Bartokv Posted February 6, 2004 Posted February 6, 2004 Below are a few custom functions that I've created, and use fairly regularly in my scripts. I don't know if anybody else would find them as useful as I, but I thought that I'd post them just in case. Please keep in mind that I'm new to AU3, so if you have any recommendations for code improvement please let me know. ...Enjoy! expandcollapse popup; **************************************************************************** ; Returns the Variable type (STRing, NUMber, FLoaT, ARraY, INTeger, ERRor) ; **************************************************************************** Func TypeOf($TypeOfVariableName) $TypeOfReturnValue = "ERR" ; This value should never be returned If IsString($TypeOfVariableName) Then $TypeOfReturnValue = "STR" If IsNumber($TypeOfVariableName) Then $TypeOfReturnValue = "NUM" If IsFloat($TypeOfVariableName) Then $TypeOfReturnValue = "FLT" If IsArray($TypeOfVariableName) Then $TypeOfReturnValue = "ARY" If IsInt($TypeOfVariableName) Then $TypeOfReturnValue = "INT" Return $TypeOfReturnValue EndFunc ; **************************************************************************** ; Returns a String Conisting of the Specified Character and Length ; **************************************************************************** Func Pad($PadChar, $PadLen) If $PadChar == "" Then $PadChar = " " ; Use space as default padding If $PadLen > 500 Then $PadLen = 500 ; Try to keep limit reasonable If $PadLen < 0 Then $PadLen = 0 ; Idiot-proofing - just in case $PadOutString = "" For $PadCount = 1 To $PadLen $PadOutString = $PadOutString & $PadChar Next Return $PadOutString EndFunc ; **************************************************************************** ; Centers Text within the Specified Width ; **************************************************************************** Func Center($CenterString, $CenterWidth, $CenterSpacer) $CenterStringLen = StringLen($CenterString) If $CenterWidth < $CenterStringLen Then $CenterWidth = $CenterStringLen If $CenterSpacer = "" Then $CenterSpacer = " " $CenterOutString = "" $CenterPadding = ($CenterWidth - $CenterStringLen) / 2 If INT($CenterPadding) <> $CenterPadding Then $CenterLeftPadding = INT($CenterPadding) + 1 $CenterRightPadding = INT($CenterPadding) Else $CenterLeftPadding = $CenterPadding $CenterRightPadding = $CenterPadding EndIf $CenterOutString = Pad($CenterSpacer, $CenterLeftPadding) & $CenterString & Pad($CenterSpacer, $CenterRightPadding) Return $CenterOutString EndFunc ; **************************************************************************** ; Resizes the Specified Array to the Desired Depth ; **************************************************************************** Func ResizeArray(ByRef $ArrayName, $ArraySize) If TypeOf($ArrayName) <> "ARY" Then Return SetError(1) If TypeOf($ArraySize) <> "INT" Then Return SetError(2) If $ArraySize < 0 Then $ArraySize = 0 ; Idiot-proofing - just in case Dim $ArrayTempValues[$ArraySize] ; Create swap array with new size $ArrayOldMax = Ubound($ArrayName) - 1 ; Get size of original array If $ArraySize < $ArrayOldMax Then ; Try to avoid needless bloat $ArrayCountMax = $ArraySize - 1 Else $ArrayCountMax = $ArrayOldMax Endif For $ArrayCounter = 0 to $ArrayCountMax ; Populate swap array with data $ArrayTempValues[$ArrayCounter] = $ArrayName[$ArrayCounter] Next $ArrayName = $ArrayTempValues ; Replace original array with swap $ArrayTempValues = "" ; Dump swap array to free memory EndFunc ; **************************************************************************** ; Retreives Header Block Names from the Specified INI File ; **************************************************************************** Func Get_INI_headers($INI_file, ByRef $INI_ArrayName) $INI_stream = FileOpen($INI_file, 0) If TypeOf($INI_ArrayName) <> "ARY" Then Return SetError(1) $INI_count = 1 ; Verify file is open for reading If $INI_stream == -1 Then MsgBox(1, "Error", "Unable to open configuration file.") Return SetError(1) EndIf Dim $INI_head[1] ; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached While 1 Sleep(10) ; Release some ticks to CPU $line = FileReadLine($INI_stream) ; Get next line in file If @error == -1 Then ExitLoop If StringLeft($line, 1) == "[" Then ; Header block marker found... $HeadName = StringSplit($line, "[]") If $HeadName[0] > 2 Then ; Verify INI Header name is valid ResizeArray($INI_ArrayName, $INI_count) $INI_ArrayName[$INI_count - 1] = $HeadName[2] $INI_count = $INI_count + 1 EndIf Endif Wend FileClose($INI_stream) EndFunc guestscripter 1
guestscripter Posted January 18, 2014 Posted January 18, 2014 That´s cool. Here are the one´s that I paste to the bottom of pretty much every code. I find cr(@error) much faster than ConsoleWrite(@error&@CRLF) and since it returns itself I can debug a line "If @error = 1 Then Exit" by the small change of "If cr(@error) = 1 Then Exit", without any effect on the operation of the script :-D When I use functions like StringRegExp that return arrays, and I (very often) just want the first result, I find $sString = StringStripWS(na(StringRegExp($sSource, '(E\d{2}-\d{4}-\d{2}) / MARKET', 1))) once again quicker than $aResults = StringRegExp($sSource, 'somepa(tt)ern', 1) $sString = StringStripWS($aResults[0],7) (I use "na" as short for "NoArray") #Region Basic Script Functions (Exit, CR, NA) Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_ExitLoop Func cr($v= "") ;Print to console, Returns itself. ConsoleWrite($v & @CR) Return $v EndFunc ;==>cr Func na($aArray) If IsArray($aArray) Then Return $aArray[0] ElseIf IsString($aArray) Then Return $aArray Else SetError(1) Return "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>na #EndRegion Basic Script Functions (Exit, CR, NA) P.S. maybe a mod can shift this post to the Examples section? ImageSearch15.au3 featuring _ImageSearchStartup() and _ImageSearchShutdown()
water Posted January 18, 2014 Posted January 18, 2014 Wow, necroing a 10 years old thread! FlashpointBlack 1 My UDFs and Tutorials: Spoiler UDFs: Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki Standard UDFs: Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki Word - Wiki Tutorials: ADO - Wiki WebDriver - Wiki
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