 Syntax Highlighter . Bounce Multithreading Example . IDispatchASMUDFs: Explorer Frame . ITaskBarList . Scrolling Line Graph . Tray Icon Bar Graph . Explorer Listview . Wiimote . WinSnap . Flicker Free Labels . iTunesPrograms: Ftp Explorer . Snipster . Network Meter . Resistance Calculator
Beege Posted February 6, 2009 Author Posted February 6, 2009 Pretty good !A few years ago I wrote a parallel resistor calculator in C. I had a drop down for selecting the resistor series to use (E12, E24 etc..). This would be a welcome addition I feel I'm not sure if you've done this (couldn't see it in the code), but you only need to check with values >= to the desired result, which speeds things up a bit.In my version, I didn't specify a tolerance, I just printed the nearest combination/value above and below the desired result, might be worth thinking about.I put an optional maximum R to use, you don't always want to use high values.I did plan, but never got around to, having a custom R range. This would be really handy as sometimes you don't have a value to hand, or have odd values from other ranges.I've attached a pic of my little effort for inpiration (or my humiliation )For some reason it won't pick up the includes now, somethings got bugged on my system! Oh well, I'll play with it when I get home from work....Well done!Thanks for the comments and the ideas. In the future i will implement options to load E12, E24 etc.. values. As for the custom R range, in a way I have already implemented that (if were talking about the same thing). The user would create a .txt file with only the values that he or she actually has on hand. Then import the values using the "import value" option. This lets the program only search for combination's made up of the values he loaded. Also I like the idea of putting a picture in the GUI for showing the type of connection. That looked really good in your snapshot. Thanks again! Assembly Code: fasmg . fasm . BmpSearch . Au3 Syntax Highlighter . Bounce Multithreading Example . IDispatchASMUDFs: Explorer Frame . ITaskBarList . Scrolling Line Graph . Tray Icon Bar Graph . Explorer Listview . Wiimote . WinSnap . Flicker Free Labels . iTunesPrograms: Ftp Explorer . Snipster . Network Meter . Resistance Calculator
gseller Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Very nice! I got out of the field and don't need anything like this anymore but am sure many will use it and be thankful! Thanks for sharing!
weirddave Posted February 7, 2009 Posted February 7, 2009 Thanks for the comments and the ideas. In the future i will implement options to load E12, E24 etc.. values. As for the custom R range, in a way I have already implemented that (if were talking about the same thing). The user would create a .txt file with only the values that he or she actually has on hand. Then import the values using the "import value" option. This lets the program only search for combination's made up of the values he loaded. Also I like the idea of putting a picture in the GUI for showing the type of connection. That looked really good in your snapshot. Thanks again! If you look at my snapshot, you'll see a blue bar just below the Go button, that's a progress bar I put in place so the user can see roughly how long it's going to take to finish. I needed it because I allowed more than 3 parallel R's and it could take a long time if you picked lowish values (higher required R is much faster due to less checking required by not bothering with lower values - I see you always check all 47905 possibilities [3 R's]). Just played with the import option, cool!
