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Hello !

I'd like to have a combobox with some items containing the pipe (|) caracter.

For example :

$exp_combo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",90,38,100,-1,$CBS_DROPDOWNLIST+$WS_VSCROLL)
GUICtrlSetData(-1,"semicolon [; ]|comma [ , ]|pipe [ | ]|tab [ tab ]|Other","semicolon [; ]")

The problem is that the GUICtrlSetData use also "|" to separate the items in Combo, List & ListViewItem

How can i do this ?


No chance.

But what about using a big "i"?


You're kidding right? You mean nobody wrote an escape for the pipe character like || or something?

No chance.

But what about using a big "i"?


That's not the same : | - I

I tried || but that doesn't work. The only way if you have ONLY ONE ITEM with a pipe character is to place it in the GUICtrlCreateCombo first parameter

Posted (edited)

Hmmm...maybe it should be build in the support for using "||" like "\\".

So long...


Edit: I know it looks ugly, but I would use it like (if I had no possible solution for this):


Dim $names[4]

$names[0]       = "Brown|Peter"
$names[1]       = "Black|Mr"
$names[2]       = "White|Dr"
$names[3]       = "Man|Super"

$precomboval = ""
For $i = 0 To 2
    $precomboval = $precomboval & StringReplace($names[$i],"|"," I ") & "|"
$precomboval = $precomboval & StringReplace($names[$i],"|"," I ")


$combo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",10,10,150,100)


While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    If $msg = -3 Then ExitLoop
    If $msg = $combo Then Msgbox(0,"Item selected:",StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($combo)," I ","|"))
Edited by Holger

That's not the same : | - I

I tried || but that doesn't work. The only way if you have ONLY ONE ITEM with a pipe character is to place it in the GUICtrlCreateCombo first parameter


Lowercase "L" | (pipe) = l ("L")

Lofting the cyberwinds on teknoleather wings, I am...The Blue Drache


You're kidding right?  You mean nobody wrote an escape for the pipe character like || or something?


That's sucks allright.

I think using || is a good idea.

Posted (edited)

|| is an empty selection. It cannot have a double meaning. It is not possible?

Edit: I was going to mention, use semi-colons, to replace pipes in source, but the 1st post example is using special characters. How do you fix that? one way or another, impossible to cover, every scenerio?

Not too many OS commands use semi-colons much though, if that is the direction, for a new separator.

Edited by MHz

There should either be user-defineable seperators or there should be a way to escape the hard-coded seperator. We can't just simply forbid a particular character because we want to use it as a delimiter. Switching to some other character as a seperator is just skirting the real issue.

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