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hi, wanted to know if there is a way to write such automatic utorrent script: the script will download torrents in predefined folder , identify every time a torrent finished downloading , delete that specific torrent and redownload it again in an endless loop

I will be glad if anyone gives me an example to such script


  autoit180 said:

hi, wanted to know if there is a way to write such automatic utorrent script: the script will download torrents in predefined folder , identify every time a torrent finished downloading , delete that specific torrent and redownload it again in an endless loop

I will be glad if anyone gives me an example to such script

Maybe this can get you started. Another, easier way to check if a torrent has finished downloading is by using Utorrents "launch application when torrent has finished" and then search for that particelar process.

$GetWST = WinGetState("[REGEXPTITLE:Torrent.\d+.*$]")
If $GetWST = BitAND(21,23) Then
$title = "[REGEXPTITLE:Torrent.\d+.*$]"
$listcontrol = "[CLASSNN:SysListView322]"

$hWnd = ControlGetHandle( $title, "", $listcontrol )
$header_hWnd = _GUICtrlListView_GetHeader($hWnd)

$Torrentname = ""
$FindTN = _GUICtrlListView_FindInText($HWND, $Torrentname)
$TEST = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($HWND, $FindTN)
$ccount = ControlListView("[REGEXPTITLE:Torrent.\d+.*$]", "", "SysListView322", "GetSubItemCount")
$icount = ControlListView("[REGEXPTITLE:Torrent.\d+.*$]", "", "SysListView322", "GetItemCount")

Dim $listarray[$ccount][$icount+1]
For $c = 0 To $ccount-1
    $listarray[$c][0] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($header_hWnd, $c)
   $Countmore = $icount - $FindTN
   For $i = $FindTN To $icount-$Countmore
        $itemtext = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hWnd, $i, $c)
        $listarray[$c][$i+1] = $itemtext
For $c = 0 To $ccount-1
    For $i = 0 To $icount-1

Lol, for realy why do u want to redownload the same thing u torrent killer! i hope utorrent has a share ratio thing like vuze to make u dl slower

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