Beege Posted February 9, 2009 Author Posted February 9, 2009 Great suggestion about the Range. I implemented that and it really speed things up a lot. In the future I plan on adding some kind of progress update. It really going to need that after adding all the E series. The number of combination's starts getting CRAZY!! Thanks again. Assembly Code: fasmg . fasm . BmpSearch . Au3 Syntax Highlighter . Bounce Multithreading Example . IDispatchASMUDFs: Explorer Frame . ITaskBarList . Scrolling Line Graph . Tray Icon Bar Graph . Explorer Listview . Wiimote . WinSnap . Flicker Free Labels . iTunesPrograms: Ftp Explorer . Snipster . Network Meter . Resistance Calculator
trancexx Posted February 9, 2009 Posted February 9, 2009 Why are you positioning window at the beginning? My screen is not that big, for example. Something is wrong with calculator. What is the proper way to use it now? It just hangs for me for about 30 sec. Progress control will likely slow things down. ♡♡♡ . eMyvnE
Beege Posted February 9, 2009 Author Posted February 9, 2009 Why are you positioning window at the beginning? My screen is not that big, for example.Something is wrong with calculator. What is the proper way to use it now? It just hangs for me for about 30 sec.Progress control will likely slow things down.Im not sure what you mean when you say "positioning window". The gui isnt that much bigger than before. The proper way to use it is still the same so i really want to figure this out. Does the program crash after it hangs for 30 sec or does it return normally? Assembly Code: fasmg . fasm . BmpSearch . Au3 Syntax Highlighter . Bounce Multithreading Example . IDispatchASMUDFs: Explorer Frame . ITaskBarList . Scrolling Line Graph . Tray Icon Bar Graph . Explorer Listview . Wiimote . WinSnap . Flicker Free Labels . iTunesPrograms: Ftp Explorer . Snipster . Network Meter . Resistance Calculator
Andreik Posted February 9, 2009 Posted February 9, 2009 I like it. Only one suggestion: replace +/- with Chr(177) to look more good. Regard, Andreik
trancexx Posted February 9, 2009 Posted February 9, 2009 Im not sure what you mean when you say "positioning window". The gui isnt that much bigger than before. The proper way to use it is still the same so i really want to figure this out. Does the program crash after it hangs for 30 sec or does it return normally?You have this: $Form1 = GUICreate("Resistance Calculator", 629, 657, 192, 151)oÝ÷ Ù*jË.쨺¯zj'Ú+Â+a±ÊÞz{"Íé^·l±¬µö«¨´íêÞÉ販ky«(ú+x©r¦"¶*'x0whÂj+zè¥êðk,(ºW[zØb±«¢+ØÀÌØí½É´ÄôU% ÉÑ ÅÕ½ÐíIÍ¥Íѹ ±Õ±Ñ½ÈÅÕ½Ðì°ØÈä°ØÔܤ As for the other thing, I'm dazed by fact that no one noticed Sleep(30000) in your script. Not even you. ♡♡♡ . eMyvnE
Beege Posted February 9, 2009 Author Posted February 9, 2009 As for the other thing, I'm dazed by fact that no one noticed Sleep(30000) in your script. Not even you.Ahh your right! I forgot about the 30 sec sleep delay I put in there at the last minute to test the _tickstotime function. Ill change that right away. And thanks for pointing out the positioning. Ill change that too. Assembly Code: fasmg . fasm . BmpSearch . Au3 Syntax Highlighter . Bounce Multithreading Example . IDispatchASMUDFs: Explorer Frame . ITaskBarList . Scrolling Line Graph . Tray Icon Bar Graph . Explorer Listview . Wiimote . WinSnap . Flicker Free Labels . iTunesPrograms: Ftp Explorer . Snipster . Network Meter . Resistance Calculator
Beege Posted February 9, 2009 Author Posted February 9, 2009 I like it. Only one suggestion: replace +/- with Chr(177) to look more good.Regard,AndreikGood Call. Thanks Assembly Code: fasmg . fasm . BmpSearch . Au3 Syntax Highlighter . Bounce Multithreading Example . IDispatchASMUDFs: Explorer Frame . ITaskBarList . Scrolling Line Graph . Tray Icon Bar Graph . Explorer Listview . Wiimote . WinSnap . Flicker Free Labels . iTunesPrograms: Ftp Explorer . Snipster . Network Meter . Resistance Calculator
Fractured Posted August 22, 2018 Posted August 22, 2018 fyi - Error on Line 359 = _Array_GetNext ($iN, $iR, $iLeft, $iTotal, $aIdx) in version - _Array_GetNext is an internal function of array.au3 Will need to change to read __Array_GetNext ($iN, $iR, $iLeft, $iTotal, $aIdx) **notice double__, not single_** Works as advertised now!
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